Search run analysis for @medvedevrussiae from Mon, November 11, 2019 at 19:26:24 -0800 (logged in)


This page shows how Twitter rearranges replies, hiding some of them. Each table below shows a tweet from @medvedevrussiae and noteworthy replies to that tweet.

Each reply tweet was re-ranked by a formula designed to determine whether a reply is on-topic and good quality. (In this case, the re-ranking was done using the "formula1" algorithm).

Then, the revised ranking was compared with how Twitter ordered the tweet replies in the page. The revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown higher than they should have been. Those tweets are listed in the "Anomalous elevated tweets" section in each table.

Likewise, the revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown lower than they should have been. Those tweets are in the "Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets" section in each table. That section contains both tweet replies that were suppressed (shown lower than they should have been) and hidden.

The "Other hidden tweets" in each table has additional hidden tweets, those that weren't ranked highly in the revised ranking.

Note: a hidden tweet is one that's hidden behind the "Show more replies" link at the end of the reply page. Few probably click that link, and the account that was replied to might not see those hidden tweets on their "Notifications" page depending on their settings.

Hidden tweets are highlighted in light red. Each tweet is followed by three orders: the original order (as shown by Twitter), the rank order (as determined by the revised ranking; lower rankings are better), and the date order (earlier tweets have a lower order).

Some tweets are put even lower down, into an "AbusiveQuality" section. Those are highlighted in light purple.

Note that Twitter only shows around a maximum of 200 replies, even if there are hundreds more. For instance, assume that "Number of replies" is "194 of 1841 (reached end)", "Available" is 10%, and "Hidden" is 0%. That means the tweet was listed as having 1841 replies, but a maximum of 194 were retrieved: Twitter wouldn't show any more. The "reached end" means that the app scrolled until no more replies were available. The "Available" column has the percentage (in this case 194/1841 as a percentage ). In cases like this, the "Hidden" column isn't reliable because it wasn't possible to scroll the list of replies low enough to reach the hidden section. The closer the "Available" column is to 100%, the more reliable is the "Hidden" column.

@medvedevrussiae tweeted on 11/03/19 05:44:46: ASEAN Business Summit 2019, Bangkok. We are eye-witnesses of the emergence of a new economic paradigm with sweeping use of IT. Russia is ready to share its experience in the digital area with ASEAN nations and also to use the successful practices of our ASEAN colleagues
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 34 of 38 (reached end) 89% 0% 58%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • Но только не с СССР!!!
    [original: #8, ranking: #32, date: #8] From @anton32849843 on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • #медведев #вор
    [original: #10, ranking: #30, date: #10] From @anglegrinder2 on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • Сильно
    [original: #5, ranking: #29, date: #5] From @_diolato_ on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • ему роба тюремная больше подойдёт
    [original: #2, ranking: #27, date: #2] From @bladermetal on 12/31/69 04:00:00
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Башар Асад финансировал террористическую группу ИГИЛ, которая действительно распространилась в разные страны, включая Россию, а Башар Аль-Асад поставил под угрозу безопасность России террористической группой.
    [original: #30, ranking: #4, date: #16] From @mushrio on 11/03/19 10:07:55
  • Депутат Госдумы Рашкин @RashkinV разгромил Едросов: «26% детей живут в нищете (доходы членов семьи ниже прожиточ минимума). Полстраны бедных и нищих (доходы ниже 25 тыс руб). А 1% чиновников, воров и олигархов владеют 57% собственности. Единая Россия, вы ведёте страну к взрыву»
    [original: #25, ranking: #5, date: #28] From @vitalijkrasnoda on 11/08/19 08:50:05
  • В пору сравнивать богатейшую Россию с беднейшими странами АзиАфрики. ВВП на человека и ср. зарплаты: Алтайский край 3707$—423$ Белиз 4844$—390$ Монголия 3783$—458$ Ангола 3741$—402$ Нигерия 3522$—325$ Марокко 3511$—389$ Кто бы лет 20 назад мог подумать о таком светлом будущем.
    [original: #15, ranking: #6, date: #29] From @vitalijkrasnoda on 11/08/19 08:51:17
  • Двое бандитов с кувалдами напали в Москве на водителя "Нивы", перевозившего 1 миллион рублей наличными. Еще пять лет назад вы должны были везти в машине миллионов 10-15, чтобы стать жертвой. Сейчас на машины в Москве нападают с ножами ради айфонов. Бразилия!
    [original: #27, ranking: #7, date: #31] From @vitalijkrasnoda on 11/08/19 09:10:00
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Medvedev stole from his people more than 70 billion rubles. Medvedev is corrupt. The investigation about @MedvedevRussiaE was watched by more than 32 million Russians. Link to video:
    [original: #20, ranking: #8, date: #15] From @anglegrinder2 on 11/03/19 07:16:37
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Hello мой друг, ну что там, деньги уже есть? Ладно друг, если вдруг чего деньги появятся выходи обратно на связь! #денегнетавыдержитесь ХОРОШЕГО ВАМ НАСТРОЕНИЯ! р.s. мудрец Д.Медведев
    [original: #16, ranking: #10, date: #11] From @aejpdvgukifnzg3 on 11/03/19 06:13:19
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Who are all these naive people? In what virtual reality do you live? Hmm.. Maybe they are the only ones who will visit you in the jail. Maybe not.
    [original: #24, ranking: #11, date: #26] From @explainme4 on 11/07/19 07:57:25
Other hidden replies:
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Добрый день господин Медведев. Я полагаю, что для вашего правительства лучший способ предотвратить финансирование терроризма - это убить Башара Асада, чиновника сирийского правительства.
    [original: #21, ranking: #12, date: #17] From @mushrio on 11/03/19 10:13:41
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF You're the accomplice of a murderer.
    [original: #17, ranking: #13, date: #12] From @esslinger62 on 11/03/19 06:13:50
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Tell your faggot Putin, us Muslims are not afraid of him. We will destroy him by the will of Allah.
    [original: #34, ranking: #14, date: #21] From @onegod4everyone on 11/04/19 08:10:09
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Как узнать, когда русский лжет? Когда его рот открыт.
    [original: #32, ranking: #17, date: #22] From @bryancaphill871 on 11/04/19 10:18:42
  • Раз спектакль запретили, посмотрите хотя бы отрывок из мультика. Экстремизм чистой воды!
    [original: #26, ranking: #18, date: #30] From @vitalijkrasnoda on 11/08/19 08:53:24
  • Станция Кушва в Свердловской области Великой Россеюшки!
    [original: #28, ranking: #19, date: #32] From @vitalijkrasnoda on 11/08/19 09:35:32
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Димон опять гуляет на народное бабло. ДБ.
    [original: #22, ranking: #21, date: #18] From @al_lobov on 11/03/19 12:22:08
  • @MedvedevRussiaE фейкосаммит
    [original: #18, ranking: #24, date: #13] From @sonettts on 11/03/19 06:39:22
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Ты же сам не из россии!
    [original: #19, ranking: #25, date: #14] From @anton32849843 on 11/03/19 06:41:18
  • @MedvedevRussiaE How does it feel to be Putins sex doll?
    [original: #29, ranking: #26, date: #34] From @venratus on 11/11/19 05:49:03
  • @MushRio @MedvedevRussiaE Лечиться надо от навязчивого психоза.
    [original: #31, ranking: #28, date: #23] From @q9wwnxaoflqf9ps on 11/05/19 01:23:29
  • @BryanCapHill871 @MedvedevRussiaE Загляни соседу в задницу.
    [original: #33, ranking: #31, date: #24] From @q9wwnxaoflqf9ps on 11/05/19 01:24:48
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Рт тв бл
    [original: #23, ranking: #33, date: #25] From @xcs8jvzd3rs9tgc on 11/05/19 10:34:51

[tweet: 1190991084446466048, from: @philipp812 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,,,1) Дмитрий Анатольевич, двубортный пиджак вам очень идёт!]
[tweet: 1191045476981919744, from: @bladermetal (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,,6,) ему роба тюремная больше подойдёт]
[tweet: 1190993182437314566, from: @nshimiy91345991 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) It is ! If well you are in Asia well World is ! Go ahead!]
[tweet: 1190993365992640512, from: @demokles56 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Congratulations!  Yes, we need a paradigm shift!  But even more is needed!]
[tweet: 1191007085649170433, from: @_diolato_ (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Сильно]
[tweet: 1191243387128569856, from: @mpd_nz (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) the survivors of #lakealicenz ask the #theworld to not trade with #NZ or travel to #NZ  until new Zealand adheres to a @UN ruling to provide child torture survivors with rehab and compo for the treatment they were put through]
[tweet: 1193477846133624833, from: @lisajam95655126 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Nice one, it’s good to move forward]
[tweet: 1191002118603313153, from: @anton32849843 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Но только не с СССР!!!]
[tweet: 1191118201486299136, from: @mikehydes (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) #remotework can be thought of as a form of virtual migration. It can offer the benefits of migration without the drawbacks.  The Russian Federation can be the leader in industries promoting/supporting virtual migration.]
[tweet: 1191930431261880320, from: @anglegrinder2 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) #медведев #вор]
[tweet: 1192896951488040960, from: @yagasimpatyaga1 (UNKNOWN) on 11/08/19 12:09:30(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE А че всё по не русски Ах да он же патриот]
[tweet: 1193717844845957120, from: @kevenespirito (UNKNOWN) on 11/10/19 06:31:27(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Боливия переживает переворот, помогите, как они сделали с Венесуэлой]
[tweet: 1191123627598475264, from: @liamotoole13 (UNKNOWN) on 11/03/19 02:42:57(HIGH,0,0,1) @MedvedevRussiaE Russia economy needs to be diversified in order to ward off future economic downturns and sanctions. Technology, home grown technology needs to be prioritized to set russia up for the future. As for economic downturns. Always have money put away.]
[tweet: 1191383111956758529, from: @hogbadass (UNKNOWN) on 11/04/19 07:54:03(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE m]
[tweet: 1193028261791621120, from: @vitalijkrasnoda (UNKNOWN) on 11/08/19 08:51:17(LOW,0,1,0) В пору сравнивать богатейшую Россию с беднейшими странами АзиАфрики. ВВП на человека и ср. зарплаты: Алтайский край 3707$—423$ Белиз 4844$—390$ Монголия 3783$—458$ Ангола 3741$—402$ Нигерия 3522$—325$ Марокко 3511$—389$  Кто бы лет 20 назад мог подумать о таком светлом будущем.]
[tweet: 1190995372522389505, from: @aejpdvgukifnzg3 (UNKNOWN) on 11/03/19 06:13:19(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Hello мой друг, ну что там, деньги уже есть? Ладно друг, если вдруг чего деньги появятся выходи обратно на связь! #денегнетавыдержитесь ХОРОШЕГО ВАМ НАСТРОЕНИЯ! р.s. мудрец Д.Медведев]
[tweet: 1190995503368069121, from: @esslinger62 (UNKNOWN) on 11/03/19 06:13:50(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF You're the accomplice of a murderer.]
[tweet: 1191001928681099265, from: @sonettts (UNKNOWN) on 11/03/19 06:39:22(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE фейкосаммит]
[tweet: 1191002417455861762, from: @anton32849843 (UNKNOWN) on 11/03/19 06:41:18(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Ты же сам не из россии!]
[tweet: 1191011302434627587, from: @anglegrinder2 (UNKNOWN) on 11/03/19 07:16:37(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Medvedev stole from his people more than 70 billion rubles. Medvedev is corrupt. The investigation about @MedvedevRussiaE was watched by more than 32 million Russians. Link to video:]
[tweet: 1191055863664009216, from: @mushrio (UNKNOWN) on 11/03/19 10:13:41(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Добрый день господин Медведев. Я полагаю, что для вашего правительства лучший способ предотвратить финансирование терроризма - это убить Башара Асада, чиновника сирийского правительства.]
[tweet: 1191088190012231680, from: @al_lobov (UNKNOWN) on 11/03/19 12:22:08(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Димон опять гуляет на народное бабло. ДБ.]
[tweet: 1191967162715590663, from: @xcs8jvzd3rs9tgc (UNKNOWN) on 11/05/19 10:34:51(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Рт тв бл]
[tweet: 1192652315628433408, from: @explainme4 (UNKNOWN) on 11/07/19 07:57:25(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Who are all these naive people? In what virtual reality do you live?  Hmm.. Maybe they are the only ones who will visit you in the jail. Maybe not.]
[tweet: 1193027961039073280, from: @vitalijkrasnoda (UNKNOWN) on 11/08/19 08:50:05(LOW,0,0,0) Депутат Госдумы Рашкин @RashkinV разгромил Едросов: «26% детей живут в нищете (доходы членов семьи ниже прожиточ минимума). Полстраны бедных и нищих (доходы ниже 25 тыс руб). А 1% чиновников, воров и олигархов владеют 57% собственности. Единая Россия, вы ведёте страну к взрыву»]
[tweet: 1193028794505928704, from: @vitalijkrasnoda (UNKNOWN) on 11/08/19 08:53:24(LOW,0,0,0) Раз спектакль запретили, посмотрите хотя бы отрывок из мультика. Экстремизм чистой воды!]
[tweet: 1193032970027839489, from: @vitalijkrasnoda (UNKNOWN) on 11/08/19 09:10:00(LOW,0,0,0) Двое бандитов с кувалдами напали в Москве на водителя "Нивы", перевозившего 1 миллион рублей наличными.  Еще пять лет назад вы должны были везти в машине миллионов 10-15, чтобы стать жертвой. Сейчас на машины в Москве нападают с ножами ради айфонов. Бразилия!]
[tweet: 1193039398637654021, from: @vitalijkrasnoda (UNKNOWN) on 11/08/19 09:35:32(LOW,0,0,0) Станция Кушва в Свердловской области Великой Россеюшки!]
[tweet: 1193888372307222529, from: @venratus (UNKNOWN) on 11/11/19 05:49:03(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE How does it feel to be Putins sex doll?]
[tweet: 1191054411201699845, from: @mushrio (UNKNOWN) on 11/03/19 10:07:55(LOW,0,0,1) @MedvedevRussiaE Башар Асад финансировал террористическую группу ИГИЛ, которая действительно распространилась в разные страны, включая Россию, а Башар Аль-Асад поставил под угрозу безопасность России террористической группой.]
[tweet: 1191647212134121472, from: @q9wwnxaoflqf9ps (UNKNOWN) on 11/05/19 01:23:29(LOW,0,0,0) @MushRio @MedvedevRussiaE Лечиться надо от навязчивого психоза.]
[tweet: 1191600707335409665, from: @bryancaphill871 (UNKNOWN) on 11/04/19 10:18:42(LOW,0,0,1) @MedvedevRussiaE Как узнать, когда русский лжет? Когда его рот открыт.]
[tweet: 1191647540489474048, from: @q9wwnxaoflqf9ps (UNKNOWN) on 11/05/19 01:24:48(LOW,0,0,0) @BryanCapHill871 @MedvedevRussiaE Загляни соседу в задницу.]
[tweet: 1191387165558751232, from: @onegod4everyone (UNKNOWN) on 11/04/19 08:10:09(ABUSIVE,0,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Tell your faggot Putin, us Muslims are not afraid of him. We will destroy him by the will of Allah.]



@MedvedevRussiaE Russia economy needs to be diversified in order to ward off future economic downturns and sanctions. Technology, home grown technology needs to be prioritized to set russia up for the future. As for economic downturns. Always have money put away.
 ranking=16.501625319879487 from {coleman=0.7, cos=0.46, smog=1.03, kincaid=0.35, pop=1.61, numsent=4, flesch=1.37, ari=0.37, lix=0.05, time=0.95, numword=4, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.55}
 orders: orig=13, rank=1, date=19
the survivors of #lakealicenz ask the #theworld to not trade with #NZ or travel to #NZ  until new Zealand adheres to a @UN ruling to provide child torture survivors with rehab and compo for the treatment they were put through
 ranking=13.556223425072258 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=1, flesch=1.57, cos=0.15, smog=1.4, ari=0.98, lix=0.99, time=1.71, numword=3, kincaid=0.85, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.99}
 orders: orig=6, rank=2, date=6
#remotework can be thought of as a form of virtual migration. It can offer the benefits of migration without the drawbacks.

The Russian Federation can be the leader in industries promoting/supporting virtual migration.
 ranking=13.541724395406623 from {coleman=0.71, numsent=3, flesch=1.5, cos=0, smog=1.14, ari=0.39, lix=0.1, time=1.53, numword=3, kincaid=0.45, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=9, rank=3, date=9
@MedvedevRussiaE Башар Асад финансировал террористическую группу ИГИЛ, которая действительно распространилась в разные страны, включая Россию, а Башар Аль-Асад поставил под угрозу безопасность России террористической группой.
 ranking=11.447200188648932 from {pop=1.61, coleman=1.43, numsent=1, flesch=1.02, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=1.28, lix=0.99, time=1.12, numword=2, kincaid=0.26, fog=0.47}
 orders: orig=30, rank=4, date=16
Депутат Госдумы Рашкин @RashkinV разгромил Едросов: «26% детей живут в нищете (доходы членов семьи ниже прожиточ минимума). Полстраны бедных и нищих (доходы ниже 25 тыс руб). А 1% чиновников, воров и олигархов владеют 57% собственности. Единая Россия, вы ведёте страну к взрыву»
 ranking=11.106977205882353 from {coleman=0.74, numsent=4, flesch=0.89, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.41, lix=0.05, time=0.42, numword=4, kincaid=0.02, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=25, rank=5, date=28
В пору сравнивать богатейшую Россию с беднейшими странами АзиАфрики.
ВВП на человека и ср. зарплаты:
Алтайский край 3707$—423$
Белиз 4844$—390$
Монголия 3783$—458$
Ангола 3741$—402$
Нигерия 3522$—325$
Марокко 3511$—389$

Кто бы лет 20 назад мог подумать о таком светлом будущем.
 ranking=10.908134468141645 from {coleman=0.64, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.25, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.01, ari=0.63, lix=0.1, time=0.36, numword=4, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=15, rank=6, date=29
Двое бандитов с кувалдами напали в Москве на водителя "Нивы", перевозившего 1 миллион рублей наличными.

Еще пять лет назад вы должны были везти в машине миллионов 10-15, чтобы стать жертвой. Сейчас на машины в Москве нападают с ножами ради айфонов. Бразилия!
 ranking=10.874679117647057 from {coleman=0.72, numsent=4, flesch=0.88, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.39, lix=0.05, time=0.24, numword=4, kincaid=0.01, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.2}
 orders: orig=27, rank=7, date=31
@MedvedevRussiaE Medvedev stole from his people more than 70 billion rubles. Medvedev is corrupt. The investigation about @MedvedevRussiaE was watched by more than 32 million Russians. Link to video:
 ranking=10.848142329853143 from {coleman=0.69, numsent=4, flesch=1.29, cos=0, smog=0.78, ari=0.28, lix=0.05, time=1.18, numword=2, kincaid=0.25, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=20, rank=8, date=15
Congratulations!  Yes, we need a paradigm shift!  But even more is needed!
 ranking=10.84373699668553 from {coleman=0.61, numsent=3, flesch=1.32, cos=0.26, smog=0.75, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.83, numword=1, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=4, rank=9, date=4
@MedvedevRussiaE Hello мой друг, ну что там, деньги уже есть? Ладно друг, если вдруг чего деньги появятся выходи обратно на связь! #денегнетавыдержитесь ХОРОШЕГО ВАМ НАСТРОЕНИЯ! р.s. мудрец Д.Медведев
 ranking=10.088153205882353 from {coleman=0.82, numsent=4, flesch=0.85, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1.42, numword=2, kincaid=-0.06, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=16, rank=10, date=11
@MedvedevRussiaE Who are all these naive people? In what virtual reality do you live?  Hmm.. Maybe they are the only ones who will visit you in the jail. Maybe not.
 ranking=9.833971419878296 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=5, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.01, lix=0, time=0.53, numword=2, kincaid=0.01, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=24, rank=11, date=26
@MedvedevRussiaE Добрый день господин Медведев. Я полагаю, что для вашего правительства лучший способ предотвратить финансирование терроризма - это убить Башара Асада, чиновника сирийского правительства.
 ranking=8.847064438502674 from {coleman=1.34, numsent=2, flesch=0.89, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.91, lix=0.11, time=1.06, numword=2, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=21, rank=12, date=17
@MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF You're the accomplice of a murderer.
 ranking=8.100207845712072 from {coleman=0.63, numsent=1, flesch=1.51, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.19, lix=0.08, time=1.36, numword=0, kincaid=0.39, fuzzy=1, fog=0.9}
 orders: orig=17, rank=13, date=12
@MedvedevRussiaE Tell your faggot Putin, us Muslims are not afraid of him. We will destroy him by the will of Allah.
 ranking=7.889311592324651 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.16, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.1, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.83, numword=2, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.2}
 orders: orig=34, rank=14, date=21
Дмитрий Анатольевич, двубортный пиджак вам очень идёт!
 ranking=7.731473626719814 from {pop=1.61, coleman=1.15, numsent=1, flesch=0.85, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.66, lix=0.09, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=-0.05, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=1, rank=15, date=1
It is ! If well you are in Asia well World is ! Go ahead!
 ranking=7.273682428355958 from {coleman=0.12, numsent=3, flesch=0.89, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.23, lix=0, time=1.89, numword=1, kincaid=-0.05, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=3, rank=16, date=3
@MedvedevRussiaE Как узнать, когда русский лжет?
Когда его рот открыт.
 ranking=6.210018794787041 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0.59, numsent=2, flesch=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.77, numword=0, kincaid=-0.1, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=32, rank=17, date=22
Раз спектакль запретили, посмотрите хотя бы отрывок из мультика. Экстремизм чистой воды!
 ranking=6.146975980392155 from {coleman=1.03, numsent=2, flesch=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.54, lix=0.11, time=0.3, numword=1, kincaid=-0.07, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=26, rank=18, date=30
Станция Кушва в Свердловской области Великой Россеюшки!
 ranking=5.34993487394958 from {coleman=1.23, numsent=1, flesch=0.85, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.72, lix=0.99, time=0.18, numword=0, kincaid=-0.05, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=28, rank=19, date=32
@MedvedevRussiaE Боливия переживает переворот, помогите, как они сделали с Венесуэлой
 ranking=5.221685947712418 from {coleman=1.11, numsent=1, flesch=0.87, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.68, lix=0.99, time=0.12, numword=0, kincaid=-0.01, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=12, rank=20, date=33
@MedvedevRussiaE Димон опять гуляет на народное бабло. ДБ.
 ranking=4.786453571428571 from {coleman=0.6, numsent=2, flesch=0.82, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1, numword=0, kincaid=-0.12, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=22, rank=21, date=18
Nice one, it’s good to move forward
 ranking=4.5809171568627445 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1, flesch=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.65, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=7, rank=22, date=7
@MedvedevRussiaE А че всё по не русски Ах да он же патриот
 ranking=3.812010962566845 from {coleman=0.04, numsent=1, flesch=0.89, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.13, lix=0, time=0.48, numword=1, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=11, rank=23, date=27
@MedvedevRussiaE фейкосаммит
 ranking=3.2152676470588233 from {coleman=2.45, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=1.55, lix=0.99, time=1.3, numword=0, kincaid=-0.16, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=18, rank=24, date=13
@MedvedevRussiaE Ты же сам не из россии!
 ranking=3.2114857843137257 from {coleman=0.05, numsent=1, flesch=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.25, lix=0, time=1.24, numword=0, kincaid=-0.07, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=19, rank=25, date=14
@MedvedevRussiaE How does it feel to be Putins sex doll?
 ranking=2.98352908496732 from {coleman=0.2, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=0.06, numword=0, kincaid=0.06, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=29, rank=26, date=34
ему роба тюремная больше подойдёт
 ranking=2.9799531203762353 from {coleman=0.92, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.09, pop=2.49, numsent=1, flesch=0.83, ari=0.42, lix=0.08, time=1.95, numword=0, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=2, rank=27, date=2
@MushRio @MedvedevRussiaE Лечиться надо от навязчивого психоза.
 ranking=0.487752352941177 from {coleman=1.1, numsent=1, flesch=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=0.57, lix=0.99, time=0.71, numword=0, kincaid=-0.09, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=31, rank=28, date=23
 ranking=0.045855882352940025 from {coleman=0.98, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1.77, numword=0, kincaid=-0.16, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=5, rank=29, date=5
#медведев #вор
 ranking=-0.33853676470588256 from {coleman=0.83, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=0.28, lix=0.1, time=1.48, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=10, rank=30, date=10
@BryanCapHill871 @MedvedevRussiaE Загляни соседу в задницу.
 ranking=-1.135228676470589 from {coleman=0.76, numsent=1, flesch=0.82, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=0.27, lix=0.11, time=0.65, numword=0, kincaid=-0.11, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=33, rank=31, date=24
Но только не с СССР!!!
 ranking=-1.4218947058823532 from {coleman=0.1, numsent=1, flesch=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=-0.24, lix=0, time=1.59, numword=0, kincaid=-0.09, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=8, rank=32, date=8
@MedvedevRussiaE Рт тв бл
 ranking=-3.1012147058823545 from {coleman=-0.2, numsent=1, flesch=0.81, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=-0.52, lix=0, time=0.59, numword=0, kincaid=-0.13, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=23, rank=33, date=25
@MedvedevRussiaE m
 ranking=-3.4864970588235304 from {coleman=-0.49, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=-0.81, lix=0, time=0.89, numword=0, kincaid=-0.16, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=14, rank=34, date=20

@medvedevrussiae tweeted on 11/02/19 12:45:42: The SCO Heads of Government Council meeting took place in Tashkent. Our cooperation is growing in all areas, despite external pressure and sanctions
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 16 of 23 (reached end) 69% 6% 37%
Anomalous elevated replies:
    [original: #4, ranking: #15, date: #4] From @aligato68650699 on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • Respect!
    [original: #2, ranking: #12, date: #2] From @btcforexsa on 12/31/69 04:00:00
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • Elena Berg (Феесбук). Нет, ну а что вы хотите, когда говорят про ужасный имидж РФ? Вот - официальный представитель страны за рубежом. По виду - немолодая женщина с низкой социальной ответственностью на трассе под Ростовом. Мечта дальнобойщика! )))
    [original: #11, ranking: #2, date: #8] From @s_kamil_l on 11/02/19 12:54:26
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF Dmitry @MedvedevRussiaE , you created problems for me in work and in life. You knowingly with Skolkovo founder #Vekselberg and Putin’s friend #Bulgakov blocked me on the world Internet, you deliberately deprived me of the possibility of a career since 2008,
    [original: #10, ranking: #3, date: #9] From @rodinalaw on 11/02/19 12:56:08
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Конечно сотрудничать со странами 3го и 4го мира, куда продуктивнее чем с передовыми державами. Это и говорит о многом, о политике, о том что Россия никому не нужна и никто не хочет с нами работать... Спасибо за то что вы уже 20 лет с нами и держитесь там всего хорошего...
    [original: #12, ranking: #4, date: #10] From @penoplastik on 11/02/19 02:32:37
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Это действительно очень важно, чтобы принять меры против Башара аль-Асада в Сирии правительственного чиновника, выполнив его в целях предотвращения дальнейшего терроризма и для того, чтобы защитить свою страну г-н Медведев.
    [original: #14, ranking: #5, date: #16] From @mushrio on 11/02/19 07:08:15
Other hidden replies:
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Башар Асад несет ответственность за угрозу для вашего правительства, позволив террористу ИГИЛ распространиться в России, чтобы нанести большой вред, особенно вашей безопасности. Башар Аль-Асад нуждается в смертной казни от вашего правительства. как я уже говорил.
    [original: #13, ranking: #6, date: #11] From @mushrio on 11/02/19 05:36:15
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Добрый день господин Медведев. Я полагаю, что для вашего правительства лучший способ предотвратить финансирование терроризма - это убить Башара Асада, чиновника сирийского правительства.
    [original: #15, ranking: #10, date: #12] From @mushrio on 11/02/19 05:37:53
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @RusEmbUSA GTFO of Ukraine.
    [original: #16, ranking: #13, date: #13] From @dirksmi85966803 on 11/02/19 10:58:17

[tweet: 1190536275557789696, from: @kostasovest (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,,2,) Если написать комментарий о языке твита, наверное, сразу попасть под статью о неуважении можно]
[tweet: 1190536747035320320, from: @btcforexsa (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Respect!]
[tweet: 1190540507191095296, from: @vladimi_kvi (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Well, yes, and even internal resistance]
[tweet: 1190580553143267328, from: @aligato68650699 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) VK VERY VERY CUCUMBER MHO]
[tweet: 1190591182704914432, from: @ndqidfsouluftrb (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Переговоры прошли успешно вдобрый час вдобрый путь]
[tweet: 1190602377147113472, from: @worldcitizen1st (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) EuroAsia is an important engine for development and economic growth, for Russia  China  Kazakhstan   Kyrgyzstan  Tajikistan  Uzbekistan . Thé SCO despite US sanctions, that can’t be accepted as obstruction to development& must be confront legally.]
[tweet: 1190613677709385731, from: @ladylisadcantu1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1190720482154307585, from: @captainmafiain1 (UNKNOWN) on 11/02/19 01:01:00(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia Oky 🏻]
[tweet: 1190728512577118209, from: @jimmatt16 (UNKNOWN) on 11/02/19 01:32:54(HIGH,0,0,0) Thank's for your support!…       #RWCFinal #사랑한다_몬스타엑스 #iShine #weloveyouaaron #몬베베_원호_응  #HongKongProtests #HongKong #nonutnovemeber #ENGvRSA #몬베베는_몬엑을_믿어요 #RWC2019 #trumpvideo #Trump2020 #Climate2020 #SaturdayMorning #SaTzu]
[tweet: 1190538065053442048, from: @rodinalaw (UNKNOWN) on 11/02/19 12:56:08(HIGH,0,0,1) @MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF Dmitry @MedvedevRussiaE , you created problems for me in work and in life. You knowingly with Skolkovo founder #Vekselberg and Putin’s friend #Bulgakov blocked me on the world Internet, you deliberately deprived me of the possibility of a career since 2008,]
[tweet: 1190537636429127680, from: @s_kamil_l (UNKNOWN) on 11/02/19 12:54:26(LOW,0,0,0) Elena Berg (Феесбук).  Нет, ну а что вы хотите, когда говорят про ужасный имидж РФ? Вот - официальный представитель страны за рубежом. По виду - немолодая женщина с низкой социальной ответственностью на трассе под Ростовом. Мечта дальнобойщика! )))]
[tweet: 1190562346332311552, from: @penoplastik (UNKNOWN) on 11/02/19 02:32:37(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Конечно сотрудничать со странами 3го и 4го мира, куда продуктивнее чем с передовыми державами. Это и говорит о многом, о политике, о том что Россия никому не нужна и никто не хочет с нами работать... Спасибо за то что вы уже 20 лет с нами и держитесь там всего хорошего...]
[tweet: 1190608556988489728, from: @mushrio (UNKNOWN) on 11/02/19 05:36:15(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Башар Асад несет ответственность за угрозу для вашего правительства, позволив террористу ИГИЛ распространиться в России, чтобы нанести большой вред, особенно вашей безопасности. Башар Аль-Асад нуждается в смертной казни от вашего правительства. как я уже говорил.]
[tweet: 1190812904179863552, from: @mushrio (UNKNOWN) on 11/02/19 07:08:15(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Это действительно очень важно, чтобы принять меры против Башара аль-Асада в Сирии правительственного чиновника, выполнив его в целях предотвращения дальнейшего терроризма и для того, чтобы защитить свою страну г-н Медведев.]
[tweet: 1190608971326996480, from: @mushrio (UNKNOWN) on 11/02/19 05:37:53(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Добрый день господин Медведев. Я полагаю, что для вашего правительства лучший способ предотвратить финансирование терроризма - это убить Башара Асада, чиновника сирийского правительства.]
[tweet: 1190689599468630017, from: @dirksmi85966803 (UNKNOWN) on 11/02/19 10:58:17(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @RusEmbUSA GTFO of Ukraine.]



EuroAsia is an important engine for development and economic growth, for Russia  China  Kazakhstan  
Kyrgyzstan  Tajikistan  Uzbekistan .
Thé SCO despite US sanctions, that can’t be accepted as obstruction to development& must be confront legally.
 ranking=15.732564929835295 from {coleman=0.97, numsent=2, flesch=1.72, cos=0.64, smog=1.47, ari=0.75, lix=0.99, time=1.38, numword=3, kincaid=0.67, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.88}
 orders: orig=6, rank=1, date=6
Elena Berg (Феесбук).

Нет, ну а что вы хотите, когда говорят про ужасный имидж РФ? Вот - официальный представитель страны за рубежом. По виду - немолодая женщина с низкой социальной ответственностью на трассе под Ростовом. Мечта дальнобойщика! )))
 ranking=12.656111190476189 from {coleman=0.86, numsent=6, flesch=0.87, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.4, lix=0.06, time=1.13, numword=3, kincaid=-0.05, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=11, rank=2, date=8
@MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF Dmitry @MedvedevRussiaE , you created problems for me in work and in life. You knowingly with Skolkovo founder #Vekselberg and Putin’s friend #Bulgakov blocked me on the world Internet, you deliberately deprived me of the possibility of a career since 2008,
 ranking=12.613718579376433 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0.67, numsent=2, flesch=1.4, cos=0, smog=1.17, ari=0.57, lix=0.09, time=1, numword=3, kincaid=0.48, fog=0.65}
 orders: orig=10, rank=3, date=9
@MedvedevRussiaE Конечно сотрудничать со странами 3го и 4го мира, куда продуктивнее чем с передовыми державами. Это и говорит о многом, о политике, о том что Россия никому не нужна и никто не хочет с нами работать... Спасибо за то что вы уже 20 лет с нами и держитесь там всего хорошего...
 ranking=11.463607666666666 from {coleman=0.47, numsent=3, flesch=0.95, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.35, lix=0.06, time=0.88, numword=5, kincaid=0.14, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=12, rank=4, date=10
@MedvedevRussiaE Это действительно очень важно, чтобы принять меры против Башара аль-Асада в Сирии правительственного чиновника, выполнив его в целях предотвращения дальнейшего терроризма и для того, чтобы защитить свою страну г-н Медведев.
 ranking=9.601130357142857 from {coleman=1.09, numsent=1, flesch=1.07, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=1.13, lix=0.99, time=0.13, numword=3, kincaid=0.36, fog=0.56}
 orders: orig=14, rank=5, date=16
@MedvedevRussiaE Башар Асад несет ответственность за угрозу для вашего правительства, позволив террористу ИГИЛ распространиться в России, чтобы нанести большой вред, особенно вашей безопасности. Башар Аль-Асад нуждается в смертной казни от вашего правительства. как я уже говорил.
 ranking=9.50716176470588 from {coleman=1.08, numsent=2, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.85, lix=0.11, time=0.75, numword=3, kincaid=0.15, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=13, rank=6, date=11
Thank's for your support!…       #RWCFinal #사랑한다_몬스타엑스 #iShine #weloveyouaaron #몬베베_원호_응  #HongKongProtests #HongKong #nonutnovemeber #ENGvRSA #몬베베는_몬엑을_믿어요 #RWC2019 #trumpvideo #Trump2020 #Climate2020 #SaturdayMorning #SaTzu
 ranking=9.425564224171833 from {coleman=0.6, numsent=2, flesch=1.32, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.49, lix=0.06, time=0.25, numword=3, kincaid=0.41, fog=0.48}
 orders: orig=9, rank=7, date=15
Well, yes, and even internal resistance
 ranking=9.349121669241484 from {coleman=0.79, numsent=1, flesch=1.55, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.34, lix=0.06, time=1.75, numword=0, kincaid=0.42, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.79}
 orders: orig=3, rank=8, date=3
Если написать комментарий о языке твита, наверное, сразу попасть под статью о неуважении можно 
 ranking=8.53874793254846 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0.88, numsent=1, flesch=0.92, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.61, lix=0.09, time=2, numword=1, kincaid=0.09, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=1, rank=9, date=1
@MedvedevRussiaE Добрый день господин Медведев. Я полагаю, что для вашего правительства лучший способ предотвратить финансирование терроризма - это убить Башара Асада, чиновника сирийского правительства.
 ranking=8.41324090909091 from {coleman=1.34, numsent=2, flesch=0.89, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.91, lix=0.11, time=0.63, numword=2, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=15, rank=10, date=12
Переговоры прошли успешно вдобрый час вдобрый путь
 ranking=6.370607142857143 from {coleman=1.07, numsent=1, flesch=0.85, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.59, lix=0.99, time=1.5, numword=0, kincaid=-0.05, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=5, rank=11, date=5
 ranking=4.21215 from {coleman=1.28, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.43, numsent=1, flesch=1.64, ari=0.61, lix=0.99, time=1.88, numword=0, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=2, rank=12, date=2
@MedvedevRussiaE @RusEmbUSA GTFO of Ukraine.
 ranking=-1.2241166666666672 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.07, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=0.03, lix=0.05, time=0.5, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=16, rank=13, date=13

 ranking=-1.75 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.25, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=7, rank=14, date=7
 ranking=-1.8270074424948328 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, caps=-3.0, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.63, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=4, rank=15, date=4
@MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia Oky 👍🏻❤️
 ranking=-2.7338500000000003 from {coleman=0.1, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.34, lix=0, time=0.38, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=8, rank=16, date=14

@medvedevrussiae tweeted on 10/29/19 06:24:13: Met with President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez @DiazCanelB in Moscow
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 24 of 27 (reached end) 88% 8% 33%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • Great!!!!!!!
    [original: #4, ranking: #21, date: #4] From @maistrak70 on 12/31/69 04:00:00
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Remove is history Castro and Diaz Canel Bermudez communism hurt Cuba all people poor dump city sick
    [original: #17, ranking: #3, date: #11] From @toyotaprime18 on 10/29/19 06:45:08
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Уважаемый Дмитрий Анатольевич! ВНИРО на своем сайте сообщил, что четыре компании, незаконно удерживающие 50 белух в "Китовой тюрьме" в бухте Средняя в Приморье, отказываются подписать договора на выкуп животных для их освобождения. Прошу вмешаться!
    [original: #21, ranking: #7, date: #19] From @alina96584257 on 10/31/19 05:29:28
Other hidden replies:
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF @DiazCanelB Met with President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez @DiazCanelB in Moscow cc: HE @KremlinRussia_E via @mfa_russia @RussiaUN
    [original: #24, ranking: #10, date: #20] From @global_renewal on 11/02/19 12:19:39
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Развитые демократические лидеры стран руку не жмут, так по миру собирают всех подряд и чтоб при ехали долги списывают. Что это за политика?
    [original: #23, ranking: #14, date: #12] From @kidnva2hgmbwlax on 10/29/19 08:08:11
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Спился болезный,а ведь мог в бизнес уйти ,вместе с учителями....
    [original: #18, ranking: #17, date: #15] From @spbklaustrofob on 10/30/19 07:12:24
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB #Медведев это жулик вор и коррупционер
    [original: #20, ranking: #18, date: #17] From @anglegrinder2 on 10/31/19 02:18:33
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Здравствуйте, добрый вечер, господин Медведев.
    [original: #19, ranking: #20, date: #16] From @mushrio on 10/30/19 02:58:36
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Бермудес? Опять 30 млрд. $ пропадут?
    [original: #22, ranking: #22, date: #23] From @dazdraput_v_ on 11/03/19 11:44:33

[tweet: 1189375096068161538, from: @rafaelg67033495 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,2,2,) Viva la amistad entre los pueblos de Cuba y Rusia!]
[tweet: 1189332849935208449, from: @lil_leo1145 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,1,2,) @DiazCanelB es un gran delincuente y ustedes saben muy bien que en cuba no hay libertades ni derechos humanos. Usted y putin son unos hipocritas]
[tweet: 1189176424772624385, from: @finik63 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,,3,) Снова деньги будете им давать?? А на социалку снова не наскребёте]
[tweet: 1189255558303571970, from: @maistrak70 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Great!!!!!!!]
[tweet: 1189307636237426689, from: @david84485306 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Let the meeting yield good thing.]
[tweet: 1189335587045683202, from: @desollinador1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) La base militar donde la van a construir ?cabrones hijos de putas]
[tweet: 1189500451449909248, from: @alexandra_cuco (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Mr 1 Minister.... good economic day for Russian, fire, land, shy, air, water]
[tweet: 1189532106898202625, from: @yanetacosta19 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,,,1) Adelante Presidente , gracias por tanta entrega al pueblo]
[tweet: 1189532674194595845, from: @yanetacosta19 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) El pueblo cubano está contigo , querido Presidente , un abrazo desde la colaboración médica de Venezuela.]
[tweet: 1190724917580455936, from: @jimmatt16 (UNKNOWN) on 11/02/19 01:18:37(HIGH,0,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB #RWCFinal #사랑한다_몬스타엑스 #ShineforMonstaX  #weloveyouaaron #몬베베_원호_응원해 #nonutnovemeber #pokemonleak #OleOut #ENGvRSA #ARSWOL #몬베베는_몬엑을_믿어요 #DelhiAirEmergency #RWC2019 #ClintonFoundation #TerminatorDarkFate #collegegameday #CowboysForTrump🇨🇱 #Trump2020]
[tweet: 1189172714692628480, from: @rundfunkeuropa (UNKNOWN) on 10/29/19 06:30:43(HIGH,0,0,1) @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB The one and true leader of Cuba will always be El Comandante Castro.]
[tweet: 1189500123346362369, from: @alexandra_cuco (UNKNOWN) on 10/30/19 04:11:43(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Poccya 1111]
[tweet: 1189843669886611466, from: @alexandra_cuco (UNKNOWN) on 10/31/19 02:56:51(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Medvedev 11111]
[tweet: 1192109839775936512, from: @iamhiphopmami (UNKNOWN) on 11/06/19 08:01:48(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB My Mami is Russian. Papi Cubano. My Family Came To The U.S For Freedom and To Escape Persecution. Please Stop @GovAbbott and @realDonaldTrump in the Execution of an Innocent Man #FreeRodneyReed]
[tweet: 1190719389240311809, from: @staprud (UNKNOWN) on 11/02/19 12:56:39(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB What about pensions in Russia?]
[tweet: 1189492531416961026, from: @well_readme (UNKNOWN) on 10/30/19 03:41:33(HIGH,0,1,1) @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Хотел что-то написать,потом вспомнил что у нас это нельзя,за выражение своего мнения-тюрьма.]
[tweet: 1189176341855375361, from: @toyotaprime18 (UNKNOWN) on 10/29/19 06:45:08(LOW,0,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Remove is history Castro and Diaz Canel Bermudez communism hurt Cuba all people poor dump city sick]
[tweet: 1189545591925329922, from: @spbklaustrofob (UNKNOWN) on 10/30/19 07:12:24(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Спился болезный,а ведь мог в бизнес уйти ,вместе с учителями....]
[tweet: 1189662914715762693, from: @mushrio (UNKNOWN) on 10/30/19 02:58:36(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Здравствуйте, добрый вечер, господин Медведев.]
[tweet: 1189834029824167936, from: @anglegrinder2 (UNKNOWN) on 10/31/19 02:18:33(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB #Медведев это жулик вор и коррупционер]
[tweet: 1189882073982623751, from: @alina96584257 (UNKNOWN) on 10/31/19 05:29:28(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Уважаемый Дмитрий Анатольевич! ВНИРО на своем сайте сообщил, что четыре компании, незаконно удерживающие 50 белух в "Китовой тюрьме" в бухте Средняя в Приморье, отказываются подписать договора на выкуп животных для их освобождения. Прошу вмешаться!]
[tweet: 1191259926288568321, from: @dazdraput_v_ (UNKNOWN) on 11/03/19 11:44:33(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Бермудес? Опять 30 млрд. $ пропадут?]
[tweet: 1189197243263401991, from: @kidnva2hgmbwlax (UNKNOWN) on 10/29/19 08:08:11(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Развитые демократические лидеры стран руку не жмут, так по миру собирают всех подряд и чтоб при ехали долги списывают. Что это за политика?]
[tweet: 1190710077705076738, from: @global_renewal (UNKNOWN) on 11/02/19 12:19:39(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF @DiazCanelB Met with President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez @DiazCanelB in Moscow  cc: HE @KremlinRussia_E via @mfa_russia @RussiaUN]



@DiazCanelB es un gran delincuente y ustedes saben muy bien que en cuba no hay libertades ni derechos humanos. Usted y putin son unos hipocritas
 ranking=13.800778719976089 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0.33, smog=1.25, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.47, pop=1.95, numsent=2, flesch=1.5, ari=0.29, lix=0.05, time=1.92, numword=2, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.74}
 orders: orig=2, rank=1, date=2
@MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB #RWCFinal #사랑한다_몬스타엑스 #ShineforMonstaX  #weloveyouaaron #몬베베_원호_응원해 #nonutnovemeber #pokemonleak #OleOut #ENGvRSA #ARSWOL #몬베베는_몬엑을_믿어요 #DelhiAirEmergency #RWC2019 #ClintonFoundation #TerminatorDarkFate #collegegameday #CowboysForTrump🇨🇱 #Trump2020
 ranking=13.684054992727123 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0.8, numsent=1, flesch=1.79, cos=0, smog=1.85, ari=1.15, lix=0.99, time=0.25, numword=3, kincaid=0.99, fog=1.19}
 orders: orig=10, rank=2, date=22
@MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Remove is history Castro and Diaz Canel Bermudez communism hurt Cuba all people poor dump city sick
 ranking=11.202459022698097 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0.81, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.39, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.3, ari=0.51, lix=0.05, time=1.17, numword=1, fuzzy=2, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=17, rank=3, date=11
Adelante Presidente , gracias por tanta entrega al pueblo
 ranking=11.19153249834225 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=1.08, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.41, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=1.5, ari=0.55, lix=0.99, time=1.42, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=8, rank=4, date=8
@MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB My Mami is Russian. Papi Cubano. My Family Came To The U.S For Freedom and To Escape Persecution. Please Stop @GovAbbott and @realDonaldTrump in the Execution of an Innocent Man #FreeRodneyReed
 ranking=11.063113315691924 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=4, flesch=1.23, cos=0, smog=0.78, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.09, numword=3, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=14, rank=5, date=24
Viva la amistad entre los pueblos de Cuba y Rusia!
 ranking=10.778195281178181 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.51, smog=0.85, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.19, pop=2.31, numsent=1, flesch=1.14, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=2, numword=1, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=1, rank=6, date=1
@MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Уважаемый Дмитрий Анатольевич!
ВНИРО на своем сайте сообщил, что четыре компании, незаконно удерживающие 50
белух в "Китовой тюрьме" в бухте Средняя в Приморье, отказываются подписать договора на
выкуп животных для их освобождения. Прошу вмешаться!
 ranking=10.589434803921568 from {coleman=1.01, numsent=3, flesch=0.9, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.65, lix=0.99, time=0.5, numword=3, kincaid=0.04, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=21, rank=7, date=19
El pueblo cubano está contigo , querido Presidente , un abrazo desde la colaboración médica de Venezuela.
 ranking=9.205873298050514 from {coleman=0.9, numsent=1, flesch=1.61, cos=0, smog=1.25, ari=0.66, lix=0.09, time=1.34, numword=1, kincaid=0.58, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.7}
 orders: orig=9, rank=8, date=9
@MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB The one and true leader of Cuba will always be El Comandante Castro.
 ranking=9.076771415302577 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0.54, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.25, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.25, numword=1, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=11, rank=9, date=10
@MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF @DiazCanelB Met with President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez @DiazCanelB in Moscow

cc: HE @KremlinRussia_E via @mfa_russia @RussiaUN
 ranking=8.885319368933725 from {coleman=0.47, smog=1.08, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.34, jrw=0.45, numsent=1, flesch=1.33, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.42, numword=1, fuzzy=1.55, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=24, rank=10, date=20
Снова деньги будете им давать?? А на социалку снова не наскребёте
 ranking=8.61592689347048 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0.63, numsent=2, flesch=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.84, numword=1, kincaid=-0.08, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=3, rank=11, date=3
La base militar donde la van a construir ?cabrones hijos de putas
 ranking=8.517414224171834 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=2, flesch=1.34, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.59, numword=1, kincaid=0.28, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=6, rank=12, date=6
Mr 1 Minister.... good economic day for Russian, fire, land, shy, air, water
 ranking=7.944915900010714 from {coleman=0.46, numsent=1, flesch=1.37, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.25, lix=0.05, time=1.5, numword=1, kincaid=0.39, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=7, rank=13, date=7
@MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Развитые демократические лидеры стран руку не жмут, так по миру собирают всех подряд и чтоб при ехали долги списывают. Что это за политика?
 ranking=7.595401811594202 from {coleman=0.67, numsent=2, flesch=0.9, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.39, lix=0, time=1.09, numword=2, kincaid=0.04, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=23, rank=14, date=12
@MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Хотел что-то написать,потом вспомнил что у нас это нельзя,за выражение своего мнения-тюрьма.
 ranking=7.524180982388646 from {pop=1.95, coleman=0.66, numsent=1, flesch=0.9, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.39, lix=0.05, time=1, numword=1, kincaid=0.05, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=16, rank=15, date=13
Let the meeting yield good thing.
 ranking=5.165525 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=1, flesch=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.67, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=5, rank=16, date=5
@MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Спился болезный,а ведь мог в бизнес уйти ,вместе с учителями....
 ranking=5.042028787878787 from {coleman=0.53, numsent=1, flesch=0.89, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=0.84, numword=1, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=18, rank=17, date=15
@MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB #Медведев это жулик вор и коррупционер
 ranking=4.027858333333333 from {coleman=0.79, numsent=1, flesch=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.34, lix=0.06, time=0.67, numword=0, kincaid=-0.07, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=20, rank=18, date=17
@MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Medvedev 11111
 ranking=2.287930890838499 from {coleman=1.13, numsent=1, flesch=1.65, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, ari=0.51, lix=0.1, time=0.59, numword=0, kincaid=0.44, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=13, rank=19, date=18
@MedvedevRussiaE Здравствуйте, добрый вечер, господин Медведев.
 ranking=1.27387 from {coleman=1.51, numsent=1, flesch=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=0.9, lix=0.99, time=0.75, numword=0, kincaid=-0.09, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=19, rank=20, date=16
 ranking=0.0011499999999999844 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.75, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=4, rank=21, date=4
@MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Бермудес? Опять 30 млрд. $ пропадут?
 ranking=-0.6881183333333339 from {coleman=0.81, numsent=2, flesch=0.81, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=0.27, lix=0.07, time=0.17, numword=0, kincaid=-0.14, fog=0.05}
 orders: orig=22, rank=22, date=23
@MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB What about pensions in Russia?
 ranking=-0.7423966666666673 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.34, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=15, rank=23, date=21
@MedvedevRussiaE @DiazCanelB Poccya 1111
 ranking=-1.257458333333334 from {coleman=0.69, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.92, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=12, rank=24, date=14

@medvedevrussiae tweeted on 10/19/19 11:13:41: Many in Europe openly admit that the EU has sustained great diplomatic and economic losses for demonstrating the outward appearance of unity on the Russia issue. We welcome the principled stand of Serbia, which has not joined the sanctions against Russia
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 51 of 89 (reached end) 57% 9% 43%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • @MedvedevRussiaE
    [original: #11, ranking: #50, date: #36] From @tc_cerkesleri on 10/20/19 10:47:16
  • @MedvedevRussiaE
    [original: #17, ranking: #48, date: #46] From @2018_gorod on 10/26/19 10:33:11
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Россия я тебя люблю❤❤❤
    [original: #14, ranking: #42, date: #29] From @milena35603417 on 10/20/19 01:11:58
  • > and
    [original: #3, ranking: #41, date: #3] From @jocamphin_ru13 on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • [original: #5, ranking: #39, date: #5] From @maxerken on 12/31/69 04:00:00
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • @MedvedevRussiaE black face makeup is a freedom of expression in the usa. don't let black people ruin everything like they usually do. they are more racist then other people to start with. this black racist group thats been growing is annoying and unconstitutional for being a racist group.
    [original: #50, ranking: #5, date: #44] From @wshadowkitten on 10/25/19 08:05:06
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Thief, swindler and corrupt Medvedev, through a network of charitable foundations, owns real estate for more than 70 billion rubles. Medvedev got all this illegally, being in the leading posts of the president and prime minister. Read more:
    [original: #34, ranking: #6, date: #26] From @anglegrinder2 on 10/19/19 11:16:06
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Many countries in EU have a big economy problem because they introduced sanctions against Russia. Serbia will never do that.
    [original: #31, ranking: #10, date: #17] From @darkojo85 on 10/19/19 01:13:07
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Neraskidiva veza dva viševekovna prijateljska naroda!
    [original: #33, ranking: #13, date: #22] From @tlaboratorija on 10/19/19 03:00:47
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia Your economy is less than that of Australia you have tug boats to push your destroyers around. You are no longer the country of Gorbachev.
    [original: #38, ranking: #14, date: #19] From @kincly on 10/19/19 02:05:56
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia @MedvedevRussiaE @KremlinRussia_E we still wait an official statement about #Catalonia and a legal self-determination referendum. #share1borsch #Monitoring 🕵
    [original: #39, ranking: #16, date: #20] From @filsofovirtual1 on 10/19/19 02:12:09
Other hidden replies:
  • Половина семей в России могут позволить себе покупку еды и одежды, но испытывают финансовые трудности, когда речь идет о приобретении компьютера или мебели. Больше всего в этой группе пенсионеров, а также многодетных и неполных семей…
    [original: #47, ranking: #22, date: #40] From @vadim41783672 on 10/21/19 10:50:09
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Srbija poštuje svog iskrenog prijatelja Rusiju, kao i bratski Ruski narod i nije i niti će uvoditi sankcije Rusiji.
    [original: #37, ranking: #23, date: #18] From @goran_00 on 10/19/19 02:01:50
  • Россияне стали реже ходить в магазины и меньше тратить. Экономисты не понимают, как это соотнести с заявлением Росстата о росте реальных доходов граждан…
    [original: #49, ranking: #26, date: #42] From @vadim41783672 on 10/22/19 10:23:54
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    [original: #30, ranking: #27, date: #9] From @glasnostgone on 10/19/19 11:16:41
  • @MedvedevRussiaE I wish we joined EU in sanctions against you.
    [original: #46, ranking: #28, date: #39] From @emmalunanina on 10/21/19 11:06:35
  • Dear Dmitry, please have a look at our video. We search for your help!…
    [original: #45, ranking: #29, date: #38] From @6bociwkd3m8cspy on 10/21/19 07:43:24
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Вы даже не представляете КАКИМ МЕТОДОМ будете НАКАЗАНЫ. Вопрос только - ЗА ЧТО ? .
    [original: #44, ranking: #32, date: #34] From @sdz4gypkkj0repp on 10/20/19 04:42:02
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Не вижу ничего плохого в санкциях, они напраалены против коррупционеров и преступников, а не росмиян.
    [original: #41, ranking: #33, date: #27] From @kidnva2hgmbwlax on 10/20/19 12:44:31
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Kako god bilo Srbija nikad nebi uvela sankcije Rusiji !
    [original: #40, ranking: #34, date: #21] From @velji991 on 10/19/19 02:15:23
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Dobrodosli nasi iskreni prijatelji
    [original: #43, ranking: #35, date: #33] From @milomilovanov10 on 10/20/19 03:21:26
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Hi is not Dimon for you!
    [original: #36, ranking: #36, date: #14] From @marinastupakova on 10/19/19 12:12:28
  • Поесть и одеться: кому в России не хватает денег…
    [original: #48, ranking: #38, date: #41] From @vadim41783672 on 10/22/19 01:54:05
  • @MedvedevRussiaE 欧盟应该欢迎俄罗斯。
    [original: #32, ranking: #40, date: #32] From @godistheonly on 10/20/19 02:22:46
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Спасибо за все.
    [original: #42, ranking: #47, date: #30] From @sanjagavrilo on 10/20/19 01:25:55
  • @AngleGrinder2 @MedvedevRussiaE Ты прав
    [original: #35, ranking: #49, date: #28] From @kidnva2hgmbwlax on 10/20/19 12:52:26
  • @MedvedevRussiaE
    [original: #51, ranking: #51, date: #45] From @anastasiaovsya1 on 10/25/19 08:25:34

[tweet: 1185751288983818240, from: @romanwenzl (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,3,2,2) Russian GDP tanked since 2014 and the Head of the Russian National Bank just announced that the Russian Economy is in bad shape.]
[tweet: 1186487798322348033, from: @finik63 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,0,0,0) А еде у нас растёт смертность, растут случаи политических репрессий, осуществляется жесткое подавление общественного мнения, работа правительства все больше направлена на подделывание статистики. Россия все больше спускается в авторитарный режим]
[tweet: 1185648863501324288, from: @jocamphin_ru13 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,3,4,) > and]
[tweet: 1185803084842328064, from: @jagodice26 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,2,3,) Iskreno prijateljstvo]
[tweet: 1185622653459148800, from: @maxerken (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,10,22,3) [empty]]
[tweet: 1188432640216616960, from: @crealtrumpskiss (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,1,2,1) Private industry is constrained by international law in pushing the absolute limits of technological capability. As with the banning of nuclear weapons detonation in space. The Orion concept turned into probes would be the Sputnik of space probing. Probably already being built.]
[tweet: 1188432956739719168, from: @crealtrumpskiss (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,1,2,) Beyond that, you get left behind....]
[tweet: 1185645724551319552, from: @javor_ivanjica (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,3,10,1) Uvođenje sankcija Rusiji je bilo nemoguće zbog većinskog stava srpskog NARODA]
[tweet: 1185844998086037504, from: @vogelelukas (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 02:07:34(HIGH,1,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF And don't forget Nordmazedonie and Albany, the EU doesn't want to open the accession to the EU.]
[tweet: 1186084202825039873, from: @abdullahi974 (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 05:58:04(HIGH,1,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE We very gladly that,support and relations between &🇷🇸.the  is as among greatest countries in the world with good. it is good that, is as a leader to the countries around it. the perfect development of 🇪🇺🇦🇺 is makes me feel the good world is here. I'm BEST WISHES TO🇷🇸!]
[tweet: 1185975785125040129, from: @tc_cerkesleri (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 10:47:16(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE]
[tweet: 1189271530120929280, from: @angelofmons (UNKNOWN) on 10/29/19 01:03:23(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE ... But who will be member of Europe... Remember me an other two-faces country called Turkey...]
[tweet: 1191248682185826304, from: @samionwebster1 (UNKNOWN) on 11/03/19 10:59:52(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE But sanctions are meant for a way---a straight and smooth way---infact makes a way to get ONE in and out. From home--To home-- To meet the start and end of a circle. Blocking the circle--senseless!]
[tweet: 1185831006013710341, from: @milena35603417 (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 01:11:58(HIGH,1,4,2) @MedvedevRussiaE Россия я тебя люблю❤❤❤]
[tweet: 1190844933709717504, from: @jimmatt16 (UNKNOWN) on 11/02/19 09:15:31(HIGH,0,1,1) @MedvedevRussiaE Someday reality will catch up to morality and First Born will happen. You'll probably get there first:) #SaturdayThoughts]
[tweet: 1190845825926209537, from: @jimmatt16 (UNKNOWN) on 11/02/19 09:19:04(HIGH,0,1,1) @MedvedevRussiaE I have that backwards, morality to catch reality! Empires are waiting:)]
[tweet: 1188327761892511744, from: @2018_gorod (UNKNOWN) on 10/26/19 10:33:11(HIGH,0,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE]
[tweet: 1188835281555906561, from: @anglegrinder2 (UNKNOWN) on 10/28/19 08:09:53(HIGH,0,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Прекратите смеяться над Медведевым! Мальчик не виноват в том, что Путин видит в нем премьер-министра! ...]
[tweet: 1185624705967022081, from: @hellcheez (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 11:32:12(HIGH,1,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE NEWSFLASH: country the target of sanctions complains about the sanctioner.]
[tweet: 1185746415890206720, from: @dannijon75 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 07:35:50(HIGH,1,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF]
[tweet: 1185766209477853185, from: @ednycinc44 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 08:54:29(HIGH,1,2,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF]
[tweet: 1185918329992699905, from: @ljovisna88 (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 06:58:57(HIGH,1,2,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Srbi i Rusi bratski narod.]
[tweet: 1185634592545488898, from: @mmara4545 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 12:11:29(HIGH,3,5,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Spasiba braco.]
[tweet: 1185778263639166976, from: @milinalinah (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 09:42:23(HIGH,2,4,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF Serbia never will betray our friend Russia.]
[tweet: 1185646794203631616, from: @ndqidfsouluftrb (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 12:59:58(HIGH,1,3,1) @MedvedevRussiaE Сербия стремится сохранить дружеские отношения с Россией]
[tweet: 1185623562528247808, from: @dandebusschere (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 11:27:39(HIGH,1,1,1) @MedvedevRussiaE When the whole world was shitting on Serbia during the Bosnian religious war, Russia stood by Serbia. They should not forget fairly recent history. Serbs got screwed by the West big time. Tell Vlad to not screw up Syria after Trump gave him the ball.]
[tweet: 1185630270248099840, from: @putainovitsj (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 11:54:19(HIGH,3,3,1) @MedvedevRussiaE Of course not they also like to invade other countries just like RuSSia!]
[tweet: 1185648285853372416, from: @enemiesofserbs (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 01:05:54(HIGH,1,4,1) @MedvedevRussiaE Dear friend, Mr. Medvedev, thank you for your visit and messages of support to the Serbian people. The Serbian people will never allow to any Serbian regime to act against Russia. 🇷🇸]
[tweet: 1187383659185233920, from: @isa_maryum (UNKNOWN) on 10/24/19 08:01:39(HIGH,0,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE I hope putin became muslim 🖐]
[tweet: 1185620801044865026, from: @glasnostgone (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 11:16:41(LOW,0,2,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz]
[tweet: 1185650101622054912, from: @darkojo85 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 01:13:07(LOW,0,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Many countries in EU have a big economy problem because they introduced sanctions against Russia. Serbia will never do that.]
[tweet: 1185848825547767808, from: @godistheonly (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 02:22:46(LOW,0,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE 欧盟应该欢迎俄罗斯。]
[tweet: 1185677199975821317, from: @tlaboratorija (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 03:00:47(LOW,1,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Neraskidiva veza dva viševekovna prijateljska naroda!]
[tweet: 1185801846734110720, from: @anglegrinder2 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 11:16:06(LOW,0,1,1) @MedvedevRussiaE Thief, swindler and corrupt Medvedev, through a network of charitable foundations, owns real estate for more than 70 billion rubles. Medvedev got all this illegally, being in the leading posts of the president and prime minister. Read more:]
[tweet: 1185826089995849728, from: @kidnva2hgmbwlax (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 12:52:26(LOW,0,0,0) @AngleGrinder2 @MedvedevRussiaE Ты прав]
[tweet: 1185634838407188481, from: @marinastupakova (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 12:12:28(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Hi is not Dimon for you!]
[tweet: 1185662362260512769, from: @goran_00 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 02:01:50(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Srbija poštuje svog iskrenog prijatelja Rusiju, kao i bratski Ruski narod i nije i niti će uvoditi sankcije Rusiji.]
[tweet: 1185663393413378049, from: @kincly (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 02:05:56(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia Your economy is less than that of Australia you have tug boats to push your destroyers around. You are no longer the country of Gorbachev.]
[tweet: 1185664960191442946, from: @filsofovirtual1 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 02:12:09(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia @MedvedevRussiaE @KremlinRussia_E we still wait an official statement about #Catalonia and a legal self-determination referendum.  #share1borsch #Monitoring 🕵]
[tweet: 1185665772196114432, from: @velji991 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 02:15:23(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Kako god bilo Srbija nikad nebi uvela sankcije Rusiji !]
[tweet: 1185824101388210176, from: @kidnva2hgmbwlax (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 12:44:31(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Не вижу ничего плохого в санкциях, они напраалены против коррупционеров и преступников, а не росмиян.]
[tweet: 1185834518957178881, from: @sanjagavrilo (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 01:25:55(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Спасибо за все.]
[tweet: 1185863586851315712, from: @milomilovanov10 (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 03:21:26(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Dobrodosli nasi iskreni prijatelji]
[tweet: 1185883873915428864, from: @sdz4gypkkj0repp (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 04:42:02(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Вы даже не представляете КАКИМ МЕТОДОМ будете НАКАЗАНЫ. Вопрос только - ЗА ЧТО ? .]
[tweet: 1186291900996837381, from: @6bociwkd3m8cspy (UNKNOWN) on 10/21/19 07:43:24(LOW,0,0,0) Dear Dmitry, please have a look at our video. We search for your help!…]
[tweet: 1186343036671987712, from: @emmalunanina (UNKNOWN) on 10/21/19 11:06:35(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE I wish we joined EU in sanctions against you.]
[tweet: 1186520092970029056, from: @vadim41783672 (UNKNOWN) on 10/21/19 10:50:09(LOW,0,0,0) Половина семей в России могут позволить себе покупку еды и одежды, но испытывают финансовые трудности, когда речь идет о приобретении компьютера или мебели. Больше всего в этой группе пенсионеров, а также многодетных и неполных семей…]
[tweet: 1186566382420418560, from: @vadim41783672 (UNKNOWN) on 10/22/19 01:54:05(LOW,0,0,0) Поесть и одеться: кому в России не хватает денег…]
[tweet: 1186875875255619584, from: @vadim41783672 (UNKNOWN) on 10/22/19 10:23:54(LOW,0,0,0) Россияне стали реже ходить в магазины и меньше тратить. Экономисты не понимают, как это соотнести с заявлением Росстата о росте реальных доходов граждан…]
[tweet: 1187746914982338561, from: @wshadowkitten (UNKNOWN) on 10/25/19 08:05:06(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE black face makeup is a freedom of expression in the usa. don't let black people ruin everything like they usually do. they are more racist then other people to start with. this black racist group thats been growing is annoying and unconstitutional for being a racist group.]
[tweet: 1187933261294637057, from: @anastasiaovsya1 (UNKNOWN) on 10/25/19 08:25:34(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE]



Private industry is constrained by international law in pushing the absolute limits of technological capability. As with the banning of nuclear weapons detonation in space. The Orion concept turned into probes would be the Sputnik of space probing. Probably already being built.
 ranking=17.854899463635057 from {coleman=0.85, cos=0, smog=0.92, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.46, pop=2.49, numsent=4, flesch=1.51, ari=0.5, lix=0.09, time=1.81, numword=4, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=6, rank=1, date=6
@MedvedevRussiaE We very gladly that,support and relations between 🇷🇺&🇷🇸.the 🇷🇺 is as among greatest countries in the world with good. it is good that,🇷🇺 is as a leader to the countries around it. the perfect development of 🇬🇧🇷🇺🇪🇺🇦🇺 is makes me feel the good world is here. I'm BEST WISHES TO🇷🇺🇷🇸!
 ranking=16.102209539567117 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.49, pop=1.61, numsent=2, flesch=1.31, ari=0.52, lix=0.06, time=0.59, numword=5, fuzzy=2.3, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=10, rank=2, date=37
@MedvedevRussiaE When the whole world was shitting on Serbia during the Bosnian religious war, Russia stood by Serbia. They should not forget fairly recent history. Serbs got screwed by the West big time. Tell Vlad to not screw up Syria after Trump gave him the ball.
 ranking=16.098157221887053 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0.6, smog=0.58, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.15, pop=2.31, numsent=4, flesch=1.07, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.65, numword=4, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.27}
 orders: orig=26, rank=3, date=10
@MedvedevRussiaE Dear friend, Mr. Medvedev, thank you for your visit and messages of support to the Serbian people. The Serbian people will never allow to any Serbian regime to act against Russia. 🇷🇸🇷🇺
 ranking=15.983767014447842 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0.32, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.21, pop=2.78, numsent=4, flesch=1.22, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=1.42, numword=3, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=28, rank=4, date=16
@MedvedevRussiaE black face makeup is a freedom of expression in the usa. don't let black people ruin everything like they usually do. they are more racist then other people to start with. this black racist group thats been growing is annoying and unconstitutional for being a racist group.
 ranking=14.228259875203115 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=1.25, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.96, numsent=1, flesch=1.6, ari=1.2, lix=0.99, time=0.32, numword=4, fuzzy=0.9, fog=1.06}
 orders: orig=50, rank=5, date=44
@MedvedevRussiaE Thief, swindler and corrupt Medvedev, through a network of charitable foundations, owns real estate for more than 70 billion rubles. Medvedev got all this illegally, being in the leading posts of the president and prime minister. Read more:
 ranking=13.750067053814364 from {pop=1.95, coleman=0.73, numsent=3, flesch=1.38, cos=0, smog=1.14, ari=0.46, lix=0.08, time=1.02, numword=3, kincaid=0.39, fog=0.63}
 orders: orig=34, rank=6, date=26
Uvođenje sankcija Rusiji je bilo nemoguće zbog većinskog stava srpskog NARODA
 ranking=13.706865836926927 from {coleman=1.01, cos=0, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.51, pop=3.53, numsent=1, flesch=1.59, ari=0.64, lix=0.11, time=1.73, numword=1, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.77}
 orders: orig=8, rank=7, date=8
@MedvedevRussiaE NEWSFLASH: country the target of sanctions complains about the sanctioner.
 ranking=13.48393723956526 from {coleman=1.07, cos=0.33, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.42, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=1.48, ari=0.67, lix=0.99, time=1.61, numword=1, fuzzy=1.7, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=19, rank=8, date=11
Russian GDP tanked since 2014 and the Head of the Russian National Bank just announced that the Russian Economy is in bad shape.
 ranking=12.836640885170633 from {pop=3.14, coleman=0.56, numsent=1, flesch=1.31, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.58, lix=0.09, time=2, numword=2, kincaid=0.47, fog=0.64}
 orders: orig=1, rank=9, date=1
@MedvedevRussiaE Many countries in EU have a big economy problem because they introduced sanctions against Russia. Serbia will never do that.
 ranking=12.39130821164622 from {coleman=0.73, cos=1.45, smog=0.85, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.31, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.31, ari=0.4, lix=0.08, time=1.38, numword=2, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=31, rank=10, date=17
А еде у нас растёт смертность, растут случаи политических репрессий, осуществляется жесткое подавление общественного мнения, работа правительства все больше направлена на подделывание статистики. Россия все больше спускается в авторитарный режим
 ranking=11.842507647058824 from {coleman=1.3, numsent=2, flesch=0.93, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.97, lix=0.99, time=1.97, numword=3, kincaid=0.11, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=2, rank=11, date=2
@MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF And don't forget Nordmazedonie and Albany, the EU doesn't want to open the accession to the EU.
 ranking=11.81911841906723 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.51, smog=1.08, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.42, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=1.39, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=0.83, numword=1, fuzzy=2.2, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=9, rank=12, date=31
@MedvedevRussiaE Neraskidiva veza dva viševekovna prijateljska naroda!
 ranking=11.724783465386572 from {coleman=1.52, cos=0, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.82, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=2.11, ari=0.93, lix=0.11, time=1.18, numword=0, fuzzy=0.1, fog=1.12}
 orders: orig=33, rank=13, date=22
@MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia Your economy is less than that of Australia you have tug boats to push your destroyers around. You are no longer the country of Gorbachev.
 ranking=10.805523204563992 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.25, numsent=2, flesch=1.18, ari=0.3, lix=0, time=1.3, numword=2, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=38, rank=14, date=19
@MedvedevRussiaE Of course not they also like to invade other countries just like RuSSia!
 ranking=10.804181842469015 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0.51, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.21, pop=3, numsent=1, flesch=1.11, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=1.57, numword=1, fuzzy=1, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=27, rank=15, date=12
@MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia @MedvedevRussiaE @KremlinRussia_E we still wait an official statement about #Catalonia and a legal self-determination referendum. 
#share1borsch #Monitoring 🕵
 ranking=10.086883614568752 from {coleman=0.78, cos=0, smog=1.17, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.49, numsent=2, flesch=1.6, ari=0.38, lix=0.06, time=1.26, numword=1, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.79}
 orders: orig=39, rank=16, date=20
@MedvedevRussiaE I have that backwards, morality to catch reality! Empires are waiting:)
 ranking=9.833079988200408 from {coleman=0.74, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.3, pop=1.95, numsent=2, flesch=1.38, ari=0.29, lix=0.09, time=0.08, numword=1, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.48}
 orders: orig=16, rank=17, date=50
Iskreno prijateljstvo 
 ranking=9.734857148469638 from {coleman=2.16, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.74, pop=2.49, numsent=1, flesch=2.07, ari=1.34, lix=0.99, time=1.89, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=4, rank=18, date=4
@MedvedevRussiaE Сербия стремится сохранить дружеские отношения с Россией
 ranking=9.414930578914978 from {pop=2.64, coleman=1.32, numsent=1, flesch=0.85, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.79, lix=0.99, time=1.46, numword=0, kincaid=-0.05, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=25, rank=19, date=15
@MedvedevRussiaE Someday reality will catch up to morality and First Born will happen. You'll probably get there first:) #SaturdayThoughts
 ranking=9.26667220916625 from {coleman=0.75, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.22, pop=1.95, numsent=2, flesch=1.2, ari=0.39, lix=0.07, time=0.12, numword=1, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=15, rank=20, date=49
@MedvedevRussiaE ... But who will be member of Europe... Remember me an other two-faces country called Turkey...
 ranking=8.938303756188924 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0.31, smog=0.62, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.12, numsent=3, flesch=1.13, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.16, numword=1, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=12, rank=21, date=48
Половина семей в России могут позволить себе покупку еды и одежды, но испытывают финансовые трудности, когда речь идет о приобретении компьютера или мебели. Больше всего в этой группе пенсионеров, а также многодетных и неполных семей…
 ranking=8.846461806722688 from {coleman=0.86, numsent=2, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.68, lix=0.09, time=0.48, numword=3, kincaid=0.16, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=47, rank=22, date=40
@MedvedevRussiaE Srbija poštuje svog iskrenog prijatelja Rusiju, kao i bratski Ruski narod i nije i niti će uvoditi sankcije Rusiji.
 ranking=8.714166631383847 from {coleman=0.69, numsent=1, flesch=1.47, cos=0, smog=1.25, ari=0.59, lix=0.09, time=1.34, numword=1, kincaid=0.53, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.7}
 orders: orig=37, rank=23, date=18
@MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF Serbia never will betray our friend Russia.
 ranking=8.551229202512635 from {coleman=0.73, cos=1.08, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.04, pop=2.64, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=1.06, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=24, rank=24, date=25
@MedvedevRussiaE But sanctions are meant for a way---a straight and smooth way---infact makes a way to get ONE in and out. From home--To home-- To meet the start and end of a circle. Blocking the circle--senseless!
 ranking=8.413796311795224 from {coleman=0.3, numsent=3, flesch=0.97, cos=0.19, smog=0.3, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.04, numword=3, kincaid=0.07, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=13, rank=25, date=51
Россияне стали реже ходить в магазины и меньше тратить. Экономисты не понимают, как это соотнести с заявлением Росстата о росте реальных доходов граждан…
 ranking=8.216834036658142 from {coleman=0.85, numsent=2, flesch=0.9, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.53, lix=0.99, time=0.4, numword=2, kincaid=0.04, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=49, rank=26, date=42
@MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
 ranking=7.643718870923812 from {coleman=3.93, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=2.73, lix=0.99, time=1.69, numword=0, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=30, rank=27, date=9
@MedvedevRussiaE I wish we joined EU in sanctions against you.
 ranking=7.197398366013072 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.06, cos=1.21, smog=0.3, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=0.51, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=2.35, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=46, rank=28, date=39
Dear Dmitry, please have a look at our video. We search for your help!…
 ranking=7.142483893557422 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=2, flesch=0.85, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=0.55, numword=1, kincaid=-0.05, fuzzy=2, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=45, rank=29, date=38
Beyond that, you get left behind....
 ranking=6.921141031408254 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.03, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=0.98, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=1.77, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=7, rank=30, date=7
@MedvedevRussiaE Прекратите смеяться над Медведевым! Мальчик не виноват в том, что Путин видит в нем премьер-министра! ...
 ranking=6.898495850027732 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0.65, numsent=3, flesch=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.19, lix=0.06, time=0.2, numword=1, kincaid=-0.09, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=18, rank=31, date=47
@MedvedevRussiaE Вы даже не представляете КАКИМ МЕТОДОМ будете НАКАЗАНЫ. Вопрос только - ЗА ЧТО ? .
 ranking=6.857761519607843 from {coleman=0.79, numsent=3, flesch=0.82, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.71, numword=1, kincaid=-0.11, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=44, rank=32, date=34
@MedvedevRussiaE Не вижу ничего плохого в санкциях, они напраалены против коррупционеров и преступников, а не росмиян.
 ranking=6.204782156862745 from {coleman=0.86, numsent=1, flesch=0.93, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.63, lix=0.11, time=0.99, numword=1, kincaid=0.11, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=41, rank=33, date=27
@MedvedevRussiaE Kako god bilo Srbija nikad nebi uvela sankcije Rusiji !
 ranking=5.80239183006536 from {coleman=0.69, numsent=1, flesch=1.25, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.34, lix=0, time=1.22, numword=0, kincaid=0.25, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=40, rank=34, date=21
@MedvedevRussiaE Dobrodosli nasi iskreni prijatelji
 ranking=5.03740720845717 from {coleman=1.5, cos=0, smog=1.08, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.63, numsent=1, flesch=1.88, ari=0.86, lix=0.99, time=0.75, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=1.08}
 orders: orig=43, rank=35, date=33
@MedvedevRussiaE Hi is not Dimon for you!
 ranking=4.794054411764706 from {coleman=0.1, numsent=1, flesch=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=1.5, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=1, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=36, rank=36, date=14
@MedvedevRussiaE Spasiba braco.
 ranking=3.747725743872322 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, pop=2.95, numsent=1, flesch=1.23, ari=0.4, lix=0.1, time=1.53, numword=0, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=23, rank=37, date=13
Поесть и одеться: кому в России не хватает денег…
 ranking=3.426522549019608 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=1, flesch=0.87, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.44, numword=0, kincaid=-0.01, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=48, rank=38, date=41

 ranking=3.3317736246341 from {pop=4.49, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.85, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=5, rank=39, date=5
@MedvedevRussiaE 欧盟应该欢迎俄罗斯。
 ranking=2.3386109060501403 from {coleman=1.87, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=1.08, lix=0.99, time=0.79, numword=0, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=32, rank=40, date=32
> and 
 ranking=1.445931971507196 from {pop=2.84, coleman=0.1, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=-0.34, lix=0, time=1.93, numword=0, kincaid=-0.16, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=3, rank=41, date=3
@MedvedevRussiaE Россия я тебя люблю❤❤❤
 ranking=1.3916957220371482 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.11, pop=3.05, numsent=1, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.91, numword=0, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=14, rank=42, date=29
@MedvedevRussiaE Srbi i Rusi bratski narod.
 ranking=0.6256468157219793 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.03, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=1, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=0, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=22, rank=43, date=35
@MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF
 ranking=0.04394936474158784 from {pop=1.95, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.1, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=21, rank=44, date=24
@MedvedevRussiaE I hope putin became muslim 🖐🔥
 ranking=-0.060441642969467135 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.27, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.34, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.36, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=29, rank=45, date=43
@MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF
 ranking=-0.25330718560511545 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.14, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=20, rank=46, date=23
@MedvedevRussiaE Спасибо за все.
 ranking=-1.7167049019607856 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1, flesch=0.81, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=-0.05, lix=0.05, time=0.87, numword=0, kincaid=-0.13, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=42, rank=47, date=30
 ranking=-2.0715587017929957 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.24, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=17, rank=48, date=46
@AngleGrinder2 @MedvedevRussiaE Ты прав
 ranking=-2.292948529411765 from {coleman=0.1, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=-0.31, lix=0, time=0.95, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=35, rank=49, date=28
 ranking=-2.372549019607843 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.63, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=11, rank=50, date=36
 ranking=-2.7254901960784315 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.28, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=51, rank=51, date=45

@medvedevrussiae tweeted on 10/19/19 10:29:26: Russia has always supported the Serbian people and is ready to provide any assistance that my be necessary to preserve its sovereignty and territorial integrity. We are exclusively interested in a peaceful settlement process based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 66 of 70 (reached end) 94% 4% 39%
Anomalous elevated replies:
    [original: #18, ranking: #64, date: #44] From @aligato68650699 on 10/20/19 12:16:55
  • @MedvedevRussiaE
    [original: #17, ranking: #59, date: #16] From @sobigo1 on 10/19/19 11:48:22
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia Real.
    [original: #11, ranking: #56, date: #28] From @beth_lizet on 10/19/19 02:04:43
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Well said.
    [original: #16, ranking: #55, date: #12] From @prinzesspegi on 10/19/19 10:40:20
  • [original: #5, ranking: #54, date: #5] From @paganusanarchys on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • [original: #4, ranking: #53, date: #4] From @stevanovmilan on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Большое спасибо Вам! 🇷🇸
    [original: #13, ranking: #51, date: #56] From @jiahouwlpm1myjx on 10/20/19 02:01:41
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Veliko hvala.
    [original: #21, ranking: #47, date: #21] From @ivana_ikic on 10/19/19 12:57:55
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Russia will always have a stable partner and a sincere friend in Serbia.
    [original: #63, ranking: #8, date: #19] From @milica1s on 10/19/19 12:44:25
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Serbia want to solve problem with Kosovo and Metohia in peace, but Resolution 1244 UN must be respect. We are grateful for your support.
    [original: #47, ranking: #10, date: #20] From @darkojo85 on 10/19/19 12:50:51
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Little KGB #Russia is free in its naive dreams to „support“ Serbian people to the last Serb! In the meantime the mighty #Kosovo will in reality treat the mentally sick neo-Milosevic Serbia as a genocidal enemy & garbage on the ground! @mfa_russia @euKosovo
    [original: #48, ranking: #12, date: #37] From @apatricius on 10/19/19 03:21:05
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @vlade_struja Haj ne laži sam sebe i druge. Osim toga izgledaš kao skuhan miš u kineskoj supi. 🤮
    [original: #41, ranking: #13, date: #26] From @hariscatic4 on 10/19/19 01:57:16
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Dok je na snazi rezolucija 1244 nema promene granica Srbije 🇷🇸
    [original: #46, ranking: #16, date: #15] From @rasadangubic on 10/19/19 11:48:02
  • @MedvedevRussiaE As you supported territorial integrity of Georgia?
    [original: #49, ranking: #18, date: #53] From @krezavasrbija on 10/20/19 11:12:20
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Hvala bratskoj Rusiji na svoj pomoći i podršci koju nam pruža radi očuvanja Kosova i Metohije
    [original: #50, ranking: #20, date: #32] From @simicsalle on 10/19/19 02:15:43
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia You tried to assassinate the prime minister of montenegro. Fuck you Dima.
    [original: #66, ranking: #21, date: #29] From @jf991 on 10/19/19 02:06:07
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Hvala ruskom narodu na nesebičnoj podršci i iskrenom prijateljstvu!
    [original: #51, ranking: #22, date: #35] From @tlaboratorija on 10/19/19 02:58:31
Other hidden replies:
  • @MedvedevRussiaE bla . bla , bla , bla bla bla ba , bla bla , bla ! Bla bla bla bla bla ! do you have more old useless weapons to sell to that monkey Vucic or some medal for that fool ?
    [original: #57, ranking: #23, date: #57] From @lovacnamajmune on 10/20/19 11:31:55
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Кosovo and Metohija - Serbia. Thank You brothers.
    [original: #65, ranking: #24, date: #38] From @srbin07 on 10/19/19 03:50:38
  • @MedvedevRussiaE When Russia will support the Russian people?
    [original: #45, ranking: #25, date: #23] From @mokridzes on 10/19/19 01:31:47
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Why does russian premier write in enemy english language? Do you forget russian? Or you boozy?
    [original: #52, ranking: #30, date: #17] From @marinastupakova on 10/19/19 12:11:08
  • @HarisCatic4 @MedvedevRussiaE @vlade_struja Ostavljas tvitove ..? 🙃
    [original: #42, ranking: #31, date: #36] From @paganusanarchys on 10/19/19 03:20:40
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Rusija je dokazani prijatelj Srpskog naroda.
    [original: #54, ranking: #32, date: #27] From @goran_00 on 10/19/19 02:02:39
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Have u stopped the mass rapes by #serbian war criminals? That was kinda sick.
    [original: #64, ranking: #35, date: #64] From @jjjlawler10 on 10/31/19 02:13:34
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Своей стране помогите. Разворовали все, дворцов настроили, а теперь держитесь потому что денег нет.
    [original: #59, ranking: #39, date: #65] From @naik19772205 on 11/03/19 08:08:49
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Вы б в стране своей сначала порядок навели, а потом помогайте Сербиям и прочим Кубам.
    [original: #53, ranking: #40, date: #24] From @mokridzes on 10/19/19 01:32:26
  • Обращение к Медведеву жителей СЗАО по поводу шума от Шереметьево via @YouTube
    [original: #58, ranking: #43, date: #61] From @6bociwkd3m8cspy on 10/21/19 07:51:40
  • @MedvedevRussiaE А забыл, вы то уже граждане другой страны. Деньги то у вас вложены в экономику других государств.
    [original: #60, ranking: #44, date: #66] From @naik19772205 on 11/03/19 08:11:16
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Spasiba Medvedev ,spasiba Rusija.
    [original: #61, ranking: #46, date: #59] From @branislavniko10 on 10/21/19 02:50:58
  • @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia
    [original: #43, ranking: #58, date: #34] From @qc_rob on 10/19/19 02:38:25
  • @qc_rob @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia
    [original: #44, ranking: #61, date: #58] From @r25016473 on 10/21/19 12:56:55
  • @MedvedevRussiaE
    [original: #55, ranking: #62, date: #31] From @velji991 on 10/19/19 02:14:26
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Спасибо за все.
    [original: #56, ranking: #63, date: #45] From @sanjagavrilo on 10/20/19 01:25:29
  • @MedvedevRussiaE Send $100,000,000
    [original: #62, ranking: #65, date: #62] From @iliiilililo on 10/21/19 03:01:22

[tweet: 1185636338806284288, from: @marijasc78 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,3,23,) Thank you to Russia for the support it provides to Serbia and the Serbian people.]
[tweet: 1185807823424446465, from: @vasilrsb (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,,7,) Спасибо @MedvedevRussiaE . Только 1244.]
[tweet: 1185840975115116546, from: @javor_ivanjica (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,,17,1) Konačno Rusija je uvek poddražavala srpski NAROD Vlasti su efemerne Narod je konstanta]
[tweet: 1185653233387233282, from: @stevanovmilan (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,,6,) [empty]]
[tweet: 1185667821625327616, from: @paganusanarchys (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,,5,) [empty]]
[tweet: 1185688294115467264, from: @anton_sova72 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,,4,) Please don't defend us any more It is leathal]
[tweet: 1185746387453001729, from: @vuk_sa_morave (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,,7,1) That's great from your side, mr Prime minister. And thank you for that. But, why do you continue to support Vucic then? He is western puppet who wants to give 90% of Kosovo to Albanians.can't you see that? All the best to you and mother Russia.]
[tweet: 1185821874632179712, from: @jelenamkandic (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00(HIGH,,3,1) Dear mr Vukosavljević,   Kindly & wisely suggest You to listen to omce more entire speach of mr Medvedev at National Assembly of Serbia (Serbian Parliament).  The best option as possible is to read between the lines - it might help to give the answers to all your questions.]
[tweet: 1185628410615422978, from: @sobigo1 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 11:46:55(HIGH,1,4,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Митяй, когда российский народ поддерживать начнете?]
[tweet: 1185613907148312576, from: @maxerken (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 10:49:17(HIGH,5,22,1) @MedvedevRussiaE 🏻🏻🇷🇸🏻️]
[tweet: 1185663087749271552, from: @beth_lizet (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 02:04:43(HIGH,2,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia Real.]
[tweet: 1185856569440964609, from: @frombeyond4 (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 02:53:32(HIGH,0,2,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Can you please first provide us a couple of  them long range warheads? Just for us to be more equal in those peaceful negotiations.]
[tweet: 1186024714055094273, from: @jiahouwlpm1myjx (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 02:01:41(HIGH,0,2,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Большое спасибо Вам! 🇷🇸]
[tweet: 1185897282585141249, from: @sujokmasha (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 05:35:19(HIGH,0,3,0) @MedvedevRussiaE That's why V.V.Putin received this Golden Knight sword from Serbia few days ago]
[tweet: 1185695705668734977, from: @slim_slimdiaz (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 04:14:20(HIGH,0,2,2) @MedvedevRussiaE return the crimea !!!  invader....]
[tweet: 1185611655662702592, from: @prinzesspegi (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 10:40:20(HIGH,1,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Well said.]
[tweet: 1185628773636591618, from: @sobigo1 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 11:48:22(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE]
[tweet: 1185817152416288768, from: @aligato68650699 (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 12:16:55(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE VK MHO CUCUMBER VERY VERY]
[tweet: 1186270684504305664, from: @pennysmirlis (UNKNOWN) on 10/21/19 06:19:05(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF I wish that our government in #Greece does the same]
[tweet: 1186010336211677190, from: @cecallica1 (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 01:04:33(HIGH,0,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @LoncarBojan Just be more involved in Serbian issues at Kosovo and Metohia, actually we need your protection and help.]
[tweet: 1185646277595414528, from: @ivana_ikic (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 12:57:55(HIGH,4,7,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Veliko hvala.]
[tweet: 1185664871171575808, from: @khoshawimuhamm1 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 02:11:48(HIGH,0,0,1) @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia Сгоревшие #курдские дети кричат в агонии в результате того, что #Турция использует «#химическое оружие»]
[tweet: 1185803918540005376, from: @jagodice26 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 11:24:20(HIGH,0,0,1) @MedvedevRussiaE The most beautiful hymns were echoed in Belgrade because they are close countries and continue good cooperation, it is nice to see everything shining.]
[tweet: 1185658115083165696, from: @marko53333871 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 01:44:57(HIGH,0,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Support from our Russian family is always with us]
[tweet: 1185845097562279936, from: @alexandrubrade1 (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 02:07:57(HIGH,0,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE You did however fail to help them keep Kosovo, (Montenegro) and Serb territories in Bosnia and Croatia.]
[tweet: 1185647182269079554, from: @stormtruper91 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 01:01:31(HIGH,1,6,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Thank you for supporting us Russian brothers. Kad god je bilo dobro Rusiji, bilo je dobro i Srbiji.]
[tweet: 1185909392811724806, from: @fatasorgana (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 06:23:27(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE We regard your help, and looking forward for it, but we also know that is not going to happen without usage of force. Now its just question are we prepared enough to start returning whats taken from us. We dont know have you and U.S. made agreement as in Middle East? Is it final?]
[tweet: 1185913789130129412, from: @kalamaris_i (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 06:40:55(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @SpyrosXatzaras Поздравления 🇬🇷]
[tweet: 1186021863404777472, from: @atinakontic1976 (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 01:50:22(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @neutroncic Hvala bratskoj Rusiji]
[tweet: 1185668338602692610, from: @abd130usa22nq (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 02:25:35(HIGH,0,0,1) @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia Ok.. 1244 Not important in the last time.. Know important.. What is happen???]
[tweet: 1185634525612822530, from: @mmara4545 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 12:11:13(HIGH,3,6,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Hvala vam.]
[tweet: 1185778729957634048, from: @milinalinah (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 09:44:14(HIGH,2,4,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF Thank you Russia for your support, which means so much to Serbia.]
[tweet: 1185709264481873920, from: @tomthomas30 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 05:08:12(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia The UN is a joke and they should be let die of their lack of currency issues.]
[tweet: 1185609900069703680, from: @angelusmerula (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 10:33:22(HIGH,0,0,1) @MedvedevRussiaE A peaceful settlement process of what, Mr  Medvedev?]
[tweet: 1185691814004699137, from: @srbinjunior25 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 03:58:52(HIGH,0,1,2) @MedvedevRussiaE Stop helping us.Ok?]
[tweet: 1185610561280716805, from: @vladimirz45 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 10:36:00(HIGH,1,5,2) @MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF There can't be a peaceful settlement because Albanians are not capable of negotiating and they won't rest until they force the last Serb to leave Kosovo. We need you and China to stand between us and USA so we can settle this situation once and for all.]
[tweet: 1185609533248409600, from: @tonytownend (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 10:31:54(HIGH,0,3,2) @MedvedevRussiaE How's it going in Crimea ?]
[tweet: 1185908493909479426, from: @zoranpaunovi3 (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 06:19:52(HIGH,0,6,1) @MedvedevRussiaE Mr. Medvedev, know that Mr. Aleksandar Vucic is ready to betray Serbia. You have also seen for yourself that no member of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) applauded you when you said the same in the Serbian Parliament. That's because they are Western mercenaries.]
[tweet: 1185935204256550912, from: @aleksandarsubi (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 08:06:00(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE 🤝🇷🇸]
[tweet: 1188647618391543808, from: @carlaca65059731 (UNKNOWN) on 10/27/19 07:44:10(HIGH,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE]
[tweet: 1185661215516905472, from: @hariscatic4 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 01:57:16(LOW,0,0,2) @MedvedevRussiaE @vlade_struja Haj ne laži sam sebe i druge. Osim toga izgledaš kao skuhan miš u kineskoj supi. 🤮]
[tweet: 1185682203033948165, from: @paganusanarchys (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 03:20:40(LOW,0,1,1) @HarisCatic4 @MedvedevRussiaE @vlade_struja Ostavljas tvitove ..? 🙃]
[tweet: 1185671569546321920, from: @qc_rob (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 02:38:25(LOW,0,0,1) @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia]
[tweet: 1186189606389190657, from: @r25016473 (UNKNOWN) on 10/21/19 12:56:55(LOW,0,0,0) @qc_rob @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia]
[tweet: 1185654798726635520, from: @mokridzes (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 01:31:47(LOW,0,2,0) @MedvedevRussiaE When Russia will support the Russian people?]
[tweet: 1185628690866155520, from: @rasadangubic (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 11:48:02(LOW,0,3,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Dok je na snazi rezolucija 1244 nema promene granica Srbije 🇷🇸]
[tweet: 1185644500187844609, from: @darkojo85 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 12:50:51(LOW,0,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Serbia want to solve problem with Kosovo and Metohia in peace, but Resolution 1244 UN must be respect. We are grateful for your support.]
[tweet: 1185682305475629058, from: @apatricius (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 03:21:05(LOW,0,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Little KGB #Russia is free in its naive dreams to „support“ Serbian people to the last Serb! In the meantime the mighty #Kosovo will in reality treat the mentally sick neo-Milosevic Serbia as a genocidal enemy & garbage on the ground! @mfa_russia @euKosovo]
[tweet: 1185982095597932544, from: @krezavasrbija (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 11:12:20(LOW,0,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE As you supported territorial integrity of Georgia?]
[tweet: 1185665857571229697, from: @simicsalle (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 02:15:43(LOW,1,2,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Hvala bratskoj Rusiji na svoj pomoći i podršci koju nam pruža radi očuvanja Kosova i Metohije]
[tweet: 1185676628732665856, from: @tlaboratorija (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 02:58:31(LOW,1,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Hvala ruskom narodu na nesebičnoj podršci i iskrenom prijateljstvu!]
[tweet: 1185634502447685633, from: @marinastupakova (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 12:11:08(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Why does russian premier write in enemy english language? Do you forget russian? Or you boozy?]
[tweet: 1185654965408292864, from: @mokridzes (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 01:32:26(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Вы б в стране своей сначала порядок навели, а потом помогайте Сербиям и прочим Кубам.]
[tweet: 1185662567219380225, from: @goran_00 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 02:02:39(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Rusija je dokazani prijatelj Srpskog naroda.]
[tweet: 1185665535113125888, from: @velji991 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 02:14:26(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE]
[tweet: 1185834410073120768, from: @sanjagavrilo (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 01:25:29(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Спасибо за все.]
[tweet: 1186168218282577921, from: @lovacnamajmune (UNKNOWN) on 10/20/19 11:31:55(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE bla . bla , bla  , bla bla bla ba , bla bla  , bla !  Bla bla bla  bla bla !  do you have more old useless weapons to sell to that  monkey Vucic or some medal for that fool ?]
[tweet: 1186293983892459522, from: @6bociwkd3m8cspy (UNKNOWN) on 10/21/19 07:51:40(LOW,0,0,0) Обращение к Медведеву жителей СЗАО по поводу шума от Шереметьево via @YouTube]
[tweet: 1191205635226046464, from: @naik19772205 (UNKNOWN) on 11/03/19 08:08:49(LOW,0,0,1) @MedvedevRussiaE Своей стране помогите. Разворовали все, дворцов настроили, а теперь держитесь потому что денег нет.]
[tweet: 1191206249758633984, from: @naik19772205 (UNKNOWN) on 11/03/19 08:11:16(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE А забыл, вы то уже граждане другой страны. Деньги то у вас вложены в экономику других государств.]
[tweet: 1186218308061794304, from: @branislavniko10 (UNKNOWN) on 10/21/19 02:50:58(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Spasiba Medvedev ,spasiba Rusija.]
[tweet: 1186402119693324288, from: @iliiilililo (UNKNOWN) on 10/21/19 03:01:22(LOW,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Send $100,000,000]
[tweet: 1185642880267894784, from: @milica1s (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 12:44:25(LOW,10,14,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Russia will always have a stable partner and a sincere friend in Serbia.]
[tweet: 1189832774754197505, from: @jjjlawler10 (UNKNOWN) on 10/31/19 02:13:34(LOW,0,1,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Have u stopped the mass rapes by #serbian war criminals? That was kinda sick.]
[tweet: 1185689741280370689, from: @srbin07 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 03:50:38(ABUSIVE,2,2,0) @MedvedevRussiaE Кosovo and Metohija - Serbia. Thank You brothers.]
[tweet: 1185663438862913536, from: @jf991 (UNKNOWN) on 10/19/19 02:06:07(ABUSIVE,0,0,0) @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia You tried to assassinate the prime minister of montenegro. Fuck you Dima.]



@MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF There can't be a peaceful settlement because Albanians are not capable of negotiating and they won't rest until they force the last Serb to leave Kosovo. We need you and China to stand between us and USA so we can settle this situation once and for all.
 ranking=17.690283333873953 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.4, smog=1.17, kincaid=0.46, pop=3.14, numsent=2, flesch=1.31, ari=0.52, lix=0.06, time=1.7, numword=4, fuzzy=1.8, fog=0.68}
 orders: orig=36, rank=1, date=11
Thank you to Russia for the support it provides to Serbia and the Serbian people.
 ranking=16.475532509176855 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0.93, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.27, pop=4.01, numsent=1, flesch=1.16, ari=0.34, lix=0.05, time=2, numword=1, fuzzy=3.95, fog=0.44}
 orders: orig=1, rank=2, date=1
That's great from your side, mr Prime minister. And thank you for that. But, why do you continue to support Vucic then? He is western puppet who wants to give 90% of Kosovo to Albanians.can't you see that? All the best to you and mother Russia.
 ranking=16.260606002916177 from {pop=2.95, coleman=0.35, numsent=5, flesch=1.05, cos=0.19, smog=0.55, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.82, numword=4, kincaid=0.11, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=7, rank=3, date=7
@MedvedevRussiaE Mr. Medvedev, know that Mr. Aleksandar Vucic is ready to betray Serbia. You have also seen for yourself that no member of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) applauded you when you said the same in the Serbian Parliament. That's because they are Western mercenaries.
 ranking=16.093807115377977 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0.49, smog=1.01, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.37, pop=2.84, numsent=3, flesch=1.32, ari=0.44, lix=0.06, time=0.55, numword=4, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.52}
 orders: orig=38, rank=4, date=49
Dear mr Vukosavljević, 

Kindly & wisely suggest You to listen to omce more entire speach of mr Medvedev at National Assembly of Serbia (Serbian Parliament).

The best option as possible is to read between the lines - it might help to give the answers to all your questions.
 ranking=15.596496860373552 from {coleman=0.6, cos=0.16, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.55, pop=2.4, numsent=2, flesch=1.42, ari=0.62, lix=0.08, time=1.79, numword=4, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.64}
 orders: orig=8, rank=5, date=8
@MedvedevRussiaE We regard your help, and looking forward for it, but we also know that is not going to happen without usage of force. Now its just question are we prepared enough to start returning whats taken from us. We dont know have you and U.S. made agreement as in Middle East? Is it final?
 ranking=14.970087821470372 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=4, flesch=1.16, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.52, numword=5, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=2.4, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=27, rank=6, date=50
Rusija je uvek poddražavala srpski NAROD
Vlasti su efemerne
Narod je konstanta
 ranking=14.084333023995837 from {coleman=0.89, cos=0, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.57, pop=3.67, numsent=1, flesch=1.63, ari=0.6, lix=0.07, time=1.94, numword=1, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=3, rank=7, date=3
@MedvedevRussiaE Russia will always have a stable partner and a sincere friend in Serbia.
 ranking=13.666059557247932 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0.62, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.21, pop=4.07, numsent=1, flesch=1.11, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=1.46, numword=1, fuzzy=2.8, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=63, rank=8, date=19
@MedvedevRussiaE The most beautiful hymns were echoed in Belgrade because they are close countries and continue good cooperation, it is nice to see everything shining.
 ranking=13.06688768775734 from {coleman=0.75, cos=0, smog=1.25, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.6, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=1.48, ari=0.76, lix=0.99, time=0.73, numword=2, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.74}
 orders: orig=23, rank=9, date=43
@MedvedevRussiaE Serbia want to solve problem with Kosovo and Metohia in peace, but Resolution 1244 UN must be respect. We are grateful for your support.
 ranking=12.89136999968218 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0.66, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.3, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.26, ari=0.31, lix=0.05, time=1.43, numword=2, fuzzy=2, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=47, rank=10, date=20
@MedvedevRussiaE A peaceful settlement process of what, Mr  Medvedev?
 ranking=12.283670302767673 from {coleman=0.76, cos=1.1, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.49, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=1.6, ari=0.37, lix=0.99, time=1.73, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.91}
 orders: orig=34, rank=11, date=10
@MedvedevRussiaE Little KGB #Russia is free in its naive dreams to „support“ Serbian people to the last Serb! In the meantime the mighty #Kosovo will in reality treat the mentally sick neo-Milosevic Serbia as a genocidal enemy & garbage on the ground! @mfa_russia @euKosovo
 ranking=12.23922687282823 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0.49, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.37, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.22, ari=0.48, lix=0.05, time=0.91, numword=4, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=48, rank=12, date=37
@MedvedevRussiaE @vlade_struja Haj ne laži sam sebe i druge. Osim toga izgledaš kao skuhan miš u kineskoj supi. 🤮😂😂😂😂
 ranking=11.73289517003903 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.11, pop=2.31, numsent=4, flesch=1.14, ari=-0.04, lix=0, time=1.25, numword=1, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=41, rank=13, date=26
@MedvedevRussiaE Thank you for supporting us Russian brothers. Kad god je bilo dobro Rusiji, bilo je dobro i Srbiji.
 ranking=11.39357934380376 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.15, pop=2.71, numsent=2, flesch=1.11, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.37, numword=1, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=26, rank=14, date=22
@MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia Ok.. 1244
Not important in the last time..
Know important..
What is happen???
 ranking=11.138329069009888 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0.26, smog=0.75, kincaid=0.13, pop=1.61, numsent=3, flesch=1.15, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.04, numword=1, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=30, rank=15, date=33
@MedvedevRussiaE Dok je na snazi rezolucija 1244 nema promene granica Srbije 🇷🇸🇷🇺
 ranking=11.074573492237958 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0.26, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.31, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=1.31, ari=0.36, lix=0.06, time=1.58, numword=1, fuzzy=1.5, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=46, rank=16, date=15
@MedvedevRussiaE Can you please first provide us a couple of  them long range warheads? Just for us to be more equal in those peaceful negotiations.
 ranking=10.918964321936325 from {coleman=0.5, cos=0.5, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.25, pop=1.39, numsent=2, flesch=1.19, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=0.61, numword=2, fuzzy=1, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=12, rank=17, date=47
@MedvedevRussiaE As you supported territorial integrity of Georgia?
 ranking=10.513909716864013 from {coleman=1.02, cos=1.23, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.46, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.58, ari=0.56, lix=0.99, time=0.43, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.72}
 orders: orig=49, rank=18, date=53
@MedvedevRussiaE You did however fail to help them keep Kosovo, (Montenegro) and Serb territories in Bosnia and Croatia.
 ranking=10.150238232621154 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.42, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.35, ari=0.51, lix=0.06, time=0.64, numword=1, fuzzy=1.9, fog=0.7}
 orders: orig=25, rank=19, date=46
@MedvedevRussiaE Hvala bratskoj Rusiji na svoj pomoći i podršci koju nam pruža radi očuvanja Kosova i Metohije
 ranking=10.123903503902858 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.42, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=1.37, ari=0.48, lix=0.07, time=1.07, numword=1, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=50, rank=20, date=32
@MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia You tried to assassinate the prime minister of montenegro. Fuck you Dima.
 ranking=9.884527211431756 from {coleman=0.69, numsent=2, flesch=1.34, cos=0, smog=0.98, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.16, numword=1, kincaid=0.28, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.62}
 orders: orig=66, rank=21, date=29
@MedvedevRussiaE Hvala ruskom narodu na nesebičnoj podršci i iskrenom prijateljstvu!
 ranking=9.844523735737138 from {pop=1.61, coleman=1.11, numsent=1, flesch=1.72, cos=0, smog=1.25, ari=0.68, lix=0.1, time=0.97, numword=0, kincaid=0.58, fog=0.85}
 orders: orig=51, rank=22, date=35
@MedvedevRussiaE bla . bla , bla  , bla bla bla ba , bla bla  , bla !  Bla bla bla  bla bla !  do you have more old useless weapons to sell to that  monkey Vucic or some medal for that fool ?
 ranking=9.516928167086357 from {coleman=0.25, numsent=3, flesch=1.02, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.31, numword=3, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=57, rank=23, date=57
@MedvedevRussiaE Кosovo and Metohija - Serbia. Thank You brothers.
 ranking=9.315696306402666 from {coleman=0.86, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.22, pop=2.31, numsent=2, flesch=1.3, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=0.88, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=65, rank=24, date=38
@MedvedevRussiaE When Russia will support the Russian people?
 ranking=9.047017132523807 from {coleman=0.77, cos=0.82, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.12, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=0.35, lix=0.05, time=1.34, numword=0, fuzzy=1.7, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=45, rank=25, date=23
@MedvedevRussiaE @LoncarBojan Just be more involved in Serbian issues at Kosovo and Metohia, actually we need your protection and help.
 ranking=8.72490524397389 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0.26, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.43, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.34, ari=0.51, lix=0.08, time=0.4, numword=1, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.48}
 orders: orig=20, rank=26, date=54
@MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF Thank you Russia for your support, which means so much to Serbia.
 ranking=8.668737253857682 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.34, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.1, pop=2.64, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.76, numword=1, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=32, rank=27, date=42
@MedvedevRussiaE Support from our Russian family is always with us
 ranking=8.525272743751081 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0.41, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.25, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.25, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.28, numword=0, fuzzy=2.4, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=24, rank=28, date=25
@MedvedevRussiaE Митяй, когда российский народ поддерживать начнете?
 ranking=8.475147545525642 from {pop=2.4, coleman=1.37, numsent=1, flesch=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.81, lix=0.11, time=1.61, numword=0, kincaid=-0.07, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=9, rank=29, date=14
@MedvedevRussiaE Why does russian premier write in enemy english language? Do you forget russian? Or you boozy?
 ranking=8.435656723484849 from {coleman=0.61, numsent=3, flesch=1.21, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.19, lix=0.05, time=1.52, numword=1, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=52, rank=30, date=17
@HarisCatic4 @MedvedevRussiaE @vlade_struja Ostavljas tvitove ..? 🙃
 ranking=8.357752423069995 from {coleman=1.57, cos=0, smog=0.69, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.72, pop=1.95, numsent=2, flesch=2.06, ari=0.84, lix=0.99, time=0.94, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=1.02}
 orders: orig=42, rank=31, date=36
@MedvedevRussiaE Rusija je dokazani prijatelj Srpskog naroda.
 ranking=8.230576214696029 from {coleman=1.08, numsent=1, flesch=1.69, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.57, lix=0.11, time=1.22, numword=0, kincaid=0.52, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.79}
 orders: orig=54, rank=32, date=27
@MedvedevRussiaE That's why V.V.Putin received this Golden Knight sword from Serbia few days ago
 ranking=8.181848863167449 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.14, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=0.58, numword=1, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=14, rank=33, date=48
@MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia Сгоревшие #курдские дети кричат в агонии в результате того, что #Турция использует «#химическое оружие»
 ranking=8.072389319360507 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0.98, numsent=1, flesch=0.92, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.7, lix=0.09, time=1.13, numword=1, kincaid=0.09, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=22, rank=34, date=30
@MedvedevRussiaE Have u stopped the mass rapes by #serbian war criminals? That was kinda sick.
 ranking=8.071636883541734 from {coleman=0.5, cos=0.29, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.1, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.1, numword=1, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=64, rank=35, date=64
Please don't defend us any more It is leathal
 ranking=8.030757640164683 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.12, pop=2.08, numsent=1, flesch=1.08, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.85, numword=0, fuzzy=1, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=6, rank=36, date=6
@MedvedevRussiaE @GovernmentRF I wish that our government in #Greece does the same
 ranking=7.693178769626379 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.22, numword=1, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=2.5, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=19, rank=37, date=60
@MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia The UN is a joke and they should be let die of their lack of currency issues.
 ranking=7.631706076038266 from {coleman=0.25, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, cos=0.31, smog=0.3, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.79, numword=1, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=2.2, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=33, rank=38, date=41
@MedvedevRussiaE Своей стране помогите. Разворовали все, дворцов настроили, а теперь держитесь потому что денег нет.
 ranking=7.393508258754446 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0.94, numsent=2, flesch=0.85, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.49, lix=0.07, time=0.07, numword=1, kincaid=-0.05, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=59, rank=39, date=65
@MedvedevRussiaE Вы б в стране своей сначала порядок навели, а потом помогайте Сербиям и прочим Кубам.
 ranking=5.957420303030302 from {coleman=0.57, numsent=1, flesch=0.93, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.39, lix=0.07, time=1.31, numword=1, kincaid=0.11, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=53, rank=40, date=24
Спасибо @MedvedevRussiaE . Только 1244.
 ranking=5.917109213573287 from {coleman=0.88, cos=0.82, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, pop=2.64, numsent=2, flesch=0.8, ari=0.31, lix=0.05, time=1.97, numword=0, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=2, rank=41, date=2
@MedvedevRussiaE return the crimea !!!
 ranking=5.6124124824178185 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.69, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.3, pop=2.64, numsent=2, flesch=1.44, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=0.82, numword=0, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.54}
 orders: orig=15, rank=42, date=40
Обращение к Медведеву жителей СЗАО по поводу шума от Шереметьево via @YouTube
 ranking=5.304149999999999 from {coleman=0.77, numsent=1, flesch=0.89, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.45, lix=0.08, time=0.19, numword=1, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=58, rank=43, date=61
@MedvedevRussiaE А забыл, вы то уже граждане другой страны. Деньги то у вас вложены в экономику других государств.
 ranking=5.123225089126559 from {coleman=0.57, numsent=2, flesch=0.87, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.04, numword=1, kincaid=-0.02, fog=0.17}
 orders: orig=60, rank=44, date=66
@MedvedevRussiaE 👍🏻✊🏻🇷🇺🇷🇸💪🏻⭐️
 ranking=3.795246719723308 from {pop=4.16, coleman=0, numsent=1, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.64, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=10, rank=45, date=13
@MedvedevRussiaE Spasiba Medvedev ,spasiba Rusija.
 ranking=3.6103592999294083 from {coleman=1.28, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.63, numsent=1, flesch=1.88, ari=0.68, lix=0.99, time=0.25, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=61, rank=46, date=59
@MedvedevRussiaE Veliko hvala.
 ranking=3.4609109319608757 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, pop=3.26, numsent=1, flesch=1.23, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=1.4, numword=0, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=21, rank=47, date=21
@MedvedevRussiaE How's it going in Crimea ?
 ranking=2.942876979815538 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.11, pop=2.78, numsent=1, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=1.76, numword=0, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=37, rank=48, date=9
@MedvedevRussiaE @SpyrosXatzaras Поздравления 🇬🇷
 ranking=2.9359984848484837 from {coleman=2.75, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=1.78, lix=0.99, time=0.49, numword=0, kincaid=-0.16, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=28, rank=49, date=51
@MedvedevRussiaE Stop helping us.Ok?
 ranking=2.2422664982728486 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, pop=2.49, numsent=1, flesch=1.23, ari=0.28, lix=0.1, time=0.85, numword=0, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=35, rank=50, date=39
@MedvedevRussiaE Большое спасибо Вам! ♥️🇷🇺♥️🇷🇸♥️
 ranking=1.8514860277865577 from {coleman=0.88, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, pop=1.39, numsent=2, flesch=0.8, ari=0.31, lix=0.99, time=0.34, numword=0, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=13, rank=51, date=56
@MedvedevRussiaE Hvala vam.
 ranking=1.8252459225719075 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=3.05, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=1.49, numword=0, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=31, rank=52, date=18

 ranking=1.3939975588789095 from {pop=2.49, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.91, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=4, rank=53, date=4

 ranking=1.1813729717819248 from {pop=2.31, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.88, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=5, rank=54, date=5
@MedvedevRussiaE Well said.
 ranking=0.971979579100767 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=1.67, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=16, rank=55, date=12
@MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia Real.
 ranking=0.8824097234980173 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, pop=2.08, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.1, lix=0, time=1.19, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=11, rank=56, date=28
@MedvedevRussiaE @neutroncic Hvala bratskoj Rusiji
 ranking=0.47818636363636335 from {coleman=1.08, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.27, numsent=1, flesch=1.38, ari=0.5, lix=0.05, time=0.37, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=29, rank=57, date=55
@MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia
 ranking=-0.3905620875658997 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=43, rank=58, date=34
 ranking=-1.4545454545454546 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.55, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=17, rank=59, date=16
@MedvedevRussiaE 🤝👏❤️🇷🇸
 ranking=-1.5454545454545454 from {coleman=0, numsent=1, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.46, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=39, rank=60, date=52
@qc_rob @MedvedevRussiaE @mfa_russia 😭😭😭😭
 ranking=-1.7272727272727273 from {coleman=0, numsent=1, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.28, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=44, rank=61, date=58
 ranking=-1.9090909090909092 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.1, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=55, rank=62, date=31
@MedvedevRussiaE Спасибо за все.
 ranking=-1.9127833333333348 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1, flesch=0.81, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=-0.05, lix=0.05, time=0.67, numword=0, kincaid=-0.13, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=56, rank=63, date=45
 ranking=-2.655037745525136 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, caps=-3.0, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.7, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=18, rank=64, date=44
@MedvedevRussiaE Send $100,000,000
 ranking=-2.8007723484848492 from {coleman=0.17, numsent=1, flesch=0.82, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=-0.2, lix=0, time=0.16, numword=0, kincaid=-0.11, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=62, rank=65, date=62
 ranking=-2.878787878787879 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.13, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=40, rank=66, date=63