Search run analysis for @ajitpaifcc from Sun, November 3, 2019 at 14:29:10 -0800 (logged in)


This page shows how Twitter rearranges replies, hiding some of them. Each table below shows a tweet from @ajitpaifcc and noteworthy replies to that tweet.

Each reply tweet was re-ranked by a formula designed to determine whether a reply is on-topic and good quality. (In this case, the re-ranking was done using the "formula1" algorithm).

Then, the revised ranking was compared with how Twitter ordered the tweet replies in the page. The revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown higher than they should have been. Those tweets are listed in the "Anomalous elevated tweets" section in each table.

Likewise, the revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown lower than they should have been. Those tweets are in the "Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets" section in each table. That section contains both tweet replies that were suppressed (shown lower than they should have been) and hidden.

The "Other hidden tweets" in each table has additional hidden tweets, those that weren't ranked highly in the revised ranking.

Note: a hidden tweet is one that's hidden behind the "Show more replies" link at the end of the reply page. Few probably click that link, and the account that was replied to might not see those hidden tweets on their "Notifications" page depending on their settings.

Hidden tweets are highlighted in light red. Each tweet is followed by three orders: the original order (as shown by Twitter), the rank order (as determined by the revised ranking; lower rankings are better), and the date order (earlier tweets have a lower order).

Some tweets are put even lower down, into an "AbusiveQuality" section. Those are highlighted in light purple.

Note that Twitter only shows around a maximum of 200 replies, even if there are hundreds more. For instance, assume that "Number of replies" is "194 of 1841 (reached end)", "Available" is 10%, and "Hidden" is 0%. That means the tweet was listed as having 1841 replies, but a maximum of 194 were retrieved: Twitter wouldn't show any more. The "reached end" means that the app scrolled until no more replies were available. The "Available" column has the percentage (in this case 194/1841 as a percentage ). In cases like this, the "Hidden" column isn't reliable because it wasn't possible to scroll the list of replies low enough to reach the hidden section. The closer the "Available" column is to 100%, the more reliable is the "Hidden" column.

@ajitpaifcc tweeted on 12/31/69 04:00:00: There’s no place like home.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 127 of 133 (reached end) 95% 7% 43%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • @Sylvia26164102 @AjitPaiFCC @Pornhub That’s why he did it.
    [original: #23, ranking: #127, date: #101] From @pisces_february on 10/16/19 04:24:45
  • @AjitPaiFCC @ssparky544
    [original: #40, ranking: #126, date: #99] From @bigmemevevo on 10/15/19 11:35:34
    [original: #28, ranking: #121, date: #22] From @listenherejimbo on 09/19/19 04:38:48
  • @AjitPaiFCC Go play with phineas baljit
    [original: #42, ranking: #116, date: #127] From @waluigipeepee on 11/02/19 05:30:22
  • @AjitPaiFCC KC MO > KCK
    [original: #15, ranking: #114, date: #97] From @robinrd4mo on 10/12/19 01:50:41
  • @AjitPaiFCC
    [original: #24, ranking: #110, date: #51] From @jane_s_karma on 10/01/19 10:27:21
  • @David90582574 @AjitPaiFCC #CCPisDevil #共产党是恐怖组织
    [original: #14, ranking: #108, date: #123] From @joshualiu1618 on 10/28/19 06:01:05
  • @AjitPaiFCC Wow, that looks so flat!
    [original: #20, ranking: #107, date: #19] From @tonij19 on 09/19/19 05:07:04
  • @AjitPaiFCC Stay there.....
    [original: #26, ranking: #106, date: #78] From @whatsup_doc1987 on 10/03/19 09:56:38
  • @David90582574 @AjitPaiFCC #CCPisDevil #共产党是恐怖组织
    [original: #17, ranking: #104, date: #122] From @joshualiu1618 on 10/28/19 06:00:58
  • @AjitPaiFCC Then stay right there
    [original: #19, ranking: #98, date: #59] From @theinspiredblue on 10/01/19 03:58:09
  • @AjitPaiFCC Ad astra per aspera!
    [original: #27, ranking: #96, date: #21] From @ltthompso on 09/19/19 04:38:12
  • @AjitPaiFCC HUAWEI will kill US!
    [original: #13, ranking: #92, date: #121] From @david90582574 on 10/28/19 04:39:49
  • @AjitPaiFCC You should run!
    [original: #5, ranking: #90, date: #3] From @endlessnightmlp on 09/18/19 08:13:57
  • @AjitPaiFCC Sir! Stop HUAWEI 5G please!
    [original: #16, ranking: #88, date: #120] From @david90582574 on 10/28/19 04:38:00
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • @AjitPaiFCC your children will grow up and realize what a terrible person you are; your legacy will be the destruction of freedom; you will be reviled in textbooks, and ultimately you will be swept into forgotten history’s dustbin when your policies are reversed
    [original: #95, ranking: #3, date: #80] From @voodoomedic on 10/03/19 06:40:15
  • @AjitPaiFCC Imagine misleading the American people regarding public opinion, realizing your data was completely flawed and fraudulent, and not apologizing or rectifying the situation at all. Instead making cringe memes about it. #pieceofshit #AjitPai
    [original: #82, ranking: #4, date: #108] From @_deeaitchbee on 10/23/19 09:36:04
  • @AjitPaiFCC You are an idiot who deserves to be left without anything in your life. WE WILL FIGHT, you cannot expect people like me to sit and watch our freedom being chipped away. A war has started and it will not end well unless net neutrality is reintroduced plus full internet anonymity!
    [original: #98, ranking: #6, date: #93] From @arsen6arsen6 on 10/08/19 10:32:11
  • @AjitPaiFCC Too bad about all the people of color that call Puerto Rico home? The report condemns the Federal Communications Commission for failing to adequately respond to the September 2017 hurricanes, which knocked out 95 percent of all cell sites
    [original: #106, ranking: #14, date: #85] From @davidmo66984563 on 10/05/19 08:15:33
  • @GreennewdealA @AjitPaiFCC And we know @facebook has been Throttled by @CenturyLink from the hours of 4 PM Pacific to 3 AM from what I understand unless the Internet Service Plan is more than $100 before taxes which activates "Fast Lanes", that is what I see.
    [original: #84, ranking: #15, date: #103] From @jeffchao228 on 10/16/19 10:30:13
  • @AjitPaiFCC How are you continuously such a piece of shit? Why does every decision you make go against the American people? How do you sleep at night? Honestly? You'll be on the wrong side of history, pal.
    [original: #127, ranking: #17, date: #107] From @_deeaitchbee on 10/23/19 09:22:24
  • @AjitPaiFCC We, the people of the U.S. who value our freedom of speech especially against corporations who put their profits above our privacy and ability to use the internet freely. we wish you stayed in Kansas.
    [original: #111, ranking: #19, date: #56] From @fuzionbunny on 10/01/19 03:19:56
  • @AjitPaiFCC I live in rural south Dakota so public TV is a staple. Why when I watch Washington week, bonnie erbe and Judy woodruff does it seem like I'm watching a pd advertisement of the DNC?
    [original: #113, ranking: #25, date: #83] From @jamesan29756862 on 10/05/19 02:59:17
  • @AjitPaiFCC Everywhere you go, you make that place worse. 🥧🤑
    [original: #73, ranking: #27, date: #27] From @rumilb on 09/22/19 08:06:17
  • @AjitPaiFCC Hi, do you know what is going on with the KRDK TV tall (main) transmitter at Galesburg, North Dakota it has not been transmitting for about the past 6 months, just wondering when it will be working again? Thanks.
    [original: #108, ranking: #31, date: #117] From @david9453 on 10/26/19 10:35:37
  • @AjitPaiFCC FYI My Twitter acct unfollowed you without my knowledge or consent More evidence of foul play Appreciate your work for America. Keep going!
    [original: #115, ranking: #32, date: #104] From @glennmorrisusa on 10/17/19 06:17:58
  • @AjitPaiFCC tRump picked the right "person" for the job. Thanks for screwing over the consumer. #sellout #screwthelittleguy #pathetic #ResignNow
    [original: #103, ranking: #33, date: #53] From @pab40291 on 10/01/19 10:58:38
  • @AjitPaiFCC K stands for: Kansas, and also, kind man please stop taking away our rights and making us pay more money for your own gain...
    [original: #77, ranking: #34, date: #71] From @21walrus on 10/01/19 06:57:22
  • @AjitPaiFCC That is not your home, you came from the underworld where satan tased you with destroying freedom (I am obviously not serious but that is how it seems)
    [original: #99, ranking: #35, date: #94] From @arsen6arsen6 on 10/08/19 10:43:12
  • @AjitPaiFCC Who cares? You're trying to destroy the internet so your CEO buddies can make money. You are as transparent as glass.
    [original: #96, ranking: #36, date: #84] From @thecrwth on 10/05/19 06:04:08
  • @AjitPaiFCC Hey you ruined the internet and you're corrupt.
    [original: #76, ranking: #40, date: #10] From @x4nd3r22022 on 09/18/19 09:57:00
  • @AjitPaiFCC Thank you for making home for all is an even greater place with your Net Neutrality WIN!!
    [original: #114, ranking: #41, date: #88] From @skiiryne on 10/07/19 05:41:06
  • @AjitPaiFCC Just hammer social media companies please.
    [original: #109, ranking: #42, date: #2] From @trumpulist on 09/18/19 08:10:02
Other hidden replies:
  • @AjitPaiFCC This guy looks like my left nu which that smile oh wait Ajitpai on my screen ?!
    [original: #78, ranking: #44, date: #39] From @kevindavadi on 09/27/19 08:57:54
  • @AjitPaiFCC Enjoy and now I want some Q. #KansasMemories
    [original: #110, ranking: #46, date: #5] From @jaiceharmon on 09/18/19 08:22:26
  • @AjitPaiFCC Cute... How big is your mug? #Mine_is_bigger #I_Have_The_Soultion
    [original: #86, ranking: #50, date: #35] From @essaahmed2018 on 09/26/19 04:43:51
  • @AjitPaiFCC You have no home in america sir. You took that from us all.
    [original: #97, ranking: #51, date: #92] From @cosmiccatpower on 10/08/19 12:35:55
  • @AjitPaiFCC Please stay there and avoid the internet
    [original: #79, ranking: #55, date: #52] From @gov4sale on 10/01/19 10:51:23
  • @AjitPaiFCC You’ll never be able to go out. In public again. It was A big scam.
    [original: #101, ranking: #57, date: #74] From @perezrecyclers on 10/02/19 07:47:48
  • @AjitPaiFCC Good, GTFO of my broadband you cockspangled pigfucker
    [original: #107, ranking: #62, date: #110] From @moscowm17111384 on 10/23/19 01:20:19
  • @AjitPaiFCC Well, resign, then go back. Then stay there.
    [original: #81, ranking: #63, date: #61] From @thefreshbrew on 10/01/19 04:02:34
  • @AjitPaiFCC Your Reese's mug is stupid. Just sayin.
    [original: #105, ranking: #68, date: #54] From @danfantastic on 10/01/19 03:07:16
  • @AjitPaiFCC scum human specimen. Despicable actions
    [original: #126, ranking: #70, date: #98] From @thetomsl78 on 10/15/19 12:52:32
  • @AjitPaiFCC You're from Kansas? No wonder people hate you.
    [original: #116, ranking: #71, date: #109] From @duanebarrett9 on 10/23/19 11:37:50
  • @AjitPaiFCC Get the fuck outta my home state
    [original: #92, ranking: #72, date: #67] From @thelustfulhero on 10/01/19 06:09:05
  • @AjitPaiFCC Please leave we don't want you back
    [original: #80, ranking: #73, date: #55] From @xbuilderbob1 on 10/01/19 03:13:12
  • @AjitPaiFCC Thought you were the devil from hell ???
    [original: #87, ranking: #75, date: #41] From @raheelpervaiz on 09/27/19 01:35:06
  • @AjitPaiFCC Why do you still have a job? 🙄
    [original: #91, ranking: #80, date: #66] From @kevintkumetz on 10/01/19 06:08:10
  • @AjitPaiFCC Nobody likes you.
    [original: #75, ranking: #81, date: #14] From @scarecrowspeaks on 09/19/19 03:30:48
  • @AjitPaiFCC stay there and leave dc pussy
    [original: #119, ranking: #82, date: #57] From @_____ebag on 10/01/19 03:28:54
  • @AjitPaiFCC just stopping by to say FUCK Ajit Pai
    [original: #102, ranking: #83, date: #112] From @ezbucksexington on 10/23/19 03:36:00
  • @AjitPaiFCC Too bad you don't have one.
    [original: #100, ranking: #86, date: #95] From @speedthekid23 on 10/09/19 11:20:16
  • @AjitPaiFCC Your home is the toilet.
    [original: #85, ranking: #87, date: #32] From @foxblueriver on 09/23/19 03:28:15
  • @AjitPaiFCC Hello Mr. Sellout.
    [original: #74, ranking: #93, date: #33] From @njpokerleague on 09/23/19 04:58:30
  • @AjitPaiFCC literally no one likes you
    [original: #93, ranking: #95, date: #68] From @michael0mcbride on 10/01/19 06:31:11
  • @AjitPaiFCC You look like a robot
    [original: #88, ranking: #97, date: #60] From @nobodyspotty on 10/01/19 03:59:01
  • @AjitPaiFCC Stay there you disgusting clown
    [original: #121, ranking: #100, date: #69] From @melonishus on 10/01/19 06:43:29
  • @AjitPaiFCC Fuck off forever
    [original: #124, ranking: #101, date: #79] From @bullm00se on 10/03/19 11:14:22
  • @AjitPaiFCC Stay home your fucker
    [original: #122, ranking: #102, date: #70] From @magicaltacocat on 10/01/19 06:56:37
  • @AjitPaiFCC Suck on this!
    [original: #83, ranking: #103, date: #34] From @greennewdeala on 09/24/19 07:03:34
  • @AjitPaiFCC You’re a piece of shit
    [original: #117, ranking: #105, date: #38] From @undertale_obama on 09/27/19 08:51:25
  • @AjitPaiFCC fat retard
    [original: #118, ranking: #109, date: #44] From @alexlolx1 on 09/28/19 01:29:26
  • @AjitPaiFCC #FuckAjitPai
    [original: #104, ranking: #111, date: #62] From @selphnb on 10/01/19 04:05:12
  • @AjitPaiFCC No one fucking likes you
    [original: #120, ranking: #112, date: #58] From @_tranxht26 on 10/01/19 03:49:39
  • @AjitPaiFCC
    [original: #89, ranking: #118, date: #64] From @poolkid78 on 10/01/19 05:30:07
  • @AjitPaiFCC Stay
    [original: #112, ranking: #119, date: #82] From @sanwren on 10/04/19 07:52:44
  • @AjitPaiFCC Your gay
    [original: #94, ranking: #120, date: #75] From @chrisitochris on 10/02/19 09:38:20
  • @AjitPaiFCC Fuck you
    [original: #123, ranking: #122, date: #77] From @therealthyphon on 10/03/19 07:14:53
    [original: #90, ranking: #123, date: #65] From @iiwwaattcchh on 10/01/19 05:31:51
  • @AjitPaiFCC Fuck you
    [original: #125, ranking: #124, date: #91] From @vidrozy on 10/07/19 08:46:54

[tweet: 1174641875896209409, from: @honest_ncta (UNKNOWN) on 09/19/19 04:10:21(HIGH,0,127,0) @AjitPaiFCC Stay there]
[tweet: 1175951147762442240, from: @laxrick (UNKNOWN) on 09/22/19 06:52:56(HIGH,0,45,0) @AjitPaiFCC I heard you’re out there working on rural internet.... so you can throttle it.]
[tweet: 1179070552377417728, from: @robertmconway (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 09:28:20(HIGH,0,32,0) @AjitPaiFCC Now if only a tornado would come and take you away]
[tweet: 1174535492857139200, from: @ziggystarbutts (UNKNOWN) on 09/18/19 09:07:37(HIGH,2,91,0) @AjitPaiFCC Is that where you buried the Internet?]
[tweet: 1174521983725375488, from: @endlessnightmlp (UNKNOWN) on 09/18/19 08:13:57(HIGH,0,6,0) @AjitPaiFCC You should run!]
[tweet: 1178753851798822912, from: @yttecarb (UNKNOWN) on 09/30/19 12:29:53(HIGH,0,13,0) @AjitPaiFCC So sad to see you’re still alive :(]
[tweet: 1179055745846906880, from: @kirazfurry (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 08:29:30(HIGH,0,13,0) @AjitPaiFCC I wonder how many Kansas residents will still have limited access to network infrastructure due to your policies. A real shame you despise rural areas.]
[tweet: 1175641353008635904, from: @bos1sox5 (UNKNOWN) on 09/21/19 10:21:55(HIGH,5,108,3) @AjitPaiFCC]
[tweet: 1179486067084406784, from: @mookaj0509 (UNKNOWN) on 10/02/19 12:59:26(HIGH,0,10,0) @bos1sox5 @AjitPaiFCC yoOOOUUU GREEEDY DIRTBAAAG!]
[tweet: 1174599952326123520, from: @pacers714 (UNKNOWN) on 09/19/19 01:23:46(HIGH,1,84,0) @AjitPaiFCC Good stay home.]
[tweet: 1174531743870795776, from: @georgfelis (UNKNOWN) on 09/18/19 08:52:44(HIGH,0,3,0) @AjitPaiFCC Insert standard Kansas joke about the state being flat with no trees here.    "We do too have trees! Both of them!  One at each end of the state to hold it down when the wind blows."]
[tweet: 1174520519695187969, from: @lieber2k (UNKNOWN) on 09/18/19 08:08:08(HIGH,0,10,0) @AjitPaiFCC HE’S RUNNING]
[tweet: 1188963611886137345, from: @david90582574 (UNKNOWN) on 10/28/19 04:39:49(HIGH,8,15,2) @AjitPaiFCC HUAWEI will kill US!]
[tweet: 1188984063983415296, from: @joshualiu1618 (UNKNOWN) on 10/28/19 06:01:05(HIGH,0,2,0) @David90582574 @AjitPaiFCC #CCPisDevil #共产党是恐怖组织]
[tweet: 1183122841169997824, from: @robinrd4mo (UNKNOWN) on 10/12/19 01:50:41(HIGH,0,1,1) @AjitPaiFCC KC MO > KCK]
[tweet: 1188963154627387392, from: @david90582574 (UNKNOWN) on 10/28/19 04:38:00(HIGH,5,9,1) @AjitPaiFCC Sir! Stop HUAWEI  5G   please!]
[tweet: 1188984032433856513, from: @joshualiu1618 (UNKNOWN) on 10/28/19 06:00:58(HIGH,0,3,0) @David90582574 @AjitPaiFCC #CCPisDevil #共产党是恐怖组织]
[tweet: 1174610620462837761, from: @dviddles (UNKNOWN) on 09/19/19 02:06:09(HIGH,0,5,0) @AjitPaiFCC If you're indoors you receive some of the 5 billion Robocalls a month]
[tweet: 1179168652916088832, from: @theinspiredblue (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 03:58:09(HIGH,0,6,0) @AjitPaiFCC Then stay right there]
[tweet: 1174656147388690434, from: @tonij19 (UNKNOWN) on 09/19/19 05:07:04(HIGH,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC Wow, that looks so flat!]
[tweet: 1177682989511331842, from: @yungahpook (UNKNOWN) on 09/27/19 01:34:39(HIGH,1,14,0) @AjitPaiFCC Good time to resign from the comfort of your home.]
[tweet: 1181190519910649856, from: @sylvia26164102 (UNKNOWN) on 10/07/19 05:52:20(HIGH,0,0,1) @AjitPaiFCC I've been through Kansas before, but if I had known Ajit Pai was from there I wouldn't have even stayed the night at that murder house I booked through Airbnb. Hey btw, is it just me or has @Pornhub been really slow after Net Neutrality went down? #freetheporn #NetNeutrality]
[tweet: 1184429973236600832, from: @pisces_february (UNKNOWN) on 10/16/19 04:24:45(HIGH,0,0,0) @Sylvia26164102 @AjitPaiFCC @Pornhub That’s why he did it.]
[tweet: 1179085404856815616, from: @jane_s_karma (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 10:27:21(HIGH,0,2,0) @AjitPaiFCC]
[tweet: 1179240892412174337, from: @realvoiceshark (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 08:45:12(HIGH,0,2,0) @AjitPaiFCC Hopefully there's a kid out there who keeps zapping you back into the cornfields where OTHER children are waiting for you.]
[tweet: 1179802452419211264, from: @whatsup_doc1987 (UNKNOWN) on 10/03/19 09:56:38(HIGH,0,2,0) @AjitPaiFCC Stay there.....]
[tweet: 1174830077554712576, from: @ltthompso (UNKNOWN) on 09/19/19 04:38:12(HIGH,0,3,0) @AjitPaiFCC Ad astra per aspera!]
[tweet: 1174830227522039809, from: @listenherejimbo (UNKNOWN) on 09/19/19 04:38:48(HIGH,0,3,0) @AjitPaiFCC YOU LOOK SO HAPPY!!!]
[tweet: 1179940771958607872, from: @demonkn26298757 (UNKNOWN) on 10/03/19 07:06:16(HIGH,0,3,0) @AjitPaiFCC It's a beautiful day out in kansas.  Birds are singing  Flowers are blooming!  On days like these, people like you...  SHOULD BE BURNING IN HELL!!]
[tweet: 1178017040658907138, from: @gotteam (UNKNOWN) on 09/28/19 11:42:03(HIGH,0,0,1) Is the @FCC going to turn back ('69) Net Neutrality Legislation soon! About 9,410,000 results (0.62 seconds)   Net Neutrality Goes Back To Court : NPR>∴<… <… About 17,000,000,000 results (0.43 seconds)  11:35 AM SatSep 28, 2019 (PDT)]
[tweet: 1178020598145937408, from: @gotteam (UNKNOWN) on 09/28/19 11:56:11(HIGH,1,4,1) Verizon throttled fire department's “unlimited” data during Calif ...…  Verizon throttled fire department's “unlimited” data during Calif ...…  @FCC @SenWhitehouse @FTC @GoogleAI]
[tweet: 1174640109255348224, from: @1ubuntufan (UNKNOWN) on 09/19/19 04:03:20(HIGH,1,26,1) @AjitPaiFCC So resign and move there, you corrupt Verizon shill]
[tweet: 1177423836482084865, from: @tangentialorbit (UNKNOWN) on 09/26/19 08:24:52(HIGH,0,0,1) @AjitPaiFCC I know I keep saying you’re a robot, but Kansas is the best so maybe you are human in there somewhere.   #kansansforkansans]
[tweet: 1187315289563783168, from: @atypeofwriter (UNKNOWN) on 10/24/19 03:29:58(HIGH,0,0,0) @tangentialorbit @AjitPaiFCC Then tell me why I get so many robocalls I can’t trust answering the phone anymore.]
[tweet: 1174839897875779586, from: @dylandgrif (UNKNOWN) on 09/19/19 05:17:13(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Are you more at home at KU or KSU?]
[tweet: 1175964062808780800, from: @_steve3_ (UNKNOWN) on 09/22/19 07:44:15(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Seems like a sharp fella -&gt; @narendramodi 🇮🇳]
[tweet: 1177213421055397888, from: @anokaydane (UNKNOWN) on 09/26/19 06:28:45(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC FOR THE LOVE OF KANSAS DO BETTER ON THE SCOURGE OF SPAM PHONECALLS AJIT PAI DAMMIT]
[tweet: 1179396558804135936, from: @memeideas (UNKNOWN) on 10/02/19 07:03:46(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC "And be these juggling fiends no more believed, That palter with us in a double sense; That keep the word of promise to our ear, And break it to our hope."]
[tweet: 1181182146549039104, from: @star95011 (UNKNOWN) on 10/07/19 05:19:03(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC So beautiful, thank you for sharing this kindness and congratulations on the huge win ️🦋️🦋️ @pulte #PeopleHelpingPeople #TwitterPhilanthropy  #MondayMood #MondayMotivation]
[tweet: 1184176001317851136, from: @bigmemevevo (UNKNOWN) on 10/15/19 11:35:34(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC @ssparky544]
[tweet: 1187113399349633024, from: @recylebin_ (UNKNOWN) on 10/23/19 02:07:44(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Don't you live at Verizon HQ?]
[tweet: 1190607078550847488, from: @waluigipeepee (UNKNOWN) on 11/02/19 05:30:22(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Go play with phineas baljit]
[tweet: 1174643251510468608, from: @schneider_dc (UNKNOWN) on 09/19/19 04:15:49(HIGH,0,4,1) @AjitPaiFCC Beans]
[tweet: 1174525351793516544, from: @pathedger18 (UNKNOWN) on 09/18/19 08:27:20(HIGH,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC Superman: confirmed.]
[tweet: 1175459655755214848, from: @helio44033678 (UNKNOWN) on 09/21/19 10:19:55(HIGH,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC Sh.]
[tweet: 1176257988576907264, from: @andyhuckaba (UNKNOWN) on 09/23/19 03:12:12(HIGH,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC Great to see you today at the #IAC committee meeting. There is no place like home!!]
[tweet: 1178731061376880640, from: @repdottieb4mo (UNKNOWN) on 09/30/19 10:59:19(HIGH,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC We are neighbors! Come and visit the MO State Capitol during session Jan-May! We’d love to have you. Yes this is your personal invite :). We appreciate all the #broadband work you are doing for rural #MO.  We’d love to hear more. #moleg]
[tweet: 1181183746856427521, from: @kanzaz (UNKNOWN) on 10/07/19 05:25:25(HIGH,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC @star95011 Haven’t seen that sign in awhile! 🙂]
[tweet: 1184928684664348678, from: @dvanbeber (UNKNOWN) on 10/17/19 01:26:27(HIGH,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC Nothing makes me feel better than the drive from Joplin to Columbus.  Open skies.  I sit taller.  Forget that Montana Big Sky stuff.]
[tweet: 1179176485569081344, from: @charlieinutah (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 04:29:16(HIGH,0,7,1) @AjitPaiFCC Stay there!]
[tweet: 1178896829951434753, from: @kansas_jayne (UNKNOWN) on 09/30/19 09:58:01(HIGH,0,0,1) @AjitPaiFCC Love this @AjitPaiFCC !!]
[tweet: 1174522028923281408, from: @amanpatel (UNKNOWN) on 09/18/19 08:14:07(HIGH,0,1,2) @AjitPaiFCC Happy for you, sir!]
[tweet: 1174526984334061568, from: @magloughlina (UNKNOWN) on 09/18/19 08:33:49(HIGH,0,1,1) @AjitPaiFCC I hear there’s a Senate Race going on...]
[tweet: 1178290379243831296, from: @theragingamer24 (UNKNOWN) on 09/29/19 05:48:12(HIGH,0,0,0)… 3:00]
[tweet: 1181204744108494850, from: @cosmiccatpower (UNKNOWN) on 10/07/19 06:48:51(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC]
[tweet: 1184597654895882240, from: @revmikegarcia (UNKNOWN) on 10/16/19 03:31:04(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Please Resign, 🤡. You've done too much damage as it is.]
[tweet: 1186473623344812033, from: @lggj94964706 (UNKNOWN) on 10/21/19 07:45:30(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Sorry Bois but Kansas has lost all connection to the internet. Do we leave them there or do we save them from him??!?!!?!?]
[tweet: 1188291890669486080, from: @godfreho (UNKNOWN) on 10/26/19 08:10:38(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Your family would be happy if you died]
[tweet: 1188631157451251712, from: @blowerrsyougin (UNKNOWN) on 10/27/19 06:38:46(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Ay this man is everywhere in Arlington]
[tweet: 1189315030233309185, from: @uzumakihinat (UNKNOWN) on 10/29/19 03:56:14(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Someone mad because another state can now make there own net neutrality now your mad lol I know these was going to happen the internet is a everyday use for people in everyday]
[tweet: 1190146548467978241, from: @lxzyhy (UNKNOWN) on 10/31/19 11:00:23(HIGH,0,0,0) 蓬佩奥呼吁全球跟中共刚正面! 潘多拉盒子打开条件完成一半?…]
[tweet: 1174557575196491776, from: @jfldc (UNKNOWN) on 09/18/19 10:35:22(HIGH,0,2,1) @AjitPaiFCC Grew up in OP/Johnson Cty. You?]
[tweet: 1174665755796922369, from: @ajitpaifcc (VERIFIED) on 09/19/19 05:45:15(HIGH,0,4,1) @JFLDC So you’re a big city guy, eh? I grew up in Parsons.]
[tweet: 1174651355614654464, from: @thechrismoreno (UNKNOWN) on 09/19/19 04:48:01(HIGH,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC @asteinhilber63 Keep going! Theres a better place called Missouri. You’re almost there!]
[tweet: 1174850468461387776, from: @inappros (UNKNOWN) on 09/19/19 05:59:14(HIGH,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC Back to work! I need 5g ASAP. Push these companies to go faster]
[tweet: 1182730777454415878, from: @ximbu1 (UNKNOWN) on 10/11/19 11:52:46(HIGH,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC Resign and dont come back]
[tweet: 1184429743220940801, from: @pisces_february (UNKNOWN) on 10/16/19 04:23:51(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC I thought that you grew up in Buffalo, NY?]
[tweet: 1187152838448709633, from: @gaijinraijin (UNKNOWN) on 10/23/19 04:44:27(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Fly away, Ijit.]
[tweet: 1189257723671699459, from: @junronggu7 (UNKNOWN) on 10/29/19 12:08:31(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC We need Humanitarian rescue, we are victims of criminal abused. We don’t have hot water over 3/ months, power off at 5/30/18. After domestic violence identity fraud as 109 police station arrested Ka Hong Kong 9174166600. He never stop terrible us, control our phones, accounts]
[tweet: 1175963898400464896, from: @_steve3_ (UNKNOWN) on 09/22/19 07:43:36(HIGH,0,0,1) @AjitPaiFCC So  What ya think  of the @narendramodi 🇮🇳visit to   ✍️]
[tweet: 1187504897761038337, from: @ultrapowermoves (UNKNOWN) on 10/24/19 04:03:25(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Can you give us your home address?]
[tweet: 1175788413397688320, from: @rumilb (UNKNOWN) on 09/22/19 08:06:17(LOW,0,2,0) @AjitPaiFCC Everywhere you go, you make that place worse. 🥧🤑]
[tweet: 1176284738161664000, from: @njpokerleague (UNKNOWN) on 09/23/19 04:58:30(LOW,0,2,0) @AjitPaiFCC Hello Mr. Sellout.]
[tweet: 1174631920254234625, from: @scarecrowspeaks (UNKNOWN) on 09/19/19 03:30:48(LOW,0,5,0) @AjitPaiFCC Nobody likes you.]
[tweet: 1174547916876320768, from: @x4nd3r22022 (UNKNOWN) on 09/18/19 09:57:00(LOW,0,3,0) @AjitPaiFCC Hey you ruined the internet and you're corrupt.]
[tweet: 1179213755659558912, from: @21walrus (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 06:57:22(LOW,0,3,0) @AjitPaiFCC K stands for: Kansas, and also, kind man please stop taking away our rights and making us pay more money for your own gain...]
[tweet: 1177613341222670341, from: @kevindavadi (UNKNOWN) on 09/27/19 08:57:54(LOW,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC This guy looks like my left nu which that smile oh wait Ajitpai on my screen ?!]
[tweet: 1179091451575242752, from: @gov4sale (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 10:51:23(LOW,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC Please stay there and avoid the internet]
[tweet: 1179157342262370305, from: @xbuilderbob1 (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 03:13:12(LOW,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC Please leave we don't want you back]
[tweet: 1179169762728910848, from: @thefreshbrew (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 04:02:34(LOW,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC Well, resign, then go back. Then stay there.]
[tweet: 1187045031116443648, from: @_deeaitchbee (UNKNOWN) on 10/23/19 09:36:04(LOW,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC Imagine misleading the American people regarding public opinion, realizing your data was completely flawed and fraudulent, and not apologizing or rectifying the situation at all. Instead making cringe memes about it.  #pieceofshit #AjitPai]
[tweet: 1176497407128997889, from: @greennewdeala (UNKNOWN) on 09/24/19 07:03:34(LOW,0,0,1) @AjitPaiFCC Suck on this!]
[tweet: 1184703139724718080, from: @jeffchao228 (UNKNOWN) on 10/16/19 10:30:13(LOW,0,0,0) @GreennewdealA @AjitPaiFCC And we know @facebook has been Throttled by @CenturyLink from the hours of 4 PM Pacific to 3 AM from what I understand unless the Internet Service Plan is more than $100 before taxes which activates "Fast Lanes", that is what I see.]
[tweet: 1176262026378674176, from: @foxblueriver (UNKNOWN) on 09/23/19 03:28:15(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Your home is the toilet.]
[tweet: 1177187020709535746, from: @essaahmed2018 (UNKNOWN) on 09/26/19 04:43:51(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Cute...  How big is your mug? #Mine_is_bigger #I_Have_The_Soultion]
[tweet: 1177683101222395904, from: @raheelpervaiz (UNKNOWN) on 09/27/19 01:35:06(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Thought you were the devil from hell ???]
[tweet: 1179168873309970434, from: @nobodyspotty (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 03:59:01(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC You look like a robot]
[tweet: 1179191797920092161, from: @poolkid78 (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 05:30:07(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC]
[tweet: 1179192233028751360, from: @iiwwaattcchh (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 05:31:51(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC YOU ARE DESTROYING OUR HOME]
[tweet: 1179201373663092736, from: @kevintkumetz (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 06:08:10(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Why do you still have a job? 🙄]
[tweet: 1179201605087961089, from: @thelustfulhero (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 06:09:05(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Get the fuck outta my home state]
[tweet: 1179207167024517121, from: @michael0mcbride (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 06:31:11(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC literally no one likes you]
[tweet: 1179435458088067072, from: @chrisitochris (UNKNOWN) on 10/02/19 09:38:20(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Your gay]
[tweet: 1179934221747531781, from: @voodoomedic (UNKNOWN) on 10/03/19 06:40:15(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC your children will grow up and realize what a terrible person you are; your legacy will be the destruction of freedom; you will be reviled in textbooks, and ultimately you will be swept into forgotten history’s dustbin when your policies are reversed]
[tweet: 1180649910342995969, from: @thecrwth (UNKNOWN) on 10/05/19 06:04:08(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Who cares? You're trying to destroy the internet so your CEO buddies can make money. You are as transparent as glass.]
[tweet: 1181654474340945920, from: @cosmiccatpower (UNKNOWN) on 10/08/19 12:35:55(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC You have no home in america sir. You took that from us all.]
[tweet: 1181804531358633984, from: @arsen6arsen6 (UNKNOWN) on 10/08/19 10:32:11(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC You are an idiot who deserves to be left without anything in your life. WE WILL FIGHT, you cannot expect people like me to sit and watch our freedom being chipped away. A war has started and it will not end well unless net neutrality is reintroduced plus full internet anonymity!]
[tweet: 1181807303722356736, from: @arsen6arsen6 (UNKNOWN) on 10/08/19 10:43:12(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC That is not your home, you came from the underworld where satan tased you with destroying freedom (I am obviously not serious but that is how it seems)]
[tweet: 1182179019229405184, from: @speedthekid23 (UNKNOWN) on 10/09/19 11:20:16(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Too bad you don't have one.]
[tweet: 1179407641489092608, from: @perezrecyclers (UNKNOWN) on 10/02/19 07:47:48(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC You’ll never be able to go out. In public again. It was A big scam.]
[tweet: 1187135610093391872, from: @ezbucksexington (UNKNOWN) on 10/23/19 03:36:00(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC just stopping by to say FUCK Ajit Pai]
[tweet: 1179093278534316035, from: @pab40291 (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 10:58:38(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC tRump picked the right "person" for the job. Thanks for screwing over the consumer. #sellout #screwthelittleguy #pathetic #ResignNow]
[tweet: 1179170428780044288, from: @selphnb (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 04:05:12(LOW,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC #FuckAjitPai]
[tweet: 1179155849601638402, from: @danfantastic (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 03:07:16(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Your Reese's mug is stupid. Just sayin.]
[tweet: 1180682980303331328, from: @davidmo66984563 (UNKNOWN) on 10/05/19 08:15:33(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Too bad about all the people of color that call Puerto Rico home?  The report condemns the Federal Communications Commission for failing to adequately respond to the September 2017 hurricanes, which knocked out 95 percent of all cell sites]
[tweet: 1187101467024510976, from: @moscowm17111384 (UNKNOWN) on 10/23/19 01:20:19(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Good, GTFO of my broadband you cockspangled pigfucker]
[tweet: 1188147182249152512, from: @david9453 (UNKNOWN) on 10/26/19 10:35:37(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Hi, do you know what is going on with the KRDK TV tall (main) transmitter at Galesburg, North Dakota it has not been transmitting for about the past 6 months, just wondering when it will be working again? Thanks.]
[tweet: 1174520999028711424, from: @trumpulist (UNKNOWN) on 09/18/19 08:10:02(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Just hammer social media companies please.]
[tweet: 1174524118114287616, from: @jaiceharmon (UNKNOWN) on 09/18/19 08:22:26(LOW,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC Enjoy and now I want some Q.   #KansasMemories]
[tweet: 1179159036996009985, from: @fuzionbunny (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 03:19:56(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC We, the people of the U.S. who value our freedom of speech especially against corporations who put their profits above our privacy and ability to use the internet freely.   we wish you stayed in Kansas.]
[tweet: 1180133655756333056, from: @sanwren (UNKNOWN) on 10/04/19 07:52:44(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Stay]
[tweet: 1180603390461480961, from: @jamesan29756862 (UNKNOWN) on 10/05/19 02:59:17(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC I live in rural south Dakota so public TV is a staple.  Why when I watch Washington week, bonnie erbe and Judy woodruff does it seem like I'm watching a pd advertisement of the DNC?]
[tweet: 1181187693633511431, from: @skiiryne (UNKNOWN) on 10/07/19 05:41:06(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Thank you for making home for all  is an even greater place with your Net Neutrality WIN!!]
[tweet: 1184820850723299328, from: @glennmorrisusa (UNKNOWN) on 10/17/19 06:17:58(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC FYI My Twitter acct unfollowed you without my knowledge or consent More evidence of foul play   Appreciate your work for America.  Keep going!]
[tweet: 1187075674957402116, from: @duanebarrett9 (UNKNOWN) on 10/23/19 11:37:50(LOW,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC You're from Kansas? No wonder people hate you.]
[tweet: 1177611712893214723, from: @undertale_obama (UNKNOWN) on 09/27/19 08:51:25(ABUSIVE,0,2,0) @AjitPaiFCC You’re a piece of shit]
[tweet: 1178044064450695175, from: @alexlolx1 (UNKNOWN) on 09/28/19 01:29:26(ABUSIVE,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC fat retard]
[tweet: 1179161294290784256, from: @_____ebag (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 03:28:54(ABUSIVE,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC stay there and leave dc pussy]
[tweet: 1179166512357097472, from: @_tranxht26 (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 03:49:39(ABUSIVE,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC No one fucking likes you]
[tweet: 1179210261040959489, from: @melonishus (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 06:43:29(ABUSIVE,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Stay there you disgusting clown]
[tweet: 1179213567628906496, from: @magicaltacocat (UNKNOWN) on 10/01/19 06:56:37(ABUSIVE,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Stay home your fucker]
[tweet: 1179761745998553097, from: @therealthyphon (UNKNOWN) on 10/03/19 07:14:53(ABUSIVE,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Fuck you]
[tweet: 1179822011109040129, from: @bullm00se (UNKNOWN) on 10/03/19 11:14:22(ABUSIVE,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Fuck off forever]
[tweet: 1181234451705159681, from: @vidrozy (UNKNOWN) on 10/07/19 08:46:54(ABUSIVE,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC Fuck you]
[tweet: 1184014178597642240, from: @thetomsl78 (UNKNOWN) on 10/15/19 12:52:32(ABUSIVE,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC scum human specimen. Despicable actions]
[tweet: 1187041591782981632, from: @_deeaitchbee (UNKNOWN) on 10/23/19 09:22:24(ABUSIVE,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC How are you continuously such a piece of shit? Why does every decision you make go against the American people? How do you sleep at night? Honestly?  You'll be on the wrong side of history, pal.]



 ranking=NaN from {coleman=NaN, numsent=1, flesch=NaN, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=NaN, lix=0.99, time=1.31, numword=0, kincaid=NaN, fog=NaN}
 orders: orig=54, rank=1, date=45
@AjitPaiFCC We are neighbors! Come and visit the MO State Capitol during session Jan-May! We’d love to have you. Yes this is your personal invite :). We appreciate all the #broadband work you are doing for rural #MO.  We’d love to hear more. #moleg
 ranking=14.922456533755287 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.15, pop=0.7, numsent=6, flesch=1.15, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=1.3, numword=4, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=47, rank=2, date=46
@AjitPaiFCC your children will grow up and realize what a terrible person you are; your legacy will be the destruction of freedom; you will be reviled in textbooks, and ultimately you will be swept into forgotten history’s dustbin when your policies are reversed
 ranking=13.435817699992088 from {coleman=0.63, numsent=1, flesch=1.59, cos=0, smog=1.4, ari=1.09, lix=0.99, time=0.76, numword=4, kincaid=0.89, fuzzy=0.1, fog=1.02}
 orders: orig=95, rank=3, date=80
@AjitPaiFCC Imagine misleading the American people regarding public opinion, realizing your data was completely flawed and fraudulent, and not apologizing or rectifying the situation at all. Instead making cringe memes about it.

#pieceofshit #AjitPai
 ranking=13.383517141177812 from {coleman=0.95, cos=0, smog=1.4, kincaid=0.61, pop=0.7, numsent=3, flesch=1.72, ari=0.6, lix=0.09, time=0.32, numword=3, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.94}
 orders: orig=82, rank=4, date=108
@AjitPaiFCC I wonder how many Kansas residents will still have limited access to network infrastructure due to your policies. A real shame you despise rural areas.
 ranking=13.334374419460396 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.98, kincaid=0.41, pop=3.26, numsent=2, flesch=1.42, ari=0.42, lix=0.05, time=1.25, numword=2, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=7, rank=5, date=49
@AjitPaiFCC You are an idiot who deserves to be left without anything in your life. WE WILL FIGHT, you cannot expect people like me to sit and watch our freedom being chipped away. A war has started and it will not end well unless net neutrality is reintroduced plus full internet anonymity!
 ranking=13.324423196440291 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=3, flesch=1.27, cos=0.45, smog=1.08, ari=0.4, lix=0.05, time=0.56, numword=5, kincaid=0.37, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=98, rank=6, date=93
@AjitPaiFCC I've been through Kansas before, but if I had known Ajit Pai was from there I wouldn't have even stayed the night at that murder house I booked through Airbnb. Hey btw, is it just me or has @Pornhub been really slow after Net Neutrality went down?
#freetheporn #NetNeutrality
 ranking=12.828384407505581 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.27, pop=1.61, numsent=3, flesch=1.16, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=0.62, numword=4, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=22, rank=7, date=89
Verizon throttled fire department's “unlimited” data during Calif ...…

Verizon throttled fire department's “unlimited” data during Calif ...…

@FCC @SenWhitehouse @FTC @GoogleAI
 ranking=12.758660925789476 from {coleman=1.07, cos=0, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.46, pop=2.78, numsent=2, flesch=1.58, ari=0.59, lix=0.09, time=1.34, numword=1, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.72}
 orders: orig=31, rank=8, date=43
@AjitPaiFCC Insert standard Kansas joke about the state being flat with no trees here.  

"We do too have trees! Both of them!  One at each end of the state to hold it down when the wind blows."
 ranking=12.556506582088947 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0.34, numsent=4, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.89, numword=3, kincaid=0.06, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=11, rank=9, date=8
@AjitPaiFCC It's a beautiful day out in kansas.

Birds are singing

Flowers are blooming!

On days like these, people like you...

 ranking=12.315872816295487 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0.52, numsent=4, flesch=1.09, cos=1.2, smog=0.58, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.75, numword=2, kincaid=0.1, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=29, rank=10, date=81
@AjitPaiFCC We need Humanitarian rescue, we are victims of criminal abused. We don’t have hot water over 3/ months, power off at 5/30/18. After domestic violence identity fraud as 109 police station arrested Ka Hong Kong 9174166600. He never stop terrible us, control our phones, accounts
 ranking=12.13379171837314 from {coleman=0.67, numsent=4, flesch=1.38, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.36, lix=0.06, time=0.07, numword=4, kincaid=0.37, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=69, rank=11, date=124
Is the @FCC going to turn back ('69) Net Neutrality Legislation soon!
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Net Neutrality Goes Back To Court : NPR>∴