Search run analysis for @senjackreed from Thu, February 16, 2023 at 11:33:02 -0800 (logged in)


This page shows how Twitter rearranges replies, hiding some of them. Each table below shows a tweet from @senjackreed and noteworthy replies to that tweet.

Each reply tweet was re-ranked by a formula designed to determine whether a reply is on-topic and good quality. (In this case, the re-ranking was done using the "formula1" algorithm).

Then, the revised ranking was compared with how Twitter ordered the tweet replies in the page. The revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown higher than they should have been. Those tweets are listed in the "Anomalous elevated tweets" section in each table.

Likewise, the revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown lower than they should have been. Those tweets are in the "Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets" section in each table. That section contains both tweet replies that were suppressed (shown lower than they should have been) and hidden.

The "Other hidden tweets" in each table has additional hidden tweets, those that weren't ranked highly in the revised ranking.

Note: a hidden tweet is one that's hidden behind the "Show more replies" link at the end of the reply page. Few probably click that link, and the account that was replied to might not see those hidden tweets on their "Notifications" page depending on their settings.

Hidden tweets are highlighted in light red. Each tweet is followed by three orders: the original order (as shown by Twitter), the rank order (as determined by the revised ranking; lower rankings are better), and the date order (earlier tweets have a lower order).

Some tweets are put even lower down, into an "AbusiveQuality" section. Those are highlighted in light purple.

Note that Twitter only shows around a maximum of 200 replies, even if there are hundreds more. For instance, assume that "Number of replies" is "194 of 1841 (reached end)", "Available" is 10%, and "Hidden" is 0%. That means the tweet was listed as having 1841 replies, but a maximum of 194 were retrieved: Twitter wouldn't show any more. The "reached end" means that the app scrolled until no more replies were available. The "Available" column has the percentage (in this case 194/1841 as a percentage ). In cases like this, the "Hidden" column isn't reliable because it wasn't possible to scroll the list of replies low enough to reach the hidden section. The closer the "Available" column is to 100%, the more reliable is the "Hidden" column.

@senjackreed tweeted on 02/16/23 09:25:41: Unchecked gun violence is unacceptable. To enhance public safety RI is getting an extra $1.2M to prevent gun violence under Red Flag Implementation Fund I championed. Lots more work to do to strengthen background checks & get weapons of war off our streets.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 4 of 3 (reached end) 133% 0% 100%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
  • [original: #3, ranking: #1, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • [original: #4, ranking: #2, date: #2] From @mitchnicholsjr on 02/16/23 09:25:48
  • [original: #1, ranking: #3, date: #3] From @avarista_jr on 02/16/23 10:51:39
  • [original: #2, ranking: #4, date: #4] From @avarista_jr on 02/16/23 10:52:38
[tweet: 1626293245276831748, from: @avarista_jr (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 10:51:39 (LOW,0,,,4) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626293494087032835, from: @avarista_jr (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 10:52:38 (LOW,0,,,3) [empty]]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (LOW,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626271641255772168, from: @mitchnicholsjr (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 09:25:48 (ABUSIVE,0,,,6) [empty]]



 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=3, rank=1, date=1

 ranking=-1.5 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.5, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=4, rank=2, date=2

 ranking=-2.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=1, rank=3, date=3

 ranking=-2.5 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.5, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=2, rank=4, date=4

@senjackreed tweeted on 02/15/23 01:58:04: As any former paratrooper will tell ya: sometimes you just gotta make the leap.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 3 of 3 (reached end) 100% 0% 66%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
  • tRump — BIDEN China’s biggest bank owned by CCP in Trump Tower Biden is standing up to CHINA RUSSIA BRICS — Trump and others are profiting from them
    [original: #2, ranking: #1, date: #2] From @hmhinvestments on 02/15/23 02:14:00
  •… These 2 dictators are in it together…
    [original: #3, ranking: #2, date: #3] From @investor188 on 02/16/23 06:25:07
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (HIGH,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1625981781601136643, from: @hmhinvestments (UNKNOWN) on 02/15/23 02:14:00 (ABUSIVE,,1,,69) tRump  — BIDEN    China’s biggest bank owned by CCP in Trump Tower   Biden is standing up to CHINA RUSSIA BRICS — Trump and others are profiting from them]
[tweet: 1626226170055524355, from: @investor188 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 06:25:07 (ABUSIVE,0,,,33)… These 2 dictators are in it together…]


tRump  — BIDEN 

 China’s biggest bank owned by CCP in Trump Tower 

Biden is standing up to CHINA RUSSIA BRICS — Trump
and others are profiting from them
 ranking=9.431017071398445 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0.53, numsent=1, flesch=1.31, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.61, lix=0.05, time=1.34, numword=2, kincaid=0.49, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=2, rank=1, date=2… These 2 dictators are in it together…
 ranking=5.7038704787652925 from {coleman=0.48, numsent=1, flesch=1.34, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.12, lix=0.05, time=0.67, numword=0, kincaid=0.29, fog=0.72}
 orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=3

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=1, rank=3, date=1

@senjackreed tweeted on 02/15/23 08:33:23: Everyone should have a safe place to live with dignity & respect. This $26M in federal funds will improve public housing conditions, preserve affordable housing lifelines, & help build stronger neighborhoods & communities across RI.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 7 of 6 (reached end) 116% 0% 71%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • Cuban social democrats wonder why so many Cuban political refugees live on US streets. Many of them suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder due to fighting communist abuses. We are committed to freeing Cuba and bringing all the Cuban homeless back to their homeland.
    [original: #7, ranking: #1, date: #7] From @psdcuba on 02/15/23 07:39:03
Other hidden replies:
  • If everyone deserves to live in a safe place, then why is your party for defunding the police and tying the police officers hands?
    [original: #4, ranking: #3, date: #5] From @kmo5141 on 02/15/23 12:31:52
  • Make sure you put one in your neighborhood since you want them so much
    [original: #3, ranking: #5, date: #6] From @avarista_jr on 02/15/23 12:47:54
  • [original: #5, ranking: #6, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • [original: #6, ranking: #7, date: #2] From @mitchnicholsjr on 02/15/23 08:33:30
[tweet: 1625906141401325568, from: @guidoperei (UNKNOWN) on 02/15/23 09:13:26 (HIGH,0,,,14) Are my representatives COMMIES? @SenFeinstein @SenAlexPadilla & @RepRoKhanna remain silent about @USTreasury 's $301 billion swindle of @FannieMae & @FreddieMac equity.]
[tweet: 1625921207211270145, from: @iamarpaul (UNKNOWN) on 02/15/23 10:13:18 (HIGH,0,,,16) Sir, Do you know Rohini Hughes? She is hiding here in India. She did her best to defame Lt Col Matt Hughes. Do let me know if you need any information regarding her. She is destroying peoples lives here as well.]
[tweet: 1625960111616262145, from: @avarista_jr (UNKNOWN) on 02/15/23 12:47:54 (LOW,0,,,7) Make sure you put one in your neighborhood since you want them so much]
[tweet: 1625956080256778257, from: @kmo5141 (UNKNOWN) on 02/15/23 12:31:52 (LOW,0,,,18) If everyone deserves to live in a safe place, then why is your party for defunding the police and tying the police officers hands?]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (LOW,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1625896089722269697, from: @mitchnicholsjr (UNKNOWN) on 02/15/23 08:33:30 (ABUSIVE,0,,,16) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626063582030086145, from: @psdcuba (UNKNOWN) on 02/15/23 07:39:03 (ABUSIVE,0,,,4) Cuban social democrats wonder why so many Cuban political refugees live on US streets. Many of them suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder due to fighting communist abuses. We are committed to freeing Cuba and bringing all the Cuban homeless back to their homeland.]


Cuban social democrats wonder why so many Cuban political refugees live on US streets. Many of them suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder due to fighting communist abuses. We are committed to freeing Cuba and bringing all the Cuban homeless back to their homeland.
 ranking=14.19438423315961 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0.14, smog=1.2, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.45, numsent=3, flesch=1.45, ari=0.46, lix=0.07, time=0.29, numword=4, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.67}
 orders: orig=7, rank=1, date=7
Sir, Do you know Rohini Hughes? She is hiding here in India. She did her best to defame Lt Col Matt Hughes.
Do let me know if you need any information regarding her. She is destroying peoples lives here as well.
 ranking=13.933833889736771 from {coleman=0.4, cos=0, smog=0.65, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.16, numsent=5, flesch=1.13, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.15, numword=4, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.27}
 orders: orig=2, rank=2, date=4
If everyone deserves to live in a safe place, then why is your party for defunding the police and tying the police officers hands?
 ranking=12.23487625819739 from {coleman=0.5, cos=0.84, smog=1.4, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.53, numsent=1, flesch=1.38, ari=0.56, lix=0.06, time=0.86, numword=2, fuzzy=1.9, fog=0.82}
 orders: orig=4, rank=3, date=5
Are my representatives COMMIES? @SenFeinstein @SenAlexPadilla & @RepRoKhanna remain silent about @USTreasury 's $301 billion swindle of @FannieMae & @FreddieMac equity.
 ranking=8.600490917038323 from {coleman=0.8, numsent=2, flesch=1.56, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.36, lix=0.05, time=1.43, numword=1, kincaid=0.44, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=1, rank=4, date=3
Make sure you put one in your neighborhood since you want them so much
 ranking=5.896747557505165 from {coleman=0.41, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.58, numword=1, kincaid=0.17, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=3, rank=5, date=6

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=5, rank=6, date=1

 ranking=-1.2857142857142858 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.72, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=6, rank=7, date=2

@senjackreed tweeted on 02/15/23 06:32:01: From China’s growing influence to Russia’s reckless aggression, the U.S. faces complex & evolving security challenges, risks, & opportunities. To examine these issues, I’m chairing a #SASC hearing today at 9:30 am on Global Security Challenges & Strategy.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 2 of 2 (reached end) 100% 0% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1625869459025014785, from: @peter_night (UNKNOWN) on 02/15/23 06:47:40 (HIGH,0,,,24) Senator, please explain how the issue of "Missing Americans: Early Death in the United States" features in how you view "national security?"… (not yet peer reviewed.) How about you @SenWhitehouse, @RepCicilline, @SethMagaziner?]
[tweet: 1625906063185965056, from: @guidoperei (UNKNOWN) on 02/15/23 09:13:07 (HIGH,0,,,2) Are my representatives COMMIES? @SenFeinstein @SenAlexPadilla & @RepRoKhanna remain silent about @USTreasury 's $301 billion swindle of @FannieMae & @FreddieMac equity.]


Senator, please explain how the issue of "Missing Americans: Early Death in the United States" features in how you view "national security?"… (not yet peer reviewed.) How about you @SenWhitehouse, @RepCicilline, @SethMagaziner?
 ranking=12.734177051279982 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0.37, smog=1.01, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.35, numsent=3, flesch=1.38, ari=0.32, lix=0.05, time=2, numword=2, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.54}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=1
Are my representatives COMMIES? @SenFeinstein @SenAlexPadilla & @RepRoKhanna remain silent about @USTreasury 's $301 billion swindle of @FannieMae & @FreddieMac equity.
 ranking=8.571919488466897 from {coleman=0.8, numsent=2, flesch=1.56, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.36, lix=0.05, time=1, numword=1, kincaid=0.44, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=2, rank=2, date=2

@senjackreed tweeted on 02/14/23 10:14:07: Filling judicial vacancies is one of the key roles of the U.S. Senate. Today the Senate confirmed the 100th judge under @POTUS Biden’s admin. These highly qualified judges are fair, impartial & help ensure a justice system that works for all Americans.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 11 of 11 (reached end) 100% 9% 45%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • [original: #3, ranking: #11, date: #8] From @iworaisers on 02/14/23 02:35:31
  • Keep going!
    [original: #1, ranking: #9, date: #7] From @justinenlawson on 02/14/23 02:23:33
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • Real Headline: US Senate Confirms 100th Far Left Activist Judge.
    [original: #6, ranking: #1, date: #5] From @liberty_ri on 02/14/23 11:43:34
  • The CCP’s dark evil force permeates American justice .
    [original: #11, ranking: #3, date: #2] From @sophia1103u on 02/14/23 10:25:42
Other hidden replies:
  • Unless we expand the court this is meaninglessness for our children and their children
    [original: #10, ranking: #5, date: #3] From @stlhd100 on 02/14/23 10:27:11
  • highly qualified my ass.
    [original: #8, ranking: #6, date: #4] From @mavconsulting1 on 02/14/23 10:42:26
  • Hahaha…sure…justice for all.
    [original: #7, ranking: #7, date: #10] From @frankripainter on 02/14/23 03:59:24
  • [original: #9, ranking: #8, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
[tweet: 1625621795582902274, from: @justinenlawson (UNKNOWN) on 02/14/23 02:23:33 (HIGH,0,,,11) Keep going!]
[tweet: 1625722456013955072, from: @med4els (UNKNOWN) on 02/14/23 09:03:32 (HIGH,0,,,6) Celebration!!!!]
[tweet: 1625624807369846785, from: @iworaisers (UNKNOWN) on 02/14/23 02:35:31 (HIGH,0,,,11) [empty]]
[tweet: 1625629888383254529, from: @dph_stfu (UNKNOWN) on 02/14/23 02:55:42 (HIGH,,1,,10) [empty]]
[tweet: 1625595997077532672, from: @guidoperei (UNKNOWN) on 02/14/23 12:41:02 (HIGH,,3,,22) Can you and @SenAlexPadilla also to write to Sandra Thompson, @SecYellen ,@FHFA & @USTreasury to end the 14years-and-counting fraudulent "temporary" conservatorship of @FannieMae & @FreddieMac ? While you're at it please ask them to refund their $301 billion stolen equity.]
[tweet: 1625581535645556746, from: @liberty_ri (UNKNOWN) on 02/14/23 11:43:34 (HIGH,,1,1,14) Real Headline: US Senate Confirms 100th Far Left Activist Judge.]
[tweet: 1625645918090321920, from: @frankripainter (UNKNOWN) on 02/14/23 03:59:24 (LOW,0,,,2) Hahaha…sure…justice for all.]
[tweet: 1625566149827039247, from: @mavconsulting1 (UNKNOWN) on 02/14/23 10:42:26 (LOW,,1,,5) highly qualified my ass.]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (LOW,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1625562313330937856, from: @stlhd100 (UNKNOWN) on 02/14/23 10:27:11 (ABUSIVE,0,,,8) Unless we expand the court this is meaninglessness for our children and their children]
[tweet: 1625561937676275719, from: @sophia1103u (UNKNOWN) on 02/14/23 10:25:42 (ABUSIVE,0,,,6) The CCP’s dark evil force permeates American justice .]


Real Headline: US Senate Confirms 100th Far Left Activist Judge.
 ranking=13.424400240645692 from {coleman=0.78, cos=1.01, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.31, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=1.31, ari=0.43, lix=0.06, time=1.28, numword=1, fuzzy=2.7, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=6, rank=1, date=5
Can you and @SenAlexPadilla also to write to Sandra Thompson, @SecYellen ,@FHFA & @USTreasury to end the 14years-and-counting fraudulent "temporary" conservatorship of @FannieMae & @FreddieMac ? While you're at it please ask them to refund their $301 billion stolen equity.
 ranking=12.566967401662946 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.98, jac=0.45, kincaid=0.36, pop=1.8, numsent=2, flesch=1.31, ari=0.41, lix=0, time=1.1, numword=3, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=5, rank=2, date=6
The CCP’s dark evil force permeates American justice .
 ranking=10.653671344566158 from {coleman=0.9, numsent=1, flesch=1.7, cos=0.29, smog=1.08, ari=0.45, lix=0.09, time=1.82, numword=0, kincaid=0.54, fuzzy=2.1, fog=0.72}
 orders: orig=11, rank=3, date=2
 ranking=9.358690739323348 from {coleman=2.45, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=1.6, numsent=1, flesch=3.33, ari=1.55, lix=0.99, time=0.19, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=2.03}
 orders: orig=2, rank=4, date=11
Unless we expand the court this is meaninglessness for our children and their children
 ranking=8.93025405101166 from {coleman=0.75, numsent=1, flesch=1.35, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.51, lix=0.05, time=1.64, numword=1, kincaid=0.38, fuzzy=1, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=10, rank=5, date=3
highly qualified my ass.
 ranking=3.7547766960493694 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0.88, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.04, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.03, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.46, numword=0, fuzzy=2.4, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=8, rank=6, date=4
Hahaha…sure…justice for all.
 ranking=-0.38765785589165136 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0.44, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.37, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=7, rank=7, date=10

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=9, rank=8, date=1
Keep going!
 ranking=-1.1300340909090911 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.91, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=1, rank=9, date=7

 ranking=-1.7613982739855092 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.55, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=4, rank=10, date=9

 ranking=-2.2727272727272725 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.73, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=3, rank=11, date=8

@senjackreed tweeted on 02/13/23 01:58:47: We’ve got to get toxic chemicals out of our water & ensure all RI tap water is safe to drink. New $18.9M in federal funds is flowing to RI today to help @RIHEALTH work with cities, towns, & villages to better protect our communities from toxic PFAS contamination.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 13 of 14 (reached end) 92% 0% 61%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • Thank you @SenJackReed
    [original: #2, ranking: #10, date: #2] From @jedthorp on 02/13/23 03:54:11
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • You are irrelevant until you and your colleagues give back the monies you received from SBF and FTX. No giving to charities. They'll just donate it back to your campaigns. Give it back to the people who were swindled.
    [original: #12, ranking: #1, date: #4] From @robbrow46256820 on 02/13/23 04:22:19
Other hidden replies:
  • yall allow the EPA to put toxic chemicals in drinking water everyday. what are you even talking about?
    [original: #10, ranking: #6, date: #10] From @mavconsulting1 on 02/13/23 06:40:23
  • What will you do to solve the issue of the people destroying our food production? The train wreck in Palestine was in fertile land?
    [original: #8, ranking: #7, date: #5] From @iworaisers on 02/13/23 04:47:16
  • Ask your buddy Buttigieg what he thinks about environmental disasters.
    [original: #9, ranking: #8, date: #9] From @frankripainter on 02/13/23 06:14:02
  • May want to send that cash to Ohio!
    [original: #6, ranking: #9, date: #13] From @nomore_sc on 02/13/23 07:14:15
  • Lol . Clown show .
    [original: #7, ranking: #11, date: #12] From @ktrhodes28 on 02/13/23 07:13:14
  • [original: #11, ranking: #12, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • Spot on!!!!
    [original: #13, ranking: #13, date: #6] From @iworaisers on 02/13/23 04:48:10
[tweet: 1625329163384020992, from: @ontherightchar (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 07:00:44 (HIGH,1,1,,39) Don’t forget to keep the oceans clean too! #stopoffshorewind #savethewhales #ClimateScam]
[tweet: 1625282218330390529, from: @jedthorp (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 03:54:11 (HIGH,,1,,103) Thank you @SenJackReed]
[tweet: 1625285627649437697, from: @drcfp (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 04:07:44 (HIGH,,2,,34) Three trains derailed with toxic chemicals. Give us your statement on what federal government is doing.]
[tweet: 1625313500372381700, from: @boring_hooman (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 05:58:30 (HIGH,0,,,38) you may want to factor in MORE testing.. this environmental disaster is traveling east with the weather, contaminating the Great Lakes, New York and likely most of New England]
[tweet: 1625305096446672896, from: @fraynrand (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 05:25:06 (HIGH,0,,,87) Meanwhile transportation sec worried about “too many white men in hard hats” while a mega ECO DISASTER in OHIO, Ohio River to W. VA!  So you really do NOT care about safe drinking water]
[tweet: 1625332565581103104, from: @nomore_sc (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 07:14:15 (LOW,0,,,46) May want to send that cash to Ohio!]
[tweet: 1625332311452426240, from: @ktrhodes28 (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 07:13:14 (LOW,0,,,7) Lol .  Clown show .]
[tweet: 1625295573988397056, from: @iworaisers (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 04:47:16 (LOW,0,,,17) What will you do to solve the issue of the people destroying our food production? The train wreck in Palestine was in fertile land?]
[tweet: 1625317409602109442, from: @frankripainter (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 06:14:02 (LOW,0,,,8) Ask your buddy Buttigieg what he thinks about environmental disasters.]
[tweet: 1625324043329994753, from: @mavconsulting1 (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 06:40:23 (LOW,0,,,9) yall allow the EPA to put toxic chemicals in drinking water everyday.  what are you even talking about?]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (LOW,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1625289298718216193, from: @robbrow46256820 (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 04:22:19 (ABUSIVE,,2,1,14) You are irrelevant until you and your colleagues give back the monies you received from SBF and FTX.  No giving to charities. They'll just donate it back to your campaigns.  Give it back to the people who were swindled.]
[tweet: 1625295800589815809, from: @iworaisers (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 04:48:10 (ABUSIVE,0,,,10) Spot on!!!!]


You are irrelevant until you and your colleagues give back the monies you received from SBF and FTX.  No giving to charities. They'll just donate it back to your campaigns.  Give it back to the people who were swindled.
 ranking=15.048152764823016 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.78, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.2, pop=2.2, numsent=4, flesch=1.17, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.54, numword=3, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=12, rank=1, date=4
Three trains derailed with toxic chemicals. Give us your statement on what federal government is doing.
 ranking=13.534777844379482 from {coleman=0.8, cos=0.91, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.34, pop=1.39, numsent=2, flesch=1.39, ari=0.4, lix=0.06, time=1.7, numword=1, fuzzy=1.85, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=3
Meanwhile transportation sec worried about “too many white men in hard hats” while a mega ECO DISASTER in OHIO, Ohio River to W. VA!  So you really do NOT care about safe drinking water
 ranking=13.067868843631217 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0.43, smog=0.75, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.23, numsent=3, flesch=1.17, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.08, numword=3, fuzzy=2, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=5, rank=3, date=7
you may want to factor in MORE testing.. this environmental disaster is traveling east with the weather, contaminating the Great Lakes, New York and likely most of New England
 ranking=12.500864249060426 from {coleman=0.67, numsent=1, flesch=1.6, cos=0.32, smog=1.4, ari=0.82, lix=0.1, time=0.93, numword=2, kincaid=0.75, fuzzy=2.1, fog=0.86}
 orders: orig=4, rank=4, date=8
Don’t forget to keep the oceans clean too! #stopoffshorewind #savethewhales #ClimateScam
 ranking=10.980078476932274 from {coleman=1.06, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.51, pop=1.61, numsent=2, flesch=1.68, ari=0.55, lix=0, time=0.47, numword=1, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.48}
 orders: orig=1, rank=5, date=11
yall allow the EPA to put toxic chemicals in drinking water everyday.

what are you even talking about?
 ranking=9.929551555765032 from {coleman=0.57, cos=1.02, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.35, numsent=2, flesch=1.39, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.62, numword=1, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=10, rank=6, date=10
What will you do to solve the issue of the people destroying our food production? The train wreck in Palestine was in fertile land?
 ranking=9.721275442120552 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=2, flesch=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.39, numword=2, kincaid=0.2, fuzzy=1, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=8, rank=7, date=5
Ask your buddy Buttigieg what he thinks about environmental disasters.
 ranking=9.223449067281283 from {coleman=0.98, numsent=1, flesch=1.65, cos=0, smog=1.25, ari=0.6, lix=0.06, time=0.77, numword=1, kincaid=0.54, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.8}
 orders: orig=9, rank=8, date=9
May want to send that cash to Ohio!
 ranking=3.0664274038461543 from {coleman=0.21, numsent=1, flesch=0.86, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=0.16, numword=0, kincaid=-0.03, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=6, rank=9, date=13
Thank you @SenJackReed 
 ranking=0.3351760267137913 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=1.85, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=2, rank=10, date=2
Lol .  Clown show .
 ranking=-0.43378269230769306 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, numsent=2, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=0.31, numword=0, fuzzy=1, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=7, rank=11, date=12

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=11, rank=12, date=1
Spot on!!!!
 ranking=-1.40335576923077 from {coleman=0.1, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.31, lix=0, time=1.24, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=13, rank=13, date=6

@senjackreed tweeted on 02/13/23 10:08:34: In times of emergency, @RhodeIslandEMA is there & does an outstanding job. To help RIEMA protect RIers, I delivered a new $525k federal earmark to upgrade the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). This federal funding will help RIEMA renovate EOC & make needed technology upgrades.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 5 of 4 (reached end) 125% 0% 60%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
  • Please vote yes to Bill HR 185 to end the vaccine requirement for travellers to the US The CDC states “unvaccinated people now have the same guidance as vaccinated people” yet unvaccinated remain banned from entering the US Please help reunite families Vote yes to Bill HR 185
    [original: #3, ranking: #1, date: #5] From @pilotswife6 on 02/13/23 01:56:38
  • #TheFauciChronicles Part 37 - Mercury in vaccines and Gerber baby food cause autism. Grow up and use your brain. It is called Thimerosal to fool you. But it is clearly labeled toxic and they used it to ‘preserve shelf life’ of the MMR vaccines for example. Link in thread.
    [original: #5, ranking: #2, date: #2] From @mitchnicholsjr on 02/13/23 10:09:11
  • [original: #4, ranking: #5, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
[tweet: 1625230023949951003, from: @peter_night (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 12:26:47 (HIGH,0,,,8) Absolute numbers typically mean nothing. A little relativity goes a long way: $525k compared to the recent #NDAA bottom line is 0.00006%. Largesse for the war and fossil fuel economy; bupkis for the people. This is what U.S. "national security" looks like.]
[tweet: 1625224030784524289, from: @iworaisers (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 12:02:58 (HIGH,,1,,9) So what r your plans when the toxic chemicals from the OH train wreck arrive over RI?]
[tweet: 1625252633152745477, from: @pilotswife6 (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 01:56:38 (LOW,,2,,106) Please vote yes to Bill HR 185 to end the vaccine requirement for travellers to the US   The CDC states “unvaccinated people now have the same guidance as vaccinated people” yet unvaccinated remain banned from entering the US   Please help reunite families Vote yes to Bill HR 185]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (LOW,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1625195393762922507, from: @mitchnicholsjr (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 10:09:11 (ABUSIVE,0,,,18) #TheFauciChronicles Part 37 - Mercury in vaccines and Gerber baby food cause autism.  Grow up and use your brain.  It is called Thimerosal to fool you. But it is clearly labeled toxic and they used it to ‘preserve shelf life’ of the MMR vaccines for example. Link in thread.]


Please vote yes to Bill HR 185 to end the vaccine requirement for travellers to the US 

The CDC states “unvaccinated people now have the same guidance as vaccinated people” yet unvaccinated remain banned from entering the US 

Please help reunite families Vote yes to Bill HR 185
 ranking=15.87388773972184 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0.19, smog=1.75, jac=0.4, kincaid=1.02, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.66, ari=1.25, lix=0.99, time=0.4, numword=4, fog=1.26}
 orders: orig=3, rank=1, date=5
#TheFauciChronicles Part 37 - Mercury in vaccines and Gerber baby food cause autism.  Grow up and use your brain.  It is called Thimerosal to fool you. But it is clearly labeled toxic and they used it to ‘preserve shelf life’ of the MMR vaccines for example. Link in thread.
 ranking=15.156552948556635 from {coleman=0.48, numsent=5, flesch=1.15, cos=0, smog=0.79, ari=0.2, lix=0, time=1.6, numword=5, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.2, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=5, rank=2, date=2
Absolute numbers typically mean nothing. A little relativity goes a long way: $525k compared to the recent #NDAA bottom line is 0.00006%. Largesse for the war and fossil fuel economy; bupkis for the people. This is what U.S. "national security" looks like.
 ranking=14.200476296625755 from {coleman=0.64, numsent=5, flesch=1.31, cos=0.13, smog=0.9, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=0.8, numword=4, jac=0.45, kincaid=0.28, fog=0.47}
 orders: orig=1, rank=3, date=4
So what r your plans when the toxic chemicals from the OH train wreck arrive over RI?
 ranking=8.9965609145357 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.32, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.2, ari=0.3, lix=0, time=1.2, numword=1, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=2, rank=4, date=3

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=4, rank=5, date=1

@senjackreed tweeted on 02/10/23 11:40:48: Tomorrow is 2/11 (Feb. 11), but today we're kicking off #National211Day celebrations. @LiveUnitedRI's 211 hotline connects RIers in need to a range of essential resources services. @SenWhitehouse & I secured $760k to upgrade 211 tech & help call center teams serve the public.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 7 of 9 (reached end) 77% 0% 71%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • We need to put aside political rhetoric, and HELP our very SICK Americans with Home & COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES and the SSI (SAVERS) RESTORATION ACT - Please! - Thank You! A Blessed NEW YEAR!
    [original: #3, ranking: #2, date: #5] From @jayceejacko on 02/12/23 11:19:08
Other hidden replies:
  • James torquin is a phony he helped the county jail take money that they were supposed to pay me for a missing finger Lakeisha Johnson
    [original: #5, ranking: #4, date: #7] From @heaven_jerome on 02/14/23 04:26:45
  • Whats the update on the first balloon
    [original: #4, ranking: #5, date: #6] From @biscotti_beagle on 02/12/23 06:35:14
  • [original: #6, ranking: #6, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • [original: #7, ranking: #7, date: #2] From @sarahpaul69 on 02/10/23 11:40:57
[tweet: 1624444392500080643, from: @amandatbd (UNKNOWN) on 02/11/23 08:24:58 (HIGH,0,,,8) I dream of a world where 211 is a surplus tool, not many peoples primary way of accessing basic human necessities like food and housing. That's the future I want, why don't you?]
[tweet: 1624178485819330562, from: @iworaisers (UNKNOWN) on 02/10/23 02:48:21 (HIGH,0,,,16) Too bad we don’t have a Kari Lake..btw great job on eliminating Quonset history. The movie “DEVOTION”. Raimondo…buried the QAM. She stinks. I hope she is looking for a new job real soon.]
[tweet: 1624850610624372737, from: @jayceejacko (UNKNOWN) on 02/12/23 11:19:08 (LOW,,1,,19) We need to put aside political rhetoric, and HELP our very SICK Americans with Home & COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES and the SSI (SAVERS) RESTORATION ACT - Please! - Thank You! A Blessed NEW YEAR!]
[tweet: 1624960360821161986, from: @biscotti_beagle (UNKNOWN) on 02/12/23 06:35:14 (LOW,0,,,3) Whats the update on the first balloon]
[tweet: 1625652798766424064, from: @heaven_jerome (UNKNOWN) on 02/14/23 04:26:45 (LOW,0,,,1) James torquin is a phony he helped the county jail take money that they were supposed to pay me for a missing finger Lakeisha Johnson]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (LOW,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1624131324922458117, from: @sarahpaul69 (UNKNOWN) on 02/10/23 11:40:57 (ABUSIVE,0,,,3) [empty]]


Too bad we don’t have a Kari Lake..btw great job on eliminating Quonset history. The movie “DEVOTION”. Raimondo…buried the QAM. She stinks. I hope she is looking for a new job real soon.
 ranking=13.739368152585206 from {coleman=0.43, numsent=5, flesch=1.11, cos=0, smog=0.65, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.43, numword=3, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=1.7, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=2, rank=1, date=3
We need to put aside political rhetoric, and HELP our very SICK Americans with Home & COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES and the SSI (SAVERS) RESTORATION ACT - Please! - Thank You! A Blessed NEW YEAR!
 ranking=12.789413287952526 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0.45, smog=1.01, kincaid=0.31, pop=0.7, numsent=3, flesch=1.32, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=0.86, numword=3, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.54}
 orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=5
I dream of a world where 211 is a surplus tool, not many peoples primary way of accessing basic human necessities like food and housing. That's the future I want, why don't you?
 ranking=12.383183414701728 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0.48, smog=0.85, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.35, numsent=2, flesch=1.27, ari=0.31, lix=0.05, time=1.15, numword=3, fuzzy=1.65, fog=0.44}
 orders: orig=1, rank=3, date=4
James torquin is a phony he helped the county jail take money that they were supposed to pay me for a missing finger Lakeisha Johnson
 ranking=7.871488285714285 from {coleman=0.5, numsent=1, flesch=1.27, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.59, lix=0.08, time=0.29, numword=2, kincaid=0.47, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=5, rank=4, date=7
Whats the update on the first balloon
 ranking=4.878035714285714 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.58, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=1, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=4, rank=5, date=6

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=6, rank=6, date=1

 ranking=-1.2857142857142858 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.72, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=7, rank=7, date=2

@senjackreed tweeted on 02/10/23 09:00:37: Our firefighters do so much to enhance public safety & we’re grateful for their service. Joined @RISpeaker, State Rep. Casey, Chief Seltzer & others today to deliver funds to enhance firefighter training facilities & capabilities in Northern RI.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 1 of 1 (reached end) 100% 0% 100%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
  • We need to put aside political rhetoric, and HELP our very SICK Americans with Home & COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES and the SSI (SAVERS) RESTORATION ACT - Please! - Thank You! A Blessed NEW YEAR!
    [original: #1, ranking: #1, date: #1] From @jayceejacko on 02/12/23 11:19:47
[tweet: 1624850772386013184, from: @jayceejacko (UNKNOWN) on 02/12/23 11:19:47 (LOW,,1,,19) We need to put aside political rhetoric, and HELP our very SICK Americans with Home & COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES and the SSI (SAVERS) RESTORATION ACT - Please! - Thank You! A Blessed NEW YEAR!]


We need to put aside political rhetoric, and HELP our very SICK Americans with Home & COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES and the SSI (SAVERS) RESTORATION ACT - Please! - Thank You! A Blessed NEW YEAR!
 ranking=14.665056835309711 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=1.01, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.31, pop=0.7, numsent=3, flesch=1.32, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=2, numword=3, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.54}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=1

@senjackreed tweeted on 02/09/23 02:02:17: BREAKING: @USAID sending $85 million in humanitarian assistance to people of Turkey-Syria for earthquake rescue & relief efforts.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 8 of 8 (reached end) 100% 0% 37%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • @RepThomasMassie bill HR185 to end @POTUS unscientific vaccine mandate for travellers will go to senate @SenJackReed vote to end it as America is the last country with restrictions, the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission and families have been separated too long.
    [original: #7, ranking: #1, date: #7] From @courageousknigh on 02/10/23 12:17:32
Other hidden replies:
  • Stop sending our money overseas. Let someone do that for once
    [original: #6, ranking: #3, date: #2] From @ktrhodes28 on 02/09/23 02:19:22
  • [original: #8, ranking: #8, date: #8] From @fuxiao77777 on 02/10/23 04:42:35
[tweet: 1623813341658460161, from: @tom_r1111 (UNKNOWN) on 02/09/23 02:37:24 (HIGH,0,,,63) How much would they give us? Zero. So that's how much we should give them]
[tweet: 1623825557891719168, from: @mhb731 (UNKNOWN) on 02/09/23 03:25:56 (HIGH,0,,,15) Thank you so much Senator, you are a true American]
[tweet: 1623937689824415748, from: @erdisegans (UNKNOWN) on 02/09/23 10:51:31 (HIGH,0,,,22) If the Turkish government is unwilling to assist, for example, Kurdish towns and villages in the earthquake zone, then the United States should do so directly. If Erdogan impedes their work, the White House should publicly call him out.…]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (HIGH,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1623816748981006336, from: @richard_steele7 (UNKNOWN) on 02/09/23 02:50:56 (HIGH,,,1,60) This is ironic]
[tweet: 1623808803459198979, from: @ktrhodes28 (UNKNOWN) on 02/09/23 02:19:22 (LOW,0,,,10) Stop sending our money overseas.  Let someone do that for once]
[tweet: 1623959339735126019, from: @courageousknigh (UNKNOWN) on 02/10/23 12:17:32 (ABUSIVE,2,2,,28) @RepThomasMassie bill HR185 to end @POTUS unscientific vaccine mandate for travellers will go to senate @SenJackReed vote to end it as America is the last country with restrictions, the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission and families have been separated too long.]
[tweet: 1624026038937214976, from: @fuxiao77777 (UNKNOWN) on 02/10/23 04:42:35 (ABUSIVE,0,,,undefined) [empty]]


@RepThomasMassie bill HR185 to end @POTUS unscientific vaccine mandate for travellers will go to senate @SenJackReed
vote to end it as America is the last country with restrictions, the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission and families have been separated too long.
 ranking=15.961601934279656 from {coleman=0.71, cos=0, smog=1.75, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.85, pop=2.31, numsent=1, flesch=1.62, ari=1.03, lix=0.99, time=0.5, numword=3, fuzzy=0.7, fog=1.11}
 orders: orig=7, rank=1, date=7
If the Turkish government is unwilling to assist, for example, Kurdish towns and villages in the earthquake zone, then the United States should do so directly. If Erdogan impedes their work, the White House should publicly call him out.…
 ranking=12.901772370454678 from {coleman=0.66, numsent=2, flesch=1.39, cos=0.26, smog=1.17, ari=0.58, lix=0.08, time=0.75, numword=3, kincaid=0.48, fuzzy=1.9, fog=0.65}
 orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=6
Stop sending our money overseas.  Let someone do that for once
 ranking=8.458991491775409 from {coleman=0.55, numsent=2, flesch=1.15, cos=0.48, smog=0.69, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.75, numword=1, kincaid=0.14, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=6, rank=3, date=2
Thank you so much Senator, you are a true American
 ranking=7.485731669241483 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.31, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1, numword=1, kincaid=0.31, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.6}
 orders: orig=2, rank=4, date=5
How much would they give us? Zero. So that's how much we should give them
 ranking=7.0056988095238095 from {coleman=0.29, numsent=3, flesch=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=1.5, numword=1, kincaid=-0.09, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=1, rank=5, date=3
This is ironic
 ranking=3.2017104699392656 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.27, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=1.38, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=1.25, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=5, rank=6, date=4

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=4, rank=7, date=1

 ranking=-2.75 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.25, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=8, rank=8, date=8