Search run analysis for @faizsays from Thu, February 16, 2023 at 23:08:32 -0800 (logged in)


This page shows how Twitter rearranges replies, hiding some of them. Each table below shows a tweet from @faizsays and noteworthy replies to that tweet.

Each reply tweet was re-ranked by a formula designed to determine whether a reply is on-topic and good quality. (In this case, the re-ranking was done using the "formula1" algorithm).

Then, the revised ranking was compared with how Twitter ordered the tweet replies in the page. The revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown higher than they should have been. Those tweets are listed in the "Anomalous elevated tweets" section in each table.

Likewise, the revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown lower than they should have been. Those tweets are in the "Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets" section in each table. That section contains both tweet replies that were suppressed (shown lower than they should have been) and hidden.

The "Other hidden tweets" in each table has additional hidden tweets, those that weren't ranked highly in the revised ranking.

Note: a hidden tweet is one that's hidden behind the "Show more replies" link at the end of the reply page. Few probably click that link, and the account that was replied to might not see those hidden tweets on their "Notifications" page depending on their settings.

Hidden tweets are highlighted in light red. Each tweet is followed by three orders: the original order (as shown by Twitter), the rank order (as determined by the revised ranking; lower rankings are better), and the date order (earlier tweets have a lower order).

Some tweets are put even lower down, into an "AbusiveQuality" section. Those are highlighted in light purple.

Note that Twitter only shows around a maximum of 200 replies, even if there are hundreds more. For instance, assume that "Number of replies" is "194 of 1841 (reached end)", "Available" is 10%, and "Hidden" is 0%. That means the tweet was listed as having 1841 replies, but a maximum of 194 were retrieved: Twitter wouldn't show any more. The "reached end" means that the app scrolled until no more replies were available. The "Available" column has the percentage (in this case 194/1841 as a percentage ). In cases like this, the "Hidden" column isn't reliable because it wasn't possible to scroll the list of replies low enough to reach the hidden section. The closer the "Available" column is to 100%, the more reliable is the "Hidden" column.

@faizsays tweeted on 02/16/23 12:01:29: Twitter employees noticed the trend early on: Musk was raising alarm about issues far from the normal user experience (e.g.: crypto scams littering his replies.) "I remember people on our team thinking he’s having a very personal experience unique to him"
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 4 of 4 (reached end) 100% 0% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1626306235476893696, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/16/23 11:43:16 (HIGH,3,7,1,948) A Washington Post analysis backed up reporting from @platformer that Musk's content was being algorithmically bosted.   Musk's tweet visibility had dropped by more than 40 percent, but after his posts were boosted, he's back up to around 400M views/day…]
[tweet: 1626308337800466433, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/16/23 11:51:37 (HIGH,1,6,2,605) The sudden spike in Musk's views is evident here, as Musk's tweet visiblity surges beginning Super Bowl Sunday (when Musk sent a tweet supporting the Eagles), + continues into this week, well after the SB was over… chart via @jeremybmerrill]
[tweet: 1626310821117841408, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/16/23 12:01:29 (HIGH,0,0,0,0) Twitter employees noticed the trend early on: Musk was raising alarm about issues far from the normal user experience (e.g.: crypto scams littering his replies.)  "I remember people on our team thinking he’s having a very personal experience unique to him"]
[tweet: 1626311725657264128, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/16/23 12:05:05 (HIGH,3,8,,550) The same pattern played out as impersonators flooded the site around Twitter's changes to verification  Around then, one worker recalled receiving orders to crack down on impersonators: "all the ones that were being sent to us were using [Musk's] image."]


Twitter employees noticed the trend early on: Musk was raising alarm about issues far from the normal user experience (e.g.: crypto scams littering his replies.)

"I remember people on our team thinking he’s having a very personal experience unique to him"
 ranking=40.299573480707515 from {coleman=0.73, smog=1.17, jac=0.5, kincaid=0.54, jrw=0.5, numsent=2, flesch=1.48, ari=0.63, lix=0.08, time=1, numword=4, fuzzy=27.05, fog=0.65}
 orders: orig=3, rank=1, date=3
The same pattern played out as impersonators flooded the site around Twitter's changes to verification

Around then, one worker recalled receiving orders to crack down on impersonators: "all the ones that were being sent to us were using [Musk's] image."
 ranking=17.983035413562742 from {coleman=0.7, cos=0, smog=1.4, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.93, pop=3.22, numsent=1, flesch=1.7, ari=1.07, lix=0.99, time=0.5, numword=4, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.98}
 orders: orig=4, rank=2, date=4
The sudden spike in Musk's views is evident here, as Musk's tweet visiblity surges beginning Super Bowl Sunday (when Musk sent a tweet supporting the Eagles), + continues into this week, well after the SB was over… chart via @jeremybmerrill
 ranking=16.387756234194896 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0.15, smog=1.53, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.78, pop=3.22, numsent=1, flesch=1.52, ari=0.93, lix=0.09, time=1.5, numword=3, fuzzy=0.7, fog=1}
 orders: orig=2, rank=3, date=2
A Washington Post analysis backed up reporting from @platformer that Musk's content was being algorithmically bosted. 

Musk's tweet visibility had dropped by more than 40 percent, but after his posts were boosted, he's back up to around 400M views/day…
 ranking=15.705038737489053 from {coleman=0.71, cos=0, smog=1.17, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.46, pop=3.34, numsent=2, flesch=1.4, ari=0.56, lix=0.07, time=2, numword=3, fog=0.64}
 orders: orig=1, rank=4, date=1

@faizsays tweeted on 02/16/23 11:40:01: Elon made Twitter into his personal sandbox. Four months later, the result: -A curated timeline, where tweets from Musk show up first -An account tracking his jet is banned, + some journalists -Workers scamble to fix crypto, parody problems unique to him
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 8 of 4 (reached end) 200% 12% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • The same pattern played out as impersonators flooded the site around Twitter's changes to verification Around then, one worker recalled receiving orders to crack down on impersonators: "all the ones that were being sent to us were using [Musk's] image."
    [original: #4, ranking: #1, date: #6] From @faizsays on 02/16/23 12:05:05
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1626306235476893696, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/16/23 11:43:16 (HIGH,3,7,1,946) A Washington Post analysis backed up reporting from @platformer that Musk's content was being algorithmically bosted.   Musk's tweet visibility had dropped by more than 40 percent, but after his posts were boosted, he's back up to around 400M views/day…]
[tweet: 1626308337800466433, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/16/23 11:51:37 (HIGH,1,6,2,603) The sudden spike in Musk's views is evident here, as Musk's tweet visiblity surges beginning Super Bowl Sunday (when Musk sent a tweet supporting the Eagles), + continues into this week, well after the SB was over… chart via @jeremybmerrill]
[tweet: 1626310821117841408, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/16/23 12:01:29 (HIGH,3,5,1,641) Twitter employees noticed the trend early on: Musk was raising alarm about issues far from the normal user experience (e.g.: crypto scams littering his replies.)  "I remember people on our team thinking he’s having a very personal experience unique to him"]
[tweet: 1626311725657264128, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/16/23 12:05:05 (HIGH,3,8,,548) The same pattern played out as impersonators flooded the site around Twitter's changes to verification  Around then, one worker recalled receiving orders to crack down on impersonators: "all the ones that were being sent to us were using [Musk's] image."]
[tweet: 1626316077071495168, from: @hisnibsllc (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 12:22:22 (HIGH,,2,,63) Great piece, but I wish all you guys would stop calling him Elon like he was someone you had a beer with every Friday.]
[tweet: 1626307063872647170, from: @derekledesma7 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 11:46:34 (HIGH,0,,,94) He owns it, its his. You don’t have to use it, personally, I’d enjoy it more if you left.]
[tweet: 1626308989448335367, from: @sicandtirade (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 11:54:13 (HIGH,,2,1,29) Your single follower has terrible judgement.]
[tweet: 1626383468031508480, from: @prunesquallor10 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 04:50:10 (HIGH,0,,,34) And yet, here you are.   If Twitter is so corrupt, why don’t you move to, oh I don’t know, Mastodon or something.   In fact, I highly encourage you to do do.  Then you can examine THEIR practices and make sure it fits with your standards.  Oh, but that wouldn’t be Musk-bashing,… Show more]


The same pattern played out as impersonators flooded the site around Twitter's changes to verification

Around then, one worker recalled receiving orders to crack down on impersonators: "all the ones that were being sent to us were using [Musk's] image."
 ranking=19.09728028023369 from {coleman=0.7, cos=0, smog=1.4, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.93, jrw=0.38, pop=3.22, numsent=1, flesch=1.7, ari=1.07, lix=0.99, time=0.75, numword=4, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.98}
 orders: orig=4, rank=1, date=6
Twitter employees noticed the trend early on: Musk was raising alarm about issues far from the normal user experience (e.g.: crypto scams littering his replies.)

"I remember people on our team thinking he’s having a very personal experience unique to him"
 ranking=17.4483680517962 from {coleman=0.73, cos=0.75, smog=1.17, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.54, pop=3.18, numsent=2, flesch=1.48, ari=0.63, lix=0.08, time=1, numword=4, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.65}
 orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=5
The sudden spike in Musk's views is evident here, as Musk's tweet visiblity surges beginning Super Bowl Sunday (when Musk sent a tweet supporting the Eagles), + continues into this week, well after the SB was over… chart via @jeremybmerrill
 ranking=16.172756234194896 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0.15, smog=1.53, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.78, pop=3.22, numsent=1, flesch=1.52, ari=0.93, lix=0.09, time=1.5, numword=3, fuzzy=0.5, fog=1}
 orders: orig=2, rank=3, date=3
And yet, here you are.   If Twitter is so corrupt, why don’t you move to, oh I don’t know, Mastodon or something. 

In fact, I highly encourage you to do do.  Then you can examine THEIR practices and make sure it fits with your standards.

Oh, but that wouldn’t be Musk-bashing,… Show more
 ranking=15.353518166103115 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0.33, smog=0.85, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.16, numsent=5, flesch=1.11, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.25, numword=5, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=8, rank=4, date=8
A Washington Post analysis backed up reporting from @platformer that Musk's content was being algorithmically bosted. 

Musk's tweet visibility had dropped by more than 40 percent, but after his posts were boosted, he's back up to around 400M views/day…
 ranking=15.315038737489054 from {pop=3.34, coleman=0.71, numsent=2, flesch=1.4, cos=0, smog=1.17, ari=0.56, lix=0.07, time=2, numword=3, kincaid=0.46, fog=0.64}
 orders: orig=1, rank=5, date=1
Your single follower has terrible judgement.
 ranking=10.926346246577703 from {coleman=1.08, cos=0, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.42, pop=2.2, numsent=1, flesch=1.55, ari=0.57, lix=0.11, time=1.25, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.79}
 orders: orig=7, rank=6, date=4
Great piece, but I wish all you guys would stop calling him Elon like he was someone you had a beer with every Friday.
 ranking=10.844843666675446 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0.23, smog=0.3, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.38, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, ari=0.45, lix=0, time=0.5, numword=2, fuzzy=2.2, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=5, rank=7, date=7
He owns it, its his. You don’t have to use it, personally, I’d enjoy it more if you left.
 ranking=7.893279216973683 from {coleman=0.22, numsent=2, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=1.75, numword=1, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=1, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=6, rank=8, date=2

@faizsays tweeted on 02/16/23 10:27:14: NEW: Tesla issues its widest-ever recall for Full Self-Driving over crash risks, as letter from regulators cites cars "traveling straight through an intersection" without stopping, failing to adhere to speed limits, yellow lights, stop signs
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 15 of 11 (reached end) 136% 6% 13%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • Oops.
    [original: #1, ranking: #15, date: #7] From @qmalmborg on 02/16/23 03:31:23
  • Shocker that this is happening.
    [original: #2, ranking: #12, date: #8] From @tlnemetz on 02/16/23 03:34:01
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • Tesla will release an over-the-air software update free of charge for vehicles with Full Self Driving Beta. Tesla will likely have a fix done by tomorrow. They are the ONLY company that can do this which is why these headlines are funny. Wait... Recall complete.
    [original: #14, ranking: #1, date: #4] From @richtb1171 on 02/16/23 12:03:01
  • "Musk complained Thursday on Twitter, which he now owns, that calling an over-the-air software update a recall is “anachronistic and just flat wrong!” A message was left Thursday seeking further comment from Tesla, which has disbanded its media relations department."
    [original: #11, ranking: #4, date: #15] From @oscarsstrand on 02/16/23 08:35:02
  • Remember when Obama decided to give money to this guy instead of NASA?
    [original: #12, ranking: #5, date: #2] From @painter_nancy on 02/16/23 11:01:46
Other hidden replies:
  • Tesla is the ONLY company that needs these fixes for bugs. And why is every tweet reply on your timeline the same defense of Tesla, bot?
    [original: #15, ranking: #10, date: #10] From @tedinctx on 02/16/23 03:49:52
[tweet: 1626363644245049344, from: @qmalmborg (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:31:23 (HIGH,0,,,111) Oops.]
[tweet: 1626364305967923204, from: @tlnemetz (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:34:01 (HIGH,0,,,141) Shocker that this is happening.]
[tweet: 1626393150322274305, from: @pr0t0c0l_dr01d (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 05:28:38 (HIGH,0,,,52) Haha ten tweets up @RealDanODowd is getting savaged by Tesla Bros asking for an independent third party to verify his results. Can’t make this shit up!]
[tweet: 1626364447408242688, from: @jacksonjohnsonx (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:34:35 (HIGH,,1,,128) The recall isn’t your normal recall. No one will be returning cars, it’s simply rolling out a new software update.]
[tweet: 1626315337263087618, from: @bronrott (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 12:19:26 (HIGH,,4,,251) Yes, but is the current FSD beta being replaced with new software that’s also unproved and potentially just as dangerous?]
[tweet: 1626297137096187906, from: @jthompsonnw (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 11:07:07 (HIGH,0,,,309) Beta software. Awesome. "360,000 vehicles equipped with its Full Self-Driving beta software"]
[tweet: 1626382215218335744, from: @smilingdog66 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 04:45:11 (HIGH,0,,,18) Some poor dupes had to test it. Traditional auto makers had decades of real life R and D (accidents) to work out the bugs, 3lon may have felt unfairly disadvantaged, so, maybe he took a little short cut?]
[tweet: 1626360864071729154, from: @10dayssober1 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:20:20 (HIGH,,4,,136) Self-Driving -ish]
[tweet: 1626370337691643904, from: @ok_dumbass (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:57:59 (HIGH,,3,1,99) Yeah, Tesla's having some problems, but Twitter is really lit now.]
[tweet: 1626370492373377026, from: @lofiprogressive (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:58:36 (HIGH,,3,,29) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626440059217145856, from: @oscarsstrand (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 08:35:02 (HIGH,0,,,26) "Musk complained Thursday on Twitter, which he now owns, that calling an over-the-air software update a recall is “anachronistic and just flat wrong!” A message was left Thursday seeking further comment from Tesla, which has disbanded its media relations department."]
[tweet: 1626295790321946625, from: @painter_nancy (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 11:01:46 (HIGH,,4,1,219) Remember when Obama decided to give money to this guy instead of NASA?]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (HIGH,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626311206356111360, from: @richtb1171 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 12:03:01 (ABUSIVE,,2,1,42) Tesla will release an over-the-air software update free of charge for vehicles with Full Self Driving  Beta.  Tesla will likely have a fix done by tomorrow. They are the ONLY company that can do this which is why these headlines are funny. Wait... Recall complete.]
[tweet: 1626368295782711299, from: @tedinctx (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:49:52 (ABUSIVE,0,,,5) Tesla is the ONLY company that needs these fixes for bugs. And why is every tweet reply on your timeline the same defense of Tesla, bot?]


Tesla will release an over-the-air software update free of charge for vehicles with Full Self Driving  Beta.  Tesla will likely have a fix done by tomorrow. They are the ONLY company that can do this which is why these headlines are funny.
Wait... Recall complete.
 ranking=16.982931414853972 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0.63, smog=0.73, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.17, pop=2.2, numsent=5, flesch=1.14, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=1.6, numword=4, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=14, rank=1, date=4
Yes, but is the current FSD beta being replaced with new software that’s also unproved and potentially just as dangerous?
 ranking=12.4144155475748 from {coleman=0.67, cos=0.23, smog=1.08, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.43, pop=2.08, numsent=1, flesch=1.33, ari=0.57, lix=0.09, time=1.47, numword=2, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.6}
 orders: orig=5, rank=2, date=5
The recall isn’t your normal recall. No one will be returning cars, it’s simply rolling out a new software update.
 ranking=12.405769673222249 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0.88, smog=0.69, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.25, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.25, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.94, numword=2, fuzzy=2.2, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=4, rank=3, date=9
"Musk complained Thursday on Twitter, which he now owns, that calling an over-the-air software update a recall is “anachronistic and just flat wrong!” A message was left Thursday seeking further comment from Tesla, which has disbanded its media relations department."
 ranking=12.124924397226959 from {coleman=0.78, cos=0.31, smog=0.98, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.48, numsent=2, flesch=1.39, ari=0.67, lix=0.11, time=0.14, numword=4, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.55}
 orders: orig=11, rank=4, date=15
Remember when Obama decided to give money to this guy instead of NASA?
 ranking=11.756427043171833 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.3, pop=2.57, numsent=1, flesch=1.24, ari=0.29, lix=0.05, time=1.87, numword=1, fuzzy=1.7, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=12, rank=5, date=2
Some poor dupes had to test it. Traditional auto makers had decades of real life R and D (accidents) to work out the bugs, 3lon may have felt unfairly disadvantaged, so, maybe he took a little short cut? 
 ranking=9.99900982713622 from {coleman=0.45, numsent=2, flesch=1.26, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.39, lix=0, time=0.4, numword=3, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.39, fog=0.6}
 orders: orig=7, rank=6, date=13
Beta software. Awesome. "360,000 vehicles equipped with its Full Self-Driving beta software"
 ranking=9.238343304338631 from {coleman=0.79, numsent=2, flesch=1.34, cos=0.41, smog=0.85, ari=0.34, lix=0.08, time=1.74, numword=1, kincaid=0.28, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=6, rank=7, date=3
Haha ten tweets up @RealDanODowd is getting savaged by Tesla Bros asking for an independent third party to verify his results. Can’t make this shit up!
 ranking=9.236783708037477 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0.21, smog=0.69, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.25, numsent=2, flesch=1.19, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=0.27, numword=2, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=3, rank=8, date=14
Yeah, Tesla's having some problems, but Twitter is really lit now.
 ranking=8.706496939465037 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.19, pop=2.4, numsent=1, flesch=1.14, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=1, fuzzy=1, fog=0.2}
 orders: orig=9, rank=9, date=11
Tesla is the ONLY company that needs these fixes for bugs. And why is every tweet reply on your timeline the same defense of Tesla, bot?
 ranking=8.628546884694124 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=2, flesch=1.11, cos=0.42, smog=0.69, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.8, numword=2, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.21, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=15, rank=10, date=10
Self-Driving -ish
 ranking=2.3086250712383984 from {coleman=0.1, cos=0.56, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, pop=2.08, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.34, lix=0, time=1.34, numword=0, fuzzy=1.65, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=8, rank=11, date=6
Shocker that this is happening.
 ranking=1.8118592241718328 from {coleman=0.75, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.27, numsent=1, flesch=1.34, ari=0.28, lix=0.08, time=1.07, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=2, rank=12, date=8

 ranking=-0.6749071974386117 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.54, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=10, rank=13, date=12

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=13, rank=14, date=1
 ranking=-1.1788500000000004 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.1, lix=0, time=1.2, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=1, rank=15, date=7

@faizsays tweeted on 02/08/23 03:27:12: a big concern for Twitter, raised by Mudge in his whistleblower complaint, is Twitter's resilience in the event of outages. His whistleblower complaint said overlapping outages at its data centers could leave it unable to restart its servers…
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 3 of 4 (reached end) 75% 0% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1623463486302085120, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/08/23 03:27:12 (HIGH,0,0,0,0) a big concern for Twitter, raised by Mudge in his whistleblower complaint, is Twitter's resilience in the event of outages. His whistleblower complaint said overlapping outages at its data centers could leave it unable to restart its servers…]
[tweet: 1623463849197182978, from: @fractious2023 (UNKNOWN) on 02/08/23 03:28:38 (HIGH,0,,,26) He lands wockets bro]
[tweet: 1623494605806227456, from: @prunesquallor10 (UNKNOWN) on 02/08/23 05:30:51 (HIGH,0,,,9) Is this part of you job with WaPO?]


a big concern for Twitter, raised by Mudge in his whistleblower complaint, is Twitter's resilience in the event of outages. His whistleblower complaint said overlapping outages at its data centers could leave it unable to restart its servers…
 ranking=39.76240424399646 from {coleman=0.74, smog=1.25, jac=0.5, kincaid=0.56, jrw=0.5, numsent=2, flesch=1.52, ari=0.62, lix=0.1, time=2, numword=3, fuzzy=26.3, fog=0.7}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=1
Is this part of you job with WaPO?
 ranking=3.012997916666666 from {coleman=0.17, numsent=1, flesch=0.86, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.1, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=0, kincaid=-0.03, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=3
He lands wockets bro
 ranking=0.8700458333333332 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.04, numsent=1, flesch=1.03, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.34, numword=0, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=2, rank=3, date=2

@faizsays tweeted on 02/08/23 02:49:00: this website is not letting people send tweets rn
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 4 of 4 (reached end) 100% 0% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1623463486302085120, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/08/23 03:27:12 (HIGH,4,6,2,1378) a big concern for Twitter, raised by Mudge in his whistleblower complaint, is Twitter's resilience in the event of outages. His whistleblower complaint said overlapping outages at its data centers could leave it unable to restart its servers…]
[tweet: 1623620948401217536, from: @russtaylor56 (UNKNOWN) on 02/09/23 01:52:54 (HIGH,1,,,12) It isn’t?]
[tweet: 1623494972568702978, from: @prunesquallor10 (UNKNOWN) on 02/08/23 05:32:19 (HIGH,0,,,32) Ask Elon to help WaPO fix their problem.]
[tweet: 1625268077406617600, from: @alexandriaboyva (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 02:58:00 (HIGH,0,,,12) Maybe he shouldn’t have unplugged that 300TB server farm yesterday]


a big concern for Twitter, raised by Mudge in his whistleblower complaint, is Twitter's resilience in the event of outages. His whistleblower complaint said overlapping outages at its data centers could leave it unable to restart its servers…
 ranking=16.18876476861262 from {coleman=0.74, cos=0, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.56, pop=3.53, numsent=2, flesch=1.52, ari=0.62, lix=0.1, time=2, numword=3, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.7}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=1
Maybe he shouldn’t have unplugged that 300TB server farm yesterday 
 ranking=5.503816666666666 from {coleman=0.79, numsent=1, flesch=1.16, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.41, lix=0, time=0.5, numword=1, kincaid=0.19, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=4, rank=2, date=4
Ask Elon to help WaPO fix their problem.
 ranking=4.6028312499999995 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.08, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.5, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=3, rank=3, date=2
It isn’t?
 ranking=-1.7402377113318908 from {pop=1.1, coleman=-0.2, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=-0.57, lix=0, time=1, numword=0, kincaid=-0.16, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=2, rank=4, date=3

@faizsays tweeted on 02/03/23 04:03:31: Notably, Musk's team made an eleventh-hour push to move the case out of San Francisco (to Texas) because they didn't believe they could get a fair jury here The jury assembled in SF ultimately ruled in Musk's favor
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 7 of 3 (reached end) 233% 14% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • Notably, Musk's team made an eleventh-hour push to move the case out of San Francisco (to Texas) because they didn't believe they could get a fair jury here The jury assembled in SF ultimately ruled in Musk's favor
    [original: #4, ranking: #1, date: #4] From @faizsays on 02/03/23 03:36:45
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1621643530035929090, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/03/23 02:55:20 (HIGH,4,15,1,5711) There were four statements the jury considered, Musk and Tesla were found not liable in all four. Verdict has been signed]
[tweet: 1621644377788653568, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/03/23 02:58:43 (HIGH,21,22,3,19433) STORY: Elon Musk found not liable in federal trial over “Funding secured” tweet  Plaintiffs argued: "This is about rules. This is about applying rules to billionaires like Elon Musk.”  "Can Elon Musk do whatever he wants and not face the consequences?”]
[tweet: 1621650880541122565, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/03/23 03:24:33 (HIGH,2,12,3,2525) This adds to a string of legal victories for Musk: in Tesla's acquisition of SolarCity, the defamation suit over Musk calling a cave rescue volunteer a "pedo guy," and now, "Funding secured"  (Notably, Musk bought Twitter after that was taken to court)]
[tweet: 1621660688757428225, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/03/23 03:36:45 (HIGH,0,0,0,0) Notably, Musk's team made an eleventh-hour push to move the case out of San Francisco (to Texas) because they didn't believe they could get a fair jury here  The jury assembled in SF ultimately ruled in Musk's favor]
[tweet: 1621691876830224386, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/03/23 06:07:27 (HIGH,1,8,,2769) Musk’s attorney, Alex Spiro: “The jury got it right.”  Plaintiffs’ attorney Nicholas Porritt: “We’re just disappointed.”  A juror said the plaintiffs’ case just “didn’t land,” and that it was disorganized]
[tweet: 1621661070841753601, from: @tmsp85 (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 04:05:02 (HIGH,,1,,56) [empty]]
[tweet: 1621661446626226178, from: @jasonteslaq (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 04:06:32 (HIGH,0,,,48) Exactly. Musk is the biased one here.]


Notably, Musk's team made an eleventh-hour push to move the case out of San Francisco (to Texas) because they didn't believe they could get a fair jury here

The jury assembled in SF ultimately ruled in Musk's favor
 ranking=31.965619406244663 from {coleman=0.45, smog=0.85, jac=0.5, kincaid=0.65, jrw=0.5, numsent=1, flesch=1.38, ari=0.77, lix=0.1, time=1.15, numword=3, fuzzy=20.9, fog=0.74}
 orders: orig=4, rank=1, date=4
This adds to a string of legal victories for Musk: in Tesla's acquisition of SolarCity, the defamation suit over Musk calling a cave rescue volunteer a "pedo guy," and now, "Funding secured"

(Notably, Musk bought Twitter after that was taken to court)
 ranking=18.762316033911596 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0.14, smog=1.53, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.92, pop=3.81, numsent=1, flesch=1.63, ari=1.06, lix=0.99, time=1.43, numword=4, fuzzy=0.2, fog=1.07}
 orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=3
STORY: Elon Musk found not liable in federal trial over “Funding secured” tweet

Plaintiffs argued: "This is about rules. This is about applying rules to billionaires like Elon Musk.”

"Can Elon Musk do whatever he wants and not face the consequences?”
 ranking=18.360715543085167 from {coleman=0.64, cos=0, smog=0.94, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.4, pop=4.81, numsent=3, flesch=1.38, ari=0.42, lix=0, time=1.72, numword=4, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.47}
 orders: orig=2, rank=3, date=2
Musk’s attorney, Alex Spiro: “The jury got it right.”

Plaintiffs’ attorney Nicholas Porritt: “We’re just disappointed.”

A juror said the plaintiffs’ case just “didn’t land,” and that it was disorganized
 ranking=15.615045918494186 from {coleman=0.76, cos=0.79, smog=0.85, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.3, pop=2.95, numsent=3, flesch=1.31, ari=0.4, lix=0.06, time=0.29, numword=3, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=5, rank=4, date=7
There were four statements the jury considered, Musk and Tesla were found not liable in all four. Verdict has been signed
 ranking=14.614425889029658 from {coleman=0.6, cos=0.44, smog=0.85, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.16, pop=3.86, numsent=2, flesch=1.09, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=2, numword=2, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=1, rank=5, date=1
Exactly. Musk is the biased one here.
 ranking=5.860167857142857 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=2, flesch=0.94, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0, lix=0, time=0.58, numword=0, kincaid=-0.03, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=7, rank=6, date=6

 ranking=-1.4497099622971974 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.86, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=6, rank=7, date=5

@faizsays tweeted on 02/03/23 02:54:51: NEW: Elon Musk found not liable in federal trial over “Funding secured” tweet
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 7 of 3 (reached end) 233% 0% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1621643530035929090, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/03/23 02:55:20 (HIGH,4,15,1,5710) There were four statements the jury considered, Musk and Tesla were found not liable in all four. Verdict has been signed]
[tweet: 1621644377788653568, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/03/23 02:58:43 (HIGH,21,22,3,19431) STORY: Elon Musk found not liable in federal trial over “Funding secured” tweet  Plaintiffs argued: "This is about rules. This is about applying rules to billionaires like Elon Musk.”  "Can Elon Musk do whatever he wants and not face the consequences?”]
[tweet: 1621650880541122565, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/03/23 03:24:33 (HIGH,2,12,3,2524) This adds to a string of legal victories for Musk: in Tesla's acquisition of SolarCity, the defamation suit over Musk calling a cave rescue volunteer a "pedo guy," and now, "Funding secured"  (Notably, Musk bought Twitter after that was taken to court)]
[tweet: 1621660688757428225, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/03/23 04:03:31 (HIGH,2,12,3,4386) Notably, Musk's team made an eleventh-hour push to move the case out of San Francisco (to Texas) because they didn't believe they could get a fair jury here  The jury assembled in SF ultimately ruled in Musk's favor]
[tweet: 1621691876830224386, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/03/23 06:07:27 (HIGH,1,8,,2768) Musk’s attorney, Alex Spiro: “The jury got it right.”  Plaintiffs’ attorney Nicholas Porritt: “We’re just disappointed.”  A juror said the plaintiffs’ case just “didn’t land,” and that it was disorganized]
[tweet: 1621647648246882304, from: @devonguerrero (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 03:11:42 (HIGH,,4,,643) Jesus Christ]
[tweet: 1621653412981907458, from: @mccompass40 (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 03:34:37 (HIGH,,1,,477) INCEL News ALERT!!!]


This adds to a string of legal victories for Musk: in Tesla's acquisition of SolarCity, the defamation suit over Musk calling a cave rescue volunteer a "pedo guy," and now, "Funding secured"

(Notably, Musk bought Twitter after that was taken to court)
 ranking=19.425960687890896 from {coleman=0.59, cos=1.12, smog=1.53, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.92, pop=3.81, numsent=1, flesch=1.63, ari=1.06, lix=0.99, time=1.15, numword=4, fuzzy=0.2, fog=1.07}
 orders: orig=3, rank=1, date=4
STORY: Elon Musk found not liable in federal trial over “Funding secured” tweet

Plaintiffs argued: "This is about rules. This is about applying rules to billionaires like Elon Musk.”

"Can Elon Musk do whatever he wants and not face the consequences?”
 ranking=18.230715543085168 from {coleman=0.64, smog=0.94, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.4, pop=4.81, numsent=3, flesch=1.38, ari=0.42, lix=0, time=1.72, numword=4, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.47}
 orders: orig=2, rank=2, date=2
There were four statements the jury considered, Musk and Tesla were found not liable in all four. Verdict has been signed
 ranking=14.801752877621755 from {coleman=0.6, cos=1.06, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.16, pop=3.86, numsent=2, flesch=1.09, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=2, numword=2, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=1, rank=3, date=1
Notably, Musk's team made an eleventh-hour push to move the case out of San Francisco (to Texas) because they didn't believe they could get a fair jury here

The jury assembled in SF ultimately ruled in Musk's favor
 ranking=13.90085332458641 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.65, pop=3.81, numsent=1, flesch=1.38, ari=0.77, lix=0.1, time=0.58, numword=3, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.74}
 orders: orig=4, rank=4, date=6
Musk’s attorney, Alex Spiro: “The jury got it right.”

Plaintiffs’ attorney Nicholas Porritt: “We’re just disappointed.”

A juror said the plaintiffs’ case just “didn’t land,” and that it was disorganized
 ranking=13.790581377941448 from {coleman=0.76, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.3, pop=2.95, numsent=3, flesch=1.31, ari=0.4, lix=0.06, time=0.29, numword=3, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=5, rank=5, date=7
Jesus Christ
 ranking=2.4168879702512633 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, pop=2.08, numsent=1, flesch=1.23, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=1.43, numword=0, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=6, rank=6, date=3
 ranking=1.0315067043694686 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.27, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.38, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=0.86, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=7, rank=7, date=5

@faizsays tweeted on 02/03/23 02:14:20: A fun thing to happened to me today, as an adult, is Elon Musk’s security guy shushed me and made a little zip-it motion as I was asking questions
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Bad 63 of 53 (reached end) 118% 26% 7%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • [original: #9, ranking: #49, date: #29] From @deadendangel on 02/03/23 06:11:52
  • Cope harder..
    [original: #13, ranking: #47, date: #42] From @s_padival on 02/03/23 08:38:04
  • [original: #15, ranking: #46, date: #20] From @hsi_tv on 02/03/23 04:35:48
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • Asking question? The new frame of the western policy framework is designed to be experienced and adapted to rather than asking any questions. Get used to it.
    [original: #50, ranking: #4, date: #30] From @mdt_alam on 02/03/23 06:24:43
  • It's being 8 months since I ventured in.. Though I was skeptical at first because I wasn't sure if they'll meet up to my expectations..@Rochelle_212 It has been a good opportunity for me and my family thank I made over $17k with the help of @Rochelle_212 platform
    [original: #61, ranking: #5, date: #16] From @mugabe_2112 on 02/03/23 02:58:58
  • Interpretation is an action that allows us to view a situation through the lens of our own preferences.
    [original: #52, ranking: #12, date: #31] From @shallowinsan on 02/03/23 06:27:32
  • Sorry, but this popped into my head
    [original: #54, ranking: #14, date: #24] From @the38super on 02/03/23 05:56:38
  • You were just introduced to yet another facet of the Boer and his media persona
    [original: #51, ranking: #21, date: #46] From @andyoruba on 02/04/23 04:10:35
Other hidden replies:
  • Tell him to suck a bag of dicks
    [original: #62, ranking: #39, date: #33] From @blain_hanna on 02/03/23 06:29:51
  • Free speech, amirite? Haha
    [original: #59, ranking: #43, date: #48] From @customeraccts on 02/04/23 06:54:36
  • [original: #60, ranking: #56, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • ya shut the fuck up
    [original: #63, ranking: #58, date: #32] From @geo75820601 on 02/03/23 06:29:23
[tweet: 1621635784012095488, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/03/23 02:24:34 (HIGH,6,289,,38257) that happened*]
[tweet: 1621634352269651968, from: @dzennon (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 02:18:52 (HIGH,4,37,1,38635) What were you asking?]
[tweet: 1621634891548102657, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/03/23 02:21:01 (HIGH,12,388,9,37553) nothing spicy, I asked his thoughts on how the Funding secured case had gone (just as the jury had gone to deliberate), and why he’d locked his Twitter account]
[tweet: 1621688077914902528, from: @clalter59 (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 05:52:21 (HIGH,1,84,1,4519) Did you give him this?]
[tweet: 1621869479985569792, from: @fenitn (VERIFIED) on 02/04/23 05:53:11 (HIGH,,6,,7371) Quite the rise from Jack Evans calling you an asshole]
[tweet: 1621728532752654337, from: @joyhenningsenmd (VERIFIED) on 02/03/23 08:33:07 (HIGH,1,57,1,10056) I taught my dog the zip-it command so I could get him be quiet during zoom calls]
[tweet: 1621903006685069313, from: @kjjbrowning (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 08:06:24 (HIGH,,1,1,368) This is brilliant! And it worked?]
[tweet: 1621652178397200384, from: @micki_bruin (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 03:29:42 (HIGH,,2,,5217) Warming up that FUD pen, eh?]
[tweet: 1621692987741978624, from: @deadendangel (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 06:11:52 (HIGH,,8,,622) [empty]]
[tweet: 1621704833555218433, from: @ktagain (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 06:58:56 (HIGH,,38,,2902) Did he then motion for you to turn the key to lock it and then throw the key away?  Just curious as to how far he took the threat.]
[tweet: 1621923731151912960, from: @maire_keyl (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 09:28:46 (HIGH,,3,,214) Would've been tempting to launch into this]
[tweet: 1621703341796655104, from: @effinalavina (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 06:53:01 (HIGH,,2,,581) Don’t interrupt unless beckoned by God Musk.]
[tweet: 1621729780705144840, from: @s_padival (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 08:38:04 (HIGH,,3,,3248) Cope harder..]
[tweet: 1621889996956344321, from: @alagai (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 07:14:43 (HIGH,,5,1,67) The Musk stan is so silly.]
[tweet: 1621668812952322050, from: @hsi_tv (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 04:35:48 (HIGH,,11,,13028) [empty]]
[tweet: 1621639778494971905, from: @phoebesaid (VERIFIED) on 02/03/23 02:40:26 (HIGH,10,270,3,31832) Dear Faiz, It has been a long week, where each day has felt like Friday. The idea of a @washingtonpost tech reporter being shushed with a zip-it motion (which I haven't seen since I volunteered in my daughter's kindergarten glass) made me laugh out loud. Thank you.]
[tweet: 1621703976793083904, from: @cathylanski (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 06:55:32 (HIGH,,7,,4243) I definitely pictured Dr Evil]
[tweet: 1621634529604653063, from: @zbrown1212 (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 02:19:35 (HIGH,1,35,,6261) You are not allowed to speak in the presence of Elon the Kid]
[tweet: 1621637052025507840, from: @timaeppel (VERIFIED) on 02/03/23 02:29:36 (HIGH,,55,,25503) Did you, in fact, zip it? Hope not.]
[tweet: 1621647476007620608, from: @prunesquallor10 (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 03:11:01 (HIGH,,4,,8475) Contemplate this upon the Tree of Woe.]
[tweet: 1621635046007312384, from: @joeyaguafresca (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 02:21:38 (HIGH,,44,1,8678) at least he didn't do this]
[tweet: 1621910516917583872, from: @publicjeremyno1 (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 08:36:15 (HIGH,,1,,311) Good news. Crafts time has been extended to two hours today]
[tweet: 1621639796798922752, from: @exautoanalyst (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 02:40:30 (HIGH,,3,1,2317) Twitter sitter 2.0]
[tweet: 1621895462679617537, from: @canadarecord (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 07:36:26 (HIGH,0,,,196) did he inherit @Jack's muscle with the acquisition?]
[tweet: 1621634114330976257, from: @lloyddabbler (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 02:17:56 (HIGH,0,,,3112) Geezuz. I'm sorry.]
[tweet: 1621713439541559296, from: @debateexpert (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 07:33:08 (HIGH,0,,,1896) Did he throw away the key]
[tweet: 1621967809226891266, from: @hello_hellotoy (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 12:23:55 (HIGH,0,,,109) How inappropriate and unacceptable]
[tweet: 1621642234771947522, from: @teymoornabili (VERIFIED) on 02/03/23 02:50:12 (HIGH,,1,,16433) And did you?]
[tweet: 1622622932014108674, from: @seasherm (UNKNOWN) on 02/06/23 07:47:08 (HIGH,0,,,20) Zip it?]
[tweet: 1621889013245267970, from: @defargeknits (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 07:10:48 (HIGH,0,,,540) Maybe he's one of those teachers that quit. Has a very elementary vibe.]
[tweet: 1621745251101589504, from: @soundslikeyello (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 09:39:33 (HIGH,0,,,1926) [empty]]
[tweet: 1621635814957678592, from: @passthebeano (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 02:24:41 (HIGH,,12,,6353) Did he flash his piece?   *did I say that right?]
[tweet: 1621914206122704896, from: @passthebeano (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 08:50:55 (HIGH,0,,,21) [empty]]
[tweet: 1621640948689276929, from: @melaynalokosky (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 02:45:05 (HIGH,,9,1,1471) Did he had to stand on Musk's shoulders? Insecure Musk requires all security detail be at least 5 inches shorter than he is.]
[tweet: 1621643969519304705, from: @sluggishcheetah (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 02:57:05 (HIGH,,2,1,348) Are you serious….]
[tweet: 1621689884024139776, from: @donaperreault (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 05:59:32 (HIGH,,2,,2202) [empty]]
[tweet: 1621691642435477504, from: @annakareninaxx (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 06:06:31 (HIGH,,2,,1986) A polite gentleman fastens his trousers.]
[tweet: 1621937177562152960, from: @playagotslayed (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 10:22:11 (HIGH,0,,,132) What was he gonna do if he you wanted to say something?]
[tweet: 1621638996118933504, from: @ryanlhonick (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 02:37:19 (HIGH,,13,,6331) [empty]]
[tweet: 1622403355976028160, from: @int_ijk (UNKNOWN) on 02/05/23 05:14:37 (HIGH,0,,,24) did you reciprocate with an appropriate dr. evil (tm) smirk, gesture, or laser-equipped sharknado??  professionalism, etc.]
[tweet: 1621811989554110466, from: @bee_4827 (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 02:04:44 (HIGH,,1,,199) Well, if he, like Musk’s lawyer, thinks that Musk is a “kid”, you must look like a little boy to him]
[tweet: 1621891950118055936, from: @jhbaran (VERIFIED) on 02/04/23 07:22:28 (HIGH,,1,,5678) raise your hand if you want to ask a question fish so rude]
[tweet: 1621688270735437824, from: @schwroark (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 05:53:07 (HIGH,,1,1,1001) Did you zip it?]
[tweet: 1621676119136292864, from: @gelloh77 (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 05:04:50 (HIGH,,4,,3827) Yes, don't question the billionaires!]
[tweet: 1621711496550940672, from: @liberaljb (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 07:25:25 (HIGH,,1,,1892) I hope you’ll report that.]
[tweet: 1621820998516359168, from: @rileyjean_marie (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 02:40:32 (HIGH,,2,,696) Did you manage not to laugh in his face? Quietly, of course.]
[tweet: 1622031414702006273, from: @kelloggsboss (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 04:36:39 (HIGH,0,,,43) Tell me you gave him the finger]
[tweet: 1621699867310698496, from: @stickista (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 06:39:12 (HIGH,0,,,687) So did you?]
[tweet: 1621704964849504257, from: @lovelesstrump (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 06:59:28 (HIGH,,1,,630) LOL, that's what happens in the land of Dr evil]
[tweet: 1621696219763417089, from: @mdt_alam (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 06:24:43 (HIGH,,3,,1893) Asking question? The new frame of the western policy framework is designed to be experienced and adapted to rather than asking any questions. Get used to it.]
[tweet: 1621843658159833088, from: @andyoruba (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 04:10:35 (HIGH,0,,,175) You were just introduced to yet another facet of the Boer and his media persona]
[tweet: 1621696928961421315, from: @shallowinsan (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 06:27:32 (HIGH,,2,,1306) Interpretation is an action that allows us to view a situation through the lens of our own preferences.]
[tweet: 1621689428698611712, from: @bqnotyou (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 05:57:43 (HIGH,,1,,851) [empty]]
[tweet: 1621689155108339715, from: @the38super (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 05:56:38 (HIGH,1,31,,1672) Sorry, but this popped into my head]
[tweet: 1621946415273345025, from: @janniejo8 (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 10:58:54 (HIGH,0,,,165) [empty]]
[tweet: 1621657115906707456, from: @jtkirkstribble (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 03:49:20 (HIGH,0,,,793) Oh yeah, crybaby?]
[tweet: 1621689729124106243, from: @evilsaltine (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 05:58:55 (HIGH,0,,,108) ???]
[tweet: 1622075297368788993, from: @jessekershner1 (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 07:31:02 (HIGH,0,,,25) Elon musk]
[tweet: 1621884935111049216, from: @customeraccts (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 06:54:36 (LOW,0,,,23) Free speech, amirite? Haha]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (LOW,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1621644442280071168, from: @mugabe_2112 (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 02:58:58 (ABUSIVE,0,,,142) It's being 8 months since I ventured in.. Though I was skeptical at first because I wasn't sure if they'll meet up to my expectations..@Rochelle_212 It has been a good opportunity for me and my family thank I made over $17k with the help of @Rochelle_212 platform]
[tweet: 1621697514171768834, from: @blain_hanna (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 06:29:51 (ABUSIVE,,1,,101) Tell him to suck a bag of dicks]
[tweet: 1621697394931818497, from: @geo75820601 (UNKNOWN) on 02/03/23 06:29:23 (ABUSIVE,0,,,62) ya shut the fuck up]


Dear Faiz,
It has been a long week, where each day has felt like Friday. The idea of a @washingtonpost tech reporter being shushed with a zip-it motion (which I haven't seen since I volunteered in my daughter's kindergarten glass) made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
 ranking=21.50634237363079 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0.82, smog=0.85, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.2, pop=6.38, numsent=3, flesch=1.09, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=1.69, numword=4, fuzzy=2, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=16, rank=1, date=11
nothing spicy, I asked his thoughts on how the Funding secured case had gone (just as the jury had gone to deliberate), and why he’d locked his Twitter account
 ranking=16.780949563404533 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.53, pop=6.76, numsent=1, flesch=1.31, ari=0.67, lix=0.1, time=1.88, numword=2, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.64}
 orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=5
Did he had to stand on Musk's shoulders? Insecure Musk requires all security detail be at least 5 inches shorter than he is.
 ranking=13.976171281018596 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0.61, smog=0.98, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.3, pop=3.14, numsent=2, flesch=1.28, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.62, numword=2, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=34, rank=3, date=13
Asking question? The new frame of the western policy framework is designed to be experienced and adapted to rather than asking any questions. Get used to it.
 ranking=13.686576500683572 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0.73, smog=0.75, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.28, pop=1.8, numsent=3, flesch=1.28, ari=0.27, lix=0.05, time=1.08, numword=2, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=50, rank=4, date=30
It's being 8 months since I ventured in.. Though I was skeptical at first because I wasn't sure if they'll meet up to my expectations..@Rochelle_212 It has been a good opportunity for me and my family thank I made over $17k with the help of @Rochelle_212 platform
 ranking=12.452388248986681 from {coleman=0.37, numsent=3, flesch=1.18, cos=0.25, smog=0.85, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=1.53, numword=4, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.27, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=61, rank=5, date=16
Did he then motion for you to turn the key to lock it and then throw the key away?

Just curious as to how far he took the threat.
 ranking=11.572546922100234 from {coleman=0.22, cos=0.27, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.14, pop=4.34, numsent=2, flesch=0.99, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=0.86, numword=2, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=10, rank=6, date=37
You are not allowed to speak in the presence of Elon the Kid
 ranking=11.527831095256408 from {coleman=0.3, cos=0.45, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.21, pop=4.3, numsent=1, flesch=1.11, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.91, numword=1, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=18, rank=7, date=4
I taught my dog the zip-it command so I could get him be quiet during zoom calls 
 ranking=10.81952379048526 from {coleman=0.28, cos=0.36, smog=0.3, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.2, pop=4.81, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.74, numword=1, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=6, rank=8, date=41
that happened*
 ranking=10.573639476589161 from {coleman=0.98, cos=1, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, pop=6.4, numsent=1, flesch=1.23, ari=0.4, lix=0.1, time=1.81, numword=0, fuzzy=2.2, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=1, rank=9, date=7
Did you, in fact, zip it? Hope not.
 ranking=10.161724611824162 from {coleman=0.1, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.11, pop=4.71, numsent=2, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.26, lix=0, time=1.75, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=19, rank=10, date=9
Did he flash his piece? 

*did I say that right?
 ranking=10.157701608125723 from {coleman=0.22, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.09, pop=3.18, numsent=2, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=1.78, numword=1, fuzzy=1, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=32, rank=11, date=8
Interpretation is an action that allows us to view a situation through the lens of our own preferences.
 ranking=10.026605040122783 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.53, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.48, ari=0.5, lix=0.06, time=1.05, numword=1, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.7}
 orders: orig=52, rank=12, date=31
did you reciprocate with an appropriate dr. evil (tm) smirk, gesture, or laser-equipped sharknado??

professionalism, etc.
 ranking=9.097284123408667 from {coleman=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.98, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.43, numsent=2, flesch=1.54, ari=0.42, lix=0.06, time=0.07, numword=1, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.55}
 orders: orig=40, rank=13, date=62
Sorry, but this popped into my head
 ranking=8.913407111165478 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.05, pop=4.18, numsent=1, flesch=0.85, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.27, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=54, rank=14, date=24
at least he didn't do this
 ranking=8.863739334423098 from {coleman=0.1, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.09, pop=4.54, numsent=1, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.24, lix=0, time=1.85, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=21, rank=15, date=6
A polite gentleman fastens his trousers.
 ranking=8.794732394815533 from {coleman=0.88, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.42, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.55, ari=0.42, lix=0.11, time=1.15, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=37, rank=16, date=28
Contemplate this upon the Tree of Woe.
 ranking=8.11669187696278 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.2, pop=2.08, numsent=1, flesch=1.22, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.5, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=20, rank=17, date=17
Quite the rise from Jack Evans calling you an asshole
 ranking=8.06052418947054 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.19, pop=2.49, numsent=1, flesch=1.14, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=0.54, numword=1, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.2}
 orders: orig=5, rank=18, date=47
Don’t interrupt unless beckoned by God Musk.
 ranking=7.506510172593311 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0.79, numsent=1, flesch=1.41, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.34, lix=0.06, time=0.93, numword=0, kincaid=0.33, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=12, rank=19, date=35
Maybe he's one of those teachers that quit. Has a very elementary vibe.
 ranking=7.324180477477885 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=2, flesch=1.13, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.48, numword=1, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=1, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=30, rank=20, date=49
You were just introduced to yet another facet of the Boer and his media persona
 ranking=7.2801485740033876 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=1, flesch=1.27, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.33, lix=0.05, time=0.58, numword=1, kincaid=0.34, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=51, rank=21, date=46
Well, if he, like Musk’s lawyer, thinks that Musk is a “kid”, you must look like a little boy to him
 ranking=7.256032799305428 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0.22, numsent=1, flesch=1.03, cos=0.54, smog=0.3, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.64, numword=2, kincaid=0.24, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=41, rank=22, date=44
Did you manage not to laugh in his face? Quietly, of course.
 ranking=7.225327297627826 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.41, kincaid=-0.02, pop=1.39, numsent=2, flesch=0.91, ari=-0.01, lix=0, time=0.61, numword=1, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=46, rank=23, date=45
What were you asking? 
 ranking=6.7840799430247865 from {coleman=0.47, cos=1, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.04, pop=4.52, numsent=1, flesch=1.03, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.94, numword=0, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=2, rank=24, date=3
Good news. Crafts time has been extended to two hours today
 ranking=6.544631343158991 from {coleman=0.5, cos=0.36, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.02, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=0.92, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=0.32, numword=1, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=22, rank=25, date=54
The Musk stan is so silly.
 ranking=6.493686312213321 from {coleman=0.2, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.07, pop=2.71, numsent=1, flesch=0.84, ari=-0.13, lix=0, time=0.45, numword=0, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=14, rank=26, date=50
Would've been tempting to launch into this
 ranking=6.432919389862975 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.03, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=0.98, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.26, numword=0, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=11, rank=27, date=56
raise your hand if you want to ask a question fish so rude
 ranking=6.388780208642974 from {coleman=0.26, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.11, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=0.98, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.42, numword=1, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=42, rank=28, date=51
This is brilliant! And it worked?
 ranking=6.081666498261662 from {pop=1.95, coleman=0.49, numsent=2, flesch=0.95, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.35, numword=0, kincaid=-0.03, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=7, rank=29, date=53
What was he gonna do if he you wanted to say something?
 ranking=5.997548946394056 from {coleman=0.27, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=0.23, numword=1, kincaid=0.15, fuzzy=1, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=38, rank=30, date=57
did he inherit @Jack's muscle with the acquisition?
 ranking=5.828130300193864 from {coleman=0.58, numsent=1, flesch=1.39, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=0.39, numword=0, kincaid=0.34, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=24, rank=31, date=52
LOL, that's what happens in the land of Dr evil
 ranking=5.7616940059567705 from {coleman=0.23, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.06, ari=-0.03, lix=0, time=0.83, numword=1, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=49, rank=32, date=38
Warming up that FUD pen, eh?
 ranking=5.715470154770684 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.03, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=0.98, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=1.47, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=8, rank=33, date=18
How inappropriate and unacceptable
 ranking=5.030039327971642 from {coleman=1.5, cos=0, smog=1.08, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.78, numsent=1, flesch=2.09, ari=0.86, lix=0.11, time=0.16, numword=0, fuzzy=1.4, fog=1.08}
 orders: orig=27, rank=34, date=59
I definitely pictured Dr Evil
 ranking=4.841538776009314 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.5, pop=2.64, numsent=1, flesch=1.68, ari=0.24, lix=0.08, time=0.89, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=17, rank=35, date=36
Yes, don't question the billionaires!
 ranking=4.8084559642643665 from {coleman=1.13, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.48, pop=2.08, numsent=1, flesch=1.67, ari=0.56, lix=0.11, time=1.37, numword=0, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=44, rank=36, date=21
Twitter sitter 2.0
 ranking=4.20556392359202 from {coleman=1.13, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.44, pop=2.4, numsent=1, flesch=1.65, ari=0.51, lix=0.1, time=1.66, numword=0, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=23, rank=37, date=12
Did you give him this?
 ranking=3.905687328371484 from {coleman=0.22, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.09, pop=5.18, numsent=1, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=1.34, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=4, rank=38, date=22
Tell him to suck a bag of dicks
 ranking=3.8911054146869297 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0.1, numsent=1, flesch=0.86, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.16, lix=0, time=0.99, numword=0, kincaid=-0.03, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=62, rank=39, date=33
Tell me you gave him the finger
 ranking=3.174162698412698 from {coleman=0.27, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=0.13, numword=0, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=47, rank=40, date=60
Did he throw away the key
 ranking=3.103096428571429 from {coleman=0.2, numsent=1, flesch=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.13, lix=0, time=0.77, numword=0, kincaid=-0.07, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=26, rank=41, date=40
Are you serious….
 ranking=2.528663466225108 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.07, pop=2.2, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=0.03, lix=0.05, time=1.56, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=35, rank=42, date=15
Free speech, amirite? Haha
 ranking=2.2716098425572495 from {coleman=0.76, cos=0, smog=0.69, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, numsent=2, flesch=1.23, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=0.51, numword=0, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.54}
 orders: orig=59, rank=43, date=48
Geezuz. I'm sorry.
 ranking=2.1024039682539684 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.13, numsent=2, flesch=1.22, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.97, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=25, rank=44, date=2

 ranking=1.9723822523071963 from {pop=3.26, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.72, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=39, rank=45, date=10

 ranking=1.4878678501837128 from {pop=3.1, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.4, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=15, rank=46, date=20
Cope harder..
 ranking=1.334047167640753 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=1.23, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.7, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=13, rank=47, date=42
Elon musk
 ranking=0.9162198764246429 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.71, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, numsent=1, flesch=1.23, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=0.1, numword=0, fuzzy=2.1, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=58, rank=48, date=61

 ranking=0.8836998333508923 from {pop=2.78, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.12, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=9, rank=49, date=29
Did you zip it?
 ranking=0.7302099506426147 from {coleman=0.02, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.11, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.32, lix=0, time=1.31, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=43, rank=50, date=23
Oh yeah, crybaby?
 ranking=-0.19554523809523894 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.07, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=0.03, lix=0.05, time=1.43, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=56, rank=51, date=19

 ranking=-0.4391024642769348 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.18, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=36, rank=52, date=27
I hope you’ll report that.
 ranking=-0.5414895257892617 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.04, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.03, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.8, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=45, rank=53, date=39
 ranking=-0.7936507936507937 from {coleman=0, numsent=1, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.21, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=57, rank=54, date=26
And did you? 
 ranking=-0.8790012321384688 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0.1, numsent=1, flesch=0.81, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=-0.29, lix=0, time=1.59, numword=0, kincaid=-0.13, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=28, rank=55, date=14

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=60, rank=56, date=1

 ranking=-1.0687575813448165 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.24, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=53, rank=57, date=25
ya shut the fuck up
 ranking=-1.4942569841269848 from {coleman=0.1, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.09, numsent=1, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.24, lix=0, time=1.02, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=63, rank=58, date=32

 ranking=-2.3333333333333335 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=31, rank=59, date=43
So did you?
 ranking=-2.3837357142857156 from {coleman=-0, numsent=1, flesch=0.81, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=-0.36, lix=0, time=0.96, numword=0, kincaid=-0.13, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=48, rank=60, date=34

 ranking=-2.7142857142857144 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.29, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=33, rank=61, date=55
Zip it?
 ranking=-2.7673789682539685 from {coleman=-0.05, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.43, lix=0, time=0.04, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=29, rank=62, date=63

 ranking=-2.8095238095238093 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=55, rank=63, date=58

@faizsays tweeted on 02/01/23 03:00:27: The person who runs this account, John Bernal, was a driver-assistance test operator at Tesla until he was fired after posting videos of Tesla's Full Self-Driving on YouTube…
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 13 of 10 (reached end) 130% 15% 15%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
  • Tesla is a cult-like company, and some of its employees are like North Korean state employees. They are indoctrinated to serve the mercurial narcissistic boss.
    [original: #12, ranking: #5, date: #6] From @flybyrawhoney on 02/01/23 06:47:36
  • Video looks fake AF.
    [original: #13, ranking: #13, date: #10] From @thebearded_dad on 02/01/23 10:41:00
[tweet: 1620921192449445888, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 02/01/23 03:05:02 (HIGH,13,51,2,3579) Some of the flaws revealed by AI Addict include: a car in Full Self-Driving crashing into a bike lane bollard, a near miss with a pedestrian crossing the street, and a car traveling down light rail tracks]
[tweet: 1621219953272827904, from: @brandonlive (UNKNOWN) on 02/02/23 10:52:12 (HIGH,,5,,176) This is incorrect. He was fired for multiple reasons including performing his test driver duties in an unsafe manner, selling unauthorized Tesla-branded gear, and for misrepresenting himself as a member of the Autopilot engineering team.]
[tweet: 1620926016658239490, from: @geezer_tweeter (UNKNOWN) on 02/01/23 03:24:12 (HIGH,,6,1,1096) Strange.  This tweet appeared on my "Following" feed a few minutes ago.  Now it's gone.  I follow  @StanphylCap and they retweeted it so there's no reason it should have disappeared.  I'm sure that's just a bug in $TWTR though because  @elonmusk  is committed to free speech.]
[tweet: 1620930423772831744, from: @vomnox (UNKNOWN) on 02/01/23 03:41:43 (HIGH,,,1,183) Strange, I'm blocked by @StanphylCap. What did I do?]
[tweet: 1620920909627527168, from: @geezer_tweeter (UNKNOWN) on 02/01/23 03:03:54 (HIGH,,13,,1221) [empty]]
[tweet: 1620995765563686913, from: @dudeinnovation (UNKNOWN) on 02/01/23 08:01:21 (HIGH,1,6,5,601) Just like a seasoned presstitute you are giving half the story, half the context. As an employee instead of giving feedback internally he was bad mouthing publicly on YT on a product that was still under development  Every employer would fire a person like this without hesitation]
[tweet: 1621197480632406016, from: @geezer_tweeter (UNKNOWN) on 02/02/23 09:22:54 (HIGH,,5,,46) [empty]]
[tweet: 1621012423267303425, from: @rainbowhurrica2 (UNKNOWN) on 02/01/23 09:07:33 (HIGH,0,,,435) Maybe he could test it again with latest]
[tweet: 1620929596882563074, from: @cybercampr (UNKNOWN) on 02/01/23 03:38:25 (HIGH,,7,,985) There's more to the story than that lol. He shouldn't have been doing that as an employee.]
[tweet: 1620982642899566592, from: @burstaholic (UNKNOWN) on 02/01/23 07:09:13 (HIGH,,7,1,130) That explains why they won't honor his car warranty, yeah? Because that's totally related and not petty harassment?]
[tweet: 1621854567942995973, from: @loveracing36joy (UNKNOWN) on 02/04/23 04:53:56 (HIGH,0,,,7) Just the pain in the ass of taking them to cart but I'm pretty sure with the big deal they make about no maintenance cost you're covered in the warranty somewhere. You'll just have to climb over a pile of rotting lawyers first]
[tweet: 1620977205001224192, from: @flybyrawhoney (UNKNOWN) on 02/01/23 06:47:36 (LOW,,3,,119) Tesla is a cult-like company, and some of its employees are like North Korean state employees. They are indoctrinated to serve the mercurial narcissistic boss.]
[tweet: 1621035942302875648, from: @thebearded_dad (UNKNOWN) on 02/01/23 10:41:00 (LOW,0,,,70) Video looks fake AF.]


Some of the flaws revealed by AI Addict include: a car in Full Self-Driving crashing into a bike lane bollard, a near miss with a pedestrian crossing the street, and a car traveling down light rail tracks
 ranking=17.42782447600745 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0.41, smog=1.08, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.68, pop=5.02, numsent=1, flesch=1.38, ari=0.83, lix=0.11, time=1.85, numword=3, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.84}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=2
Strange.  This tweet appeared on my "Following" feed a few minutes ago.  Now it's gone.  I follow 
and they retweeted it so there's no reason it should have disappeared.  I'm sure that's just a bug in $TWTR though because 
 is committed to free speech.
 ranking=17.279634592255324 from {coleman=0.5, cos=0, smog=0.73, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.15, pop=2.84, numsent=5, flesch=1.12, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.7, numword=4, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=3
Just like a seasoned presstitute you are giving half the story, half the context. As an employee instead of giving feedback internally he was bad mouthing publicly on YT on a product that was still under development

Every employer would fire a person like this without hesitation
 ranking=16.767353227319532 from {coleman=0.66, cos=0.18, smog=1.08, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.58, pop=3.69, numsent=2, flesch=1.45, ari=0.68, lix=0.1, time=0.93, numword=4, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.65}
 orders: orig=6, rank=3, date=8
This is incorrect. He was fired for multiple reasons including performing his test driver duties in an unsafe manner, selling unauthorized Tesla-branded gear, and for misrepresenting himself as a member of the Autopilot engineering team.
 ranking=15.276641955135213 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0.45, smog=1.33, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.63, pop=2.31, numsent=2, flesch=1.65, ari=0.65, lix=0.09, time=0.31, numword=3, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.76}
 orders: orig=2, rank=4, date=12
Tesla is a cult-like company, and some of its employees are like North Korean state employees. They are indoctrinated to serve the mercurial narcissistic boss.
 ranking=12.490036593247222 from {coleman=0.72, cos=0.25, smog=0.98, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.34, pop=1.8, numsent=2, flesch=1.33, ari=0.44, lix=0.05, time=1.24, numword=2, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=12, rank=5, date=6
That explains why they won't honor his car warranty, yeah? Because that's totally related and not petty harassment?
 ranking=11.23799164071026 from {coleman=0.76, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.27, pop=2.95, numsent=2, flesch=1.29, ari=0.37, lix=0.08, time=1.08, numword=1, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=10, rank=6, date=7
Just the pain in the ass of taking them to cart but I'm pretty sure with the big deal they make about no maintenance cost you're covered in the warranty somewhere. You'll just have to climb over a pile of rotting lawyers first
 ranking=11.132111211351319 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.37, numsent=2, flesch=1.22, ari=0.42, lix=0.05, time=0.16, numword=4, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=11, rank=7, date=13
There's more to the story than that lol. He shouldn't have been doing that as an employee.
 ranking=8.842690534743463 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.04, pop=2.64, numsent=2, flesch=0.86, ari=-0, lix=0, time=1.54, numword=1, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=9, rank=8, date=4
Strange, I'm blocked by @StanphylCap. What did I do?
 ranking=6.550506868478056 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.12, pop=1.61, numsent=2, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.1, lix=0, time=1.39, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=4, rank=9, date=5
Maybe he could test it again with latest
 ranking=4.438312019230769 from {coleman=0.43, numsent=1, flesch=1.08, cos=0.5, smog=0.3, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=0.77, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=8, rank=10, date=9

 ranking=2.258096538021482 from {pop=3.26, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=5, rank=11, date=1

 ranking=-0.23587644546749253 from {pop=2.31, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.47, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=7, rank=12, date=11
Video looks fake AF.
 ranking=-1.2394028846153846 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.11, numsent=1, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.62, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=13, rank=13, date=10

@faizsays tweeted on 12/24/22 07:09:20: NEW: Elon Musk sent a Signal message ordering his staff to aid in the Twitter Files: "please give Bari [Weiss] full access to everything at Twitter. No limits at all.” That triggered a frenzy inside Twitter, which was under a decade-old FTC order.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 212 of 208 (reached end) 101% 7% 33%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • [original: #60, ranking: #211, date: #190] From @ducttapemom on 12/25/22 02:18:35
  • [original: #56, ranking: #209, date: #153] From @andrewr70528002 on 12/24/22 11:25:49
  • yet here you are…
    [original: #6, ranking: #207, date: #164] From @islandwoodfired on 12/25/22 02:55:51
  • Lol dream on
    [original: #54, ranking: #204, date: #157] From @cryptocptn on 12/25/22 01:02:45
  • [original: #63, ranking: #200, date: #44] From @rightpointns on 12/24/22 09:54:46
  • Good job
    [original: #68, ranking: #198, date: #73] From @dralyanyashin on 12/24/22 12:51:14
  • WaPo...
    [original: #61, ranking: #197, date: #52] From @charlemagne0814 on 12/24/22 10:21:38
  • I am fumingggg
    [original: #62, ranking: #193, date: #209] From @jennelizabethj on 12/27/22 11:46:28
  • #FakeNews
    [original: #9, ranking: #192, date: #88] From @belchspeak on 12/24/22 02:22:47
  • [original: #10, ranking: #191, date: #130] From @wjreturns on 12/24/22 07:53:23
  • Bye, then.
    [original: #8, ranking: #188, date: #23] From @kimkaliszewski on 12/24/22 08:49:16
  • ˈtwidər, c'est moi, Elmo maybe?
    [original: #70, ranking: #186, date: #84] From @millenboy on 12/24/22 01:51:56
  • Blue Sky please hurry.
    [original: #57, ranking: #182, date: #137] From @plaguestopper on 12/24/22 08:13:00
  • [original: #34, ranking: #181, date: #48] From @james1972 on 12/24/22 10:07:31
  • Sholy hit!
    [original: #49, ranking: #180, date: #47] From @blueeyedmonkey on 12/24/22 10:07:20
  • [original: #37, ranking: #176, date: #69] From @robaltman14 on 12/24/22 12:34:43
  • Clean the house.
    [original: #7, ranking: #171, date: #18] From @failuresam on 12/24/22 08:14:51
  • [original: #36, ranking: #168, date: #64] From @derangedfocus on 12/24/22 11:51:55
  • boring.
    [original: #46, ranking: #167, date: #60] From @dsanatelli on 12/24/22 11:10:15
  • What a laughable smear job.
    [original: #33, ranking: #163, date: #34] From @billhobson1 on 12/24/22 09:11:28
  • Talk about a nothingburger
    [original: #69, ranking: #162, date: #78] From @82btx on 12/24/22 01:20:27
  • [original: #55, ranking: #161, date: #125] From @pretefunkera on 12/24/22 07:30:04
  • Well done @bariweiss
    [original: #31, ranking: #153, date: #27] From @nnimrodd on 12/24/22 09:02:01
  • [original: #40, ranking: #151, date: #105] From @realhirondelle on 12/24/22 04:41:17
  • You are a journalist?
    [original: #21, ranking: #144, date: #15] From @coorgimach on 12/24/22 07:52:49
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • For goodness sake’s. This article describes a nut not an effective CEO. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. It’s not that he should hire someone to run Twitter. He needs to do that and then have nothing to do with Twitter ever again. I know how harsh that sounds. Read the article
    [original: #161, ranking: #13, date: #152] From @julie_hovgaard on 12/24/22 10:51:15
  • People are saying this because he yanked the stock of his most profitable company and seems hell bent on mocking and turning off this companies main customer base. How can anyone be a Tesla investor and feel good about musks behavior is crazy
    [original: #146, ranking: #17, date: #31] From @crowwashere on 12/24/22 09:05:10
  • It's quite the spectacle to watch the old guard bring to bear every insane idea they can think of to discredit and stop Musk. Today's edition: "The guy who made the electric car a real thing and lands rockets returning from space ISn'T AKcHulLy SMarT."
    [original: #145, ranking: #24, date: #20] From @leighwolf on 12/24/22 08:19:48
  • You are a mountain of idiocy and ignorance, I can’t express in words the level of disdain that I have for your ilk at WAPO and NYT due to the rabid hate you people are displaying for someone who changed the course of humanity in many industries.
    [original: #193, ranking: #25, date: #198] From @ziadmurica on 12/26/22 04:36:52
  • You guys on the right can’t hold off embarrassing yourself over and over again. No one besides nutcases is interested in Hillary’s emails, Hunter Biden’s laptop or those Twitter files. All stupid nothing burgers, but you revolve all your existences around it. Grow up, get a life!
    [original: #204, ranking: #28, date: #93] From @keeluu on 12/24/22 02:36:27
  • You might be jealous you weren’t the one given access to the twitter files, but it’s ok for Elon to reveal to us all the shitlib shenanigans that were happening under prior leadership
    [original: #174, ranking: #29, date: #94] From @udchupacabras on 12/24/22 02:48:06
  • and I hate to make it personal but those like you who attack folks who are doing great good in this world need to understand that it’s not ok and in that vein I’m about to counter attack you, you must have a lot of anger at the world for taking a photo like this .
    [original: #194, ranking: #31, date: #199] From @ziadmurica on 12/26/22 05:17:25
  • Elon is dumm as the day is MFing long. He’s rich and that’s it; he’s not smart, not personable, not funny, and has zero interesting stories to tell. The people who laugh at his schitt are paid shills & sycophants who possess zero dignity,
    [original: #157, ranking: #34, date: #83] From @thetopherstein on 12/24/22 01:51:01
  • I know The Washington hoax is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, do you think pasting an article about Twitter is going to get us to buy a subscription to a propaganda rag just to read about twitter?
    [original: #173, ranking: #35, date: #80] From @frontiers_suck on 12/24/22 01:43:53
  • Like how stupid would we be to believe that this sniveling Palestinian strangler would really tell it to us like it is? Weiss, lol, get tf out of here with this op and see to dumping the all the files to the public [they won’t]
    [original: #160, ranking: #36, date: #143] From @faust_flag on 12/24/22 08:33:11
  • If this is true, Twitter will be sued into oblivion. Musk shows zero respect for the law and should feel the consequences. He’s endangering many people with his stupid actions.
    [original: #147, ranking: #37, date: #178] From @tilmanwinkler on 12/25/22 07:21:40
  • This article, and many like it, written by someone whose historical legacy will be nonexistent and commenting on someone’s lack of genius is the most ironic and stupid thing of the era we live in.
    [original: #143, ranking: #40, date: #17] From @opinionatedmeme on 12/24/22 08:12:19
  • This guy should be banned for propagating conspiracy theories. WP should come clean with their own #WPFiles. How many F B I do they have working there spewing disinformation??
    [original: #156, ranking: #41, date: #37] From @exdev2013 on 12/24/22 09:15:21
  • Prophet Muhammad SAW makes dua (supplication) for his ummah and cries for them like no one ever cried before. He is deeply aggrieved over his ummah and makes dua for the astray. Muhammad Qasim has seen many dreams of our Prophet SAW. Muhammad Qasim Dreams
    [original: #207, ranking: #45, date: #171] From @abulhas72543341 on 12/25/22 05:23:21
  • Good grief, you people whine more than a hungry newborn baby. Elon owns twitter. Period. He can do whatever tf he wants and you all just need to get over it. You sound like infants.
    [original: #184, ranking: #50, date: #173] From @sjwilliams123 on 12/25/22 05:27:13
  • Unimaginable how incurious today’s journalists are. Amazing how antagonistic to news they’ve proven themselves time and again. Nobody’s that stupid, so obviously they’re corrupt.
    [original: #203, ranking: #51, date: #68] From @jeff_4_ever on 12/24/22 12:32:54
  • Don't u work 4 the paper that knew the factual truth about hunter Biden Laptop, but only recently admitted it shows illegal behavior w him n his father - the current president. U must have gone to goebbels school of journalism.
    [original: #140, ranking: #52, date: #208] From @daverl2 on 12/27/22 05:11:39
  • When you have big balls everyone wants a kick at them. @elonmusk may be reckless but he isn't an idiot nor a fool. I am no financial wizard but I believe he has a plan.
    [original: #151, ranking: #56, date: #179] From @ttravelli on 12/25/22 07:35:23
  • Crashing down to earth? He exposed the greatest election interference in the history of the country. Vía the FBI. #TwitterFiles
    [original: #175, ranking: #57, date: #96] From @jr202220222022 on 12/24/22 03:00:38
  • your billionaire trash boss must be happy to have a rag to attack another billionaire trash boss who's showing weakness. congrats on being a pawn in all of this!
    [original: #154, ranking: #61, date: #11] From @rott3nappl3s on 12/24/22 07:44:43
  • This seems Ye levels of manic. It feels like he's abandoned his companies in order to use Twitter as the treasure trove of info to prove whatever weird conspiracies are swimming in that head.
    [original: #186, ranking: #62, date: #191] From @cmos76 on 12/25/22 03:09:43
  • You write that Musk said "the people have spoken" But aren't @donie and @drewharwell still locked out unless they delete tweets Musk claims violated rules? (Or appeals succeed) Your article implies to me that he granted full pardons
    [original: #197, ranking: #64, date: #98] From @realbenisons on 12/24/22 03:14:37
  • All things will come to an end when a fool believes they are above everyone and everything. Elon Musk is no king, just a heartless fool who will soon come to an end by his own words and actions.
    [original: #183, ranking: #66, date: #167] From @seek4actuality on 12/25/22 05:03:13
  • It's as if you were not paying attention on that call. The person asking the questions asked for a 36 hour long answer when answers are a few seconds long. It's like asking Joe Biden to explain the 4,000 page budget he is about to sign.
    [original: #189, ranking: #67, date: #108] From @dangerbug on 12/24/22 05:17:09
  • That’s right everybody, it’s a Twitter Blue subscriber
    [original: #144, ranking: #69, date: #99] From @mynnoj on 12/24/22 03:19:27
Other hidden replies:
  • Democrats applauding the coordination between corporations and the security state to suppress speech and target their enemies
    [original: #178, ranking: #74, date: #129] From @naamanpridemore on 12/24/22 07:52:30
  • Paywalled and just from what you posted I see you didn't do any proper research. The real story is what Twitter files have exposed. I know your masters want that to go away.
    [original: #172, ranking: #76, date: #77] From @terrandescent on 12/24/22 01:16:41
  • Didn't Elon actually bring down his "faux genius" reputation?
    [original: #162, ranking: #78, date: #154] From @outy5000 on 12/24/22 11:51:22
  • Muhammad Qasim a blessed Muslim, has seen Prophet Muhammad SAW in his dreams more than 300 times, and communicated with Allah SWT more than 500 times in dreams. Why are Qasim's dreams so important? Search Muhammad Qasim Dreams
    [original: #208, ranking: #80, date: #177] From @lanali39088818 on 12/25/22 06:38:52
  • Is idiot-savant too charitable? Is he adept at anything other creating new people who also can't stand him?
    [original: #191, ranking: #82, date: #169] From @dotpaula on 12/25/22 05:21:36
  • He’s mediocre AF. Shocking how truly middle of the road he is. He’s basically the Ed Norton character in Glass Onion.
    [original: #171, ranking: #84, date: #74] From @kevinfilmbuff on 12/24/22 12:54:44
  • It’s amazing how you wapo people see the only story as Musk. All you do is report your emotional@bias and not how bad twitter was. I wonder why ?
    [original: #177, ranking: #88, date: #123] From @metareversed on 12/24/22 07:09:26
  • Other than. You know, on mastodon I can edit and so there i appear to be an excellent speller and also very good at grammar and math.
    [original: #192, ranking: #91, date: #172] From @dotpaula on 12/25/22 05:25:18
  • He would have thought that an engineer is actually a complete fucking idiot?
    [original: #195, ranking: #92, date: #45] From @aidenrodolfo on 12/24/22 10:03:51
  • Sadly @bariweiss wasn’t able to make sense or truth of the information. Just puked what she thought her pay master needed.
    [original: #176, ranking: #95, date: #122] From @gavinquinlan on 12/24/22 07:00:57
  • Finding people who will take a bullet is tough but if a moron like Trump can do it, I believe @elonmusk can and will also. Put on some coffee, put the feet up and watch the show.
    [original: #200, ranking: #98, date: #180] From @ttravelli on 12/25/22 07:39:59
  • “Imagine throwing away your entire reputation as a journalist just to do PR for a tech billionaire…” Fuck the FBI FUCK THE CIA
    [original: #210, ranking: #100, date: #187] From @futureslice99 on 12/25/22 12:12:13
  • When people can buy bots to give likes, follows, comments, or poll votes.. there is a problem. Code does need to be redone.
    [original: #202, ranking: #101, date: #57] From @itsperryxp on 12/24/22 11:02:31
  • Is this the stupidest "controversy" yet? Probably not, but it's pretty dumb.
    [original: #166, ranking: #105, date: #28] From @michaelbruner on 12/24/22 09:02:05
  • This headline clearly leads to unbiased straight news reporting we can trust
    [original: #153, ranking: #110, date: #102] From @szelvenskiy on 12/24/22 03:58:27
  • Oh yeah. Keep pushing the narrative that “he’s so crazy!”
    [original: #164, ranking: #112, date: #115] From @nonsenseend on 12/24/22 06:29:55
  • My DMs aren’t private? Ewwww Twitter is trassshhhh
    [original: #169, ranking: #117, date: #67] From @iansamyth on 12/24/22 12:13:31
  • This article shows how terrified they are now of Musk exposing the truth.
    [original: #181, ranking: #118, date: #156] From @flybynite747 on 12/25/22 12:58:31
  • Just wait until the EU and US come after Twitter for violating privacy laws. It will be epic.
    [original: #185, ranking: #120, date: #185] From @donwuan12 on 12/25/22 10:35:07
  • Did you really waste time typing this crap?
    [original: #149, ranking: #122, date: #26] From @noieluckneeded on 12/24/22 08:59:25
  • just swap bari for fbi and then write your story. since that's the real story.
    [original: #170, ranking: #126, date: #72] From @newsomrefugee on 12/24/22 12:45:17
  • Lol am sure jeffs washington post is the truth beacon. Clowns
    [original: #182, ranking: #128, date: #160] From @negute2 on 12/25/22 01:40:45
  • Another baby in need of a gooberment bottle with a nipple...
    [original: #179, ranking: #129, date: #133] From @letsgobrandon89 on 12/24/22 08:04:11
  • This so called "journalist" is a
    [original: #165, ranking: #131, date: #6] From @ddamhez20 on 12/24/22 07:18:00
  • Ffs. Musk has never been a genius.
    [original: #159, ranking: #133, date: #134] From @seahawksfan7777 on 12/24/22 08:04:27
  • A lot of words about nothing bro
    [original: #163, ranking: #140, date: #24] From @systematicinfr1 on 12/24/22 08:52:23
  • Wapo Dem hacks in disguise. All lefties hate elon.
    [original: #188, ranking: #143, date: #212] From @magdalenamoreh1 on 01/02/23 11:08:37
  • Look who is talking. The WAPO nitwitz commies.
    [original: #187, ranking: #146, date: #210] From @hpcr8r on 12/29/22 07:47:34
  • I’ll burn your effin book @elonmusk you’re a big effin fraud!
    [original: #206, ranking: #147, date: #148] From @maximus_1990 on 12/24/22 09:14:19
  • @ariellewass have I not been saying this?
    [original: #198, ranking: #148, date: #101] From @wazoo99 on 12/24/22 03:51:57
  • pls stay with me and support me
    [original: #211, ranking: #154, date: #196] From @razuahm06267382 on 12/25/22 11:24:30
  • He’s so fucking stupid, I love it
    [original: #209, ranking: #157, date: #182] From @lxgnzlz on 12/25/22 08:08:57
  • @threadreaderapp unroll
    [original: #158, ranking: #159, date: #103] From @slkdjfoieurfdas on 12/24/22 04:26:02
  • More bullshit from Washington Post..
    [original: #201, ranking: #166, date: #51] From @mattatx81 on 12/24/22 10:20:46
  • Why does this anger you?
    [original: #150, ranking: #173, date: #32] From @crowwashere on 12/24/22 09:05:23
  • Merry Christmas—boycott Tesla
    [original: #196, ranking: #174, date: #89] From @buddadonny on 12/24/22 02:29:30
  • Youre a programmable pleb
    [original: #168, ranking: #175, date: #50] From @wheres_my_beef on 12/24/22 10:18:10
  • He does Anti American Propaganda
    [original: #152, ranking: #178, date: #201] From @lisaannerexlisa on 12/26/22 06:00:45
  • Lol at Bari Weiss.
    [original: #180, ranking: #183, date: #146] From @hkfan45 on 12/24/22 09:12:23
  • [original: #155, ranking: #185, date: #14] From @hjemmefronten16 on 12/24/22 07:50:14
  • [original: #199, ranking: #189, date: #111] From @mitchelldstein1 on 12/24/22 05:33:36
  • [original: #190, ranking: #195, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • [original: #167, ranking: #199, date: #36] From @fatboyinpa on 12/24/22 09:12:59
  • [original: #205, ranking: #208, date: #142] From @j2gnome on 12/24/22 08:30:44
  • I doubt it’s true.
    [original: #148, ranking: #210, date: #193] From @hubb_kyle on 12/25/22 07:41:24
  • [original: #212, ranking: #212, date: #202] From @barkleyanderso5 on 12/26/22 06:21:41
[tweet: 1606670403887169538, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 12/24/22 07:17:29 (HIGH,536,2966,18,401965) IT staff refused to onboard Weiss, worried if she was granted the full access Musk requested Twitter would be breaking the law. The order was a response to previous privacy concerns.  To some, it was unclear if Musk had read it.…]
[tweet: 1606672941399302146, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 12/24/22 07:27:34 (HIGH,329,2027,23,195918) Days later, two executives with oversight of matters related to the Twitter Files were fired.   Weiss' access was overseen by a chaperone, new Twitter Trust and Safety chief Ella Irwin, whose name appeared in a watermark on one of the documents.]
[tweet: 1606673934627250178, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 12/24/22 07:31:31 (HIGH,388,2054,42,176788) Inside Twitter, Musk occupies a 10th-floor conference room with a staging area. There, they wait for the Twitter CEO — sometimes for more than an hour — before being called in.  Meeting guests are instructed not to speak until Musk does.]
[tweet: 1606692294308012033, from: @faizsays (VERIFIED) on 12/24/22 08:44:28 (HIGH,181,2453,22,189033) surely the Starlink guy who has done an entire Twitter Spaces from the air had no way of communicating yeah]
[tweet: 1606707471338598402, from: @slubbusa (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:44:47 (HIGH,2,26,4,12261) Twitter is no longer that interesting. It’s more boring than anything]
[tweet: 1606966950080700416, from: @islandwoodfired (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 02:55:51 (HIGH,0,,,24) yet here you are…]
[tweet: 1606684841314902016, from: @failuresam (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:14:51 (HIGH,,3,1,22471) Clean the house.]
[tweet: 1606693502611587072, from: @kimkaliszewski (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:49:16 (HIGH,,1,,684) Bye, then.]
[tweet: 1606777434350968832, from: @belchspeak (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 02:22:47 (HIGH,0,,,7599) #FakeNews]
[tweet: 1606860632317644801, from: @wjreturns (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:53:23 (HIGH,,3,,309) [empty]]
[tweet: 1606880986616266752, from: @bchatestochat (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:14:16 (HIGH,2,31,4,8388) So is Elon just Trump before the lobotomy?]
[tweet: 1607067205866323968, from: @ends_thenbegins (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 09:34:14 (HIGH,,1,,175) Elon is Trump before he got thrown in a permanent orange paint.]
[tweet: 1606669716051087360, from: @trilby_dare (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:14:45 (HIGH,36,383,2,33374) Ugh… can you at least correct the part where you say he founded PayPal……]
[tweet: 1606774104019070976, from: @lightshade55 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 02:09:33 (HIGH,,1,,351) Ugh... can you remove the Mastodon link in your bio if all you do is sit on twitter.]
[tweet: 1606672896830722048, from: @rociwi (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:27:23 (HIGH,,8,,25620) seems interesting but not gonna sub for it]
[tweet: 1606675330424799232, from: @trilby_dare (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:37:04 (HIGH,23,99,10,9487) Happy to remove the paywall]
[tweet: 1606677498728792064, from: @chesspoof (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:45:40 (HIGH,97,1275,39,54450) elon’s genius is that he convinced markets Tesla was right on the cusp of driverless cars and space tourism. None of that is close to being true in the firseebale future.  Elon is much more PT Barnum than any kind of scientific genius]
[tweet: 1606740514262642689, from: @mg92312965 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 11:56:05 (HIGH,,9,,1051) Have you seen the rockets that self land themselves?]
[tweet: 1606684993773867009, from: @abditum (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:15:27 (HIGH,24,309,4,17662) Elon doing the Get spit roasted by the EU commission and FTC speedrun challenge]
[tweet: 1606780667123347456, from: @yusoycereal (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 02:35:38 (HIGH,0,,,374) Yah they definitely don't want him exposing what they are doing.]
[tweet: 1606679298173472769, from: @coorgimach (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:52:49 (HIGH,,38,,19822) You are a journalist?]
[tweet: 1606699302956535809, from: @sandi89701936 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:12:19 (HIGH,4,85,1,10469) Vindictive the same as Trump. Ultimately, it doesn't work out well when those people turn on their bosses who treated them like garbage.]
[tweet: 1606706243418361857, from: @jenns_acct (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:39:54 (HIGH,5,213,2,8919) He’s so desperate to make “twitter files” a thing  how embarrassing for him lol]
[tweet: 1606706352381992963, from: @bmhochberg (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:40:20 (HIGH,36,205,9,22066) I’m reading “full access to everything at Twitter” but we’re still waiting for what the Trump White House (the actual government) requested that was equally honored. So, we’re still looking at partisan politics being played by @elonmusk.]
[tweet: 1606723494733090826, from: @jezzerat (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 10:48:27 (HIGH,8,192,3,8695) To be fair, the only people who believe Elon Musk is a genius are people who are mostly unfamiliar with him, and people who desperately need that to be true.]
[tweet: 1606727915978526723, from: @sonicdeath (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 11:06:01 (HIGH,5,24,2,3721) Note @FTC why is @twitter getting away with blatant privacy violations?]
[tweet: 1606742206836264960, from: @axellycan (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 12:02:48 (HIGH,24,374,5,14868) I think the article needs to be revised because it falsely paints Elon as the founder of Paypal, SpaceX, and Tesla. He was not a founder of any of those things.]
[tweet: 1606757806329450496, from: @iscavalry (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 01:04:47 (HIGH,1,12,11,5213) It is no surprise that journalists hate musk. Their profession is dying. Musk is accelerating their demise by showing them how irrelevant they are becoming. They lost their trust and credibility decades ago. And try doing a negative piece on Amazon, bezos post.]
[tweet: 1606758761951072257, from: @peterarcher37 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 01:08:35 (HIGH,11,103,7,11101) Giving a journalist free access to everyone's DM's... and conservatives cheer]
[tweet: 1606784476553551873, from: @_researchergirl (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 02:50:46 (HIGH,3,44,1,7072) Excellent piece. I’m surprised you can still find employees willing to speak to you, given the culture of fear and terror he’s quickly implemented.]
[tweet: 1606696711589617664, from: @nnimrodd (VERIFIED) on 12/24/22 09:02:01 (HIGH,,30,,51864) Well done @bariweiss]
[tweet: 1607059970033389571, from: @leifactual (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 09:05:29 (HIGH,,16,,568) Well done getting in on the grift at the ground level? Cause it sure ain’t “well done as a journalist”.]
[tweet: 1606699090863329280, from: @billhobson1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:11:28 (HIGH,,15,,9599) What a laughable smear job.]
[tweet: 1606713192612339712, from: @james1972 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 10:07:31 (HIGH,1,5,1,595) [empty]]
[tweet: 1606696943949946880, from: @michaelbruner (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:02:57 (HIGH,1,17,,8267) Looks like things are at the "we had to keep stuff a secret" phase.]
[tweet: 1606739465485312000, from: @derangedfocus (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 11:51:55 (HIGH,4,32,,2212) [empty]]
[tweet: 1606750239133663232, from: @robaltman14 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 12:34:43 (HIGH,,23,,3036) [empty]]
[tweet: 1606779773929275392, from: @robbrie (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 02:32:05 (HIGH,2,16,,2230) Elmo's been exposed liked TFG's financial "genius" this week via his tax returns disclosure.  (They're the same person.)]
[tweet: 1606794951589003264, from: @rgbatlantica (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 03:32:23 (HIGH,4,36,2,3578) Musk has the uncanny ability to turn gold into lead in a very short period of time. He's no genius.]
[tweet: 1606812289843462144, from: @realhirondelle (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 04:41:17 (HIGH,31,322,3,7435) …]
[tweet: 1606712508731240453, from: @ralphmakes (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 10:04:48 (HIGH,52,202,15,19169) Two important things: 1) Bari Weiss, Taibbi, etc. appear to have been given access to every user’s private DMs (this jives with a screenshot Weiss posted) 2) Musk and possibly Weiss, Taibbi have had the ability to post from any account on Twitter including @WhiteHouse @JoeBiden]
[tweet: 1606776937787101184, from: @enjoyhifi (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 02:20:49 (HIGH,,4,1,1081) One more important thing: Bari Weiss is actually Barry White in disguise.]
[tweet: 1606830779794956288, from: @theartofasty (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 05:54:46 (HIGH,,20,,5700) And yet @Snowden will keep defending this circus lol]
[tweet: 1607110171649507329, from: @lisamikolajczy3 (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 12:24:58 (HIGH,,1,,46) Snowden is a Russian propaganda tool for Putin.]
[tweet: 1606717331127812098, from: @drchimpus (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 10:23:57 (HIGH,,3,1,7810) If it’s so damning release it for free.]
[tweet: 1606728983327830016, from: @dsanatelli (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 11:10:15 (HIGH,,1,,1327) boring.]
[tweet: 1606810121266405380, from: @joshua_t_white (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 04:32:40 (HIGH,1,14,,19670) This article embodies journalistic excellence. Well done, Faiz!  Keep it coming.]
[tweet: 1606705394994515969, from: @tieroneposter (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:36:31 (HIGH,,2,,263) Did the consent decree end in the last 2 weeks or is it more accurate to say "Twitter, which is still under a decade-old FTC order"]
[tweet: 1606713149633474560, from: @blueeyedmonkey (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 10:07:20 (HIGH,,5,,5214) Sholy hit!]
[tweet: 1606715795605622784, from: @bryanro52297374 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 10:17:51 (HIGH,,1,1,1146) Your article is behind a paywall. Too bad for you. I guess I’ll just have to read the Twitter files instead]
[tweet: 1606698027628040192, from: @dude_guy22 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:07:15 (HIGH,,,1,1068) Are people supposed to pay for this?]
[tweet: 1606946279019655168, from: @etodemerze (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 01:33:43 (HIGH,0,,,2) Yes NewShillAccount people pay for this.]
[tweet: 1606837875328356353, from: @tonyrush (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 06:22:57 (HIGH,7,127,4,4190) Article says Elon Musk has lost $130 BILLION of his personal net worth in less than a year.  That’s amazing.  It would probably take me at least three years to lose that much.]
[tweet: 1606938489375043587, from: @cryptocptn (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 01:02:45 (HIGH,0,,,69) Lol dream on]
[tweet: 1606854764238618627, from: @pretefunkera (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:30:04 (HIGH,5,90,1,4272) [empty]]
[tweet: 1606914091796549633, from: @andrewr70528002 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 11:25:49 (HIGH,0,,,77) [empty]]
[tweet: 1606865569512574979, from: @plaguestopper (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:13:00 (HIGH,,1,1,778) Blue Sky please hurry.]
[tweet: 1609821288566067202, from: @wulfsethen (UNKNOWN) on 01/01/23 11:57:58 (HIGH,0,,,46) Jack Dorsey idolizes Musk. Not gonna help.]
[tweet: 1606866417319550976, from: @deborahfordjohn (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:16:22 (HIGH,3,53,1,1589) Elon went into a death spiral after the Chapelle incident.]
[tweet: 1607138767030321153, from: @ducttapemom (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 02:18:35 (HIGH,0,,,43) [empty]]
[tweet: 1606716748010782720, from: @charlemagne0814 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 10:21:38 (HIGH,0,,,610) WaPo...]
[tweet: 1608006453742243842, from: @jennelizabethj (UNKNOWN) on 12/27/22 11:46:28 (HIGH,0,,,85) I am fumingggg]
[tweet: 1606709986377203718, from: @rightpointns (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:54:46 (HIGH,0,,,2001) [empty]]
[tweet: 1606724833521577985, from: @silenced112 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 10:53:46 (HIGH,0,,,115) I thought freedom of the press was a good thing. Who cares what the tech industry thinks?]
[tweet: 1606728577860386816, from: @denouncefying (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 11:08:39 (HIGH,0,,,82) How much does Bezos, the billionaire who owns the PR firm where you work, pay you to write hit pieces on his rival?  Do WaPoo articles note Bezos’ conflicts of interests?  Tesla > Rivian SpaceX > Blue Origin]
[tweet: 1606733959324631048, from: @yoyomam22081705 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 11:30:02 (HIGH,0,,,866) Using signal to communicate with staff? I wonder why the secrecy?]
[tweet: 1606752756726992897, from: @laylawelch16 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 12:44:43 (HIGH,,2,,2287) Appreciate and respect Elon in getting this out to the public.]
[tweet: 1606754396867792896, from: @dralyanyashin (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 12:51:14 (HIGH,0,,,1577) Good job]
[tweet: 1606761748631281664, from: @82btx (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 01:20:27 (HIGH,,1,,1001) Talk about a nothingburger]
[tweet: 1606769672380207104, from: @millenboy (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 01:51:56 (HIGH,0,,,1250) ˈtwidər, c'est moi, Elmo maybe?]
[tweet: 1606774082510491651, from: @ebplais (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 02:09:28 (HIGH,,7,,4140) sorry I’m not subscribing to WaPo until Jeff Stein unblocks me]
[tweet: 1606787977430048768, from: @debunkmoutarde (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 03:04:41 (HIGH,0,,,1046) Even private DMs?]
[tweet: 1606813591281504256, from: @narskdy (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 04:46:27 (HIGH,,9,,1340) How come you keep calling Tesla a car company? And why isn't there a single mention of CARBON CREDITS?]
[tweet: 1606821650183630848, from: @etodemerze (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 05:18:29 (HIGH,0,,,10) I think twitter may be hiding things]
[tweet: 1606823170887090179, from: @lookabee83 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 05:24:31 (HIGH,5,113,,4364) [empty]]
[tweet: 1606828079015501826, from: @bonshob (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 05:44:02 (HIGH,0,,,563) [empty]]
[tweet: 1606841574855704578, from: @notsolittleold1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 06:37:39 (HIGH,3,6,,610) OMG is @elonmusk trying to get sued or tank @Tesla? Why would a far right political news editor get access to all private info!?]
[tweet: 1606843920004091904, from: @thatleeroy (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 06:46:58 (HIGH,,2,,1750) No longer public so he can do whatever he wants but this sounds like a security or data privacy violation unless the person is an employee or consultant.]
[tweet: 1606844845384994817, from: @amsterdammerdog (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 06:50:39 (HIGH,0,,,203) What is source of news?]
[tweet: 1606846184177696768, from: @notasokpuppet (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 06:55:58 (HIGH,,1,,457) Musk is a fraud.]
[tweet: 1606851150204092418, from: @maedafanaccount (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:15:42 (HIGH,,1,,500) Bari Weiss lol]
[tweet: 1606860750840303618, from: @policy_h (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:53:51 (HIGH,,3,,537) They let her read people’s private DMs.  This company can never be trusted.]
[tweet: 1606864874432303105, from: @middle_sad (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:10:14 (HIGH,,2,,78) The same Jim Baker that was in the middle of "Russiagate" How much did the FBI pay you to write this? 2/2]
[tweet: 1606865902875836417, from: @fungusbeetle (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:14:20 (HIGH,,,1,1280) I'm so, so happy that I deleted my acct the moment he said he was moving forward with the deal, original price, immediately before the election.  Pretty clear then that it wasn't going to end well, but handing over peoples dms and other contact information is a giant nope.]
[tweet: 1606867411990355969, from: @jenga_ca (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:20:19 (HIGH,,1,,1107) This is very, very bad.]
[tweet: 1606867771165638656, from: @fungusbeetle (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:21:45 (HIGH,,1,,242) [empty]]
[tweet: 1606894966898413569, from: @birdyluisa (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 10:09:49 (HIGH,,2,,1926) As an app, we know Twitter isn't giganticly popular. The I must have it obsession of Musk's that has precipitated critical Musk analysis which should always have been]
[tweet: 1606898410841407491, from: @patrick13369301 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 10:23:30 (HIGH,,1,,273) I’m not even google what’s his name]
[tweet: 1606946330680721408, from: @zonermight (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 01:33:55 (HIGH,,5,,882) Dear @FTC, please investigate musk now.]
[tweet: 1606971651148627973, from: @slimsmartin2 (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 03:14:32 (HIGH,,1,,74) Democrats cannot tolerate the truth surfacing. So sad!]
[tweet: 1606973691870707713, from: @davidfjblgb (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 03:22:38 (HIGH,,1,,90) So everyone is ok with the FBI CIA and other abbreviated agency's reading your DMs  , but not a journalist.......ok]
[tweet: 1607011502317240320, from: @ludalisl (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 05:52:53 (HIGH,,11,,799) Cool.   As a European I will sue over this. Thanks for 20% of Twitter's annual revenue. That would be the fine. For *every single* law suit in Europe.]
[tweet: 1607014836495417344, from: @danielpcollier (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 06:06:08 (HIGH,,1,,669) Twitter is a social and culture driven technology.   You can "make number go up".  The success metrics are different than building cars or rockets.   The opinion of the common folk is much more important.]
[tweet: 1607087832098799616, from: @d_barbera (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 10:56:12 (HIGH,,1,,272) You pull back the curtains and find a self-proclaimed Wizard of Oz.]
[tweet: 1607133859052916736, from: @jl_whitaker (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 01:59:05 (HIGH,1,,,343) Any chance at all that he considered the T&Cs with users re their data? Even KNEW they HAVE a Privacy Policy? @twitter @elonmusk]
[tweet: 1607216958554148870, from: @hariharnandan (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 07:29:18 (HIGH,,2,,39) [empty]]
[tweet: 1607272894140416001, from: @conceptjournal (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 11:11:34 (HIGH,,,1,974) @threadreaderapp unroll]
[tweet: 1607284818160816128, from: @clauduella_ella (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 11:58:57 (HIGH,,1,,315) Definitely illegal! @Anwalt_Jun]
[tweet: 1607375736922570752, from: @doxiedachsie (UNKNOWN) on 12/26/22 06:00:13 (HIGH,,4,,243) I remember Lee Iacocca taking over Chrysler & saving it. This is not the same.]
[tweet: 1606818050493366273, from: @nimalrightstrev (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 05:04:11 (HIGH,,5,1,903) It’s too bad tech people are too smart to unionize]
[tweet: 1606842295051223040, from: @catdad_99 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 06:40:31 (HIGH,5,49,2,3710) Can we normalize calling Twitter files the "Twitter Lies?"]
[tweet: 1606856894429143040, from: @frakmaga2022 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:38:32 (HIGH,9,53,1,2061) And the Conservatives were angry that China had access to people's TikToks. Yet cheer when reporters get access to everyone's private messages. HMMMM!]
[tweet: 1606668669806940168, from: @milmilebattery (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:10:35 (HIGH,,5,,9211) Trash]
[tweet: 1606677689255034882, from: @rockgun90 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:46:26 (HIGH,,27,1,875) [empty]]
[tweet: 1606700289616134149, from: @scottbieser (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:16:14 (HIGH,5,2,15,5461) Major CIA/FBI Print Organ slags tech CEO for exposing FBI perfidy. Film at 11.]
[tweet: 1606700844770000896, from: @pulie2011 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:18:27 (HIGH,,17,1,1048) "FBI perfidy"  LOL]
[tweet: 1606669635108999168, from: @tittertakeover (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:14:26 (HIGH,5,135,62,224357) Lol. You know he was flying back from the World Cup right? He tweeted as soon as he landed.   Not everything is a conspiracy.]
[tweet: 1606689842162720769, from: @malcalgary (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:34:43 (HIGH,2,194,1,5392) Hey, if you see Elon, tell him I'm willing to share my Boingo account login if he needs it. The he'd be able to Tweet while in the air just like me!]
[tweet: 1606680462658703360, from: @itsreallyalex_ (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:57:27 (HIGH,,26,,13534) I’m sure this article is really unbiased and factual]
[tweet: 1606696973498826753, from: @gmarshall3 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:03:04 (HIGH,1,14,1,487) [empty]]
[tweet: 1607245955912421376, from: @amystar100 (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 09:24:31 (HIGH,0,,,137) I’ll wager that Musk will not step down.]
[tweet: 1607394552737841180, from: @mjs1771 (UNKNOWN) on 12/26/22 07:14:59 (HIGH,0,,,108) Intended or mistaken?]
[tweet: 1607401393434005504, from: @toddcolorado (UNKNOWN) on 12/26/22 07:42:10 (HIGH,0,,,57) Should be pointed out more that not a single “Twitter File” has been released for outside verification.   IOW, there’s no such thing as Twitter Files.]
[tweet: 1607461102626947076, from: @_arihawkins (VERIFIED) on 12/26/22 11:39:26 (HIGH,,4,,1533) The twitter files files]
[tweet: 1607463855814504449, from: @hpcr8r (UNKNOWN) on 12/26/22 11:50:23 (HIGH,0,,,19) Anybody working from Mastodont is a RED flag for me,.]
[tweet: 1607492879278116864, from: @hristexas4 (UNKNOWN) on 12/26/22 01:45:42 (HIGH,0,,,17) I was once told it wasn’t enough to be the smartest in the room - I was also supposed to be the wisest…@elonmusk hasn’t mastered either.]
[tweet: 1606719476627836929, from: @tinfoilblack (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 10:32:29 (HIGH,,1,,2146) Does the CIA own controlling stocks of Bezos/WP? LOL]
[tweet: 1606729334781546496, from: @marsalientwitme (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 11:11:39 (HIGH,,1,,52) Yes ... all corporations are owned by the CIA and the communists]
[tweet: 1607003650865389570, from: @bostronix (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 05:21:41 (HIGH,1,4,3,964) Imagine completely ignoring the revelations from the Twitter files and then accuse Elon Musk of knowing nothing about software & business. Then you cite a Management Professor at Santa Clara. This isn't journalism; it's gossip entertainment for the formerly blue checked.]
[tweet: 1607013066679681024, from: @shada_triduc (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 05:59:06 (HIGH,,1,,111) Imagine paying $8 and being completely ignored still.]
[tweet: 1606846979140898817, from: @bribleck (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 06:59:08 (HIGH,0,,,1491) This article is pretty solid. Good work!!]
[tweet: 1606857583934988290, from: @kusselman (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:41:16 (HIGH,0,,,404) I guess there’s no right to privacy here.. imagine that?]
[tweet: 1606859276256960513, from: @crypticrambler1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:48:00 (HIGH,0,,,278) The whole thing is juvenile]
[tweet: 1606864462400593920, from: @middle_sad (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:08:36 (HIGH,0,,,99) Maybe you could have mentioned who Jim Baker is beyond "deputy general counsel Jim Baker had been “exited” from the company, as the CEO cited what he called his “possible role in suppression of information important to the public dialogue.” 1/2]
[tweet: 1606876098838827009, from: @jinofski (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:54:50 (HIGH,0,,,483) The real #twitterfiles]
[tweet: 1606878472810672128, from: @aussiestorblog (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:04:16 (HIGH,0,,,247) Memo to self - don’t ever put anything into slack or email that you wouldn’t want to see later posted without your consent by a journalist on Twitter]
[tweet: 1606926923934097408, from: @alpheusriparius (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 12:16:48 (HIGH,0,,,19) Say "Howdy" to Jeff.]
[tweet: 1606948456731672578, from: @sunflirter (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 01:42:22 (HIGH,0,,,130) Good luck!]
[tweet: 1606957638771777538, from: @stefandraschan (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 02:18:51 (HIGH,0,,,635) Muskuato & Marsmusk]
[tweet: 1606963344384167936, from: @seanaolson (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 02:41:31 (HIGH,0,,,254) Excellent journalism and a great read.  I recommend watching Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery. Who do you think they modeled the bumbling billionaire after?…]
[tweet: 1606768632775979008, from: @mikeparks75 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 01:47:49 (HIGH,,3,1,1324) he wants the data. he’s going to feed it to an AI…]
[tweet: 1606769063094784002, from: @mikeparks75 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 01:49:31 (HIGH,,3,,138) And AI built by a man who’s only “guiding light” is the search for more money and power.   Do you want to feed it your data?]
[tweet: 1606765094792155136, from: @erinnyc (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 01:33:45 (HIGH,2,17,11,2697) Desperately trying to discredit Musk does not negate the rampant govt corruption revealed by internal Twitter docs. Notice NO ONE has disputed their veracity. Now do something meaningful and stop simping for the war machine.]
[tweet: 1606780083196366848, from: @bullvibes (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 02:33:19 (HIGH,,2,,153) Like you’re simping for Elon?]
[tweet: 1606695276831735810, from: @ocsaint1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:56:19 (HIGH,,3,,2162) Democracy dies in darkness. Please start living by this or take it down. Good grief.]
[tweet: 1606752054751420416, from: @hamburgerjack (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 12:41:56 (HIGH,,1,,1141) Isn't WaPo owned by that other evil rich man?]
[tweet: 1606861718931804161, from: @crackers28 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:57:42 (HIGH,,8,,400) And Bari is an entitled hack and a blowhard.  Makes sense Elon picked her.]
[tweet: 1606893886219358210, from: @zettlerwithaz (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 10:05:31 (HIGH,,2,1,309) Oh no, transparency . Can’t have that. Definitely don’t want journalists to have access to factual information. They better stick to op eds and assumptions like you clowns at wa post. Maybe do some investigative journalism on Bezos instead of getting off on musk?]
[tweet: 1607041274154188801, from: @sdsunchaser (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 07:51:11 (HIGH,,1,,82) Genius? Musk? Ha!!! #ElonMusk]
[tweet: 1607725901470658562, from: @daverl2 (UNKNOWN) on 12/27/22 05:11:39 (HIGH,0,,,12) Don't u work 4 the paper that knew the factual truth about hunter Biden Laptop, but only recently admitted it shows illegal behavior w him n his father - the current president. U must have gone to goebbels school of journalism.]
[tweet: 1606738742882045953, from: @poppymoppet (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 11:49:02 (HIGH,,1,,1310) He was right to do so. Twitter should not be hiding anything for anybody.]
[tweet: 1607000210609430528, from: @apacalda1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 05:08:01 (HIGH,,1,,52) I would empathize with the poor saps having to obey a megabillionaire….. but they’re so-called journalists at the wash post lol]
[tweet: 1606684204355526658, from: @opinionatedmeme (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:12:19 (LOW,,1,,1244) This article, and many like it, written by someone whose historical legacy will be nonexistent and commenting on someone’s lack of genius is the most ironic and stupid thing of the era we live in.]
[tweet: 1606791694053216257, from: @mynnoj (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 03:19:27 (LOW,,1,1,71) That’s right everybody, it’s a Twitter Blue subscriber]
[tweet: 1606686088533262337, from: @leighwolf (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:19:48 (LOW,,4,1,879) It's quite the spectacle to watch the old guard bring to bear every insane idea they can think of to discredit and stop Musk.   Today's edition: "The guy who made the electric car a real thing and lands rockets returning from space ISn'T AKcHulLy SMarT."]
[tweet: 1606697503683973121, from: @crowwashere (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:05:10 (LOW,,13,,222) People are saying this because he yanked the stock of his most profitable company and seems hell bent on mocking and turning off this companies main customer base. How can anyone be a Tesla investor and feel good about musks behavior is crazy]
[tweet: 1607033845072674822, from: @tilmanwinkler (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 07:21:40 (LOW,,2,1,52) If this is true, Twitter will be sued into oblivion. Musk shows zero respect for the law and should feel the consequences. He’s endangering many people with his stupid actions.]
[tweet: 1607220003819978756, from: @hubb_kyle (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 07:41:24 (LOW,0,,,9) I doubt it’s true.]
[tweet: 1606696055965454340, from: @noieluckneeded (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:59:25 (LOW,,1,1,516) Did you really waste time typing this crap?]
[tweet: 1606697559053012994, from: @crowwashere (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:05:23 (LOW,,3,1,109) Why does this anger you?]
[tweet: 1607037295500361728, from: @ttravelli (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 07:35:23 (LOW,,1,1,34) When you have big balls everyone wants a kick at them. @elonmusk may be reckless but he isn't an idiot nor a fool. I am no financial wizard but I believe he has a plan.]
[tweet: 1607375870783782921, from: @lisaannerexlisa (UNKNOWN) on 12/26/22 06:00:45 (LOW,0,,,4) He does  Anti American Propaganda]
[tweet: 1606801509181693954, from: @szelvenskiy (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 03:58:27 (LOW,,1,,428) This headline clearly leads to unbiased straight news reporting we can trust]
[tweet: 1606677256063324160, from: @rott3nappl3s (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:44:43 (LOW,,,1,433) your billionaire trash boss must be happy to have a rag to attack another billionaire trash boss who's showing weakness.  congrats on being a pawn in all of this!]
[tweet: 1606678645967564800, from: @hjemmefronten16 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:50:14 (LOW,,2,,620) [empty]]
[tweet: 1606700066118549512, from: @exdev2013 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:15:21 (LOW,,1,,122) This guy should be banned for propagating conspiracy theories.  WP should come clean with their own #WPFiles.  How many F B I do they have working there spewing disinformation??]
[tweet: 1606769440724746240, from: @thetopherstein (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 01:51:01 (LOW,,2,,239) Elon is dumm as the day is MFing long.  He’s rich and that’s it; he’s not smart, not personable, not funny, and has zero interesting stories to tell.  The people who laugh at his schitt are paid shills & sycophants who possess zero dignity,]
[tweet: 1606808449844666369, from: @slkdjfoieurfdas (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 04:26:02 (LOW,,1,1,421) @threadreaderapp unroll]
[tweet: 1606863416601477121, from: @seahawksfan7777 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:04:27 (LOW,,1,,85) Ffs. Musk has never been a genius.]
[tweet: 1606870647921315841, from: @faust_flag (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:33:11 (LOW,1,2,,171) Like how stupid would we be to believe that this sniveling Palestinian strangler would really tell it to us like it is? Weiss, lol, get tf out of here with this op and see to dumping the all the files to the public [they won’t]]
[tweet: 1606905392856195073, from: @julie_hovgaard (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 10:51:15 (LOW,,1,,41) For goodness sake’s. This article describes a nut not an effective CEO. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. It’s not that he should hire someone to run Twitter. He needs to do that and then have nothing to do with Twitter ever again. I know how harsh that sounds. Read the article]
[tweet: 1606920522369236993, from: @outy5000 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 11:51:22 (LOW,3,15,,224) Didn't Elon actually bring down his "faux genius" reputation?]
[tweet: 1606694285834854408, from: @systematicinfr1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:52:23 (LOW,0,,,279) A lot of words about nothing bro]
[tweet: 1606839626177646592, from: @nonsenseend (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 06:29:55 (LOW,0,,,118) Oh yeah. Keep pushing the narrative that “he’s so crazy!”]
[tweet: 1606670533168332800, from: @ddamhez20 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:18:00 (LOW,0,,,430) This so called "journalist" is a]
[tweet: 1606696726106030080, from: @michaelbruner (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:02:05 (LOW,0,,,267) Is this the stupidest "controversy" yet? Probably not, but it's pretty dumb.]
[tweet: 1606699472439967746, from: @fatboyinpa (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:12:59 (LOW,0,,,100) [empty]]
[tweet: 1606715875062677505, from: @wheres_my_beef (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 10:18:10 (LOW,0,,,168) Youre a programmable pleb]
[tweet: 1606744902783508480, from: @iansamyth (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 12:13:31 (LOW,0,,,158) My DMs aren’t private? Ewwww Twitter is trassshhhh]
[tweet: 1606752899262197760, from: @newsomrefugee (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 12:45:17 (LOW,0,,,93) just swap bari for fbi and then write your story. since that's the real story.]
[tweet: 1606755277650669570, from: @kevinfilmbuff (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 12:54:44 (LOW,0,,,134) He’s mediocre AF. Shocking how truly middle of the road he is. He’s basically the Ed Norton character in Glass Onion.]
[tweet: 1606760798730080256, from: @terrandescent (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 01:16:41 (LOW,0,,,160) Paywalled and just from what you posted I see you didn't do any proper research.  The real story is what Twitter files have exposed. I know your masters want that to go away.]
[tweet: 1606767645227118595, from: @frontiers_suck (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 01:43:53 (LOW,0,,,99) I know The Washington hoax is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, do you think pasting an article about Twitter is going to get us to buy a subscription to a propaganda rag just to read about twitter?]
[tweet: 1606783806962368513, from: @udchupacabras (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 02:48:06 (LOW,0,,,84) You might be jealous you weren’t the one given access to the twitter files, but it’s ok for Elon to reveal to us all the shitlib shenanigans that were happening under prior leadership]
[tweet: 1606786960059777024, from: @jr202220222022 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 03:00:38 (LOW,0,,,82) Crashing down to earth? He exposed the greatest election interference in the history of the country.  Vía the FBI.  #TwitterFiles]
[tweet: 1606847436772806663, from: @gavinquinlan (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:00:57 (LOW,0,,,68) Sadly @bariweiss wasn’t able to make sense or truth of the information. Just puked what she thought her pay master needed.]
[tweet: 1606849572546179072, from: @metareversed (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:09:26 (LOW,0,,,37) It’s amazing how you wapo people see the only story as Musk. All you do is report your emotional@bias and not how bad twitter was. I wonder why ?]
[tweet: 1606860410254245889, from: @naamanpridemore (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 07:52:30 (LOW,0,,,21) Democrats applauding the coordination between corporations and the security state to suppress speech and target their enemies]
[tweet: 1606863348674560000, from: @letsgobrandon89 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:04:11 (LOW,0,,,34) Another baby in need of a gooberment bottle with a nipple...]
[tweet: 1606880513305755648, from: @hkfan45 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:12:23 (LOW,0,,,39) Lol at Bari Weiss.]
[tweet: 1606937421819834368, from: @flybynite747 (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 12:58:31 (LOW,0,,,21) This article shows how terrified they are now of Musk exposing the truth.]
[tweet: 1606948050844504065, from: @negute2 (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 01:40:45 (LOW,0,,,15) Lol am sure jeffs washington post is the truth beacon. Clowns]
[tweet: 1606999003073490948, from: @seek4actuality (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 05:03:13 (LOW,,1,,19) All things will come to an end when a fool believes they are above everyone and everything. Elon Musk is no king, just a heartless fool who will soon come to an end by his own words and actions.]
[tweet: 1607005042694815748, from: @sjwilliams123 (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 05:27:13 (LOW,,1,,21) Good grief, you people whine more than a hungry newborn baby. Elon owns twitter. Period. He can do whatever tf he wants and you all just need to get over it. You sound like infants.]
[tweet: 1607082530095730693, from: @donwuan12 (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 10:35:07 (LOW,0,,,25) Just wait until the EU and US come after Twitter for violating privacy laws. It will be epic.]
[tweet: 1607151633380823040, from: @cmos76 (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 03:09:43 (LOW,0,,,24) This seems Ye levels of manic. It feels like he's abandoned his companies in order to use Twitter as  the treasure trove of info to prove whatever weird conspiracies are swimming in that head.]
[tweet: 1608671108852764674, from: @hpcr8r (UNKNOWN) on 12/29/22 07:47:34 (LOW,0,,,2) Look who is talking. The WAPO nitwitz commies.]
[tweet: 1609990063642841088, from: @magdalenamoreh1 (UNKNOWN) on 01/02/23 11:08:37 (LOW,0,,,11) Wapo  Dem hacks in disguise. All lefties hate elon.]
[tweet: 1606821315096240128, from: @dangerbug (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 05:17:09 (LOW,,1,,615) It's as if you were not paying attention on that call. The person asking the questions asked for a 36 hour long answer when answers are a few seconds long. It's like asking Joe Biden to explain the 4,000 page budget he is about to sign.]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (LOW,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1607003628442877952, from: @dotpaula (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 05:21:36 (ABUSIVE,,,1,53) Is idiot-savant too charitable? Is he adept at anything other creating new people who also can't stand him?]
[tweet: 1607004560014585857, from: @dotpaula (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 05:25:18 (ABUSIVE,,2,,52) Other than. You know, on mastodon I can edit and so there i appear to be an excellent speller and also very good at grammar and math.]
[tweet: 1607354761249964033, from: @ziadmurica (UNKNOWN) on 12/26/22 04:36:52 (ABUSIVE,,,1,31) You are a mountain of idiocy and ignorance, I can’t express in words the level of disdain that I have for your ilk at WAPO and NYT due to the rabid hate you people are displaying for someone who changed the course of humanity in many industries.]
[tweet: 1607364965630894080, from: @ziadmurica (UNKNOWN) on 12/26/22 05:17:25 (ABUSIVE,0,,,34) and I hate to make it personal but those like you who attack folks who are doing great good in this world need to understand that it’s not ok and in that vein I’m about to counter attack you, you must have a lot of anger at the world for taking a photo like this .]
[tweet: 1606712270142275584, from: @aidenrodolfo (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 10:03:51 (ABUSIVE,,1,,103) He would have thought that an engineer is actually a complete fucking idiot?]
[tweet: 1606779122709327872, from: @buddadonny (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 02:29:30 (ABUSIVE,,1,,49) Merry Christmas—boycott Tesla]
[tweet: 1606790477302599681, from: @realbenisons (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 03:14:37 (ABUSIVE,,,1,172) You write that Musk said "the people have spoken"  But aren't @donie and @drewharwell still locked out unless they delete tweets Musk claims violated rules? (Or appeals succeed)  Your article implies to me that he granted full pardons]
[tweet: 1606799875483607047, from: @wazoo99 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 03:51:57 (ABUSIVE,,1,,1149) @ariellewass have I not been saying this?]
[tweet: 1606825456225116161, from: @mitchelldstein1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 05:33:36 (ABUSIVE,,3,,75) [empty]]
[tweet: 1607038455267168257, from: @ttravelli (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 07:39:59 (ABUSIVE,,1,,23) Finding people who will take a bullet is tough but if a moron like Trump can do it, I believe @elonmusk can and will also. Put on some coffee, put the feet up and watch the show.]
[tweet: 1606716530896535554, from: @mattatx81 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 10:20:46 (ABUSIVE,0,,,86) More bullshit from Washington Post..]
[tweet: 1606727034708934656, from: @itsperryxp (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 11:02:31 (ABUSIVE,0,,,186) When people can buy bots to give likes, follows, comments, or poll votes.. there is a problem.  Code does need to be redone.]
[tweet: 1606749780767563776, from: @jeff_4_ever (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 12:32:54 (ABUSIVE,0,,,111) Unimaginable how incurious today’s journalists are. Amazing how antagonistic to news they’ve proven themselves time and again. Nobody’s that stupid, so obviously they’re corrupt.]
[tweet: 1606780873055080450, from: @keeluu (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 02:36:27 (ABUSIVE,0,,,75) You guys on the right can’t hold off embarrassing yourself over and over again. No one besides nutcases is interested in Hillary’s emails, Hunter Biden’s laptop or those Twitter files. All stupid nothing burgers, but you revolve all your existences around it. Grow up, get a life!]
[tweet: 1606870031563997184, from: @j2gnome (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 08:30:44 (ABUSIVE,0,,,17) [empty]]
[tweet: 1606881000000458752, from: @maximus_1990 (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 09:14:19 (ABUSIVE,0,,,13) I’ll burn your effin book @elonmusk you’re a big effin fraud!]
[tweet: 1607004069096456199, from: @abulhas72543341 (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 05:23:21 (ABUSIVE,0,,,17) Prophet Muhammad SAW makes dua (supplication) for his ummah and cries for them like no one ever cried before. He is deeply aggrieved over his ummah and makes dua for the astray. Muhammad Qasim has seen many dreams of our Prophet SAW. Muhammad Qasim Dreams]
[tweet: 1607023074951716865, from: @lanali39088818 (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 06:38:52 (ABUSIVE,0,,,15) Muhammad Qasim a blessed Muslim, has seen Prophet Muhammad SAW in his  dreams more than 300 times, and communicated with Allah SWT more than 500  times in dreams. Why are Qasim's dreams so important? Search Muhammad Qasim  Dreams]
[tweet: 1607045744133046274, from: @lxgnzlz (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 08:08:57 (ABUSIVE,0,,,10) He’s so fucking stupid, I love it]
[tweet: 1607106964328452096, from: @futureslice99 (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 12:12:13 (ABUSIVE,0,,,12) “Imagine throwing away your entire reputation as a journalist just to do PR for a tech billionaire…”  Fuck the FBI FUCK THE CIA]
[tweet: 1607276149570404353, from: @razuahm06267382 (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 11:24:30 (ABUSIVE,0,,,1) pls stay with me and support me]
[tweet: 1607381138003185665, from: @barkleyanderso5 (UNKNOWN) on 12/26/22 06:21:41 (ABUSIVE,0,,,undefined) [empty]]


Days later, two executives with oversight of matters related to the Twitter Files were fired. 

Weiss' access was overseen by a chaperone, new Twitter Trust and Safety chief Ella Irwin, whose name appeared in a watermark on one of the documents.
 ranking=26.1862976556104 from {coleman=0.63, cos=1.32, smog=1.25, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.56, jrw=0.39, pop=8.55, numsent=2, flesch=1.49, ari=0.58, lix=0.08, time=1.94, numword=4, fuzzy=2.3, fog=0.71}
 orders: orig=2, rank=1, date=8
IT staff refused to onboard Weiss, worried if she was granted the full access Musk requested Twitter would be breaking the law. The order was a response to previous privacy concerns.

To some, it was unclear if Musk had read it.…
 ranking=24.383846593316164 from {coleman=0.52, cos=1.46, smog=0.3, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.25, pop=8.94, numsent=3, flesch=1.17, ari=0.32, lix=0.07, time=1.97, numword=4, fuzzy=1.7, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=1, rank=2, date=5
Two important things: 1) Bari Weiss, Taibbi, etc. appear to have been given access to every user’s private DMs (this jives with a screenshot Weiss posted) 2) Musk and possibly Weiss, Taibbi have had the ability to post from any account on Twitter including @WhiteHouse @JoeBiden
 ranking=22.41798388348537 from {coleman=0.57, cos=1.06, smog=1.25, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.87, pop=6.46, numsent=1, flesch=1.53, ari=1.09, lix=0.99, time=1.58, numword=4, fuzzy=0.6, fog=1}
 orders: orig=41, rank=3, date=46
elon’s genius is that he convinced markets Tesla was right on the cusp of driverless cars and space tourism. None of that is close to being true in the firseebale future.  Elon is much more PT Barnum than any kind of scientific genius
 ranking=22.144056045403396 from {coleman=0.5, cos=0.14, smog=0.85, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.29, pop=8.02, numsent=3, flesch=1.21, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.9, numword=4, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=17, rank=4, date=12
Inside Twitter, Musk occupies a 10th-floor conference room with a staging area. There, they wait for the Twitter CEO — sometimes for more than an hour — before being called in.

Meeting guests are instructed not to speak until Musk does.
 ranking=21.93920104842344 from {coleman=0.6, cos=1.28, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.3, pop=8.61, numsent=3, flesch=1.25, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=1.93, numword=3, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=3, rank=5, date=9
It is no surprise that journalists hate musk. Their profession is dying. Musk is accelerating their demise by showing them how irrelevant they are becoming. They lost their trust and credibility decades ago. And try doing a negative piece on Amazon, bezos post.
 ranking=21.68283232836022 from {coleman=0.67, cos=0.28, smog=1.04, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.34, pop=4.41, numsent=5, flesch=1.38, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=1.31, numword=4, fuzzy=1.9, fog=0.6}
 orders: orig=28, rank=6, date=75
I’m reading “full access to everything at Twitter” but we’re still waiting for what the Trump White House (the actual government) requested that was equally honored. So, we’re still looking at partisan politics being played by @elonmusk.
 ranking=20.63829450859335 from {coleman=0.75, cos=0.9, smog=1.08, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.46, pop=6.34, numsent=2, flesch=1.41, ari=0.57, lix=0.09, time=1.62, numword=3, fuzzy=1.45, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=24, rank=7, date=42
surely the Starlink guy who has done an entire Twitter Spaces from the air had no way of communicating yeah
 ranking=19.76546202220924 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0.63, smog=0.85, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.47, pop=8.63, numsent=1, flesch=1.37, ari=0.47, lix=0.05, time=1.81, numword=2, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=4, rank=8, date=22
Oh no, transparency . Can’t have that. Definitely don’t want journalists to have access to factual information. They better stick to op eds and assumptions like you clowns at wa post. Maybe do some investigative journalism on Bezos instead of getting off on musk?
 ranking=19.17122351242673 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0.29, smog=0.95, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.32, pop=2.2, numsent=5, flesch=1.36, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=0.61, numword=4, fuzzy=2.5, fog=0.51}
 orders: orig=138, rank=9, date=149
To be fair, the only people who believe Elon Musk is a genius are people who are mostly unfamiliar with him, and people who desperately need that to be true.
 ranking=19.145635778222623 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.32, smog=1.08, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.58, pop=6.05, numsent=1, flesch=1.34, ari=0.66, lix=0.06, time=1.5, numword=3, fuzzy=2, fog=0.74}
 orders: orig=25, rank=10, date=55
Imagine completely ignoring the revelations from the Twitter files and then accuse Elon Musk of knowing nothing about software & business. Then you cite a Management Professor at Santa Clara. This isn't journalism; it's gossip entertainment for the formerly blue checked.
 ranking=18.969184745519595 from {coleman=0.9, cos=0.86, smog=1.25, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.54, pop=3.26, numsent=3, flesch=1.6, ari=0.59, lix=0.1, time=0.41, numword=4, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=119, rank=11, date=170
Desperately trying to discredit Musk does not negate the rampant govt corruption revealed by internal Twitter docs. Notice NO ONE has disputed their veracity. Now do something meaningful and stop simping for the war machine.
 ranking=18.658376306538585 from {coleman=0.79, cos=0.59, smog=1.14, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.43, pop=4.56, numsent=3, flesch=1.46, ari=0.48, lix=0.09, time=1.27, numword=3, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.64}
 orders: orig=133, rank=12, date=79
For goodness sake’s. This article describes a nut not an effective CEO.
He doesn’t know what he’s doing.
It’s not that he should hire someone to run Twitter. He needs to do that and then have nothing to do with Twitter ever again.
I know how harsh that sounds.
Read the article
 ranking=18.413474658717462 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.81, smog=0.6, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.11, pop=0.7, numsent=7, flesch=1.08, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=0.58, numword=5, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=161, rank=13, date=152
Lol. You know he was flying back from the World Cup right? He tweeted as soon as he landed. 

Not everything is a conspiracy.
 ranking=18.378357712023245 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.21, smog=0.69, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.06, pop=6.39, numsent=4, flesch=1.02, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.99, numword=2, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=107, rank=14, date=3
I think the article needs to be revised because it falsely paints Elon as the founder of Paypal, SpaceX, and Tesla. He was not a founder of any of those things.
 ranking=18.110727806951754 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0.18, smog=0.3, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.29, pop=6.74, numsent=2, flesch=1.19, ari=0.28, lix=0.05, time=1.39, numword=3, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=27, rank=15, date=66
Giving a journalist free access to everyone's DM's... and conservatives cheer
 ranking=17.170177254443566 from {coleman=0.85, cos=0.25, smog=1.08, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.52, pop=5.62, numsent=1, flesch=1.63, ari=0.47, lix=0, time=1.3, numword=1, fuzzy=2.5, fog=0.63}
 orders: orig=29, rank=16, date=76
People are saying this because he yanked the stock of his most profitable company and seems hell bent on mocking and turning off this companies main customer base. How can anyone be a Tesla investor and feel good about musks behavior is crazy
 ranking=16.942395515741858 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=1.17, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.45, pop=3.26, numsent=2, flesch=1.32, ari=0.56, lix=0.07, time=1.72, numword=4, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.67}
 orders: orig=146, rank=17, date=31
And the Conservatives were angry that China had access to people's TikToks. Yet cheer when reporters get access to everyone's private messages. HMMMM!
 ranking=16.689431700570577 from {coleman=0.72, cos=0.34, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.29, pop=4.93, numsent=3, flesch=1.34, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=0.83, numword=2, fuzzy=1.7, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=102, rank=18, date=126
Twitter is no longer that interesting. It’s more boring than anything
 ranking=16.403073702094247 from {coleman=0.81, cos=0.94, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.39, pop=4.36, numsent=2, flesch=1.51, ari=0.33, lix=0.05, time=1.61, numword=1, fuzzy=2.1, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=5, rank=19, date=43
Article says Elon Musk has lost $130 BILLION of his personal net worth in less than a year.

That’s amazing.  It would probably take me at least three years to lose that much.
 ranking=16.254230545689737 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0.32, smog=0.75, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.17, pop=5.69, numsent=3, flesch=1.1, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.94, numword=3, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=53, rank=20, date=114
Hey, if you see Elon, tell him I'm willing to share my Boingo account login if he needs it.
The he'd be able to Tweet while in the air just like me!
 ranking=16.170592134930374 from {coleman=0.26, cos=0.18, smog=0.3, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.19, pop=5.99, numsent=2, flesch=1.05, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.82, numword=3, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=108, rank=21, date=21
Vindictive the same as Trump. Ultimately, it doesn't work out well when those people turn on their bosses who treated them like garbage.
 ranking=16.090044639196805 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.22, pop=5.24, numsent=2, flesch=1.16, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=1.68, numword=2, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=22, rank=22, date=35
He’s so desperate to make “twitter files” a thing  how embarrassing for him lol
 ranking=16.089824383959908 from {coleman=0.55, cos=1.06, smog=1.08, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.39, pop=6.12, numsent=1, flesch=1.37, ari=0.33, lix=0.05, time=1.63, numword=1, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=23, rank=23, date=41
It's quite the spectacle to watch the old guard bring to bear every insane idea they can think of to discredit and stop Musk. 

Today's edition: "The guy who made the electric car a real thing and lands rockets returning from space ISn'T AKcHulLy SMarT."
 ranking=15.570898225533249 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0.14, smog=1.08, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.41, pop=2.57, numsent=2, flesch=1.26, ari=0.51, lix=0.05, time=1.83, numword=4, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.62}
 orders: orig=145, rank=24, date=20
You are a mountain of idiocy and ignorance, I can’t express in words the level of disdain that I have for your ilk at WAPO and NYT due to the rabid hate you people are displaying for someone who changed the course of humanity in many industries.
 ranking=15.369829557490355 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=1.25, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.89, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=1.51, ari=1.07, lix=0.99, time=0.15, numword=4, fuzzy=1, fog=1.06}
 orders: orig=193, rank=25, date=198
Elon doing the Get spit roasted by the EU commission and FTC speedrun challenge
 ranking=15.303408289334339 from {coleman=0.6, cos=0.47, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.3, pop=6.57, numsent=1, flesch=1.23, ari=0.39, lix=0.07, time=1.84, numword=1, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=19, rank=26, date=19
Excellent piece. I’m surprised you can still find employees willing to speak to you, given the culture of fear and terror he’s quickly implemented.
 ranking=15.289598372504702 from {coleman=0.74, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.3, pop=4.63, numsent=2, flesch=1.28, ari=0.43, lix=0.07, time=1.12, numword=2, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=30, rank=27, date=95
You guys on the right can’t hold off embarrassing yourself over and over again. No one besides nutcases is interested in Hillary’s emails, Hunter Biden’s laptop or those Twitter files. All stupid nothing burgers, but you revolve all your existences around it. Grow up, get a life!
 ranking=15.236761816331187 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0.57, smog=0.92, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.38, jrw=0.38, numsent=4, flesch=1.39, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.14, numword=4, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=204, rank=28, date=93
You might be jealous you weren’t the one given access to the twitter files, but it’s ok for Elon to reveal to us all the shitlib shenanigans that were happening under prior leadership
 ranking=15.132001039038567 from {coleman=0.54, cos=1.08, smog=1.25, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.72, numsent=1, flesch=1.53, ari=0.76, lix=0.09, time=1.13, numword=3, fuzzy=2.8, fog=0.82}
 orders: orig=174, rank=29, date=94
I'm so, so happy that I deleted my acct the moment he said he was moving forward with the deal, original price, immediately before the election.

Pretty clear then that it wasn't going to end well, but handing over peoples dms and other contact information is a giant nope.
 ranking=15.02613866638052 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=1.08, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.54, pop=1.61, numsent=2, flesch=1.4, ari=0.57, lix=0.07, time=0.71, numword=4, fuzzy=1.5, fog=0.65}
 orders: orig=84, rank=30, date=138
and I hate to make it personal but those like you who attack folks who are doing great good in this world need to understand that it’s not ok and in that vein I’m about to counter attack you, you must have a lot of anger at the world for taking a photo like this .
 ranking=14.86618440509054 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0, smog=1.08, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.96, numsent=1, flesch=1.48, ari=1.15, lix=0.99, time=0.14, numword=5, fuzzy=1.2, fog=1.14}
 orders: orig=194, rank=31, date=199
Can we normalize calling Twitter files the "Twitter Lies?"
 ranking=14.834664830613399 from {coleman=0.75, cos=1.73, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.38, pop=4.82, numsent=1, flesch=1.44, ari=0.39, lix=0.1, time=0.91, numword=0, fuzzy=2.1, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=101, rank=32, date=117
This article embodies journalistic excellence. Well done, Faiz!  Keep it coming.
 ranking=14.627519224540341 from {coleman=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.37, pop=3.44, numsent=3, flesch=1.51, ari=0.42, lix=0.06, time=1.03, numword=1, fuzzy=1, fog=0.62}
 orders: orig=47, rank=33, date=104
Elon is dumm as the day is MFing long.  He’s rich and that’s it; he’s not smart, not personable, not funny, and has zero interesting stories to tell.

The people who laugh at his schitt are paid shills & sycophants who possess zero dignity,

 ranking=14.601687907201754 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.15, smog=0.85, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.24, pop=1.39, numsent=3, flesch=1.15, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=1.23, numword=4, fuzzy=1, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=157, rank=34, date=83
I know The Washington hoax is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, do you think pasting an article about Twitter is going to get us to buy a subscription to a propaganda rag just to read about twitter?
 ranking=14.537034865714247 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0.92, smog=1.4, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.79, numsent=1, flesch=1.5, ari=0.89, lix=0.99, time=1.26, numword=3, fuzzy=1, fog=0.98}
 orders: orig=173, rank=35, date=80
Like how stupid would we be to believe that this sniveling Palestinian strangler would really tell it to us like it is? Weiss, lol, get tf out of here with this op and see to dumping the all the files to the public [they won’t]
 ranking=14.528125551806564 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0.32, smog=0.85, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.39, pop=1.95, numsent=2, flesch=1.22, ari=0.41, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=4, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.54}
 orders: orig=160, rank=36, date=143
If this is true, Twitter will be sued into oblivion. Musk shows zero respect for the law and should feel the consequences. He’s endangering many people with his stupid actions.
 ranking=14.341145863196818 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0.7, smog=0.85, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.25, pop=2.2, numsent=3, flesch=1.23, ari=0.3, lix=0, time=0.34, numword=3, fuzzy=1, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=147, rank=37, date=178
Ugh… can you at least correct the part where you say he founded PayPal……
 ranking=14.253037318702331 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.17, pop=6.79, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.98, numword=1, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=13, rank=38, date=4
Twitter is a social and culture driven technology.   You can "make number go up".  The success metrics are different than building cars or rockets.   The opinion of the common folk is much more important.
 ranking=14.249964591901925 from {coleman=0.6, cos=0.48, smog=0.85, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.29, pop=0.7, numsent=4, flesch=1.32, ari=0.25, lix=0.05, time=0.35, numword=3, fuzzy=1.5, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=93, rank=39, date=176
This article, and many like it, written by someone whose historical legacy will be nonexistent and commenting on someone’s lack of genius is the most ironic and stupid thing of the era we live in.
 ranking=13.971688605226216 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=1.4, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.76, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.53, ari=0.82, lix=0.1, time=1.85, numword=3, fuzzy=1, fog=0.92}
 orders: orig=143, rank=40, date=17
This guy should be banned for propagating conspiracy theories.

WP should come clean with their own #WPFiles.

How many F B I do they have working there spewing disinformation??
 ranking=13.539393085844708 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0.18, smog=0.85, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.27, pop=0.7, numsent=3, flesch=1.25, ari=0.3, lix=0, time=1.67, numword=3, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=156, rank=41, date=37
Musk has the uncanny ability to turn gold into lead in a very short period of time. He's no genius.
 ranking=13.515001237344022 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0.23, smog=0.69, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.16, pop=4.55, numsent=2, flesch=1.1, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.07, numword=2, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=39, rank=42, date=100
Maybe you could have mentioned who Jim Baker is beyond "deputy general counsel Jim Baker had been “exited” from the company, as the CEO cited what he called his “possible role in suppression of information important to the public dialogue.” 1/2
 ranking=13.286540421614108 from {coleman=0.64, numsent=1, flesch=1.59, cos=0, smog=1.4, ari=1.08, lix=0.99, time=0.74, numword=4, kincaid=0.88, fog=1}
 orders: orig=124, rank=43, date=135
OMG is @elonmusk trying to get sued or tank @Tesla? Why would a far right political news editor get access to all private info!?
 ranking=13.173839718079655 from {coleman=0.38, cos=0.18, smog=0.85, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.22, pop=3.05, numsent=2, flesch=1.16, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.92, numword=2, fuzzy=1.45, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=77, rank=44, date=116
Prophet Muhammad SAW makes dua (supplication) for his ummah and cries for them like no one ever cried before. He is deeply aggrieved over his ummah and makes dua for the astray. Muhammad Qasim has seen many dreams of our Prophet SAW. Muhammad Qasim Dreams
 ranking=13.104531472599506 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.31, numsent=4, flesch=1.29, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.4, numword=4, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=207, rank=45, date=171

As a European I will sue over this. Thanks for 20% of Twitter's annual revenue. That would be the fine. For *every single* law suit in Europe.
 ranking=13.006500030012594 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0, smog=0.55, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.07, pop=3.1, numsent=5, flesch=1.06, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.37, numword=2, fog=0.19}
 orders: orig=92, rank=46, date=174
No longer public so he can do whatever he wants but this sounds like a security or data privacy violation unless the person is an employee or consultant.
 ranking=12.963310534081707 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0, smog=1.4, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.64, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.46, ari=0.68, lix=0.09, time=0.9, numword=2, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.85}
 orders: orig=78, rank=47, date=118
Elmo's been exposed liked TFG's financial "genius" this week via his tax returns disclosure.

(They're the same person.)
 ranking=12.870724409055452 from {coleman=0.75, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.28, pop=3.64, numsent=2, flesch=1.31, ari=0.35, lix=0.05, time=1.17, numword=1, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=38, rank=48, date=90
Your article is behind a paywall. Too bad for you. I guess I’ll just have to read the Twitter files instead
 ranking=12.855445139143821 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0.89, smog=0.3, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.12, pop=1.95, numsent=3, flesch=1.1, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.55, numword=2, fuzzy=1, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=50, rank=49, date=49
Good grief, you people whine more than a hungry newborn baby. Elon owns twitter. Period. He can do whatever tf he wants and you all just need to get over it. You sound like infants.
 ranking=12.827946657876376 from {coleman=0.4, cos=0.63, smog=0.55, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.09, pop=0.7, numsent=5, flesch=1.05, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.38, numword=3, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.2}
 orders: orig=184, rank=50, date=173
Unimaginable how incurious today’s journalists are. Amazing how antagonistic to news they’ve proven themselves time and again. Nobody’s that stupid, so obviously they’re corrupt.
 ranking=12.807615364210035 from {coleman=1.01, cos=0, smog=1.08, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.56, numsent=3, flesch=1.74, ari=0.54, lix=0.08, time=1.37, numword=2, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.74}
 orders: orig=203, rank=51, date=68
Don't u work 4 the paper that knew the factual truth about hunter Biden Laptop, but only recently admitted it shows illegal behavior w him n his father - the current president. U must have gone to goebbels school of journalism.
 ranking=12.657776095946852 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=1.08, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.48, numsent=2, flesch=1.39, ari=0.5, lix=0.07, time=0.05, numword=4, fuzzy=1.5, fog=0.6}
 orders: orig=140, rank=52, date=208
How much does Bezos, the billionaire who owns the PR firm where you work, pay you to write hit pieces on his rival?

Do WaPoo articles note Bezos’ conflicts of interests?

Tesla > Rivian
SpaceX > Blue Origin
 ranking=12.558556554046254 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0, smog=0.94, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.3, numsent=3, flesch=1.26, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=1.46, numword=3, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.47}
 orders: orig=65, rank=53, date=59
As an app, we know Twitter isn't giganticly popular. The I must have it obsession of Musk's that has precipitated critical Musk analysis which should always have been
 ranking=12.487585330379112 from {coleman=0.64, cos=0.78, smog=1.25, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.43, pop=1.39, numsent=2, flesch=1.44, ari=0.4, lix=0.06, time=0.6, numword=2, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=87, rank=54, date=150
Did the consent decree end in the last 2 weeks or is it more accurate to say "Twitter, which is still under a decade-old FTC order" 
 ranking=12.464899704918718 from {coleman=0.31, cos=1.26, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.44, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.24, ari=0.43, lix=0.05, time=1.64, numword=2, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=48, rank=55, date=40
When you have big balls everyone wants a kick at them. @elonmusk may be reckless but he isn't an idiot nor a fool. I am no financial wizard but I believe he has a plan.
 ranking=12.370089067597009 from {coleman=0.26, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.17, pop=1.95, numsent=3, flesch=1.1, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.33, numword=3, fuzzy=1, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=151, rank=56, date=179
Crashing down to earth? He exposed the greatest election interference in the history of the country.

Vía the FBI.

 ranking=12.324521698862831 from {coleman=0.67, cos=0.78, smog=0.69, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.23, numsent=4, flesch=1.28, ari=0.23, lix=0.07, time=1.11, numword=2, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=175, rank=57, date=96
Elon went into a death spiral after the Chapelle incident.
 ranking=12.296330129641863 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0.29, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.36, pop=4.79, numsent=1, flesch=1.39, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=0.7, numword=1, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=59, rank=58, date=139
Democracy dies in darkness. Please start living by this or take it down. Good grief.
 ranking=12.292145682179534 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0.24, smog=0.62, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.07, pop=1.8, numsent=3, flesch=1.06, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.78, numword=1, fuzzy=1.5, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=135, rank=59, date=25
Well done getting in on the grift at the ground level? Cause it sure ain’t “well done as a journalist”.
 ranking=12.271546526397628 from {coleman=0.38, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.12, pop=3.47, numsent=2, flesch=1.06, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=0.29, numword=2, fuzzy=1.9, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=32, rank=60, date=183
your billionaire trash boss must be happy to have a rag to attack another billionaire trash boss who's showing weakness.  congrats on being a pawn in all of this!
 ranking=12.234800825899669 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.98, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.3, pop=1.61, numsent=2, flesch=1.23, ari=0.34, lix=0.05, time=1.91, numword=2, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=154, rank=61, date=11
This seems Ye levels of manic. It feels like he's abandoned his companies in order to use Twitter as  the treasure trove of info to prove whatever weird conspiracies are swimming in that head.
 ranking=12.129672539836568 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0.63, smog=1.08, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.41, numsent=2, flesch=1.33, ari=0.43, lix=0.05, time=0.21, numword=3, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=186, rank=62, date=191
Major CIA/FBI Print Organ slags tech CEO for exposing FBI perfidy. Film at 11.
 ranking=12.082619205424853 from {pop=4.55, coleman=0.48, numsent=2, flesch=1.17, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.66, numword=1, kincaid=0.17, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=105, rank=63, date=38
You write that Musk said "the people have spoken"

But aren't @donie and @drewharwell still locked out unless they delete tweets Musk claims violated rules? (Or appeals succeed)

Your article implies to me that he granted full pardons
 ranking=12.02069320136944 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0.45, smog=0.3, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.31, pop=1.61, numsent=2, flesch=1.18, ari=0.49, lix=0.05, time=1.09, numword=3, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=197, rank=64, date=98
And AI built by a man who’s only “guiding light” is the search for more money and power. 

Do you want to feed it your data?
 ranking=11.907851525831829 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.11, pop=1.8, numsent=2, flesch=0.98, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.24, numword=2, fuzzy=2.5, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=132, rank=65, date=82
All things will come to an end when a fool believes they are above everyone and everything. Elon Musk is no king, just a heartless fool who will soon come to an end by his own words and actions.
 ranking=11.78475114246692 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0.43, smog=0.98, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.36, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.22, ari=0.34, lix=0, time=0.44, numword=3, fuzzy=1, fog=0.55}
 orders: orig=183, rank=66, date=167
It's as if you were not paying attention on that call. The person asking the questions asked for a 36 hour long answer when answers are a few seconds long. It's like asking Joe Biden to explain the 4,000 page budget he is about to sign.
 ranking=11.713842095423745 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0.39, numsent=3, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1, numword=4, kincaid=0.28, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=189, rank=67, date=108
Should be pointed out more that not a single “Twitter File” has been released for outside verification. 

IOW, there’s no such thing as Twitter Files.
 ranking=11.486660900503516 from {coleman=0.59, cos=1.36, smog=0.69, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.27, numsent=2, flesch=1.22, ari=0.33, lix=0.05, time=0.09, numword=2, fuzzy=2.2, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=113, rank=68, date=204
That’s right everybody, it’s a Twitter Blue subscriber
 ranking=11.397368916070498 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0.94, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.52, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=1.69, ari=0.5, lix=0.11, time=1.08, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.79}
 orders: orig=144, rank=69, date=99
One more important thing: Bari Weiss is actually Barry White in disguise.
 ranking=11.348329076131584 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0.47, smog=0.85, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.25, pop=2.57, numsent=1, flesch=1.19, ari=0.41, lix=0.05, time=1.19, numword=1, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=42, rank=70, date=87
Excellent journalism and a great read.

I recommend watching Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery. Who do you think they modeled the bumbling billionaire after?…
 ranking=11.313068978574554 from {coleman=0.72, cos=0, smog=0.94, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.33, numsent=3, flesch=1.37, ari=0.35, lix=0.06, time=0.48, numword=2, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=130, rank=71, date=163
Note @FTC why is @twitter getting away with blatant privacy violations?
 ranking=11.245596149596953 from {coleman=0.79, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.32, pop=4.3, numsent=1, flesch=1.34, ari=0.41, lix=0.1, time=1.47, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=26, rank=72, date=58
Memo to self - don’t ever put anything into slack or email that you wouldn’t want to see later posted without your consent by a journalist on Twitter
 ranking=11.19235999317434 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.54, smog=1.08, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.54, numsent=1, flesch=1.37, ari=0.58, lix=0.08, time=0.65, numword=2, fuzzy=1.8, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=126, rank=73, date=145
Democrats applauding the coordination between corporations and the security state to suppress speech and target their enemies
 ranking=11.159902440217966 from {coleman=1.1, numsent=1, flesch=1.8, cos=0, smog=1.65, ari=0.87, lix=0.99, time=0.8, numword=1, kincaid=0.74, fuzzy=0.2, fog=1.05}
 orders: orig=178, rank=74, date=129
How come you keep calling Tesla a car company? And why isn't there a single mention of CARBON CREDITS?
 ranking=11.06440016460476 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.15, pop=2.9, numsent=2, flesch=1.11, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=1.01, numword=1, fuzzy=1.8, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=73, rank=75, date=106
Paywalled and just from what you posted I see you didn't do any proper research.

The real story is what Twitter files have exposed. I know your masters want that to go away.
 ranking=11.007607095913986 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0.7, smog=0.3, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.15, numsent=3, flesch=1.08, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=1.29, numword=3, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=172, rank=76, date=77
I’m sure this article is really unbiased and factual
 ranking=10.868315534619164 from {coleman=0.72, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.19, pop=3.96, numsent=1, flesch=1.18, ari=0.34, lix=0.08, time=1.86, numword=0, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=109, rank=77, date=16
Didn't Elon actually bring down his "faux genius" reputation?
 ranking=10.817986849027198 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0.29, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.41, pop=3.67, numsent=1, flesch=1.5, ari=0.43, lix=0, time=0.56, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=162, rank=78, date=154
So is Elon just Trump before the lobotomy?
 ranking=10.74018744332873 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0.35, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.27, pop=4.48, numsent=1, flesch=1.29, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.63, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=11, rank=79, date=147
Muhammad Qasim a blessed Muslim, has seen Prophet Muhammad SAW in his 
dreams more than 300 times, and communicated with Allah SWT more than 500 
times in dreams. Why are Qasim's dreams so important? Search Muhammad Qasim 
 ranking=10.512645188461748 from {coleman=0.63, numsent=3, flesch=1.32, cos=0, smog=1.01, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=0.34, numword=3, kincaid=0.34, fog=0.52}
 orders: orig=208, rank=80, date=177
And Bari is an entitled hack and a blowhard.  Makes sense Elon picked her.
 ranking=10.484284200981909 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.5, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.12, pop=2.78, numsent=2, flesch=1.1, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=0.77, numword=1, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=137, rank=81, date=132
Is idiot-savant too charitable? Is he adept at anything other creating new people who also can't stand him?
 ranking=10.353314600836171 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0.24, smog=0.85, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.23, pop=1.61, numsent=2, flesch=1.23, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.42, numword=1, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=191, rank=82, date=169
And yet @Snowden will keep defending this circus lol
 ranking=10.277329488034198 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=3.69, numsent=1, flesch=1.18, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.95, numword=0, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=43, rank=83, date=113
He’s mediocre AF. Shocking how truly middle of the road he is. He’s basically the Ed Norton character in Glass Onion.
 ranking=10.187049262497641 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.19, numsent=3, flesch=1.2, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.32, numword=2, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=171, rank=84, date=74
Looks like things are at the "we had to keep stuff a secret" phase.
 ranking=10.151791969247997 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.13, pop=3.62, numsent=1, flesch=0.99, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.74, numword=1, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=35, rank=85, date=29
I would empathize with the poor saps having to obey a megabillionaire….. but they’re so-called journalists at the wash post lol
 ranking=9.932087727865675 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=1.25, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.47, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.38, ari=0.5, lix=0.05, time=0.43, numword=2, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.7}
 orders: orig=142, rank=86, date=168
sorry I’m not subscribing to WaPo until Jeff Stein unblocks me
 ranking=9.918862056931745 from {coleman=0.66, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.25, pop=2.64, numsent=1, flesch=1.22, ari=0.34, lix=0, time=1.21, numword=1, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=71, rank=87, date=85
It’s amazing how you wapo people see the only story as Musk. All you do is report your emotional@bias and not how bad twitter was. I wonder why ?
 ranking=9.703665938495147 from {coleman=0.3, cos=0.84, smog=0.62, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.1, numsent=3, flesch=1.03, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=0.85, numword=2, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=177, rank=88, date=123
seems interesting but not gonna sub for it
 ranking=9.694788756160042 from {coleman=0.5, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=2.78, numsent=1, flesch=1.18, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.95, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=15, rank=89, date=7
Yes ... all corporations are owned by the CIA and the communists
 ranking=9.67494702304328 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.3, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.28, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=1.44, numword=1, fuzzy=1.5, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=118, rank=90, date=61
Other than. You know, on mastodon I can edit and so there i appear to be an excellent speller and also very good at grammar and math.
 ranking=9.623519556640431 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.28, pop=1.39, numsent=2, flesch=1.2, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.39, numword=2, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=192, rank=91, date=172
He would have thought that an engineer is actually a complete fucking idiot?
 ranking=9.602940783057855 from {coleman=0.64, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.34, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.31, ari=0.4, lix=0.1, time=1.59, numword=1, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=195, rank=92, date=45
Ugh... can you remove the Mastodon link in your bio if all you do is sit on twitter.
 ranking=9.579088868452892 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0.79, smog=0.85, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.3, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.15, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.2, numword=1, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.48}
 orders: orig=14, rank=93, date=86
He was right to do so. Twitter should not be hiding anything for anybody.
 ranking=9.536198524967293 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.94, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.2, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.22, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.42, numword=1, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=141, rank=94, date=63
Sadly @bariweiss wasn’t able to make sense or truth of the information. Just puked what she thought her pay master needed.
 ranking=9.532334953290055 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.12, numsent=2, flesch=1.06, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.86, numword=2, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=176, rank=95, date=122
It’s too bad tech people are too smart to unionize 
 ranking=9.474478314162932 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.12, pop=2.71, numsent=1, flesch=1.06, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1, numword=1, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=100, rank=96, date=107
I remember Lee Iacocca taking over Chrysler & saving it. This is not the same.
 ranking=9.408702814305967 from {coleman=0.5, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.25, pop=2.08, numsent=2, flesch=1.28, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.13, numword=1, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=99, rank=97, date=200
Finding people who will take a bullet is tough but if a moron like Trump can do it, I believe @elonmusk can and will also. Put on some coffee, put the feet up and watch the show.
 ranking=9.393531824165814 from {coleman=0.27, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.23, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.06, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.32, numword=3, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=200, rank=98, date=180
Have you seen the rockets that self land themselves?
 ranking=9.365915174940115 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=2.9, numsent=1, flesch=1.16, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=1.4, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=18, rank=99, date=65
“Imagine throwing away your entire reputation as a journalist just to do PR for a tech billionaire…”

 ranking=9.246321612139127 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=1.4, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.55, numsent=1, flesch=1.42, ari=0.54, lix=0.08, time=0.25, numword=2, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.81}
 orders: orig=210, rank=100, date=187
When people can buy bots to give likes, follows, comments, or poll votes.. there is a problem.

Code does need to be redone.
 ranking=9.230627541737306 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0.2, smog=0.3, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.19, numsent=2, flesch=1.12, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.48, numword=2, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=202, rank=101, date=57
Using signal to communicate with staff? I wonder why the secrecy?
 ranking=9.166832334667951 from {coleman=0.63, numsent=2, flesch=1.38, cos=0.57, smog=0.69, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.43, numword=1, kincaid=0.3, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=66, rank=102, date=62
Appreciate and respect Elon in getting this out to the public.
 ranking=9.1151891377991 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0.32, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.35, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.36, ari=0.3, lix=0.06, time=1.34, numword=1, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=67, rank=103, date=71
If it’s so damning release it for free.
 ranking=9.061079235062522 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.12, pop=2.4, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=0.02, lix=0.05, time=1.51, numword=0, fuzzy=2.1, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=45, rank=104, date=53
Is this the stupidest "controversy" yet? Probably not, but it's pretty dumb.
 ranking=9.044748758191272 from {coleman=0.71, numsent=2, flesch=1.22, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.75, numword=1, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.48}
 orders: orig=166, rank=105, date=28
I thought freedom of the press was a good thing. Who cares what the tech industry thinks?
 ranking=9.004230604883464 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.09, numsent=2, flesch=1.02, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.49, numword=1, fuzzy=2, fog=0.17}
 orders: orig=64, rank=106, date=56
Definitely illegal! @Anwalt_Jun
 ranking=8.979562246027843 from {coleman=1.72, cos=0, smog=1.08, fww=-5.0, kincaid=1.33, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=2.92, ari=0.99, lix=0.99, time=0.16, numword=0, fuzzy=1.1, fog=2.04}
 orders: orig=98, rank=107, date=197
The same Jim Baker that was in the middle of "Russiagate" How much did the FBI pay you to write this? 2/2
 ranking=8.96442088531835 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.1, pop=1.39, numsent=2, flesch=1.01, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=0.73, numword=2, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=83, rank=108, date=136
Any chance at all that he considered the T&Cs with users re their data? Even KNEW they HAVE a Privacy Policy? @twitter @elonmusk
 ranking=8.909475717628474 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.1, numsent=2, flesch=1.13, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.23, numword=2, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=95, rank=109, date=189
This headline clearly leads to unbiased straight news reporting we can trust 
 ranking=8.821643716052533 from {coleman=0.81, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.25, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.19, ari=0.51, lix=0.1, time=1.05, numword=1, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=153, rank=110, date=102
he wants the data. he’s going to feed it to an AI…
 ranking=8.78096465530266 from {coleman=0.1, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.03, pop=2.4, numsent=1, flesch=0.89, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=1.25, numword=1, fuzzy=1.7, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=131, rank=111, date=81
Oh yeah. Keep pushing the narrative that “he’s so crazy!” 
 ranking=8.630812747618645 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=2, flesch=1.11, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.93, numword=1, kincaid=0.1, fuzzy=1.9, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=164, rank=112, date=115
Democrats cannot tolerate the truth surfacing. So sad!
 ranking=8.599760262489127 from {coleman=0.87, cos=0, smog=0.98, kincaid=0.41, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.56, ari=0.36, lix=0.07, time=0.46, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.84}
 orders: orig=90, rank=113, date=165
Yah they definitely don't want him exposing what they are doing.
 ranking=8.451241103203747 from {coleman=0.63, numsent=1, flesch=1.31, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.15, numword=1, kincaid=0.31, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.6}
 orders: orig=20, rank=114, date=92
Elon is Trump before he got thrown in a permanent orange paint.
 ranking=8.217572821709396 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0.27, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.3, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.26, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.28, numword=1, fuzzy=1.5, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=12, rank=115, date=184
Imagine paying $8 and being completely ignored still.
 ranking=8.042565665839165 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.34, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.39, ari=0.43, lix=0.08, time=0.36, numword=0, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=120, rank=116, date=175
My DMs aren’t private? Ewwww Twitter is trassshhhh
 ranking=8.01543936641701 from {coleman=0.73, numsent=2, flesch=1.06, cos=0.94, smog=0.3, ari=0.23, lix=0.08, time=1.38, numword=0, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=169, rank=117, date=67
This article shows how terrified they are now of Musk exposing the truth.
 ranking=7.937573699930292 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0.27, smog=0.85, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.25, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, ari=0.35, lix=0.05, time=0.54, numword=1, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=181, rank=118, date=156
They let her read people’s private DMs.  This company can never be trusted.
 ranking=7.793448541555098 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.2, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=1.12, ari=0.25, lix=0.05, time=0.78, numword=1, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=82, rank=119, date=131
Just wait until the EU and US come after Twitter for violating privacy laws. It will be epic.
 ranking=7.694687679617537 from {coleman=0.43, numsent=2, flesch=1.2, cos=0.7, smog=0.69, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.27, numword=1, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=185, rank=120, date=185
So everyone is ok with the FBI CIA and other abbreviated agency's reading your DMs  , but not a journalist.......ok
 ranking=7.6877724291577 from {coleman=0.38, cos=0, smog=1.08, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.36, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.25, ari=0.29, lix=0.05, time=0.45, numword=1, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=91, rank=121, date=166
Did you really waste time typing this crap?
 ranking=7.5321423424515395 from {coleman=0.5, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.05, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.77, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=149, rank=122, date=26
Does the CIA own controlling stocks of Bezos/WP? LOL
 ranking=7.433408015180687 from {coleman=0.5, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.04, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.03, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.5, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=117, rank=123, date=54
Jack Dorsey idolizes Musk. Not gonna help.
 ranking=7.333744595242237 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0.29, smog=0.69, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.14, numsent=2, flesch=1.18, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.02, numword=0, fuzzy=1.5, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=58, rank=124, date=211
This article is pretty solid. Good work!!
 ranking=7.188949528301887 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=2, flesch=1.06, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=0.87, numword=0, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=2.2, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=121, rank=125, date=121
just swap bari for fbi and then write your story. since that's the real story.
 ranking=7.131873517392159 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1, flesch=0.92, cos=0.21, smog=0.3, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.34, numword=1, kincaid=0.09, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=170, rank=126, date=72
I was once told it wasn’t enough to be the smartest in the room - I was also supposed to be the wisest…@elonmusk hasn’t mastered either.
 ranking=7.0295885561936 from {coleman=0.33, numsent=1, flesch=1.24, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.4, lix=0.05, time=0.06, numword=2, kincaid=0.42, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.47}
 orders: orig=116, rank=127, date=207
Lol am sure jeffs washington post is the truth beacon. Clowns
 ranking=7.007041516438924 from {coleman=0.55, numsent=2, flesch=1.07, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.5, numword=1, kincaid=0.08, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=182, rank=128, date=160
Another baby in need of a gooberment bottle with a nipple...
 ranking=6.927463650373558 from {coleman=0.47, numsent=1, flesch=1.2, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.76, numword=1, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=179, rank=129, date=133
I guess there’s no right to privacy here.. imagine that?
 ranking=6.837304423333258 from {coleman=0.43, numsent=1, flesch=1.16, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.82, numword=1, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=122, rank=130, date=127
This so called "journalist" is a 
 ranking=6.695411079517744 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=1, flesch=1.13, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.96, numword=0, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=165, rank=131, date=6
Are people supposed to pay for this?
 ranking=6.457586834266984 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.04, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.7, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=51, rank=132, date=33
Ffs. Musk has never been a genius.
 ranking=6.4533247970535506 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0.35, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.05, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.06, ari=-0.1, lix=0, time=0.75, numword=0, fuzzy=1, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=159, rank=133, date=134
Happy to remove the paywall
 ranking=6.3862661134999215 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, pop=5.76, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.92, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=16, rank=134, date=10
Isn't WaPo owned by that other evil rich man?
 ranking=6.37878503433353 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.08, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.35, numword=0, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=136, rank=135, date=70
Anybody working from Mastodont is a RED flag for me,.
 ranking=6.31776940509054 from {coleman=0.45, numsent=1, flesch=1.31, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.17, lix=0.06, time=0.07, numword=1, kincaid=0.31, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.6}
 orders: orig=115, rank=136, date=206
You pull back the curtains and find a self-proclaimed Wizard of Oz.
 ranking=6.299014161692021 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.14, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.26, numword=1, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=94, rank=137, date=186
I think twitter may be hiding things
 ranking=6.246223665608382 from {coleman=0.48, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, cos=0.94, smog=0.3, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.99, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=74, rank=138, date=109
Snowden is a Russian propaganda tool for Putin.
 ranking=6.111800044668885 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.34, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.39, ari=0.28, lix=0.08, time=0.24, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=44, rank=139, date=188
A lot of words about nothing bro
 ranking=6.011054582210243 from {coleman=0.31, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.79, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=163, rank=140, date=24
Yes NewShillAccount people pay for this.
 ranking=5.995782148700136 from {coleman=0.88, numsent=1, flesch=1.27, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.42, lix=0, time=0.52, numword=0, kincaid=0.23, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=52, rank=141, date=158
I’m not even google what’s his name
 ranking=5.885122840937304 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1, ari=-0, lix=0, time=0.59, numword=0, fuzzy=1.8, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=88, rank=142, date=151
Wapo  Dem hacks in disguise. All lefties hate elon.
 ranking=5.664378529136947 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0.27, smog=0.3, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.1, numsent=2, flesch=1.11, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.01, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=188, rank=143, date=212
You are a journalist?
 ranking=5.5420929260933836 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.19, pop=4.34, numsent=1, flesch=1.25, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.87, numword=0, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=21, rank=144, date=15
Dear @FTC, please investigate musk now.
 ranking=5.512010768092581 from {coleman=0.86, cos=0.63, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.27, pop=2.31, numsent=1, flesch=1.34, ari=0.38, lix=0, time=0.51, numword=0, fuzzy=1.9, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=89, rank=145, date=159
Look who is talking. The WAPO nitwitz commies.
 ranking=5.313264386792452 from {coleman=0.58, numsent=2, flesch=1.14, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.12, lix=0.07, time=0.03, numword=0, kincaid=0.11, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=187, rank=146, date=210
I’ll burn your effin book @elonmusk you’re a big effin fraud!
 ranking=5.249788797169812 from {coleman=0.36, numsent=1, flesch=1.08, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.62, numword=1, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=206, rank=147, date=148
@ariellewass have I not been saying this?
 ranking=5.167609287478184 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.07, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=0.84, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=1.06, numword=0, fuzzy=1, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=198, rank=148, date=101
The twitter files files
 ranking=4.91412362811609 from {coleman=0.69, cos=1.56, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.34, pop=2.08, numsent=1, flesch=1.46, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.08, numword=0, fuzzy=2.15, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=114, rank=149, date=205
I’ll wager that Musk will not step down.
 ranking=4.855581837693981 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, cos=0.41, smog=0.3, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.18, numword=0, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=111, rank=150, date=194
 ranking=4.641604248478142 from {pop=6.63, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.02, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=40, rank=151, date=105
Genius? Musk? Ha!!! #ElonMusk
 ranking=4.398818506964497 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.79, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.08, pop=0.7, numsent=4, flesch=1.13, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=0.31, numword=0, fuzzy=1.8, fog=0.03}
 orders: orig=139, rank=152, date=181
Well done @bariweiss
 ranking=4.044936543354176 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=4.1, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=1.76, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=31, rank=153, date=27
pls stay with me and support me
 ranking=3.907555929919137 from {coleman=0.27, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=0.17, numword=0, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=211, rank=154, date=196
"FBI perfidy"

 ranking=3.480954413425243 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.07, pop=3.67, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=0.03, lix=0.05, time=1.65, numword=0, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=106, rank=155, date=39

 ranking=3.456495046698202 from {pop=5.49, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.98, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=75, rank=156, date=110
He’s so fucking stupid, I love it
 ranking=3.388977830188679 from {coleman=0.29, numsent=1, flesch=1.13, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=0.3, numword=0, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=209, rank=157, date=182
The real #twitterfiles 
 ranking=3.3585492870649145 from {coleman=1.08, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.46, numsent=1, flesch=1.66, ari=0.5, lix=0.05, time=0.66, numword=0, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=125, rank=158, date=144
@threadreaderapp unroll
 ranking=3.300795998111916 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.43, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=1.64, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1.04, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=158, rank=159, date=103
Intended or mistaken?
 ranking=3.2652788468133425 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.46, numsent=1, flesch=1.66, ari=0.42, lix=0.99, time=0.1, numword=0, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=112, rank=160, date=203

 ranking=3.128506045793319 from {pop=5.3, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.84, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=55, rank=161, date=125
Talk about a nothingburger
 ranking=3.123167143725489 from {coleman=0.91, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.48, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.67, ari=0.39, lix=0, time=1.28, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=69, rank=162, date=78
What a laughable smear job.
 ranking=3.1089466269451744 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.03, pop=3.41, numsent=1, flesch=1, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.69, numword=0, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=33, rank=163, date=34
Like you’re simping for Elon?
 ranking=2.9674653834499907 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0.41, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.25, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.16, numword=0, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=134, rank=164, date=91

 ranking=2.9643298967359084 from {pop=4.08, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.89, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=104, rank=165, date=13
More bullshit from Washington Post..
 ranking=2.8974944442976187 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.27, numsent=1, flesch=1.34, ari=0.47, lix=0.08, time=1.53, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=201, rank=166, date=51
 ranking=2.8536934069750393 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.43, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.64, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1.45, numword=0, fuzzy=1, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=46, rank=167, date=60

 ranking=2.7363937176448214 from {pop=4.34, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.41, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=36, rank=168, date=64
Muskuato & Marsmusk
 ranking=2.723007075471698 from {coleman=1.57, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.44, numsent=1, flesch=1.65, ari=0.87, lix=0.99, time=0.49, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=129, rank=169, date=162
 ranking=2.444301130729895 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, pop=2.31, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=103, rank=170, date=2
Clean the house.
 ranking=2.3847345809744707 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.13, pop=2.4, numsent=1, flesch=0.81, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.84, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=7, rank=171, date=18

 ranking=2.3099340327957325 from {pop=3.59, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.73, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=110, rank=172, date=30
Why does this anger you?
 ranking=2.306512442609691 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.03, pop=2.4, numsent=1, flesch=1, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=1.71, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=150, rank=173, date=32
Merry Christmas—boycott Tesla
 ranking=2.261171001314662 from {coleman=1.13, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.19, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.25, ari=0.56, lix=0.11, time=1.17, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=196, rank=174, date=89
Youre a programmable pleb 
 ranking=2.24367090656177 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.19, numsent=1, flesch=1.25, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=1.54, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=168, rank=175, date=50

 ranking=2.1871319625268306 from {pop=3.83, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.36, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=37, rank=176, date=69
@threadreaderapp unroll
 ranking=2.0963992331888166 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.43, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=1.64, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=0.17, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=97, rank=177, date=195
He does 
Anti American Propaganda
 ranking=2.071674216411294 from {coleman=0.86, cos=0, smog=1.08, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.5, numsent=1, flesch=1.68, ari=0.38, lix=0.08, time=0.12, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.9}
 orders: orig=152, rank=178, date=201
Bari Weiss lol
 ranking=1.9073500742767493 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.81, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.13, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=0.84, numword=0, fuzzy=2.2, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=81, rank=179, date=124
Sholy hit!
 ranking=1.8644978288431024 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=2.31, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=1.57, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=49, rank=180, date=47

 ranking=1.4469755314810702 from {pop=2.9, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.56, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=34, rank=181, date=48
Blue Sky please hurry.
 ranking=1.4212590930421807 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0.35, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.11, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=0.82, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.72, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=57, rank=182, date=137
Lol at Bari Weiss.
 ranking=0.8163182239054829 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0.81, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.11, numsent=1, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=0.64, numword=0, fuzzy=2.2, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=180, rank=183, date=146
Even private DMs?
 ranking=0.525556289308176 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.27, numsent=1, flesch=1.38, ari=0.11, lix=0.05, time=1.1, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=72, rank=184, date=97

 ranking=0.2636528516859282 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.88, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=155, rank=185, date=14
ˈtwidər, c'est moi, Elmo maybe?
 ranking=0.2596936320754719 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.11, numsent=1, flesch=0.82, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.22, numword=0, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=70, rank=186, date=84
The whole thing is juvenile
 ranking=0.16187934995799635 from {coleman=0.57, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.81, numword=0, kincaid=0.15, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=123, rank=187, date=128
Bye, then.
 ranking=-0.18352498925137595 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.19, lix=0, time=1.8, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=8, rank=188, date=23

 ranking=-0.2459763798285488 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.97, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=199, rank=189, date=111
Musk is a fraud.
 ranking=-0.42191586495668687 from {coleman=0.1, cos=0.5, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.11, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.26, lix=0, time=0.88, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=80, rank=190, date=120

 ranking=-0.4252216628474167 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.79, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=10, rank=191, date=130
 ranking=-0.624879716981132 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=1.18, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=9, rank=192, date=88
I am fumingggg
 ranking=-0.7630474842767299 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.07, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=-0.05, lix=0.05, time=0.04, numword=0, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=62, rank=193, date=209
This is very, very bad.
 ranking=-0.9163035741570362 from {coleman=0.22, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.09, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=0.69, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=85, rank=194, date=140

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=190, rank=195, date=1
What is source of news?
 ranking=-1.0053375471698116 from {coleman=0.28, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.09, numsent=1, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=0.89, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=79, rank=196, date=119
 ranking=-1.0599820754716986 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.1, lix=0, time=1.52, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=61, rank=197, date=52
Good job 
 ranking=-1.1483702830188685 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.19, lix=0, time=1.33, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=68, rank=198, date=73

 ranking=-1.330188679245283 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.67, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=167, rank=199, date=36

 ranking=-1.4056603773584906 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.6, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=63, rank=200, date=44

 ranking=-1.4155924313329395 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=96, rank=201, date=192
 Good luck!
 ranking=-1.6135589622641517 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=0.5, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=128, rank=202, date=161

 ranking=-1.6276075364211868 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.68, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=86, rank=203, date=141
Lol dream on
 ranking=-1.7544814465408805 from {coleman=0.2, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.13, numsent=1, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=0.53, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=54, rank=204, date=157
Say "Howdy" to Jeff.
 ranking=-1.9726176886792457 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.11, numsent=1, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=0.55, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=127, rank=205, date=155

 ranking=-2.047169811320755 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.96, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=76, rank=206, date=112
yet here you are…
 ranking=-2.1900233490566037 from {coleman=0.17, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.11, numsent=1, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.2, lix=0, time=0.47, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=6, rank=207, date=164

 ranking=-2.330188679245283 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=205, rank=208, date=142

 ranking=-2.4339622641509435 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.57, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=56, rank=209, date=153
I doubt it’s true.
 ranking=-2.4941040880503142 from {coleman=0.2, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.13, numsent=1, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=0.19, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=148, rank=210, date=193

 ranking=-2.7830188679245285 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.22, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=60, rank=211, date=190

 ranking=-2.8962264150943398 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.11, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=212, rank=212, date=202