Search run analysis for @techreview from Sat, February 18, 2023 at 18:18:41 -0800 (logged in)


This page shows how Twitter rearranges replies, hiding some of them. Each table below shows a tweet from @techreview and noteworthy replies to that tweet.

Each reply tweet was re-ranked by a formula designed to determine whether a reply is on-topic and good quality. (In this case, the re-ranking was done using the "formula1" algorithm).

Then, the revised ranking was compared with how Twitter ordered the tweet replies in the page. The revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown higher than they should have been. Those tweets are listed in the "Anomalous elevated tweets" section in each table.

Likewise, the revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown lower than they should have been. Those tweets are in the "Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets" section in each table. That section contains both tweet replies that were suppressed (shown lower than they should have been) and hidden.

The "Other hidden tweets" in each table has additional hidden tweets, those that weren't ranked highly in the revised ranking.

Note: a hidden tweet is one that's hidden behind the "Show more replies" link at the end of the reply page. Few probably click that link, and the account that was replied to might not see those hidden tweets on their "Notifications" page depending on their settings.

Hidden tweets are highlighted in light red. Each tweet is followed by three orders: the original order (as shown by Twitter), the rank order (as determined by the revised ranking; lower rankings are better), and the date order (earlier tweets have a lower order).

Some tweets are put even lower down, into an "AbusiveQuality" section. Those are highlighted in light purple.

Note that Twitter only shows around a maximum of 200 replies, even if there are hundreds more. For instance, assume that "Number of replies" is "194 of 1841 (reached end)", "Available" is 10%, and "Hidden" is 0%. That means the tweet was listed as having 1841 replies, but a maximum of 194 were retrieved: Twitter wouldn't show any more. The "reached end" means that the app scrolled until no more replies were available. The "Available" column has the percentage (in this case 194/1841 as a percentage ). In cases like this, the "Hidden" column isn't reliable because it wasn't possible to scroll the list of replies low enough to reach the hidden section. The closer the "Available" column is to 100%, the more reliable is the "Hidden" column.

@techreview tweeted on 02/17/23 11:27:37: Storing clean energy is crucial for climate action, and how we do it is fascinating.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 1 of 1 (reached end) 100% 0% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1626687208915718158, from: @bolo4candor (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:57:07 (HIGH,0,,,14) The author had blinders on while writing this.  The article never mentions the effects on the environment from gathering the materials necessary to make batteries.]


The author had blinders on while writing this.  The article never mentions the effects on the environment from gathering the materials necessary to make batteries.
 ranking=11.842908403784438 from {coleman=0.82, numsent=2, flesch=1.52, cos=0, smog=1.17, ari=0.53, lix=0.1, time=2, numword=2, kincaid=0.48, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.65}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=1

@techreview tweeted on 02/17/23 09:40:47: Over the past 25 years, the world inside Ultima Online has truly become a place, and longtime players cherish it for all the reasons we cherish real-world places.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Bad 4 of 4 (reached end) 100% 25% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1626682417313374213, from: @mustachegaming2 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:38:05 (HIGH,1,2,1,265) Unbelievable piece of written history that I hope encapsulates why this game still holds a special place in our hearts. @JohnClarkLevin @RichardGarriott  a huge thank you for getting all of this together along with many others.  #UltimaOnline]
[tweet: 1626691222390870016, from: @aarieff (VERIFIED) on 02/17/23 01:13:04 (HIGH,,2,,79) So glad you like it!]
[tweet: 1626927831115608064, from: @merionlial (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 04:53:16 (HIGH,0,,,7) I only log in occasionally, but it's always a bit like coming home]
[tweet: 1626693305319956481, from: @epiclutegaming (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:21:21 (HIGH,,1,,48) This is amazing.]


Unbelievable piece of written history that I hope encapsulates why this game still holds a special place in our hearts. @JohnClarkLevin @RichardGarriott  a huge thank you for getting all of this together along with many others.  #UltimaOnline
 ranking=15.718373672034833 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0.61, smog=0.85, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.33, pop=2.49, numsent=3, flesch=1.3, ari=0.35, lix=0, time=2, numword=3, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=1
I only log in occasionally, but it's always a bit like coming home
 ranking=6.499326724171833 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=1, flesch=1.26, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.2, lix=0, time=0.5, numword=1, kincaid=0.3, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=4
This is amazing.
 ranking=1.9620864047317774 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.27, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.38, ari=0.03, lix=0.05, time=1, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=4, rank=3, date=3
So glad you like it!
 ranking=0.7761643611198903 from {coleman=0.1, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.09, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.24, lix=0, time=1.5, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=2, rank=4, date=2

@techreview tweeted on 02/17/23 07:28:33: Are lithium batteries sustainable enough to fulfill the dream of the electric-car revolution?
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 1 of 1 (reached end) 100% 0% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1626633279536517120, from: @amit_ai_mldl (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:22:49 (HIGH,0,,,22) Quantum technology is needed to try many things.]


Quantum technology is needed to try many things.
 ranking=7.290053807505166 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.19, numsent=1, flesch=1.18, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=1

@techreview tweeted on 02/17/23 12:07:27: Advances could lead to babies with four or more biological parents—forcing us to reconsider parenthood.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 2 of 2 (reached end) 100% 0% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1626495238196891648, from: @batjko_pat (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:14:18 (HIGH,,2,,50) The Expanse predicted this one, and wasn't the first one either. Could have waited for another century or so, though.]
[tweet: 1626563536662179840, from: @ninjarose420 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:45:41 (HIGH,0,,,17) [empty]]


The Expanse predicted this one, and wasn't the first one either.
Could have waited for another century or so, though.
 ranking=11.422875590477474 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.39, numsent=2, flesch=1.15, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=2, numword=2, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=1

 ranking=-2.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=2, rank=2, date=2

@techreview tweeted on 02/16/23 09:04:30: A network of 1,600 video cameras surveils Marseille residents in the name of public safety, but this type of policing tool is rarely useful in solving crimes. Digital rights activists are fighting back.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 6 of 6 (reached end) 100% 16% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • [original: #2, ranking: #6, date: #3] From @joelbomane on 02/16/23 09:11:20
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • Read this article-utter tripe. MIT Tech Rev. should be ashamed. No one has a right to privacy in the public street. It’s an indoor thing-home, office, etc. They missed it.Did show themselves to be racist,saying cameras were a bigger problem because there were so many N.Africans.
    [original: #5, ranking: #1, date: #5] From @macrodistress on 02/16/23 09:35:02
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1626448383757148160, from: @nickjrishwain (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 09:08:07 (HIGH,,1,,72) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626449195241537536, from: @joelbomane (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 09:11:20 (HIGH,0,,,26) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626447730091360256, from: @joelbomane (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 09:05:31 (HIGH,0,,,40) #Marseille]
[tweet: 1626450940063522817, from: @joelbomane (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 09:18:16 (HIGH,0,,,21) #France]
[tweet: 1626455159747248129, from: @macrodistress (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 09:35:02 (HIGH,0,,,10) Read this article-utter tripe. MIT Tech Rev. should be ashamed. No one has a right to privacy in the public street. It’s an indoor thing-home, office, etc. They missed it.Did show themselves to be racist,saying cameras were a bigger problem because there were so many N.Africans.]
[tweet: 1626457603176800256, from: @onesimohere (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 09:44:45 (HIGH,0,,,7) Trashing #Privacy is bad policing]


Read this article-utter tripe. MIT Tech Rev. should be ashamed. No one has a right to privacy in the public street. It’s an indoor thing-home, office, etc. They missed it.Did show themselves to be racist,saying cameras were a bigger problem because there were so many N.Africans.
 ranking=14.377646727421373 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.34, smog=0.65, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.16, numsent=5, flesch=1.13, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=4, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.27}
 orders: orig=5, rank=1, date=5
 ranking=6.849952865422441 from {coleman=1.87, cos=0.86, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.43, numsent=1, flesch=1.64, ari=1.08, lix=0.99, time=2, numword=0, fuzzy=1.7, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=1
Trashing #Privacy is bad policing
 ranking=4.06412732354972 from {coleman=0.86, cos=0.43, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.51, ari=0.38, lix=0.99, time=0.34, numword=0, fuzzy=1.85, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=6, rank=3, date=6
 ranking=-0.11885000000000101 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=4, rank=4, date=4

 ranking=-0.6401861527733879 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.67, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=1, rank=5, date=2

 ranking=-1.6666666666666667 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.34, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=2, rank=6, date=3

@techreview tweeted on 02/16/23 02:05:14: Understanding the burden of long covid—both as an illness and as an economic event—is crucial to fostering equality in a healthcare system that is already stacked against people of color.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 1 of 1 (reached end) 100% 0% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1626359265278705664, from: @martinsomebody (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:13:59 (HIGH,0,,,15) Where is the health-care equity for long covid in transgender two-spirit pacific-islanders?]


Where is the health-care equity for long covid in transgender two-spirit pacific-islanders?
 ranking=13.019988198755069 from {coleman=0.56, cos=1.14, smog=0.85, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.25, numsent=1, flesch=1.25, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=2, numword=1, fuzzy=3.95, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=1

@techreview tweeted on 02/16/23 10:33:09: mRNA vaccines helped us through the covid-19 pandemic—but they could also help defend against many other infectious diseases, offer universal protection against flu, and even treat cancer.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 6 of 5 (reached end) 120% 50% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • You really think they helped? They helped increase the infection rates…
    [original: #4, ranking: #1, date: #1] From @rdwareesqu1re on 02/16/23 10:34:07
  • Yeah what do MIT scientists know. They are just some of the most brilliant people on Earth! It’s the anti-vaxxers who know the truth!
    [original: #5, ranking: #2, date: #4] From @aboubinboobie on 02/16/23 10:40:55
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1626290287227043841, from: @aboubinboobie (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 10:39:54 (HIGH,0,,,51) Fortunately the anti-vaxxers will not want them for anything.]
[tweet: 1626294685370294272, from: @menomnon (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 10:57:22 (HIGH,0,,,68) Literally, the first product that Moderna ever sold.]
[tweet: 1626297792778887168, from: @pablorc43 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 11:09:43 (HIGH,0,,,44) ???]
[tweet: 1626288834832138240, from: @rdwareesqu1re (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 10:34:07 (HIGH,,,1,68) You really think they helped? They helped increase the infection rates…]
[tweet: 1626290543813615622, from: @aboubinboobie (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 10:40:55 (HIGH,0,,,17) Yeah what do MIT scientists know. They are just some of the most brilliant people on Earth! It’s the anti-vaxxers who know the truth!]
[tweet: 1626290197095714817, from: @hzkimbusik (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 10:39:32 (HIGH,,2,,771) #genil için çok önemli]


You really think they helped? They helped increase the infection rates…
 ranking=12.10920060810955 from {coleman=0.79, cos=0.63, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.14, pop=1.61, numsent=2, flesch=1.15, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=2, numword=1, fuzzy=1.5, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=4, rank=1, date=1
Yeah what do MIT scientists know. They are just some of the most brilliant people on Earth! It’s the anti-vaxxers who know the truth!
 ranking=8.69688106060606 from {coleman=0.43, numsent=3, flesch=0.93, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1, numword=2, kincaid=0.01, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=5, rank=2, date=4
Fortunately the anti-vaxxers will not want them for anything.
 ranking=7.579261252574817 from {coleman=0.69, numsent=1, flesch=1.39, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.34, numword=0, kincaid=0.34, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=1, rank=3, date=3
Literally, the first product that Moderna ever sold.
 ranking=7.244470474171833 from {coleman=0.8, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.34, numsent=1, flesch=1.39, ari=0.4, lix=0.08, time=0.67, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=2, rank=4, date=5
#genil için çok önemli
 ranking=1.4811735277865572 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.25, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.67, numword=0, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=6, rank=5, date=2
 ranking=-1.6666666666666667 from {coleman=0, numsent=1, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.34, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=3, rank=6, date=6

@techreview tweeted on 02/16/23 08:12:08: K-pop stans don't mess around.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Bad 4 of 4 (reached end) 100% 25% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1626467232594243584, from: @noonaarmy11 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 10:23:01 (HIGH,0,,,112) Interesting read.]
[tweet: 1626255746043367425, from: @bellewayze (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 08:22:38 (HIGH,0,,,406) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626360750074650625, from: @_luacarvalho_ (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:19:53 (HIGH,,12,,464) Que orgulho do @ARMY_HTP]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (HIGH,0,0,0,0) [empty]]


Interesting read.
 ranking=3.4525975575051664 from {coleman=1.42, numsent=1, flesch=2.07, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, ari=0.75, lix=0.1, time=0.5, numword=0, kincaid=0.74, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=4
Que orgulho do @ARMY_HTP
 ranking=2.1772704970146117 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.07, pop=3.18, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=-0.05, lix=0.05, time=1, numword=0, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=3

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=4, rank=3, date=1

 ranking=-1.5 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.5, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=2, rank=4, date=2

@techreview tweeted on 02/16/23 07:50:08: For better or worse, chatbots are reshaping what people want from search.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 1 of 1 (reached end) 100% 0% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1626248343620927489, from: @simply_arpan (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 07:53:14 (HIGH,0,,,37) a new perspective]


a new perspective
 ranking=2.522272557505166 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.27, numsent=1, flesch=1.38, ari=0.19, lix=0.05, time=2, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=1

@techreview tweeted on 11/22/22 08:03:05: A list of more places you can see MIT Technology Review’s work— Instagram: LinkedIn: YouTube: Newsletters:
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 19 of 29 (reached end) 65% 0% 84%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • [original: #2, ranking: #17, date: #8] From @gopal56064478 on 01/09/23 07:59:50
  • Crypto is much crazy good
    [original: #1, ranking: #16, date: #9] From @cashflowiq on 01/14/23 05:57:02
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • 1 through 9 of this document you agree that you will not remove obscure or alter any proprietary rights notices including copyright you agree that google own all legal rights and intellectual property rights under copyright law you may not copy modify redistribute
    [original: #8, ranking: #1, date: #11] From @roberta73799588 on 01/16/23 11:16:03
  • including copyright you agree that google own all legal rights and intellectual property rights under copyright law you may not copy modify redistribute, reverse engineer disassemble terms and conditions for use reproduction and conditions
    [original: #9, ranking: #2, date: #12] From @roberta73799588 on 01/16/23 11:16:34
  • Unlawful interested in a public contract donts have jurisdiction over anybodycopyright document if it's not claiming anything to do with the law I which this contract is unlawful This is a copyright document 48 cfr102 uk 48 cfr101 Japan 2921.15 Ohio paperwork on this situation
    [original: #11, ranking: #3, date: #14] From @roberta73799588 on 01/16/23 11:18:27
  • Liza Mangubat Baltao Crossing Calapandayan Subic Zambales Philippines 2209. I Support Covid19, Social Distancing face mask wash your hands. Engineering, Healthcare, Medicare Innovation Sciences Technology Climate Change Summit Blueprints Global
    [original: #12, ranking: #4, date: #19] From @lizalaxamana4 on 02/07/23 02:04:39
  • Changeons de sujet voulez-vous. j’ai alarmer l’Ukraine, les usa la France s’ils ne font rien.ce sera des complices à la propagation du terrorisme et des guerres à sujétions psychologique grâce a l’électricité clandestine que le citoyen utilise.…
    [original: #17, ranking: #5, date: #17] From @fbarbth14725835 on 01/26/23 04:46:14
  • google own all legal rights and intellectual property rights under copyright law you may not copy modify redistribute, reverse engineer disassemble terms and conditions for use reproduction and conditions
    [original: #10, ranking: #6, date: #13] From @roberta73799588 on 01/16/23 11:17:35
Other hidden replies:
  • Why did the SEC sue Ripple. Connect the dots. Dec 7/2017: 15 senior JPM execs at Ripple office Jan 2018 Ripple created xrp escrow. June 14/2018 Hinman ETH free pass speech. Aug 2018 Gary says this in his MIT BLOCKCHAIN & MONEY class…
    [original: #14, ranking: #7, date: #5] From @xrpcrawfish1 on 12/28/22 04:03:05
  • This is a copyright document 48 cfr102 uk 48 cfr101 japan farmer president international cannabis project intellectual property meaning business requirements not no other term.
    [original: #7, ranking: #8, date: #10] From @roberta73799588 on 01/16/23 11:14:52
    [original: #15, ranking: #9, date: #15] From @true_human_life on 01/18/23 02:30:44
  • Hello, I hope you are doing well Could you please retweet my second tweet? Our team spotted a bug on the Twitter app.
    [original: #6, ranking: #11, date: #6] From @zakafoona on 01/02/23 06:21:01
  • Have you investigated @todhynes fraud with @xlfleet, more balant than SBF?
    [original: #4, ranking: #12, date: #4] From @deadbare on 12/28/22 03:27:39
    [original: #13, ranking: #13, date: #3] From @xrpcrawfish1 on 12/23/22 06:09:04
  • Nice Post!
    [original: #19, ranking: #14, date: #7] From @ampity_infotech on 01/04/23 02:05:13
  • [original: #5, ranking: #15, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
    [original: #16, ranking: #18, date: #16] From @ictpec on 01/20/23 01:46:33
  • [original: #18, ranking: #19, date: #18] From @marinlazo1 on 02/04/23 02:47:36
[tweet: 1614441496438255616, from: @cashflowiq (UNKNOWN) on 01/14/23 05:57:02 (HIGH,0,,,61) Crypto is much crazy good]
[tweet: 1612479266045988864, from: @gopal56064478 (UNKNOWN) on 01/09/23 07:59:50 (HIGH,0,,,54) [empty]]
[tweet: 1604736484627603458, from: @otherafrikan (UNKNOWN) on 12/18/22 11:12:47 (HIGH,,,1,63) Does technology that can save this child's eyes exist?]
[tweet: 1608243309692211201, from: @deadbare (UNKNOWN) on 12/28/22 03:27:39 (LOW,,,1,20) Have you investigated @todhynes fraud with @xlfleet, more balant than SBF?]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (LOW,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1610098879692783618, from: @zakafoona (UNKNOWN) on 01/02/23 06:21:01 (ABUSIVE,0,,,3) Hello, I hope you are doing well    Could you please retweet my second tweet? Our team spotted a bug on the Twitter app.]
[tweet: 1615246260012986370, from: @roberta73799588 (UNKNOWN) on 01/16/23 11:14:52 (ABUSIVE,0,,,1) This is a copyright document 48 cfr102 uk 48 cfr101 japan farmer president international cannabis project intellectual property meaning business requirements not no other term.]
[tweet: 1615246558211244035, from: @roberta73799588 (UNKNOWN) on 01/16/23 11:16:03 (ABUSIVE,0,,,1) 1 through 9 of this document you agree that you will not remove obscure or alter any proprietary rights notices including copyright you agree that google own all legal rights and intellectual property rights under copyright law you may not copy modify redistribute]
[tweet: 1615246685076353025, from: @roberta73799588 (UNKNOWN) on 01/16/23 11:16:34 (ABUSIVE,0,,,undefined) including copyright you agree that google own all legal rights and intellectual property rights under copyright law you may not copy modify redistribute, reverse engineer disassemble  terms and conditions for use reproduction and conditions]
[tweet: 1615246941432221696, from: @roberta73799588 (UNKNOWN) on 01/16/23 11:17:35 (ABUSIVE,0,,,undefined) google own all legal rights and intellectual property rights under copyright law you may not copy modify redistribute, reverse engineer disassemble  terms and conditions for use reproduction and conditions]
[tweet: 1615247160177733633, from: @roberta73799588 (UNKNOWN) on 01/16/23 11:18:27 (ABUSIVE,0,,,undefined) Unlawful interested in a public contract donts have jurisdiction over anybodycopyright document if it's not claiming anything to do with the law I which this contract is unlawful This is a copyright document 48 cfr102 uk 48 cfr101 Japan   2921.15 Ohio paperwork on this situation]
[tweet: 1622899129159491584, from: @lizalaxamana4 (UNKNOWN) on 02/07/23 02:04:39 (ABUSIVE,0,,,2) Liza Mangubat  Baltao Crossing Calapandayan Subic Zambales Philippines 2209.  I Support Covid19, Social Distancing face mask wash your hands. Engineering, Healthcare, Medicare Innovation Sciences Technology Climate Change Summit Blueprints Global]
[tweet: 1606471993150394370, from: @xrpcrawfish1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/23/22 06:09:04 (ABUSIVE,0,,,2) WHO HAS GENSLER PROTECTED?" & "BACK DOOR MEETINGS WITH THE NUMBER ONE FRAUDSTER"]
[tweet: 1608252227621191682, from: @xrpcrawfish1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/28/22 04:03:05 (ABUSIVE,0,,,undefined) Why did the SEC sue Ripple.  Connect the dots.   Dec 7/2017: 15 senior JPM execs at Ripple office  Jan 2018 Ripple created xrp escrow.  June 14/2018 Hinman ETH free pass speech.  Aug 2018 Gary says this in his MIT BLOCKCHAIN & MONEY class…]
[tweet: 1616371595756421121, from: @ictpec (UNKNOWN) on 01/20/23 01:46:33 (ABUSIVE,0,,,1)]
[tweet: 1618591141284442112, from: @fbarbth14725835 (UNKNOWN) on 01/26/23 04:46:14 (ABUSIVE,1,,,150) Changeons de sujet voulez-vous. j’ai alarmer l’Ukraine, les usa la France s’ils ne font rien.ce sera des complices à la propagation du terrorisme et des guerres à sujétions psychologique grâce a l’électricité clandestine que le citoyen utilise.…]
[tweet: 1622003969655541761, from: @marinlazo1 (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 02:47:36 (ABUSIVE,0,,,2) [empty]]
[tweet: 1610578087154155525, from: @ampity_infotech (UNKNOWN) on 01/04/23 02:05:13 (ABUSIVE,0,,,3) Nice Post!]


1 through 9 of this document you agree that you will not remove obscure or alter any proprietary rights notices including copyright you agree that google own all legal rights and intellectual property rights under copyright law you may not copy modify redistribute
 ranking=16.521414085116994 from {coleman=0.74, cos=0, smog=1.85, jac=0.46, kincaid=1, numsent=1, flesch=1.71, ari=1.22, lix=0.99, time=0.95, numword=4, fuzzy=1.4, fog=1.24}
 orders: orig=8, rank=1, date=11
including copyright you agree that google own all legal rights and intellectual property rights under copyright law you may not copy modify redistribute, reverse engineer disassemble  terms and conditions for use reproduction and conditions
 ranking=15.750313423667947 from {coleman=0.99, cos=0, smog=2.04, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.96, numsent=1, flesch=1.82, ari=1.2, lix=0.99, time=0.85, numword=3, fuzzy=1.2, fog=1.27}
 orders: orig=9, rank=2, date=12
Unlawful interested in a public contract donts have jurisdiction over anybodycopyright document if it's not claiming anything to do with the law I which this contract is unlawful This is a copyright document 48 cfr102 uk 48 cfr101 Japan 
 2921.15 Ohio paperwork on this situation
 ranking=15.024719159826915 from {coleman=0.74, numsent=1, flesch=1.87, cos=0, smog=2.12, ari=1.22, lix=0.99, time=0.64, numword=4, kincaid=1.11, fog=1.38}
 orders: orig=11, rank=3, date=14
Liza Mangubat 
Baltao Crossing Calapandayan Subic Zambales Philippines 2209. 
I Support Covid19, Social Distancing face mask wash your hands. Engineering, Healthcare, Medicare Innovation Sciences Technology Climate Change Summit Blueprints Global
 ranking=14.329602608864526 from {coleman=1.28, numsent=3, flesch=1.81, cos=0.23, smog=1.25, ari=0.83, lix=0.99, time=0.11, numword=3, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.66, fog=0.8}
 orders: orig=12, rank=4, date=19
Changeons de sujet voulez-vous.
j’ai alarmer l’Ukraine, les usa la France s’ils ne font rien.ce sera des complices à la propagation du terrorisme et des guerres à sujétions psychologique grâce a l’électricité clandestine que le citoyen utilise.…
 ranking=13.685818469229329 from {coleman=0.7, cos=0, smog=1.75, kincaid=0.82, pop=1.1, numsent=1, flesch=1.67, ari=0.89, lix=0.99, time=0.32, numword=3, fuzzy=0.4, fog=1.08}
 orders: orig=17, rank=5, date=17
google own all legal rights and intellectual property rights under copyright law you may not copy modify redistribute, reverse engineer disassemble  terms and conditions for use reproduction and conditions
 ranking=13.06094406443578 from {coleman=0.99, cos=0, smog=1.85, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.87, numsent=1, flesch=1.78, ari=1.08, lix=0.99, time=0.74, numword=2, fuzzy=0.2, fog=1.14}
 orders: orig=10, rank=6, date=13
Why did the SEC sue Ripple.

Connect the dots. 

Dec 7/2017: 15 senior JPM execs at Ripple office

Jan 2018 Ripple created xrp escrow.

June 14/2018 Hinman ETH free pass speech.

Aug 2018 Gary says this in his MIT BLOCKCHAIN & MONEY class…
 ranking=12.908181262160257 from {coleman=0.47, numsent=5, flesch=1.01, cos=0.19, smog=0.3, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.58, numword=4, kincaid=0.07, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=14, rank=7, date=5
This is a copyright document 48 cfr102 uk 48 cfr101 japan farmer president international cannabis project intellectual property meaning business requirements not no other term.
 ranking=12.819358917430336 from {coleman=0.99, numsent=1, flesch=1.92, cos=0, smog=1.85, ari=0.98, lix=0.99, time=1.06, numword=2, kincaid=0.92, fog=1.15}
 orders: orig=7, rank=8, date=10
 ranking=9.162913008926786 from {coleman=0.81, cos=0, smog=1.33, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.6, caps=-3.0, numsent=2, flesch=1.59, ari=0.65, lix=0.08, time=0.53, numword=3, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.75}
 orders: orig=15, rank=9, date=15
Does technology that can save this child's eyes exist?
 ranking=8.721088452015124 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0.54, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=1.18, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.9, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=3, rank=10, date=2
Hello, I hope you are doing well  

Could you please retweet my second tweet? Our team spotted a bug on the Twitter app.
 ranking=8.29610051487414 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.12, numsent=2, flesch=1.01, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.48, numword=2, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=6, rank=11, date=6
Have you investigated @todhynes fraud with @xlfleet, more balant than SBF?
 ranking=8.150298774032834 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.25, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=1.25, ari=0.34, lix=0, time=1.69, numword=0, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=4, rank=12, date=4
 ranking=5.19483201754386 from {coleman=0.76, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.18, caps=-3.0, numsent=2, flesch=1.2, ari=0.32, lix=0.06, time=1.79, numword=1, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=13, rank=13, date=3
Nice Post!
 ranking=-0.6357039473684212 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=1.37, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=19, rank=14, date=7

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=5, rank=15, date=1
Crypto is much crazy good
 ranking=-1.0162352631578946 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.09, numsent=1, flesch=0.83, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.16, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=1, rank=16, date=9

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 orders: orig=2, rank=17, date=8
 ranking=-2.5789473684210527 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.43, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=16, rank=18, date=16

 ranking=-2.7894736842105265 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.22, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=18, rank=19, date=18