
Twitter censorship (shadowban) checker

Twitter heavily censors a large number of their users. And, despite what you might have heard, it's not just conservatives. They censor all types of users: liberals, conservatives, sports fans, music fans, celebrity fans, and on and on. Despite what Twitter says, it's not just a small percentage of users, and it's not about bots. In fact, Twitter tends to elevate bot-like replies (like lone pics).

For instance, on most threads to U.S. government or elected officials' accounts, around 20% to 50% of the tweets are censored:

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CSS diff: how to find the differences in computed styles

Let's say you've just upgraded a site from Drupal 6 to 7 or made some other upgrade, but the new version of the site doesn't look like the old. The HTML output is fundamentally the same, but the new version of the site looks funny. What do you do?

One solution is to load the old and new sites in Firebug, and then compare the computed style tabs, element by element.

If that doesn't work, here's a tip that will let you do a diff of the computed CSS styles for the two sites.

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A hidden danger of trackback spam

I've deleted a good amount of trackback spam from my Movable Type blogs, and until a few minutes ago I was feeling pretty good. But, there was one major thing I forgot, and I hope it hasn't done too much damage.

I searched for a name at lonewacko.com using Google's site: command, and what I was looking for came up first.

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Yahoo Pipes tutorial video

Here's a very basic tutorial showing how to create two very basic Yahoo Pipes (pipes.yahoo.com). This isn't for programmers or those who've used similar visual programming systems before. However, those who aren't in that camp might find it interesting. The "script" is included in the extended entry.

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