Search run analysis for @cdcgov from Sat, February 18, 2023 at 19:15:31 -0800 (logged in)


This page shows how Twitter rearranges replies, hiding some of them. Each table below shows a tweet from @cdcgov and noteworthy replies to that tweet.

Each reply tweet was re-ranked by a formula designed to determine whether a reply is on-topic and good quality. (In this case, the re-ranking was done using the "formula1" algorithm).

Then, the revised ranking was compared with how Twitter ordered the tweet replies in the page. The revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown higher than they should have been. Those tweets are listed in the "Anomalous elevated tweets" section in each table.

Likewise, the revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown lower than they should have been. Those tweets are in the "Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets" section in each table. That section contains both tweet replies that were suppressed (shown lower than they should have been) and hidden.

The "Other hidden tweets" in each table has additional hidden tweets, those that weren't ranked highly in the revised ranking.

Note: a hidden tweet is one that's hidden behind the "Show more replies" link at the end of the reply page. Few probably click that link, and the account that was replied to might not see those hidden tweets on their "Notifications" page depending on their settings.

Hidden tweets are highlighted in light red. Each tweet is followed by three orders: the original order (as shown by Twitter), the rank order (as determined by the revised ranking; lower rankings are better), and the date order (earlier tweets have a lower order).

Some tweets are put even lower down, into an "AbusiveQuality" section. Those are highlighted in light purple.

Note that Twitter only shows around a maximum of 200 replies, even if there are hundreds more. For instance, assume that "Number of replies" is "194 of 1841 (reached end)", "Available" is 10%, and "Hidden" is 0%. That means the tweet was listed as having 1841 replies, but a maximum of 194 were retrieved: Twitter wouldn't show any more. The "reached end" means that the app scrolled until no more replies were available. The "Available" column has the percentage (in this case 194/1841 as a percentage ). In cases like this, the "Hidden" column isn't reliable because it wasn't possible to scroll the list of replies low enough to reach the hidden section. The closer the "Available" column is to 100%, the more reliable is the "Hidden" column.

@cdcgov tweeted on 02/17/23 01:30:08: Are you the personal caregiver for someone over 65? Older adults are more likely to get very sick from #COVID19. Share with them the benefits of getting an updated COVID-19 booster to reduce severe illness, hospitalization, and death. Learn more:
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 211 of 230 (reached end) 91% 39% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • [original: #48, ranking: #210, date: #205] From @1raretweeter on 02/18/23 09:47:40
  • [original: #54, ranking: #209, date: #201] From @ganoochi_ on 02/18/23 07:35:08
  • [original: #67, ranking: #208, date: #196] From @jdoglala on 02/18/23 04:10:02
  • [original: #11, ranking: #207, date: #195] From @christophehulm2 on 02/18/23 02:34:43
  • [original: #39, ranking: #206, date: #185] From @mongu_please on 02/17/23 07:18:09
  • [original: #60, ranking: #204, date: #171] From @leecausey1420 on 02/17/23 04:44:14
  • #scam
    [original: #22, ranking: #164, date: #208] From @redpillwave on 02/18/23 02:18:46
  • No
    [original: #41, ranking: #159, date: #99] From @lets_street on 02/17/23 04:05:56
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • Might be safe not to get the vaccine. Granted, CDC was hiding this data soo SHHHH don’t tell them
    [original: #152, ranking: #38, date: #187] From @dunk_on_you_ on 02/17/23 07:25:00
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1626780695795228672, from: @jowers_brandy (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:08:36 (HIGH,,1,,51) I’m now counting down the seconds before the comments are turned off]
[tweet: 1626782108449660929, from: @kicknascii (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:14:13 (HIGH,,1,,31) As soon as you figure out what those benefits are.]
[tweet: 1626919087724204032, from: @kinneyorcas23 (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 04:18:31 (HIGH,0,,,13) There are NO BENEFITS to getting the vaccine. There are MANY RISKS to getting the vaccine.]
[tweet: 1626874358881812487, from: @remmyug6 (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 01:20:47 (HIGH,0,,,23) Hey I'm Remmy I need your health help consultation any specialized STD's doctor here to help me thanks]
[tweet: 1626718715671871489, from: @meleekingcold (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:02:19 (HIGH,0,,,162) R/hermancainaward]
[tweet: 1626735332883406850, from: @zachariahskylab (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:08:21 (HIGH,,2,,135) Wait until you learn the jab side effects.]
[tweet: 1626730200116637696, from: @rankevden (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:47:57 (HIGH,,2,,88) no]
[tweet: 1626797057938952192, from: @therese71520 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 08:13:37 (HIGH,0,,,50) If you really care about preventing  severe illness, hospitalizations & deaths from covid in those over 65 (or anyone hi risk), you'd talk about high quality masking & air filtration. You'd advocate for vax & treatments that are effective for all variants for IC & all at hi risk]
[tweet: 1626772575094288386, from: @raywalston2 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 06:36:20 (HIGH,,1,,54) #OpenYourEyes     #DepopulationAgenda                                  @CDCgo        @johnlegend    #DiedSuddenlyVaccine #DiedSuddenlydocumentary   #PfizerLiedPeopleDied       #BidenVaccineLies  #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGates]
[tweet: 1626696538280939520, from: @lalalaelleelle (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:34:11 (HIGH,,1,,189) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626892964768235521, from: @christophehulm2 (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 02:34:43 (HIGH,0,,,18) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626697025256316928, from: @brian738232831 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:36:08 (HIGH,,3,,103) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626700012129251328, from: @bsiambs (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:48:00 (HIGH,,3,,75) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626726328983601152, from: @alexferrarstab (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:32:34 (HIGH,,3,1,81) Still playing pandemic?]
[tweet: 1626733974327529473, from: @4theritereason (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:02:57 (HIGH,,2,1,69) LOL, no.]
[tweet: 1626729538200694785, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:45:19 (HIGH,,7,,145) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626697013231505408, from: @damontarloth (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:36:05 (HIGH,1,7,2,146) Here is what you can get from the Clot Shot..]
[tweet: 1626721939791437824, from: @corywright706 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:15:08 (HIGH,,2,1,34) Fauci lied and people died]
[tweet: 1626756613213425664, from: @zezba9000 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 05:32:54 (HIGH,0,,,75) People need to look up who fund the CDC foundation.]
[tweet: 1626850478045667328, from: @hey_haleymarie (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:45:54 (HIGH,0,,,12) So theyfaster?]
[tweet: 1627082813978845185, from: @blmbaby3 (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 03:09:07 (HIGH,0,,,2) Sorry. NO!]
[tweet: 1627070143582072832, from: @redpillwave (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 02:18:46 (HIGH,0,,,2) #scam]
[tweet: 1626985865707659264, from: @djkos64 (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 08:43:52 (HIGH,0,,,2) Quit lying to the American people!!!!]
[tweet: 1626738911803318273, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:22:34 (HIGH,2,5,,110) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626955708141895680, from: @wendyacronin (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 06:44:02 (HIGH,,6,1,91) Ummm, maybe mention masks? And show them in the photo?  Since (you know cuz your data proves it) vaccines help but aren't nearly enough?  FFS start acting like the public health agency we need you to be. Our literal lives depend on it.]
[tweet: 1626956486621397002, from: @wendyacronin (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 06:47:08 (HIGH,,2,,23) Also, rename and stop mis-using that damn "Community Level" map.  Call it Hospital Admissions map, and be honest with the ppl that it has nothing to do with their risk of catching Covid.]
[tweet: 1626882909406744576, from: @snoopied2 (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 01:54:46 (HIGH,0,,,11) Wow.  You're that evil corporation from all those movies now.]
[tweet: 1626713280634060800, from: @tank_carder (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 02:40:43 (HIGH,,3,,206) I have to unfollow, the fact they are still pushing these vaccines after all the science behind its ineffectiveness. screams money play..]
[tweet: 1626742655135670272, from: @kathyb_thoughts (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:37:27 (HIGH,,,1,21) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626696498963533842, from: @ainemcnulty3 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:34:02 (HIGH,,8,1,106) I wouldn't give that poison to my dog.]
[tweet: 1626720432543117316, from: @davidm66626845 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:09:08 (HIGH,,2,1,100) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626697142529150986, from: @jacquel41388032 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:36:36 (HIGH,,4,1,108) Liars!! You know that we know, yet you’ll stop at nothing to continue poisoning people. The evidence is available!]
[tweet: 1626713665000050688, from: @worsham2worsham (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 02:42:15 (HIGH,,2,1,41) Who would believe your BS?]
[tweet: 1626719704340631552, from: @tenggk (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:06:15 (HIGH,,3,1,60) Are you an advertising branch of the Vaccine companies?  Isn’t your role is to provide data and information regarding the effect of these vaccines are to the public?]
[tweet: 1626720725892734976, from: @davidm66626845 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:10:18 (HIGH,,4,1,230) Wow, World Series of Poker player saying “I wish I never got the vaccine. I’ve been having chest pains ever since I had that thing.”]
[tweet: 1626697002489729035, from: @texascoyote1 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:36:02 (HIGH,,7,1,89) Sorry, CDC, your lies have already been exposed.  We know you are just trying to eliminate as many of us who are over 65 as possible.]
[tweet: 1626764293164175360, from: @joeljudd1970 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 06:03:25 (HIGH,,1,,30) I share with everyone how dangerous the "stroke poke / clot shot" is, and to be sure to keep anyone they love far away from ANY government recommendations]
[tweet: 1626715485059579904, from: @hooliganwilder (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 02:49:29 (HIGH,,1,,34) Fake news.  Misinformation kings!]
[tweet: 1626783100469661696, from: @mongu_please (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:18:09 (HIGH,0,,,20) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626712005829853184, from: @rick8262 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 02:35:39 (HIGH,,2,,54) No]
[tweet: 1626734726596665345, from: @lets_street (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:05:56 (HIGH,,1,,38) No]
[tweet: 1626698078907518985, from: @thedonallegedly (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:40:19 (HIGH,,5,,99) Are you kidding me right now?]
[tweet: 1626780660177199104, from: @maxwellsnoose (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:08:28 (HIGH,,2,1,20) These scumbags are relentless.  No science, just politics.  Still pushing vax on kids.  Murderers.]
[tweet: 1626952833202364419, from: @garystephen1234 (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 06:32:37 (HIGH,1,1,,6) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626742859474034689, from: @remybubbakush (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:38:15 (HIGH,,,1,27) Figures are an estimated 1% so times by 100 to be conservative with lives and health.  Do no harm first.]
[tweet: 1626744154901598208, from: @remybubbakush (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:43:24 (HIGH,,,1,8) This is the governments’s own data set and surveillance/collection system.  And Harvard did the study showing it is a tiny fraction of reality.  Not that I trust them either.  Look at the dirtbags involved in all of this that got their papers from them.….]
[tweet: 1626732543369158656, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:57:16 (HIGH,10,15,3,250) [empty]]
[tweet: 1627001919880454144, from: @1raretweeter (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 09:47:40 (HIGH,0,,,2) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626990080060452865, from: @bradbanko (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 09:00:37 (HIGH,0,,,19) @CommunityNotes this is inadequate public health advice.  The link does not include any description of the specific benefits for the target populations… in particular, adults with previous vaccination and/or infection.]
[tweet: 1627129838946451457, from: @danny53fhuy (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 06:15:58 (HIGH,0,,,1) God is watching..]
[tweet: 1626727560070455296, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:37:28 (HIGH,1,2,1,84) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626782977001914368, from: @kicknascii (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:17:40 (HIGH,0,,,6) ” just a study” kinda like Covid. So they learned nothing in 50 years.]
[tweet: 1626717744467935232, from: @jd1basil (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 02:58:27 (HIGH,0,,,24) Anyone who believes this VAX shit saves lives needs to research! It is killing people! The CDC along with Fauci needs to be prosecuted! CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY! IT IS AN EXPERIMENTAL VAX and doesn't do SHIT! WAKE UP PEOPLE!]
[tweet: 1626968567685042179, from: @ganoochi_ (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 07:35:08 (HIGH,0,,,2) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626851641684291585, from: @shanebatchelo13 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:50:31 (HIGH,0,,,7) Can we please now end the border mandate. No logic for this to continue.]
[tweet: 1626726006978498560, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:31:17 (HIGH,,12,1,208) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626799591168303105, from: @free5620 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 08:23:41 (HIGH,0,,,3) U believe the liar happy for u @CDCDirector  resign  @FortuneMagazine  got paid$$$]
[tweet: 1626980544872599556, from: @martintruesda1e (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 08:22:44 (HIGH,0,,,6) Vaccine benefits like an enlarged heart, aortic tearing, seizures, death and permanent disability.  These "benefits" increase with Booster shots.  Get the word out.]
[tweet: 1627015332736139264, from: @thepriceyoupay3 (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 10:40:58 (HIGH,0,,,2) I've seen the needle and the damage done. "Older adults" get the reference.]
[tweet: 1626744365279244288, from: @leecausey1420 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:44:14 (HIGH,0,,,5) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626709468670214145, from: @cathycumpson (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 02:25:34 (HIGH,,3,1,44) I did my best to talk my mother OUT of getting your jab. Unfortunately she listened to my family..she's deceased now]
[tweet: 1626696129340493853, from: @64_holiday (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:32:34 (HIGH,2,7,2,185)… you sick people we will never forget your lies!]
[tweet: 1626709916772892673, from: @kackleon (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 02:27:21 (HIGH,,1,,12) Child abuse - government sanctioned.]
[tweet: 1626742465985236992, from: @mysteryjones21 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:36:41 (HIGH,,,1,13) Fuck off]
[tweet: 1626778177849655296, from: @rcc0071 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 06:58:36 (HIGH,,,1,13) Cdc explain to me how this helps? You can still get and spread covid if you get the jabs. This does not ans will not help the older people if the people around them get the Kab. That is a lie and you know it]
[tweet: 1626815054636089344, from: @mdtrnka1 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:25:08 (HIGH,0,,,4) Does it suck to know nobody cares what you think about anything? Asking for a friend.]
[tweet: 1626916952902930432, from: @jdoglala (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 04:10:02 (HIGH,0,,,12) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626734912559620098, from: @zachariahskylab (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:06:41 (HIGH,,3,,87) The experimental gene therapy injections are a form of euthanasia.  Cancer deaths have increased significantly along with excess deaths in heavily "vaccinated" countries, strongly correlated with the rollout of the jabs.]
[tweet: 1626743248743026690, from: @kathyb_thoughts (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:39:48 (HIGH,0,,,11) Euthanasia is more humane.  The poisonations are torturous.]
[tweet: 1626727631415648262, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:37:45 (HIGH,1,2,,57) [empty]]
[tweet: 1627088815063191561, from: @bir44589682bird (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 03:32:58 (HIGH,0,,,2) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626729987129630720, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:47:06 (HIGH,,1,,45) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626764693900492802, from: @reallymediocre (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 06:05:01 (HIGH,,7,,54) Do exactly the opposite of anything the CDC recommends, at least until we can tear it down and rebuild it the way it was before the partisans took it over.]
[tweet: 1626731872704253955, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:54:36 (HIGH,,3,,77) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626732392772780034, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:56:40 (HIGH,,10,,125) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626737255841730561, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:15:59 (HIGH,,1,,25) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626726916399964161, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:34:54 (HIGH,,2,,71) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626731663760687106, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:53:46 (HIGH,,2,,63) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626726446470135809, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:33:02 (HIGH,,5,,93) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626741860315312130, from: @remybubbakush (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:34:17 (HIGH,,1,,16) Take this account down.  This is violating International Law.  Many elderly people struggle cognitively and cannot reason through these dark sciences.  Violation of section 1 of The Nuremberg Code.  @elonmusk   Who are you?…]
[tweet: 1626732729466232833, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:58:00 (HIGH,,2,,72) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626734725216841728, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:05:56 (HIGH,,2,,72) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626729042559787010, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:43:21 (HIGH,,1,,64) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626731404179431427, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:52:44 (HIGH,,2,,49) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626732132469972992, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:55:38 (HIGH,,3,,62) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626741326564978688, from: @remybubbakush (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:32:10 (HIGH,,,1,22) Stop genociding people.  @elonmusk if you are with the people shut their account down.  At this point we have more than enough evidence to take these people into court and then to prison.  Violation of The Nuremberg Code Section 1.  These people have dementia and Alzheimer’s.]
[tweet: 1626737040288014336, from: @thestupadasso (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:15:08 (HIGH,0,,,5) CDC—still leading the sheep to slaughter.]
[tweet: 1626699407763869696, from: @bunskinkable (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:45:36 (HIGH,,3,,67) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626734166501883905, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:03:43 (HIGH,1,5,,53) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626736478117154816, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:12:54 (HIGH,,6,,67) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626740977225408513, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:30:47 (HIGH,,6,,68) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626731517392130049, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:53:11 (HIGH,,1,,36) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626728133352095746, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:39:44 (HIGH,,2,,39) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626727937348075525, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:38:58 (HIGH,,2,,36) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626728205611593729, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:40:02 (HIGH,,2,,31) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626727769685065729, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:38:18 (HIGH,,2,,30) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626738021537030144, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:19:02 (HIGH,,1,,16) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626737785762721794, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:18:06 (HIGH,,1,,14) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626728012027666432, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:39:15 (HIGH,,1,,21) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626732014379405312, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:55:10 (HIGH,,1,,30) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626727082200907776, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:35:34 (HIGH,,1,,32) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626731014683860993, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:51:11 (HIGH,,1,,22) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626731133520998400, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:51:40 (HIGH,,1,,24) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626733521065717760, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:01:09 (HIGH,,1,,20) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626738139799687168, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:19:30 (HIGH,0,,,14) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626737480966840322, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:16:53 (HIGH,0,,,15) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626727484434657281, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:37:10 (HIGH,0,,,19) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626737560943820801, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:17:12 (HIGH,0,,,9) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626728571736584193, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:41:29 (HIGH,0,,,16) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626737348196069384, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:16:21 (HIGH,0,,,16) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626737917681979392, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:18:37 (HIGH,0,,,12) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626784567687548928, from: @davegpdx (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:23:59 (HIGH,0,,,3) Fuck you!!! You lying pieces of shit!!!!]
[tweet: 1627070058362187781, from: @redpillwave (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 02:18:26 (HIGH,0,,,2) In case no one has told you idiots lately, you’re not an elected body of government. You make no laws. You don’t even get to dictate what you think we should do. Take your scam and shove it. We are not taking your bio weapon now or ever. Not listening to you idiots. Nuremberg.]
[tweet: 1626780207594995717, from: @jowers_brandy (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:06:40 (HIGH,0,,,10) How do I keep muting you and you still show up in my feed?  Quit killing people with these stupid lies!!!!!]
[tweet: 1626738805477613569, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:22:09 (HIGH,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626748326438912000, from: @cjh_eleven (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:59:59 (HIGH,0,,,20) No, thanks, I have compassion for the older folks and will do everything in my power to advise them against your death jabs.]
[tweet: 1626737171938922497, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:15:39 (HIGH,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626725871116554241, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:30:45 (HIGH,0,,,15) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626728478824333314, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:41:07 (HIGH,0,,,13) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626730920391630854, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:50:49 (HIGH,0,,,16) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626727366092374016, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:36:41 (HIGH,0,,,17) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626739095115292672, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:23:18 (HIGH,0,,,6) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626729235778875394, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:44:07 (HIGH,1,3,,40) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626733157612486661, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:59:42 (HIGH,1,9,,101) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626726260687663107, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:32:18 (HIGH,,2,,34) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626734077242998784, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:03:21 (HIGH,1,2,,34) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626726744978849793, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:34:13 (HIGH,,2,,38) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626735143313457157, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:07:36 (HIGH,,3,,31) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626726118781845505, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:31:44 (HIGH,,1,,25) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626733084367364097, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:59:25 (HIGH,,2,,40) [empty]]
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[tweet: 1626730625926410240, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:49:39 (HIGH,,1,,23) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626734939524804608, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:06:47 (HIGH,,1,,25) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626735369579274243, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:08:30 (HIGH,0,,,11) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626735255020347398, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:08:02 (HIGH,0,,,14) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626733709327048705, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:01:54 (HIGH,,1,,29) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626742960783085570, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:38:39 (HIGH,0,,,11) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626743518965145600, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:40:53 (HIGH,0,,,12) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626736941189267457, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:14:44 (HIGH,0,,,7) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626741882825891841, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:34:22 (HIGH,0,,,12) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626759414165143552, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 05:44:02 (HIGH,0,,,11) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626730728938516481, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:50:03 (HIGH,0,,,9) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626733331285958657, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:00:24 (HIGH,0,,,11) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626741289516429313, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:32:01 (HIGH,0,,,9) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626743113342394368, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:39:16 (HIGH,0,,,10) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626733624484585474, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:01:33 (HIGH,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626733866089078784, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:02:31 (HIGH,0,,,11) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626739710386110464, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:25:44 (HIGH,0,,,4) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626739913331822596, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:26:33 (HIGH,0,,,5) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626740161965850624, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:27:32 (HIGH,0,,,4) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626740352680960000, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:28:18 (HIGH,0,,,5) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626784820259856387, from: @dunk_on_you_ (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:25:00 (HIGH,0,,,10) Might be safe not to get the vaccine. Granted, CDC was hiding this data soo SHHHH don’t tell them]
[tweet: 1626738630944251904, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:21:27 (HIGH,0,,,9) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626739180897280000, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:23:38 (HIGH,0,,,6) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626731244468813826, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:52:06 (HIGH,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626729617804390400, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:45:38 (HIGH,0,,,7) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626730226808913920, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:48:03 (HIGH,0,,,11) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626732831908003843, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:58:25 (HIGH,0,,,9) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626739535370506241, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:25:03 (HIGH,0,,,6) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626740665278246912, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:29:32 (HIGH,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626741071202885633, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:31:09 (HIGH,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626728293503303680, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:40:22 (HIGH,0,,,10) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626730155291934725, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:47:46 (HIGH,0,,,9) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626730473144692737, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:49:02 (HIGH,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626730568451858433, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:49:25 (HIGH,0,,,17) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626733417717985284, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:00:44 (HIGH,0,,,11) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626734459629232129, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:04:53 (HIGH,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626734839247380481, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:06:23 (HIGH,0,,,11) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626735052540321792, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:07:14 (HIGH,0,,,5) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626736857714237440, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:14:24 (HIGH,0,,,4) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626738325150224384, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:20:14 (HIGH,0,,,9) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626725768901394432, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:30:21 (HIGH,0,,,12) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626729147316809730, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:43:46 (HIGH,0,,,10) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626729721906987011, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:46:03 (HIGH,0,,,9) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626739003796996097, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:22:56 (HIGH,0,,,3) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626739423818788865, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:24:36 (HIGH,0,,,9) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626739778031955969, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:26:01 (HIGH,0,,,7) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626739999927410689, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:26:54 (HIGH,0,,,7) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626741236705947648, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:31:48 (HIGH,0,,,5) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626741425609101313, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:32:33 (HIGH,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626741640902713344, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:33:25 (HIGH,0,,,7) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626728800892362753, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:42:23 (HIGH,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626729418558255105, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:44:51 (HIGH,0,,,7) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626733010291662850, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:59:07 (HIGH,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626740278022352896, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:28:00 (HIGH,0,,,5) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626728709653659650, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:42:02 (HIGH,0,,,11) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626729330385494018, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:44:30 (HIGH,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626730344048107525, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:48:31 (HIGH,0,,,7) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626736570232446978, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:13:16 (HIGH,0,,,4) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626736715904782336, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:13:51 (HIGH,0,,,5) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626740423526850562, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:28:35 (HIGH,0,,,3) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626741796460961792, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:34:02 (HIGH,0,,,6) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626742440517312512, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:36:35 (HIGH,0,,,6) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626742609770168320, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:37:16 (HIGH,0,,,6) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626742742654091264, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:37:47 (HIGH,0,,,7) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626742858408509440, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:38:15 (HIGH,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626727700239900673, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:38:01 (HIGH,0,,,12) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626728909029908481, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:42:49 (HIGH,0,,,11) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626729808552947716, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:46:24 (HIGH,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626729895664488453, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:46:44 (HIGH,0,,,6) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626730070810284032, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:47:26 (HIGH,0,,,6) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626732920286093315, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:58:46 (HIGH,0,,,9) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626736797865725954, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:14:10 (HIGH,0,,,3) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626738409770188801, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:20:34 (HIGH,0,,,4) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626738524442558466, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:21:02 (HIGH,0,,,5) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626739342013091841, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:24:17 (HIGH,0,,,5) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626739632829349888, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:25:26 (HIGH,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626740543777644545, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:29:03 (HIGH,0,,,6) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626741536707821568, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:33:00 (HIGH,0,,,5) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626733967901614084, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:02:55 (HIGH,,1,,11) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626759296464613376, from: @sisyphusgoals (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 05:43:34 (HIGH,,1,,25) [empty]]


 ranking=NaN from {coleman=NaN, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=NaN, numsent=1, flesch=NaN, ari=NaN, lix=0.99, time=1.84, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=NaN}
 orders: orig=5, rank=1, date=18
Ummm, maybe mention masks? And show them in the photo?

Since (you know cuz your data proves it) vaccines help but aren't nearly enough?

FFS start acting like the public health agency we need you to be. Our literal lives depend on it.
 ranking=16.50563363533754 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.65, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.15, pop=2.84, numsent=5, flesch=1.11, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.13, numword=4, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.27}
 orders: orig=25, rank=2, date=199
Anyone who believes this VAX shit saves lives needs to research!
It is killing people!
The CDC along with Fauci needs to be prosecuted! CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!
 ranking=16.164648687376566 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.22, numsent=6, flesch=1.25, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.85, numword=3, fuzzy=1.7, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=53, rank=3, date=17
Stop genociding people.  @elonmusk if you are with the people shut their account down.  At this point we have more than enough evidence to take these people into court and then to prison.  Violation of The Nuremberg Code Section 1.  These people have dementia and Alzheimer’s.
 ranking=15.7135182855922 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0, smog=0.79, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.17, pop=1.61, numsent=5, flesch=1.14, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.57, numword=4, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=86, rank=4, date=152
If you really care about preventing  severe illness, hospitalizations & deaths from covid in those over 65 (or anyone hi risk), you'd talk about high quality masking & air filtration. You'd advocate for vax & treatments that are effective for all variants for IC & all at hi risk
 ranking=15.263985354847037 from {coleman=0.66, cos=0.61, smog=1.17, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.56, numsent=2, flesch=1.47, ari=0.63, lix=0.08, time=0.23, numword=4, fuzzy=2.8, fog=0.67}
 orders: orig=8, rank=5, date=188
In case no one has told you idiots lately, you’re not an elected body of government. You make no laws. You don’t even get to dictate what you think we should do. Take your scam and shove it. We are not taking your bio weapon now or ever. Not listening to you idiots. Nuremberg.
 ranking=15.16668754488388 from {coleman=0.38, numsent=7, flesch=1.1, cos=0.17, smog=0.66, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.05, numword=5, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.27}
 orders: orig=113, rank=6, date=207
The experimental gene therapy injections are a form of euthanasia.

Cancer deaths have increased significantly along with excess deaths in heavily "vaccinated" countries, strongly correlated with the rollout of the jabs.
 ranking=14.975134698940394 from {coleman=0.96, cos=0, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.56, pop=1.8, numsent=2, flesch=1.57, ari=0.72, lix=0.11, time=1.05, numword=3, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.7}
 orders: orig=68, rank=7, date=102
Are you an advertising branch of the Vaccine companies?  Isn’t your role is to provide data and information regarding the effect of these vaccines are to the public?
 ranking=14.560903636912807 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0, smog=1.17, kincaid=0.43, pop=2.4, numsent=2, flesch=1.42, ari=0.4, lix=0.06, time=1.83, numword=2, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.65}
 orders: orig=34, rank=8, date=19
Take this account down.  This is violating International Law.  Many elderly people struggle cognitively and cannot reason through these dark sciences.  Violation of section 1 of The Nuremberg Code.  @elonmusk   Who are you?…
 ranking=14.22389581478312 from {coleman=0.79, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.29, pop=0.7, numsent=5, flesch=1.35, ari=0.35, lix=0.06, time=0.53, numword=3, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=80, rank=9, date=157
Cdc explain to me how this helps? You can still get and spread covid if you get the jabs. This does not ans will not help the older people if the people around them get the Kab. That is a lie and you know it
 ranking=14.003344530425588 from {coleman=0.26, cos=0.81, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.09, pop=1.61, numsent=4, flesch=0.97, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.32, numword=4, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=65, rank=10, date=179
This is the governments’s own data set and surveillance/collection system.  And Harvard did the study showing it is a tiny fraction of reality.  Not that I trust them either.  Look at the dirtbags involved in all of this that got their papers from them.….
 ranking=13.703627397711683 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.15, jrw=0.38, pop=1.61, numsent=4, flesch=1.07, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.4, numword=4, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=46, rank=11, date=170
Sorry, CDC, your lies have already been exposed.  We know you are just trying to eliminate as many of us who are over 65 as possible.
 ranking=13.604315308693682 from {coleman=0.38, cos=0.25, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.23, pop=2.95, numsent=2, flesch=1.14, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.98, numword=2, fuzzy=1.5, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=36, rank=12, date=4
I did my best to talk my mother OUT of getting your jab. Unfortunately she listened to my family..she's deceased now
 ranking=13.274694066919608 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0.27, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.25, pop=2.4, numsent=2, flesch=1.22, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.91, numword=2, fuzzy=1.7, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=61, rank=13, date=11
I have to unfollow, the fact they are still pushing these vaccines after all the science behind its ineffectiveness. screams money play..
 ranking=13.230345018463401 from {coleman=0.71, cos=0, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.57, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=1.47, ari=0.68, lix=0.09, time=1.88, numword=2, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.72}
 orders: orig=28, rank=14, date=14
Do exactly the opposite of anything the CDC recommends, at least until we can tear it down and rebuild it the way it was before the partisans took it over.
 ranking=12.902000999127962 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=1.4, kincaid=0.66, pop=2.64, numsent=1, flesch=1.45, ari=0.66, lix=0.09, time=0.34, numword=3, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.87}
 orders: orig=73, rank=15, date=177
Liars!! You know that we know, yet you’ll stop at nothing to continue poisoning people. The evidence is available!
 ranking=12.604658210385344 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=2.57, numsent=3, flesch=1.22, ari=0.2, lix=0, time=1.95, numword=1, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=32, rank=16, date=7
@CommunityNotes this is inadequate public health advice.  The link does not include any description of the specific benefits for the target populations… in particular, adults with previous vaccination and/or infection.
 ranking=12.477805460264499 from {coleman=0.93, numsent=2, flesch=1.71, cos=0.41, smog=1.4, ari=0.65, lix=0.09, time=0.08, numword=2, kincaid=0.64, fuzzy=1.75, fog=0.86}
 orders: orig=49, rank=17, date=204
Wow, World Series of Poker player saying “I wish I never got the vaccine. I’ve been having chest pains ever since I had that thing.”
 ranking=12.343063397745897 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.2, pop=2.57, numsent=2, flesch=1.12, ari=0.2, lix=0, time=1.82, numword=2, fuzzy=1.5, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=35, rank=18, date=21
Vaccine benefits like an enlarged heart, aortic tearing, seizures, death and permanent disability.  These "benefits" increase with Booster shots.

Get the word out.
 ranking=12.105483402441783 from {coleman=0.91, cos=0.96, smog=1.01, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.4, numsent=3, flesch=1.49, ari=0.48, lix=0.1, time=0.1, numword=2, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=58, rank=19, date=202… you sick people we will never forget your lies!
 ranking=11.829571527180503 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0.38, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.12, pop=3.41, numsent=1, flesch=1.06, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, fuzzy=2.8, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=62, rank=20, date=1
#OpenYourEyes     #DepopulationAgenda       

#DiedSuddenlyVaccine #DiedSuddenlydocumentary 

#PfizerLiedPeopleDied       #BidenVaccineLies

#BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGates
 ranking=11.639698838387917 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=1.25, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.8, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.79, ari=0.92, lix=0.09, time=0.33, numword=2, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=9, rank=21, date=178
These scumbags are relentless.  No science, just politics.

Still pushing vax on kids.  Murderers.
 ranking=11.497430088920717 from {pop=2.2, coleman=0.83, numsent=4, flesch=1.3, cos=0, smog=0.78, ari=0.32, lix=0.08, time=0.3, numword=1, kincaid=0.22, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=43, rank=22, date=181
Also, rename and stop mis-using that damn "Community Level" map.

Call it Hospital Admissions map, and be honest with the ppl that it has nothing to do with their risk of catching Covid.
 ranking=11.090025416847274 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.19, smog=0.98, kincaid=0.35, pop=1.39, numsent=2, flesch=1.26, ari=0.35, lix=0, time=0.12, numword=3, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.51}
 orders: orig=26, rank=23, date=200
I share with everyone how dangerous the "stroke poke / clot shot" is, and to be sure to keep anyone they love far away from ANY government recommendations 
 ranking=10.553149506103919 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0.22, smog=1.4, kincaid=0.58, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.4, ari=0.68, lix=0.07, time=0.35, numword=2, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.84}
 orders: orig=37, rank=24, date=176 Figures are an estimated 1% so times by 100 to be conservative with lives and health.  Do no harm first.
 ranking=10.329130939923466 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.21, pop=1.61, numsent=3, flesch=1.23, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.46, numword=2, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.44}
 orders: orig=45, rank=25, date=164
No, thanks, I have compassion for the older folks and will do everything in my power to advise them against your death jabs.
 ranking=10.120505939201774 from {coleman=0.48, numsent=1, flesch=1.35, cos=0.56, smog=1.08, ari=0.52, lix=0.05, time=0.38, numword=2, kincaid=0.49, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.64}
 orders: orig=116, rank=26, date=172
Here is what you can get from the Clot Shot..
 ranking=9.714600586404279 from {coleman=0.22, cos=0.49, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.01, pop=3.3, numsent=1, flesch=0.88, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.97, numword=1, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.2}
 orders: orig=17, rank=27, date=5
I've seen the needle and the damage done.
"Older adults" get the reference.
 ranking=9.297513776131483 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=2, flesch=1.2, cos=0.89, smog=0.69, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.06, numword=1, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=2.3, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=59, rank=28, date=206
As soon as you figure out what those benefits are.
 ranking=9.021229666995866 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.49, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.14, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.28, numword=1, fuzzy=2.5, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=2, rank=29, date=183
There are NO BENEFITS to getting the vaccine. There are MANY RISKS to getting the vaccine.
 ranking=8.99936821556179 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=2, flesch=1.18, cos=0.76, smog=0.69, ari=0.21, lix=0.06, time=0.15, numword=1, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=1.95, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=3, rank=30, date=197
I wouldn't give that poison to my dog.
 ranking=8.655079479023355 from {coleman=0.14, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.04, pop=3.05, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, ari=-0.15, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=30, rank=31, date=2
Euthanasia is more humane.  The poisonations are torturous.
 ranking=8.215344504624344 from {coleman=1.02, numsent=2, flesch=1.67, cos=0, smog=0.98, ari=0.48, lix=0.07, time=0.42, numword=0, kincaid=0.48, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.84}
 orders: orig=69, rank=32, date=168
How do I keep muting you and you still show up in my feed?  Quit killing people with these stupid lies!!!!!
 ranking=7.837968726021213 from {coleman=0.34, numsent=2, flesch=1.01, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.31, numword=2, kincaid=0.1, fuzzy=1.5, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=114, rank=33, date=180
Are you kidding me right now?
 ranking=7.381759382093572 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.03, pop=2.31, numsent=1, flesch=0.98, ari=-0.01, lix=0, time=1.94, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=42, rank=34, date=8

You're that evil corporation from all those movies now.
 ranking=7.272678337253707 from {coleman=0.62, numsent=2, flesch=1.3, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.18, numword=1, kincaid=0.23, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=27, rank=35, date=194
Hey I'm Remmy I need your health help consultation any specialized STD's doctor here to help me thanks
 ranking=7.014857080971341 from {coleman=0.63, numsent=1, flesch=1.26, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.47, lix=0, time=0.19, numword=1, kincaid=0.35, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=4, rank=36, date=193
Still playing pandemic?
 ranking=6.887576993020756 from {coleman=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.27, pop=2.4, numsent=1, flesch=1.38, ari=0.58, lix=0.99, time=1.75, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=14, rank=37, date=28
Might be safe not to get the vaccine. Granted, CDC was hiding this data soo SHHHH don’t tell them
 ranking=6.766483558918211 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=2, flesch=0.97, cos=0.26, smog=0.3, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=0.24, numword=1, kincaid=0.06, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=152, rank=38, date=187
Does it suck to know nobody cares what you think about anything? Asking for a friend.
 ranking=6.535660390307946 from {coleman=0.47, numsent=2, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.21, numword=1, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=66, rank=39, date=190
Can we please now end the border mandate. No logic for this to continue.
 ranking=6.406894888287068 from {coleman=0.41, numsent=2, flesch=1.1, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=0.19, numword=1, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=55, rank=40, date=192
I’m now counting down the seconds before the comments are turned off
 ranking=6.309293733769768 from {coleman=0.66, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.24, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.2, ari=0.36, lix=0.06, time=0.29, numword=1, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=1, rank=41, date=182
Wait until you learn the jab side effects.
 ranking=6.189888197923125 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0.38, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.12, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.08, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=6, rank=42, date=107
People need to look up who fund the CDC foundation.
 ranking=5.7507258039506635 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.37, numword=1, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=19, rank=43, date=173
U believe the liar happy for u @CDCDirector  resign  @FortuneMagazine  got paid$$$
 ranking=5.639344478672985 from {coleman=0.3, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.22, numword=1, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.2}
 orders: orig=57, rank=44, date=189
” just a study” kinda like Covid. So they learned nothing in 50 years.
 ranking=5.536966293113893 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=2, flesch=0.98, cos=0.28, smog=0.3, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.27, numword=1, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=52, rank=45, date=184
CDC—still leading the sheep to slaughter.
 ranking=5.503181279620852 from {coleman=0.65, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.25, lix=0.05, time=0.92, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=1, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=87, rank=46, date=115
Fake news.  Misinformation kings! 
 ranking=5.427640420393958 from {coleman=1.2, cos=0, smog=0.69, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.44, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.65, ari=0.57, lix=0, time=1.86, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.54}
 orders: orig=38, rank=47, date=16
Child abuse - government sanctioned.
 ranking=5.38281683522151 from {coleman=1.42, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.48, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.67, ari=0.8, lix=0.11, time=1.9, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=63, rank=48, date=12
Quit lying to the American people!!!!
 ranking=5.132222281043871 from {coleman=0.59, numsent=1, flesch=1.27, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.09, numword=0, kincaid=0.23, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=23, rank=49, date=203
Fuck you!!! You lying pieces of shit!!!!
 ranking=4.683756211916045 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=2, flesch=0.94, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=0.25, numword=0, kincaid=-0.03, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=112, rank=50, date=186
Who would believe your BS?
 ranking=3.377593155535272 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.03, pop=2.2, numsent=1, flesch=1, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.87, numword=0, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=33, rank=51, date=15

 ranking=2.568672947659533 from {pop=4.32, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.26, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=47, rank=52, date=80
Fauci lied and people died
 ranking=2.4300424446347977 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.09, pop=2.2, numsent=1, flesch=0.83, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.81, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=18, rank=53, date=22

 ranking=2.1398076783277062 from {pop=3.37, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.78, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=56, rank=54, date=25
So theyfaster?
 ranking=2.0386496902065883 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.44, numsent=1, flesch=1.65, ari=0.4, lix=0.1, time=0.2, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=20, rank=55, date=191

 ranking=1.2563957806629955 from {pop=3, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.27, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=75, rank=56, date=79

 ranking=1.2388352339319537 from {pop=3.05, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=124, rank=57, date=86

 ranking=1.1626317682714127 from {pop=2.49, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.68, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=51, rank=58, date=35

 ranking=1.1366876613688128 from {pop=2.64, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.5, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=16, rank=59, date=54

 ranking=1.03718224939215 from {pop=2.31, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.74, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=79, rank=60, date=29

 ranking=1.0171297906063617 from {pop=2.2, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.82, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=31, rank=61, date=20

 ranking=0.744366104299145 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.96, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=12, rank=62, date=6

 ranking=0.72329092804712 from {pop=2.2, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.53, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=123, rank=63, date=51

 ranking=0.7159300853417991 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.93, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=88, rank=64, date=9

 ranking=0.706451412356017 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.92, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=13, rank=65, date=10

 ranking=0.6549967508264656 from {pop=2.57, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.1, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=89, rank=66, date=97

 ranking=0.6141565945529435 from {pop=1.95, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.67, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=70, rank=67, date=36

 ranking=0.5498399070739044 from {pop=2.78, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.78, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=24, rank=68, date=130

 ranking=0.46120996732354536 from {pop=2.49, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.98, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=90, rank=69, date=109

 ranking=0.13984886348955872 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.76, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=125, rank=70, date=27

 ranking=0.1114128445322129 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.73, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=127, rank=71, date=30
LOL, no.
 ranking=0.10710431667271281 from {coleman=-0.05, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=2.2, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.43, lix=0, time=1.11, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=15, rank=72, date=95

 ranking=0.10193417154643081 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.72, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=77, rank=73, date=31

 ranking=0.0915417208780478 from {pop=2.49, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.61, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=91, rank=74, date=148

 ranking=0.08085899529440566 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.29, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=74, rank=75, date=76

 ranking=0.0619016493228417 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.28, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=85, rank=76, date=78

 ranking=0.04543621540602416 from {pop=1.95, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.1, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=126, rank=77, date=96

 ranking=0.035583460645956855 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.65, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=96, rank=78, date=38

 ranking=0.02610478766017499 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.64, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=94, rank=79, date=39

 ranking=0.007147441688611034 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.63, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=93, rank=80, date=41

 ranking=-0.0023312312971710547 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.62, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=95, rank=81, date=42

 ranking=-0.19402252129327202 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.02, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=128, rank=82, date=105
Fuck off
 ranking=-0.26679609230523704 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.19, lix=0, time=0.5, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=64, rank=83, date=160

 ranking=-0.2961700938564127 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.32, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=84, rank=84, date=73

 ranking=-0.31512743982797664 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.3, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=78, rank=85, date=75

 ranking=-0.32581016541161856 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.99, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=10, rank=86, date=3

 ranking=-0.3719994777426687 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.25, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=81, rank=87, date=81

 ranking=-0.40991416968579664 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.21, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=130, rank=88, date=85

 ranking=-0.5438196440846044 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.77, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=129, rank=89, date=26

 ranking=-0.5520942644725264 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.07, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=82, rank=90, date=100
 ranking=-0.5662997147094939 from {pop=1.39, coleman=-0.2, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=-0.57, lix=0, time=1.89, numword=0, kincaid=-0.16, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=40, rank=91, date=13

 ranking=-0.6006916819992962 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.71, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=101, rank=92, date=32

 ranking=-0.6765210658855523 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.64, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=99, rank=93, date=40

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 orders: orig=72, rank=95, date=59

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 orders: orig=29, rank=96, date=162

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 orders: orig=132, rank=97, date=67

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 orders: orig=102, rank=98, date=70

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 orders: orig=103, rank=99, date=71

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 orders: orig=92, rank=100, date=74

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 orders: orig=7, rank=102, date=62

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 orders: orig=131, rank=103, date=87

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 orders: orig=104, rank=104, date=90

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 orders: orig=136, rank=105, date=92

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 orders: orig=210, rank=106, date=94

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 orders: orig=172, rank=107, date=23

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 orders: orig=118, rank=108, date=24

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 orders: orig=44, rank=109, date=198

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 orders: orig=133, rank=110, date=103

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 orders: orig=121, rank=111, date=33

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 orders: orig=107, rank=112, date=34
God is watching..
 ranking=-1.3146379936808856 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.07, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=0.03, lix=0.05, time=0.01, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=50, rank=113, date=211

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 orders: orig=197, rank=114, date=37

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 orders: orig=162, rank=115, date=43

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 orders: orig=76, rank=116, date=117

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 orders: orig=119, rank=117, date=44

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 orders: orig=109, rank=118, date=45

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 orders: orig=186, rank=119, date=46

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 orders: orig=182, rank=120, date=47

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 orders: orig=98, rank=121, date=121

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 orders: orig=97, rank=123, date=123

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 orders: orig=173, rank=124, date=50

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 orders: orig=187, rank=125, date=52

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 orders: orig=183, rank=126, date=53

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 orders: orig=156, rank=127, date=55
Sorry. NO!
 ranking=-1.5154139810426548 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, numsent=2, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.22, lix=0, time=0.03, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=21, rank=128, date=209

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 orders: orig=174, rank=129, date=56

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 orders: orig=199, rank=130, date=57

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 orders: orig=200, rank=131, date=58

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 orders: orig=201, rank=132, date=60

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 orders: orig=163, rank=133, date=61

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 orders: orig=157, rank=134, date=63

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 orders: orig=188, rank=135, date=64

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 orders: orig=164, rank=136, date=65

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 orders: orig=165, rank=137, date=66

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 orders: orig=142, rank=138, date=68

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 orders: orig=120, rank=139, date=69

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 orders: orig=155, rank=140, date=72

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 orders: orig=158, rank=141, date=82

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 orders: orig=202, rank=142, date=83

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 orders: orig=184, rank=143, date=84

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 orders: orig=143, rank=144, date=88

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 orders: orig=166, rank=145, date=89

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 orders: orig=146, rank=146, date=91

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 orders: orig=147, rank=147, date=93

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 orders: orig=167, rank=148, date=98

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 orders: orig=211, rank=149, date=174

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 orders: orig=168, rank=150, date=101

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 orders: orig=169, rank=151, date=104

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 orders: orig=135, rank=152, date=106

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 orders: orig=134, rank=153, date=108

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 orders: orig=189, rank=154, date=110

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 orders: orig=190, rank=155, date=111

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 orders: orig=203, rank=156, date=112

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 orders: orig=170, rank=157, date=113

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 orders: orig=139, rank=158, date=114
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 orders: orig=41, rank=159, date=99

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 orders: orig=117, rank=160, date=116

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 orders: orig=110, rank=161, date=118

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 orders: orig=106, rank=162, date=119

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 orders: orig=108, rank=163, date=120
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 orders: orig=22, rank=164, date=208

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 orders: orig=111, rank=165, date=122

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 orders: orig=105, rank=166, date=124

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 orders: orig=171, rank=167, date=125

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 orders: orig=204, rank=168, date=126

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 orders: orig=205, rank=169, date=127

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 orders: orig=153, rank=170, date=128

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 orders: orig=115, rank=171, date=129

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 orders: orig=175, rank=172, date=131

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 orders: orig=122, rank=173, date=132

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 orders: orig=154, rank=174, date=133

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 orders: orig=206, rank=175, date=134

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 orders: orig=176, rank=176, date=135

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 orders: orig=159, rank=177, date=136

 ranking=-2.2890995260663507 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.72, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=207, rank=178, date=137

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 orders: orig=148, rank=179, date=138

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 orders: orig=177, rank=180, date=139

 ranking=-2.3175355450236967 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.69, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=149, rank=181, date=140

 ranking=-2.3270142180094786 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.68, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=178, rank=182, date=141

 ranking=-2.3364928909952605 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=150, rank=183, date=142

 ranking=-2.345971563981043 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.66, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=185, rank=184, date=143

 ranking=-2.3554502369668247 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.65, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=151, rank=185, date=144

 ranking=-2.3649289099526065 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.64, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=191, rank=186, date=145

 ranking=-2.374407582938389 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.63, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=208, rank=187, date=146

 ranking=-2.3838862559241707 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.62, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=160, rank=188, date=147

 ranking=-2.402843601895735 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.6, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=161, rank=189, date=149

 ranking=-2.4123222748815167 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.59, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=179, rank=190, date=150

 ranking=-2.4218009478672986 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.58, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=144, rank=191, date=151

 ranking=-2.4407582938388623 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.56, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=180, rank=192, date=153

 ranking=-2.4502369668246446 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.55, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=209, rank=193, date=154

 ranking=-2.4597156398104265 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.55, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=181, rank=194, date=155

 ranking=-2.4691943127962084 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.54, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=192, rank=195, date=156

 ranking=-2.4881516587677726 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.52, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=140, rank=196, date=158

 ranking=-2.4976303317535544 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.51, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=193, rank=197, date=159

 ranking=-2.5165876777251186 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.49, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=194, rank=198, date=161

 ranking=-2.5355450236966823 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.47, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=195, rank=199, date=163

 ranking=-2.5545023696682465 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.45, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=196, rank=200, date=165

 ranking=-2.5639810426540284 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.44, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=137, rank=201, date=166

 ranking=-2.5734597156398102 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.43, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=145, rank=202, date=167

 ranking=-2.5924170616113744 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.41, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=138, rank=203, date=169

 ranking=-2.6113744075829386 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.39, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=60, rank=204, date=171

 ranking=-2.6492890995260665 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.36, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=141, rank=205, date=175

 ranking=-2.7440758293838865 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.26, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=39, rank=206, date=185

 ranking=-2.838862559241706 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.17, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=11, rank=207, date=195

 ranking=-2.8483412322274884 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.16, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=67, rank=208, date=196

 ranking=-2.895734597156398 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.11, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=54, rank=209, date=201

 ranking=-2.933649289099526 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.07, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=48, rank=210, date=205

 ranking=-2.981042654028436 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.02, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=71, rank=211, date=210

@cdcgov tweeted on 02/17/23 12:35:41: This cold and flu season, be sure to keep your #MedsUpAway and out of sight of kids after every dose! Learn more:
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 8 of 11 (reached end) 72% 0% 62%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • [original: #2, ranking: #8, date: #6] From @brian738232831 on 02/17/23 01:37:22
  • Never.
    [original: #1, ranking: #6, date: #7] From @sanrevelation7 on 02/18/23 05:15:09
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • Yes, we wouldn’t want our kids taking unnecessary medicines that may harm them. Except of course for the Covid vaccine.
    [original: #5, ranking: #1, date: #3] From @puckhog1991 on 02/17/23 12:42:42
  • This flu season, don’t listen to a damn thing the corrupt CDC says. You are all full of BS. How is that gain a function that Franken Fauci is conducting?
    [original: #8, ranking: #2, date: #8] From @redpillwave on 02/18/23 02:21:27
Other hidden replies:
  • There are other people besides kids you know that right
    [original: #4, ranking: #4, date: #2] From @fish546 on 02/17/23 12:39:45
  • Or just live a healthy life free of meds and not worry about getting sick at all.
    [original: #6, ranking: #5, date: #4] From @growhuntlive on 02/17/23 12:45:35
  • [original: #7, ranking: #7, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
[tweet: 1626933339729932289, from: @sanrevelation7 (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 05:15:09 (HIGH,,1,,7) Never.]
[tweet: 1626697337123885063, from: @brian738232831 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:37:22 (HIGH,0,,,36) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626686957878235149, from: @poetelect (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:56:07 (HIGH,,3,,47) Shouldn’t you be injecting toddlers with experimental mRNA sera?]
[tweet: 1626682837783937024, from: @fish546 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:39:45 (LOW,0,,,22) There are other people besides kids you know that right]
[tweet: 1626683579882250242, from: @puckhog1991 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:42:42 (LOW,,3,,17) Yes, we wouldn’t want our kids taking unnecessary medicines that may harm them. Except of course for the Covid vaccine.]
[tweet: 1626684305610100743, from: @growhuntlive (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:45:35 (LOW,0,,,17) Or just live a healthy life free of meds and not worry about getting sick at all.]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (LOW,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1627070818672074756, from: @redpillwave (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 02:21:27 (ABUSIVE,0,,,7) This flu season, don’t listen to a damn thing the corrupt CDC says. You are all full of BS. How is that gain a function that Franken Fauci is conducting?]


Yes, we wouldn’t want our kids taking unnecessary medicines that may harm them. Except of course for the Covid vaccine.
 ranking=12.692571939013924 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0.34, smog=0.85, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.31, pop=1.8, numsent=2, flesch=1.32, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.5, numword=2, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=5, rank=1, date=3
This flu season, don’t listen to a damn thing the corrupt CDC says. You are all full of BS. How is that gain a function that Franken Fauci is conducting?
 ranking=9.864002660118079 from {coleman=0.38, numsent=3, flesch=1.08, cos=0.62, smog=0.62, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=0.25, numword=3, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.15, fog=0.27}
 orders: orig=8, rank=2, date=8
Shouldn’t you be injecting toddlers with experimental mRNA sera?
 ranking=9.174187388469539 from {coleman=0.91, cos=0, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.49, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=1.6, ari=0.49, lix=0.08, time=1, numword=0, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=3, rank=3, date=5
There are other people besides kids you know that right
 ranking=7.656055336999488 from {coleman=0.57, numsent=1, flesch=1.14, cos=0.52, smog=0.85, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.75, numword=1, kincaid=0.19, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=4, rank=4, date=2
Or just live a healthy life free of meds and not worry about getting sick at all.
 ranking=7.249826650047986 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0.39, smog=0.3, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.22, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.25, numword=1, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=6, rank=5, date=4
 ranking=0.5802971805599456 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.43, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.64, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.5, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=1, rank=6, date=7

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=7, rank=7, date=1

 ranking=-2.25 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.75, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=2, rank=8, date=6

@cdcgov tweeted on 02/17/23 11:45:01: Flexible, sustained investments are needed to build a stronger, more resilient public health system for the future. Learn more in @nytimes.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 38 of 39 (reached end) 97% 0% 81%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • Lack of corruption also helps
    [original: #2, ranking: #30, date: #33] From @dunk_on_you_ on 02/17/23 07:44:47
  • Abolish CDC
    [original: #1, ranking: #28, date: #32] From @jamesigreene on 02/17/23 05:21:30
  • Meanwhile in India
    [original: #4, ranking: #27, date: #29] From @pleinairshow on 02/17/23 04:35:35
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY should outweigh profits. Hardly the case of how COVID Pandemic was handled. A US federal Agency who is acting out as an Advertising Agent for BIG Pharma? Sustained Investment at the cost of people’s lives? Even meddling on other countries’ policies?
    [original: #17, ranking: #2, date: #31] From @tenggk on 02/17/23 05:14:02
  • Right. Like the investment Moderna and Pfizer made on the "Clinical Trials Experimentation Phase" to "Assess" the dangers of a new vaccine to "build a stronger, more resilient public health system for the future"? Like that investment?
    [original: #9, ranking: #4, date: #36] From @mricoga on 02/18/23 07:31:34
  • I work in public health and don’t trust the CDC. You should never have let yourselves be influenced politically during covid. You forever eroded the publics confidence in you.
    [original: #18, ranking: #5, date: #8] From @puckhog1991 on 02/17/23 11:53:27
  • Oh did #Pfizer not pay you enough? We know what you did. #VaccineDeath #VaccineSideEffects #VaccineDeaths #RealNotRare #DiedSuddenlyVaccine #DiedSuddenlydocumentary #DiedSuddenlyNews #DiedSuddendly
    [original: #37, ranking: #6, date: #15] From @boucherh20_ on 02/17/23 12:33:29
  • The problems began with CDC refusing to issue a federal isolation/quarantine order And were made worse by corrupt politicians using easily prevented deaths as campaign platforms
    [original: #29, ranking: #7, date: #14] From @jhnghmn on 02/17/23 12:26:19
  • We don’t need public health. You have no interest in our health. You want to use us as experiments and kill us. Every individual is in charge of their own health. Nuremberg 2.0
    [original: #33, ranking: #8, date: #38] From @redpillwave on 02/18/23 02:23:20
  • Some of us knew this from 2020, which is why we chose not to be vaccinated. We were bullied, harrassed, threatened, LIED TO. All because we remembered Elementary School SCIENCE. It’s tough to beat God’s Natural Immunity once you have it Study link:…
    [original: #15, ranking: #9, date: #28] From @tonythetigger1 on 02/17/23 02:48:24
  • The CDC may be the least trusted government agency today due to their lies and mishandling of the Kung Flu. This will cost lives if we ever have a real pandemic. The CDC needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.
    [original: #36, ranking: #10, date: #37] From @martintruesda1e on 02/18/23 07:48:22
  • I highly recommend turning off your comments like Pfizer and moderna have done. We all hate you. Preserve your documents.
    [original: #26, ranking: #11, date: #19] From @greycat07967001 on 02/17/23 12:53:11
  • Yeah,as if anyone is ever going to trust the CDC again,no one I know that's for sure. The CDC,and FDA, are run by criminals and treasonous people as far as I'm concerned.
    [original: #38, ranking: #12, date: #22] From @kenneth17577489 on 02/17/23 01:10:50
Other hidden replies:
  • I'd be a lot less worried about smallpox if the CDC wasn't preserving vials of it "just in case"
    [original: #25, ranking: #15, date: #4] From @kelly16180 on 02/17/23 11:48:12
  • It’s now known as Spox. Short people were complaining about the previous name.
    [original: #32, ranking: #16, date: #5] From @rozinante1066 on 02/17/23 11:49:16
  • What that is actually saying is the complete opposite of what most ppl are thinking.
    [original: #21, ranking: #17, date: #16] From @chrissu65021843 on 02/17/23 12:41:22
  • Why vaccines were intended for people in poverty.
    [original: #31, ranking: #18, date: #21] From @kentc37341846 on 02/17/23 01:04:11
  • Get it from the same place Dr. Anthony Fauci got his - from $Bill Gates.
    [original: #16, ranking: #19, date: #7] From @johnstr36744142 on 02/17/23 11:52:49
  • We need a complete separation of health and state. #AbolishTheCDC
    [original: #30, ranking: #20, date: #27] From @hawkeyenick1 on 02/17/23 02:28:29
  • CDC is corrupt to the core. Bought and paid by pHARMa.
    [original: #28, ranking: #21, date: #12] From @traceybam64 on 02/17/23 12:20:00
  • Sorry but I have no desire to invest in another 8 mice test group.
    [original: #23, ranking: #22, date: #34] From @2021retired on 02/17/23 08:28:40
  • Crimes against humanity.
    [original: #19, ranking: #23, date: #9] From @keenebrian on 02/17/23 11:56:49
  • The problem is nobody trusts you anymore
    [original: #24, ranking: #24, date: #26] From @mrswineman on 02/17/23 01:39:32
  • How about you just go away already.
    [original: #27, ranking: #25, date: #23] From @hanabanana_96 on 02/17/23 01:24:55
  • New York Times is fake news.
    [original: #22, ranking: #26, date: #13] From @nelladoubledub on 02/17/23 12:22:37
  • [original: #34, ranking: #29, date: #2] From @dimitrisadie on 02/17/23 11:46:08
  • [original: #11, ranking: #31, date: #18] From @greycat07967001 on 02/17/23 12:51:01
  • Fuck. You.
    [original: #35, ranking: #32, date: #24] From @nslpatriot4848 on 02/17/23 01:29:52
  • [original: #20, ranking: #33, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • [original: #8, ranking: #34, date: #10] From @bryandhilton on 02/17/23 11:59:27
  • [original: #13, ranking: #35, date: #17] From @greycat07967001 on 02/17/23 12:50:32
  • [original: #12, ranking: #36, date: #20] From @cocheese_k on 02/17/23 12:55:02
  • [original: #10, ranking: #37, date: #25] From @brian738232831 on 02/17/23 01:35:42
  • [original: #14, ranking: #38, date: #30] From @leecausey1420 on 02/17/23 04:44:06
[tweet: 1626753742421872641, from: @jamesigreene (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 05:21:30 (HIGH,0,,,27) Abolish CDC]
[tweet: 1626789802740776960, from: @dunk_on_you_ (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:44:47 (HIGH,0,,,18) Lack of corruption also helps]
[tweet: 1626939207372398595, from: @becky4wake (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 05:38:28 (HIGH,,2,,32) The CDC is just a manipulation tool. The CDC does not have public health in mind. The CDC goal is power of the govt over the people. The actions of the CDC the past few years have shown why the CDC and it's "recommendations" should not be trusted.]
[tweet: 1626742188565463041, from: @pleinairshow (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:35:35 (HIGH,1,2,,48) Meanwhile in India]
[tweet: 1626670417858420750, from: @magicsenshi (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:50:24 (HIGH,,2,,107) Invest in the CDC is an investment in stripper parties and vacations for there staff. We haven't forgotten nor do we believe anything you publish. You have no credibility left and like many overly bloated government agencies, you should be disbanded or completely overhauled]
[tweet: 1626669577101795352, from: @taborssr (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:47:03 (HIGH,,2,,72) Stop poisoning people with the vaccine]
[tweet: 1626675232416096267, from: @anubis18348594 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:09:32 (HIGH,,2,,47) U need to be broken up. Nothing but lies and misinformation.]
[tweet: 1626672694157795329, from: @bryandhilton (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:59:27 (LOW,0,,,22) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626967667880992768, from: @mricoga (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 07:31:34 (LOW,0,,,1) Right. Like the investment Moderna and Pfizer made on the "Clinical Trials Experimentation Phase" to "Assess" the dangers of a new vaccine to "build a stronger, more resilient public health system for the future"? Like that investment?]
[tweet: 1626696917571760128, from: @brian738232831 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:35:42 (LOW,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626685673095811084, from: @greycat07967001 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:51:01 (LOW,,,1,12) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626686682073382912, from: @cocheese_k (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:55:02 (LOW,0,,,5) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626685551662227456, from: @greycat07967001 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:50:32 (LOW,0,,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626744330424549378, from: @leecausey1420 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:44:06 (LOW,0,,,2) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626715214015238146, from: @tonythetigger1 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 02:48:24 (LOW,0,,,5) Some of us knew this from 2020, which is why we chose not to be vaccinated. We were bullied, harrassed, threatened, LIED TO.  All because we remembered Elementary School SCIENCE.   It’s tough to beat God’s Natural Immunity once you have it   Study link:…]
[tweet: 1626671025428770816, from: @johnstr36744142 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:52:49 (LOW,,2,,32) Get it from the same place Dr. Anthony Fauci got his - from $Bill Gates.]
[tweet: 1626751862744711168, from: @tenggk (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 05:14:02 (LOW,0,,,24) PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY should outweigh profits.  Hardly the case of how COVID Pandemic was handled. A US federal Agency who is acting out as an Advertising Agent for BIG Pharma?  Sustained Investment at the cost of people’s lives? Even meddling on other countries’ policies?]
[tweet: 1626671184128401413, from: @puckhog1991 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:53:27 (LOW,,2,,23) I work in public health and don’t trust the CDC. You should never have let yourselves be influenced politically during covid. You forever eroded the publics confidence in you.]
[tweet: 1626672032279584797, from: @keenebrian (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:56:49 (LOW,,,1,17) Crimes against humanity.]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (LOW,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626683244895965184, from: @chrissu65021843 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:41:22 (LOW,,1,,14) What that is actually saying is the complete opposite of what most ppl are thinking.]
[tweet: 1626678526920347663, from: @nelladoubledub (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:22:37 (LOW,,1,,13) New York Times is fake news.]
[tweet: 1626800845898809344, from: @2021retired (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 08:28:40 (LOW,,1,,4) Sorry but I have no desire to invest in another 8 mice test group.]
[tweet: 1626697882010271744, from: @mrswineman (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:39:32 (LOW,,1,,4) The problem is nobody trusts you anymore]
[tweet: 1626669863761584128, from: @kelly16180 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:48:12 (LOW,,1,,27) I'd be a lot less worried about smallpox if the CDC wasn't preserving vials of it "just in case"]
[tweet: 1626686216379703299, from: @greycat07967001 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:53:11 (LOW,,1,,7) I highly recommend turning off your comments like Pfizer and moderna have done. We all hate you. Preserve your documents.]
[tweet: 1626694203106537472, from: @hanabanana_96 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:24:55 (LOW,,1,,4) How about you just go away already.]
[tweet: 1626677866573226018, from: @traceybam64 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:20:00 (LOW,,1,,16) CDC is corrupt to the core. Bought and paid by pHARMa.]
[tweet: 1626679456751579136, from: @jhnghmn (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:26:19 (LOW,,1,,24) The problems began with CDC refusing to issue a federal isolation/quarantine order  And were made worse by corrupt politicians using easily prevented deaths as campaign platforms]
[tweet: 1626710199854829568, from: @hawkeyenick1 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 02:28:29 (LOW,0,,,6) We need a complete separation of health and state. #AbolishTheCDC]
[tweet: 1626688988391133192, from: @kentc37341846 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:04:11 (LOW,0,,,7) Why vaccines were intended for people in poverty.]
[tweet: 1626670134902521857, from: @rozinante1066 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:49:16 (LOW,0,,,21) It’s now known as Spox. Short people were complaining about the previous name.]
[tweet: 1627071291835695106, from: @redpillwave (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 02:23:20 (LOW,0,,,4) We don’t need public health. You have no interest in our health. You want to use us as experiments and kill us. Every individual is in charge of their own health. Nuremberg 2.0]
[tweet: 1626669343504228369, from: @dimitrisadie (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:46:08 (ABUSIVE,,3,,24) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626695448282173440, from: @nslpatriot4848 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:29:52 (ABUSIVE,0,,,2) Fuck. You.]
[tweet: 1626971895978663936, from: @martintruesda1e (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 07:48:22 (ABUSIVE,0,,,2) The CDC may be the least trusted government agency today due to their lies and mishandling of the Kung Flu.  This will cost lives if we ever have a real pandemic.  The CDC needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.]
[tweet: 1626681259597651968, from: @boucherh20_ (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:33:29 (ABUSIVE,0,,,3) Oh did #Pfizer not pay you enough?  We know what you did. #VaccineDeath #VaccineSideEffects #VaccineDeaths #RealNotRare #DiedSuddenlyVaccine #DiedSuddenlydocumentary #DiedSuddenlyNews #DiedSuddendly]
[tweet: 1626690660479664128, from: @kenneth17577489 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:10:50 (ABUSIVE,0,,,2) Yeah,as if anyone is ever going to trust the CDC again,no one I know that's for sure. The CDC,and FDA, are run by criminals and treasonous people as far as I'm concerned.]


Invest in the CDC is an investment in stripper parties and vacations for there staff. We haven't forgotten nor do we believe anything you publish. You have no credibility left and like many overly bloated government agencies, you should be disbanded or completely overhauled
 ranking=16.324279841952944 from {coleman=0.73, cos=0, smog=1.25, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.45, pop=1.39, numsent=3, flesch=1.44, ari=0.5, lix=0.09, time=1.74, numword=4, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.71}
 orders: orig=5, rank=1, date=6
PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY should outweigh profits.  Hardly the case of how COVID Pandemic was handled. A US federal Agency who is acting out as an Advertising Agent for BIG Pharma?  Sustained Investment at the cost of people’s lives? Even meddling on other countries’ policies?
 ranking=15.214554665384824 from {coleman=0.67, cos=0.68, smog=0.85, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.33, numsent=5, flesch=1.36, ari=0.32, lix=0.05, time=0.43, numword=4, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=17, rank=2, date=31
The CDC is just a manipulation tool. The CDC does not have public health in mind. The CDC goal is power of the govt over the people. The actions of the CDC the past few years have shown why the CDC and it's "recommendations" should not be trusted.
 ranking=13.657859471780059 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0.37, smog=0.69, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.2, pop=1.39, numsent=4, flesch=1.12, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.22, numword=4, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=3, rank=3, date=35
Right. Like the investment Moderna and Pfizer made on the "Clinical Trials Experimentation Phase" to "Assess" the dangers of a new vaccine to "build a stronger, more resilient public health system for the future"? Like that investment?
 ranking=13.389283650160783 from {coleman=0.72, cos=1.56, smog=1.01, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.41, numsent=3, flesch=1.41, ari=0.44, lix=0.05, time=0.16, numword=3, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.52}
 orders: orig=9, rank=4, date=36
I work in public health and don’t trust the CDC. You should never have let yourselves be influenced politically during covid. You forever eroded the publics confidence in you.
 ranking=13.32326664513226 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0.62, smog=0.94, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.33, pop=1.39, numsent=3, flesch=1.36, ari=0.34, lix=0, time=1.64, numword=2, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.48}
 orders: orig=18, rank=5, date=8
Oh did #Pfizer not pay you enough? 
We know what you did.
#VaccineDeath #VaccineSideEffects #VaccineDeaths #RealNotRare #DiedSuddenlyVaccine #DiedSuddenlydocumentary #DiedSuddenlyNews #DiedSuddendly
 ranking=13.008725764920346 from {coleman=0.75, cos=0, smog=0.62, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.32, numsent=3, flesch=1.31, ari=0.43, lix=0.06, time=1.27, numword=3, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=37, rank=6, date=15
The problems began with CDC refusing to issue a federal isolation/quarantine order

And were made worse by corrupt politicians using easily prevented deaths as campaign platforms
 ranking=12.83795395229467 from {coleman=0.77, cos=0, smog=1.25, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.68, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.58, ari=0.8, lix=0.99, time=1.32, numword=2, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.74}
 orders: orig=29, rank=7, date=14
We don’t need public health. You have no interest in our health. You want to use us as experiments and kill us. Every individual is in charge of their own health. Nuremberg 2.0
 ranking=12.49560027273291 from {coleman=0.47, numsent=5, flesch=1.17, cos=1.01, smog=0.79, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.06, numword=3, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.16, fog=0.39}
 orders: orig=33, rank=8, date=38
Some of us knew this from 2020, which is why we chose not to be vaccinated. We were bullied, harrassed, threatened, LIED TO.

All because we remembered Elementary School SCIENCE. 

It’s tough to beat God’s Natural Immunity once you have it 

Study link:…
 ranking=12.210532304116848 from {coleman=0.57, numsent=4, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.92, ari=0.28, lix=0.05, time=0.58, numword=4, kincaid=0.22, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=15, rank=9, date=28
The CDC may be the least trusted government agency today due to their lies and mishandling of the Kung Flu.  This will cost lives if we ever have a real pandemic.  The CDC needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.
 ranking=11.397280430847058 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.23, numsent=3, flesch=1.13, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.11, numword=4, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=36, rank=10, date=37
I highly recommend turning off your comments like Pfizer and moderna have done. We all hate you. Preserve your documents.
 ranking=10.951986521673938 from {coleman=0.67, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.21, pop=0.7, numsent=3, flesch=1.23, ari=0.27, lix=0.05, time=1.06, numword=2, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=26, rank=11, date=19
Yeah,as if anyone is ever going to trust the CDC again,no one I know that's for sure. The CDC,and FDA, are run by criminals and treasonous people as far as I'm concerned.
 ranking=9.876673793549823 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.28, numsent=2, flesch=1.16, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.9, numword=3, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=38, rank=12, date=22
U need to be broken up. Nothing but lies and misinformation.
 ranking=9.262292815357856 from {coleman=0.5, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.24, pop=1.39, numsent=2, flesch=1.3, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=1.48, numword=1, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=7, rank=13, date=11
Stop poisoning people with the vaccine
 ranking=8.629612094063654 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.23, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.27, ari=0.38, lix=0.06, time=1.9, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=6, rank=14, date=3
I'd be a lot less worried about smallpox if the CDC wasn't preserving vials of it "just in case"
 ranking=8.373019118870065 from {coleman=0.38, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.29, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.15, ari=0.29, lix=0.05, time=1.85, numword=1, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=25, rank=15, date=4
It’s now known as Spox. Short people were complaining about the previous name.
 ranking=8.246630352164601 from {coleman=0.69, numsent=2, flesch=1.13, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.79, numword=1, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=32, rank=16, date=5
What that is actually saying is the complete opposite of what most ppl are thinking.
 ranking=8.217786053854585 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.3, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.22, ari=0.39, lix=0.07, time=1.22, numword=1, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.44}
 orders: orig=21, rank=17, date=16
Why vaccines were intended for people in poverty.
 ranking=8.0831722285578 from {coleman=0.72, numsent=1, flesch=1.29, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.34, lix=0.08, time=0.95, numword=0, kincaid=0.27, fuzzy=2.2, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=31, rank=18, date=21
Get it from the same place Dr. Anthony Fauci got his - from $Bill Gates.
 ranking=8.036977964358757 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.16, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.04, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.69, numword=1, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=16, rank=19, date=7
We need a complete separation of health and state. #AbolishTheCDC
 ranking=7.8265956186789065 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=2, flesch=1.27, cos=0.44, smog=0.85, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.64, numword=1, kincaid=0.23, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=30, rank=20, date=27
CDC is corrupt to the core. Bought and paid by pHARMa.
 ranking=7.005579357593438 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.02, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=0.92, ari=-0.03, lix=0, time=1.43, numword=1, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=28, rank=21, date=12
Sorry but I have no desire to invest in another 8 mice test group.
 ranking=6.907481204230526 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.26, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.27, numword=1, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=23, rank=22, date=34
Crimes against humanity.
 ranking=6.667991171693652 from {coleman=1.28, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.66, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=1.94, ari=0.66, lix=0.99, time=1.58, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=19, rank=23, date=9
The problem is nobody trusts you anymore
 ranking=6.6048302643809 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.29, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.34, ari=0.25, lix=0.05, time=0.69, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=24, rank=24, date=26
How about you just go away already.
 ranking=5.514716729432126 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.85, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=27, rank=25, date=23
New York Times is fake news.
 ranking=4.918759899858191 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=0.98, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=1.37, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=22, rank=26, date=13
Meanwhile in India
 ranking=1.778109271862331 from {coleman=0.79, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.07, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=0.26, lix=0.05, time=0.53, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=4, rank=27, date=29
Abolish CDC
 ranking=1.578018610136745 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.44, numsent=1, flesch=1.65, ari=0.16, lix=0.1, time=0.37, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=1, rank=28, date=32

 ranking=0.7391278902806866 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.95, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=34, rank=29, date=2
Lack of corruption also helps
 ranking=0.5877820311893767 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.32, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=2, rank=30, date=33

 ranking=-0.28529892967116277 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.11, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=11, rank=31, date=18
Fuck. You.
 ranking=-0.9543763157894747 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, numsent=2, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.22, lix=0, time=0.79, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=35, rank=32, date=24

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=20, rank=33, date=1

 ranking=-1.4736842105263157 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.53, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=8, rank=34, date=10

 ranking=-1.8421052631578947 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.16, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=13, rank=35, date=17

 ranking=-2.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=12, rank=36, date=20

 ranking=-2.263157894736842 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.74, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=10, rank=37, date=25

 ranking=-2.526315789473684 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.48, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=14, rank=38, date=30

@cdcgov tweeted on 02/17/23 11:16:00: “It’s an intentional expansion of our focus and how we both understand and address health disparities, so that we are not leaving populations." -Dr. Liburd, acting director of @CDCHealthEquity Learn more about CDC's new Office of #HealthEquity in @AJC:
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 15 of 17 (reached end) 88% 0% 86%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • Your own tweet says ‘opportunity,’ which means equality. I agree, it should be equally attainable as an opportunity. Equity is very different, and it appears you don’t understand that term or it’s implications.
    [original: #10, ranking: #1, date: #7] From @southlot on 02/17/23 11:47:38
  • Equity and equality are different and you know that. Equity is taking from some to give to others in order to make up for perceived injustices. As a US citizen I demand equal treatment under the law as an individual, not as an avatar of some group identity.
    [original: #13, ranking: #2, date: #10] From @danpsiropoulos on 02/17/23 12:56:43
  • Defund and disband the CDC they have proven themselves to be untrustworthy
    [original: #4, ranking: #4, date: #3] From @im_not_a_fed on 02/17/23 11:17:16
  • Can you also create a specific group to better help those that are injured by mandated EUA vaccines?? Those of us vaccine injured would desperately appreciate the acknowledgment, we so urgently need and deserve. @CDCgov @CDCDirector @US_FDA @NIH
    [original: #5, ranking: #5, date: #15] From @chelsey23791057 on 02/17/23 05:13:42
Other hidden replies:
  • Spending more taxpayer money for worse care for everyone. I guess we’ll all get really bad care. Equity.
    [original: #12, ranking: #6, date: #9] From @old59crow on 02/17/23 11:57:56
  • I’m proud to be Z28.310 the CDC should never be trusted again and some of the top people need to go to prison
    [original: #9, ranking: #7, date: #8] From @bokfu4 on 02/17/23 11:51:34
  • You are not the boss of me. Nor anyone else.
    [original: #6, ranking: #8, date: #4] From @ford_kinda on 02/17/23 11:23:23
  • @ZKGPT_ is the new memecoin. at $4k Market Cap, Doxxed team_, locked liquidity. check my TL(}] "
    [original: #15, ranking: #9, date: #12] From @teatylaryour on 02/17/23 01:16:26
  • They do. They are just liars
    [original: #11, ranking: #11, date: #11] From @danpsiropoulos on 02/17/23 12:58:47
  • [original: #7, ranking: #12, date: #2] From @clevernameer on 02/17/23 11:16:52
  • [original: #14, ranking: #13, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • [original: #3, ranking: #14, date: #13] From @brian738232831 on 02/17/23 01:37:05
  • FU
    [original: #8, ranking: #15, date: #14] From @marie13206 on 02/17/23 01:39:09
[tweet: 1626664588182712322, from: @annmforti (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:27:14 (HIGH,4,10,,231) You are absolutely leaving out populations. And the sad truth is that you know you are - intentionally.]
[tweet: 1626665598561181696, from: @anibinani (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:31:15 (HIGH,,1,1,84) Equity.]
[tweet: 1626697264914747412, from: @brian738232831 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:37:05 (LOW,0,,,15) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626662082090500096, from: @im_not_a_fed (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:17:16 (LOW,,8,,51) Defund and disband the CDC they have proven themselves to be untrustworthy]
[tweet: 1626751781274374146, from: @chelsey23791057 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 05:13:42 (LOW,,1,,16) Can you also create a specific group to better help those that are injured by mandated EUA vaccines?? Those of us vaccine injured would desperately appreciate the acknowledgment, we so urgently need and deserve. @CDCgov @CDCDirector @US_FDA @NIH]
[tweet: 1626663618006638602, from: @ford_kinda (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:23:23 (LOW,,1,,36) You are not the boss of me. Nor anyone else.]
[tweet: 1626661979975737345, from: @clevernameer (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:16:52 (LOW,,3,,43) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626697785973133317, from: @marie13206 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:39:09 (LOW,0,,,11) FU]
[tweet: 1626670714031083520, from: @bokfu4 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:51:34 (LOW,,1,,25) I’m proud to be Z28.310 the CDC should never be trusted again and some of the top people need to go to prison]
[tweet: 1626669724321955840, from: @southlot (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:47:38 (LOW,,1,1,28) Your own tweet says ‘opportunity,’ which means equality.  I agree, it should be equally attainable as an opportunity.  Equity is very different, and it appears you don’t understand that term or it’s implications.]
[tweet: 1626687627847151616, from: @danpsiropoulos (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:58:47 (LOW,0,,,5) They do. They are just liars]
[tweet: 1626672313671245830, from: @old59crow (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:57:56 (LOW,,1,,27) Spending more taxpayer money for worse care for everyone. I guess we’ll all get really bad care. Equity.]
[tweet: 1626687109074685952, from: @danpsiropoulos (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:56:43 (LOW,,,1,15) Equity and equality are different and you know that. Equity is taking from some to give to others in order to make up for perceived injustices. As a US citizen I demand equal treatment under the law as an individual, not as an avatar of some group identity.]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (LOW,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626692070898389006, from: @teatylaryour (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:16:26 (ABUSIVE,0,,,1) @ZKGPT_ is the new memecoin. at $4k Market Cap, Doxxed team_, locked liquidity. check my TL(}] "]


Your own tweet says ‘opportunity,’ which means equality.  I agree, it should be equally attainable as an opportunity.

Equity is very different, and it appears you don’t understand that term or it’s implications.
 ranking=16.122669934555997 from {coleman=0.74, cos=0.44, smog=1.14, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.4, pop=1.95, numsent=3, flesch=1.43, ari=0.41, lix=0.06, time=1.2, numword=3, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=10, rank=1, date=7
Equity and equality are different and you know that. Equity is taking from some to give to others in order to make up for perceived injustices. As a US citizen I demand equal treatment under the law as an individual, not as an avatar of some group identity.
 ranking=15.265234501456142 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0.37, smog=1.14, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.45, pop=1.61, numsent=3, flesch=1.4, ari=0.34, lix=0, time=0.8, numword=4, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.62}
 orders: orig=13, rank=2, date=10
You are absolutely leaving out populations. And the sad truth is that you know you are - intentionally.
 ranking=13.404503312378424 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0.66, smog=0.98, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.33, pop=3.47, numsent=2, flesch=1.37, ari=0.3, lix=0, time=1.47, numword=1, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.53}
 orders: orig=1, rank=3, date=5
Defund and disband the CDC they have proven themselves to be untrustworthy
 ranking=13.221456224814599 from {coleman=0.76, cos=0, smog=1.08, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.39, pop=2.78, numsent=1, flesch=1.4, ari=0.47, lix=0.05, time=1.74, numword=1, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=4, rank=4, date=3
Can you also create a specific group to better help those that are injured by mandated EUA vaccines?? Those of us vaccine injured would desperately appreciate the acknowledgment, we so urgently need and deserve. @CDCgov @CDCDirector @US_FDA @NIH
 ranking=11.692138270618893 from {coleman=0.72, cos=0, smog=1.17, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.48, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.43, ari=0.56, lix=0.09, time=0.14, numword=3, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.64}
 orders: orig=5, rank=5, date=15
Spending more taxpayer money for worse care for everyone. I guess we’ll all get really bad care. Equity.
 ranking=9.368574389867058 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0.24, smog=0.62, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.1, pop=0.7, numsent=3, flesch=1.09, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.94, numword=1, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=12, rank=6, date=9
I’m proud to be Z28.310 the CDC should never be trusted again and some of the top people need to go to prison
 ranking=8.40258289484566 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.31, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.12, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=1.07, numword=2, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=9, rank=7, date=8
You are not the boss of me. Nor anyone else.
 ranking=7.8856171805599455 from {coleman=0.19, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.03, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=0.92, ari=-0.16, lix=0, time=1.6, numword=1, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=6, rank=8, date=4
@ZKGPT_ is the new memecoin. at $4k Market Cap, Doxxed team_, locked liquidity. check my TL(}]
 ranking=6.688834013892057 from {coleman=0.45, numsent=1, flesch=1.22, cos=0.27, smog=1.08, ari=0.3, lix=0, time=0.54, numword=1, kincaid=0.3, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=15, rank=9, date=12
 ranking=5.269265043332616 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0.88, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.43, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=1.64, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1.34, numword=0, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=2, rank=10, date=6
They do. They are just liars
 ranking=3.8605499999999995 from {coleman=0.29, numsent=2, flesch=0.81, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.13, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=0, kincaid=-0.13, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=11, rank=11, date=11

 ranking=0.6584261358947217 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.87, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=7, rank=12, date=2

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=14, rank=13, date=1

 ranking=-2.6 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.4, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=3, rank=14, date=13
 ranking=-6.372183333333334 from {coleman=-0.2, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, caps=-3.0, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.57, lix=0, time=0.27, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=8, rank=15, date=14

@cdcgov tweeted on 02/17/23 09:42:05: Untreated cavities can cause pain and infections that may lead to problems with eating, speaking, playing, and learning. Learn how to protect your child’s teeth from cavities this National Children’s Dental Health Month: #NCDHM
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 23 of 21 (reached end) 109% 4% 52%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • Make dental care more affordable
    [original: #1, ranking: #18, date: #5] From @mister_j666 on 02/17/23 09:53:43
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • .@CDCgov Pediatric B12 Deficiency causes dental problems including cavities.
    [original: #12, ranking: #2, date: #3] From @awarenessb12 on 02/17/23 09:47:17
  • Yes. Good. Stick to cavities and dental health from now on. Stay out of pandemic management, you're I'll equipped in that area.
    [original: #22, ranking: #4, date: #21] From @martintruesda1e on 02/18/23 09:07:59
  • China's spy balloon incident over the United States prompts peaceful protests by our fellow fighters to wake up more Americans 中共在美国上空的间谍气球事件促使战友们的和平抗议唤醒更多的美国人民
    [original: #23, ranking: #5, date: #23] From @btit377 on 02/18/23 04:52:05
  • Required dental checks for school aged children instead of a covid vaccination would make more health sense.
    [original: #17, ranking: #7, date: #13] From @kentc37341846 on 02/17/23 10:43:36
Other hidden replies:
  • Minding your own business is good for your teeth as well!!!
    [original: #15, ranking: #8, date: #6] From @brian738232831 on 02/17/23 09:55:46
  • I'm sure your "solution" involves more poisons. What they need is vitamin D.
    [original: #16, ranking: #11, date: #22] From @kathyb_thoughts on 02/18/23 09:24:10
  • Next you will tell us that getting the Wuhan Flu vax prevents tooth decay?
    [original: #19, ranking: #13, date: #14] From @prounitedstates on 02/17/23 10:50:55
  • 27,000 views. 23 likes. I don’t think people like you anymore.
    [original: #13, ranking: #16, date: #12] From @safety3rdmoto on 02/17/23 10:30:02
  • Why are all your covid tweets restricted?
    [original: #14, ranking: #19, date: #20] From @tonyskutch on 02/17/23 05:33:09
  • Omg really. Did we all turn dumb
    [original: #18, ranking: #20, date: #16] From @marie13206 on 02/17/23 12:18:56
  • [original: #20, ranking: #22, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • [original: #21, ranking: #23, date: #15] From @dimitrisadie on 02/17/23 11:47:39
[tweet: 1626641052529487873, from: @mister_j666 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:53:43 (HIGH,,3,,90) Make dental care more affordable]
[tweet: 1626752683850833923, from: @deagolesme (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 05:17:18 (HIGH,,4,,43) I heard if we take the covid 19 booster, you won't get cavities. Is that true ?]
[tweet: 1626715271636582401, from: @scott_a_geer (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 02:48:38 (HIGH,0,,,24) CDC cannot be trusted.  Go to a trusted hygienist.]
[tweet: 1626639469930549249, from: @_chad_ellinger (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:47:25 (HIGH,,3,,112) Cavities can also cause a HUGE issue for anyone with cardiac problems.  With all these undiagnosed heart issues everyone might want to be a little more concerned with their teeth.]
[tweet: 1626648562359734272, from: @thechawel (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 10:23:33 (HIGH,0,,,45) Put more sugar in the foods Doesn’t that help strengthen teeth]
[tweet: 1626638853460094977, from: @gr8t76 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:44:58 (HIGH,,2,1,83) All we need is more fluoride in our water supply.]
[tweet: 1626643123504877577, from: @captbenlwillard (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 10:01:56 (HIGH,0,,,23) Sorry, but nothing can outrun the sugary stuff people drink.]
[tweet: 1626643541119369216, from: @johnstr36744142 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 10:03:36 (HIGH,0,,,49) THAT is what moms are for, CDC.  Or perhaps our public schools can teach our kids to take care of their teeth.]
[tweet: 1626642134936715264, from: @lady_ambersun (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:58:01 (HIGH,,,1,71) It costs over $700 for a simple extraction with a local in my state. Maybe more people would get dentalcare if it wasn't for the fact that they're being priced out of life in this country.]
[tweet: 1626642949256740864, from: @captbenlwillard (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 10:01:15 (HIGH,,,1,31) Whoa, wtf.  Which state???]
[tweet: 1626712410093662209, from: @drew505941932 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 02:37:16 (HIGH,0,,,17) How about we put fluoride in everyone's water?]
[tweet: 1626639433150697476, from: @awarenessb12 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:47:17 (LOW,1,2,,60) .@CDCgov Pediatric B12 Deficiency causes dental problems including cavities.]
[tweet: 1626650192496967680, from: @safety3rdmoto (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 10:30:02 (LOW,0,,,12) 27,000 views.  23 likes. I don’t think people like you anymore.]
[tweet: 1626756673657360393, from: @tonyskutch (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 05:33:09 (LOW,0,,,4) Why are all your covid tweets restricted?]
[tweet: 1626641569854984198, from: @brian738232831 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:55:46 (LOW,,2,,24) Minding your own business is good for your teeth as well!!!]
[tweet: 1626996004082819075, from: @kathyb_thoughts (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 09:24:10 (LOW,0,,,4) I'm sure your "solution" involves more poisons.  What they need is vitamin D.]
[tweet: 1626653608023363600, from: @kentc37341846 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 10:43:36 (LOW,0,,,8) Required dental checks for school aged children instead of a covid vaccination would make more health sense.]
[tweet: 1626677597483458570, from: @marie13206 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:18:56 (LOW,0,,,8) Omg really. Did we all turn dumb]
[tweet: 1626655448731422737, from: @prounitedstates (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 10:50:55 (LOW,,1,,8) Next you will tell us that getting the Wuhan Flu vax prevents tooth decay?]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (LOW,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626669724732907534, from: @dimitrisadie (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:47:39 (ABUSIVE,0,,,5) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626991933427187712, from: @martintruesda1e (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 09:07:59 (ABUSIVE,0,,,4) Yes.  Good.  Stick to cavities and dental health from now on.  Stay out of pandemic management,  you're I'll equipped in that area.]
[tweet: 1627108728209129472, from: @btit377 (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 04:52:05 (ABUSIVE,0,,,2) China's spy balloon incident over the United States prompts peaceful protests by our fellow fighters to wake up more Americans  中共在美国上空的间谍气球事件促使战友们的和平抗议唤醒更多的美国人民]


Cavities can also cause a HUGE issue for anyone with cardiac problems. 
With all these undiagnosed heart issues everyone might want to be a little more concerned with their teeth.
 ranking=15.926776130739267 from {coleman=0.66, cos=0.98, smog=0.98, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.32, pop=1.8, numsent=2, flesch=1.25, ari=0.46, lix=0.05, time=1.74, numword=3, fuzzy=1.8, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=4, rank=1, date=4
.@CDCgov Pediatric B12 Deficiency causes dental problems including cavities.
 ranking=15.39142712471701 from {coleman=1.39, cos=1.14, smog=1.08, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.7, pop=1.95, numsent=2, flesch=1.99, ari=0.77, lix=0.99, time=1.83, numword=0, fuzzy=0.1, fog=1.08}
 orders: orig=12, rank=2, date=3
It costs over $700 for a simple extraction with a local in my state. Maybe more people would get dentalcare if it wasn't for the fact that they're being priced out of life in this country.
 ranking=11.8177595747986 from {coleman=0.4, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.25, pop=1.61, numsent=2, flesch=1.1, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.48, numword=3, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=9, rank=3, date=7
Yes.  Good.  Stick to cavities and dental health from now on.  Stay out of pandemic management,  you're I'll equipped in that area.
 ranking=11.731541644946049 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0.93, smog=0.78, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.18, numsent=4, flesch=1.21, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.27, numword=2, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=22, rank=4, date=21
China's spy balloon incident over the United States prompts peaceful protests by our fellow fighters to wake up more Americans

 ranking=10.874982319789646 from {coleman=1.17, numsent=1, flesch=1.58, cos=0, smog=1.25, ari=1, lix=0.99, time=0.09, numword=2, kincaid=0.62, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.7}
 orders: orig=23, rank=5, date=23
THAT is what moms are for, CDC.  Or perhaps our public schools can teach our kids to take care of their teeth.
 ranking=9.881432608070387 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0.26, smog=0.3, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.08, numsent=2, flesch=0.97, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.22, numword=2, fuzzy=2, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=8, rank=6, date=10
Required dental checks for school aged children instead of a covid vaccination would make more health sense.
 ranking=9.542286276693185 from {coleman=0.79, cos=0.47, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1, flesch=1.35, ari=0.62, lix=0.06, time=0.96, numword=1, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=17, rank=7, date=13
Minding your own business is good for your teeth as well!!!
 ranking=8.694609731783917 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0.36, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.13, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.57, numword=1, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=15, rank=8, date=6
All we need is more fluoride in our water supply.
 ranking=8.537603055597089 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.13, pop=2.2, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=1.92, numword=1, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.2}
 orders: orig=6, rank=9, date=2
I heard if we take the covid 19 booster, you won't get cavities. Is that true ?
 ranking=8.513312909945467 from {pop=2.08, coleman=0.29, numsent=2, flesch=1.08, cos=0.57, smog=0.69, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.44, numword=1, kincaid=0.12, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=2, rank=10, date=19
I'm sure your "solution" involves more poisons.  What they need is vitamin D.
 ranking=7.434425103394863 from {coleman=0.61, numsent=2, flesch=1.34, cos=0, smog=0.98, ari=0.2, lix=0.06, time=0.18, numword=1, kincaid=0.28, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.62}
 orders: orig=16, rank=11, date=22
Sorry, but nothing can outrun the sugary stuff people drink.
 ranking=7.4152828260869565 from {coleman=0.66, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.19, numsent=1, flesch=1.14, ari=0.34, lix=0, time=1.31, numword=1, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.2}
 orders: orig=7, rank=12, date=9
Next you will tell us that getting the Wuhan Flu vax prevents tooth decay?
 ranking=7.408594540808393 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.21, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.11, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.87, numword=1, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=19, rank=13, date=14
Put more sugar in the foods
Doesn’t that help strengthen teeth
 ranking=6.902368414979786 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, cos=0.33, smog=0.3, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=1.14, numword=1, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=1, fog=0.2}
 orders: orig=5, rank=14, date=11
CDC cannot be trusted.  Go to a trusted hygienist.
 ranking=6.619134687277746 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=2, flesch=1.11, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.07, lix=0.05, time=0.53, numword=0, kincaid=0.1, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=3, rank=15, date=18
27,000 views.  23 likes. I don’t think people like you anymore.
 ranking=6.513247050035761 from {coleman=0.37, numsent=2, flesch=1.07, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=-0.01, lix=0, time=1.05, numword=1, kincaid=0.08, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=13, rank=16, date=12
How about we put fluoride in everyone's water?
 ranking=5.293302795031056 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.22, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.61, numword=0, kincaid=0.2, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=11, rank=17, date=17
Make dental care more affordable
 ranking=4.221125939776699 from {coleman=0.86, cos=0.4, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.27, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=1.34, ari=0.38, lix=0, time=1.66, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=1, rank=18, date=5
Why are all your covid tweets restricted?
 ranking=4.081576086956521 from {coleman=0.65, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.35, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=14, rank=19, date=20
Omg really. Did we all turn dumb
 ranking=4.076391459627329 from {coleman=0.27, numsent=2, flesch=0.82, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=0.7, numword=0, kincaid=-0.12, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=18, rank=20, date=16
Whoa, wtf.  Which state???
 ranking=2.029117260260186 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=1.61, numsent=2, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.4, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=10, rank=21, date=8

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=20, rank=22, date=1

 ranking=-2.217391304347826 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.79, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=21, rank=23, date=15

@cdcgov tweeted on 02/17/23 09:00:02: The latest MMWR Weekly Briefing is live. Topics include: global COVID-19 deaths, the lower risk of COVID-19–related deaths among people who got an updated COVID-19 vaccine, and more. Listen and subscribe:
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 27 of 30 (reached end) 90% 7% 51%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • [original: #3, ranking: #25, date: #16] From @michelletimeoff on 02/17/23 10:06:46
  • You should be thankful.
    [original: #7, ranking: #22, date: #21] From @tannemic on 02/17/23 11:44:01
  • you liers
    [original: #4, ranking: #20, date: #4] From @fedeperez19 on 02/17/23 09:01:40
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • Which is all complete bollocks! The vaccine is killing people, not the virus. Oh and by the way ITS NOT A VACCINE!
    [original: #22, ranking: #5, date: #3] From @b1g_baz on 02/17/23 09:01:35
  • The vaccines the spike protein is out of control in the body wreaking havoc on the immune systems. CDC why don't you tell the American people the truth about how toxin these vaccines are. Quit telling the big lie.
    [original: #19, ranking: #6, date: #26] From @linda31420001 on 02/18/23 11:28:58
  • Does it also include Vaccination deaths?! Or the fact that most of those COVID deaths you speak of were fully vaccinated people?
    [original: #18, ranking: #8, date: #18] From @hooliganwilder on 02/17/23 10:29:18
Other hidden replies:
  • #LiesandMisinformation
    [original: #25, ranking: #10, date: #14] From @theccornerstore on 02/17/23 09:43:09
  • How about addressing the harm done to chronic pain patients
    [original: #17, ranking: #11, date: #8] From @shannonwestove3 on 02/17/23 09:07:41
  • You've successfully brainwashed and killed all of these people...what say you?
    [original: #23, ranking: #12, date: #19] From @evil_bitsy on 02/17/23 10:33:34
  • Google " dr keith moran sudden death after covid shot" It is a recent German study.
    [original: #16, ranking: #14, date: #23] From @damoon19146196 on 02/17/23 12:54:27
  • @CDCgov are mass murderers and have bloody hands
    [original: #27, ranking: #15, date: #22] From @dimitrisadie on 02/17/23 11:49:52
  • What a bunch of bull shit
    [original: #20, ranking: #16, date: #25] From @happy_kampy on 02/17/23 07:45:49
  • You’re all liars
    [original: #21, ranking: #21, date: #5] From @bigboostback on 02/17/23 09:01:49
  • [original: #24, ranking: #23, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • [original: #26, ranking: #24, date: #13] From @glockgirl15 on 02/17/23 09:35:50
  • [original: #15, ranking: #26, date: #20] From @leecausey1420 on 02/17/23 11:16:24
  • #FtheCDC
    [original: #14, ranking: #27, date: #27] From @goldstein187 on 02/18/23 01:53:10
[tweet: 1626640216034541568, from: @ginnylounw (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:50:23 (HIGH,0,,,74) CDC must be more specific. People, seniors included, are refusing the Omicron-specific bivalent vaccine because they "already had the booster." CDC used "up to date" so long for monovalent boosters that they see nothing new in the "updated" campaign. Total communication failure.]
[tweet: 1626628851395690496, from: @dispatchtvdoug (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:05:14 (HIGH,,4,,78) What about this?]
[tweet: 1626644338754174997, from: @michelletimeoff (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 10:06:46 (HIGH,0,,,46) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626627953286053894, from: @fedeperez19 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:01:40 (HIGH,,2,,60) you liers]
[tweet: 1626644977882173449, from: @michelletimeoff (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 10:09:18 (HIGH,0,,,38) To the Center for Willful Negligence! Stop lying!…]
[tweet: 1626628853442412566, from: @dryamontillado (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:05:14 (HIGH,,,1,82) Why is my three year old prohibited from getting the updated booster]
[tweet: 1626668811754635264, from: @tannemic (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:44:01 (HIGH,,1,,11) You should be thankful.]
[tweet: 1626692446913548292, from: @corywright706 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:17:56 (HIGH,0,,,15) What about the vaccine deaths?]
[tweet: 1626629823714951173, from: @dispatchtvdoug (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:09:05 (HIGH,,5,,65) You people are influencing parents to vaccinate their children that when healthy have ZERO risk while preventing their immune systems to LEARN naturally to defend itself from what is coming in the future. SHAME]
[tweet: 1626632644107567126, from: @earthgodess48 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:20:18 (HIGH,,1,,45) Stop pushing this vaxx. Many people know the truth. While I am at it. I wrote to the CDC about Chronic Pain Patients who have committed suicide due to these ridiculous laws about prescription opioids. I would guess a million Americans have taken their lives  due to untreated pain]
[tweet: 1626627757789827073, from: @vancemurphy (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:00:53 (HIGH,1,7,3,106) I can’t get a booster because I never got the first 4 shots that didn’t work.]
[tweet: 1626631514719911946, from: @earthgodess48 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:15:49 (HIGH,,1,,26) You're lucky. Maybe it would be a good idea for you to research the vax. I'm immuno-compromised. When  Covid19 first emerged, I immediately started researching medical journals, scientific studies, and who owns patents.]
[tweet: 1626630197348020225, from: @corruptbidens (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:10:35 (HIGH,,3,,57) Not a vaccine.]
[tweet: 1627063703035318283, from: @goldstein187 (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 01:53:10 (LOW,0,,,3) #FtheCDC]
[tweet: 1626661861444780034, from: @leecausey1420 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:16:24 (LOW,0,,,20) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626686535193198592, from: @damoon19146196 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:54:27 (LOW,0,,,21) Google " dr keith moran sudden death after covid shot" It is a recent German study.]
[tweet: 1626629469183016978, from: @shannonwestove3 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:07:41 (LOW,0,,,33) How about addressing the harm done to chronic pain patients]
[tweet: 1626650008761286656, from: @hooliganwilder (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 10:29:18 (LOW,0,,,22) Does it also include Vaccination deaths?!  Or the fact that most of those COVID deaths you speak of were fully vaccinated people?]
[tweet: 1627027413841625088, from: @linda31420001 (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 11:28:58 (LOW,0,,,4) The vaccines the spike protein is out of control in the body wreaking havoc on the immune systems. CDC why don't you tell the American people the truth about how toxin these vaccines are. Quit telling the big lie.]
[tweet: 1626790061839876096, from: @happy_kampy (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:45:49 (LOW,0,,,7) What a bunch of bull shit]
[tweet: 1626627993584926742, from: @bigboostback (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:01:49 (LOW,,2,,36) You’re all liars]
[tweet: 1626627934378250240, from: @b1g_baz (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:01:35 (LOW,,2,,35) Which is all complete bollocks! The vaccine is killing people, not the virus. Oh and by the way ITS NOT A VACCINE!]
[tweet: 1626651081341079563, from: @evil_bitsy (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 10:33:34 (LOW,0,,,19) You've successfully brainwashed and killed all of these people...what say you?]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (LOW,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626638396859813889, from: @theccornerstore (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:43:09 (ABUSIVE,0,,,16) #LiesandMisinformation]
[tweet: 1626636552410640384, from: @glockgirl15 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:35:50 (ABUSIVE,,1,,24) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626670284995452955, from: @dimitrisadie (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:49:52 (ABUSIVE,0,,,14) @CDCgov are mass murderers and have bloody hands]


You're lucky. Maybe it would be a good idea for you to research the vax. I'm immuno-compromised. When  Covid19 first emerged, I immediately started researching medical journals, scientific studies, and who owns patents.
 ranking=16.396085383382566 from {coleman=0.71, cos=0.5, smog=0.85, jac=0.47, kincaid=0.26, pop=0.7, numsent=4, flesch=1.28, ari=0.31, lix=0.08, time=1.26, numword=3, fuzzy=2.6, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=12, rank=1, date=11
Stop pushing this vaxx. Many people know the truth. While I am at it. I wrote to the CDC about Chronic Pain Patients who have committed suicide due to these ridiculous laws about prescription opioids. I would guess a million Americans have taken their lives  due to untreated pain
 ranking=15.758710937419533 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0.13, smog=0.73, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.25, pop=0.7, numsent=5, flesch=1.23, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.19, numword=4, fuzzy=1, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=10, rank=2, date=12
You people are influencing parents to vaccinate their children that when healthy have ZERO risk while preventing their immune systems to LEARN naturally to defend itself from what is coming in the future. SHAME
 ranking=15.148354054902871 from {coleman=0.74, cos=0.35, smog=1.08, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.42, pop=2.31, numsent=2, flesch=1.35, ari=0.58, lix=0.06, time=1.41, numword=3, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=9, rank=3, date=9
CDC must be more specific. People, seniors included, are refusing the Omicron-specific bivalent vaccine because they "already had the booster."
CDC used "up to date" so long for monovalent boosters that they see nothing new in the "updated" campaign. Total communication failure.
 ranking=14.83858614595711 from {coleman=0.72, cos=0.41, smog=0.92, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.38, numsent=4, flesch=1.4, ari=0.4, lix=0.09, time=0.97, numword=4, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=1, rank=4, date=15
Which is all complete bollocks! The vaccine is killing people, not the virus. Oh and by the way ITS NOT A VACCINE!
 ranking=12.417772797775552 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0.65, smog=0.3, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.12, pop=1.39, numsent=3, flesch=1.09, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.86, numword=2, fuzzy=1, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=22, rank=5, date=3
The vaccines the spike protein is out of control in the body wreaking havoc on the immune systems.
CDC why don't you tell the American people the truth about how toxin these vaccines are. Quit telling the big lie.
 ranking=11.417980288533478 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0.16, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.31, numsent=3, flesch=1.27, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.15, numword=3, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=19, rank=6, date=26
I can’t get a booster because I never got the first 4 shots that didn’t work.
 ranking=10.935510236332219 from {coleman=0.27, cos=0.28, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.21, pop=3.47, numsent=1, flesch=1.11, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.93, numword=1, fuzzy=1, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=11, rank=7, date=2
Does it also include Vaccination deaths?!  Or the fact that most of those COVID deaths you speak of were fully vaccinated people? 
 ranking=10.375956635392212 from {coleman=0.61, numsent=2, flesch=1.16, cos=1.2, smog=0.85, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=0.75, numword=2, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=18, rank=8, date=18
Why is my three year old prohibited from getting the updated booster
 ranking=10.269191218815674 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0.28, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.3, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=1.26, ari=0.35, lix=0.08, time=1.56, numword=1, fuzzy=1, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=6, rank=9, date=7
 ranking=8.505634594542203 from {coleman=2.31, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=1.33, numsent=1, flesch=2.92, ari=1.46, lix=0.99, time=1.04, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=25, rank=10, date=14
How about addressing the harm done to chronic pain patients
 ranking=8.330339038986647 from {coleman=0.69, numsent=1, flesch=1.31, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.36, lix=0.06, time=1.49, numword=1, kincaid=0.31, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=17, rank=11, date=8
You've successfully brainwashed and killed all of these people...what say you?
 ranking=8.040428113060722 from {coleman=0.79, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.19, numsent=1, flesch=1.16, ari=0.41, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=1, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=23, rank=12, date=19
To the Center for Willful Negligence! Stop lying!…
 ranking=7.445325649435556 from {coleman=0.69, numsent=2, flesch=1.25, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.82, numword=0, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=5, rank=13, date=17
Google " dr keith moran sudden death after covid shot"
It is a recent German study.
 ranking=7.417827037037036 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.34, numsent=1, flesch=1.27, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=0.38, numword=1, fuzzy=1.65, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=16, rank=14, date=23
@CDCgov are mass murderers and have bloody hands
 ranking=5.611631287663896 from {coleman=0.65, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.45, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=27, rank=15, date=22
What a bunch of bull shit
 ranking=3.263413888888889 from {coleman=0.2, numsent=1, flesch=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=-0.13, lix=0, time=0.23, numword=0, kincaid=-0.07, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=20, rank=16, date=25
What about the vaccine deaths?
 ranking=3.2445678202985824 from {coleman=0.69, cos=1.53, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.3, numword=0, fuzzy=2.8, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=8, rank=17, date=24
Not a vaccine.
 ranking=2.4660640106684877 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0.72, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.07, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=-0.13, lix=0.05, time=1.34, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=13, rank=18, date=10
What about this?
 ranking=1.734954504642798 from {pop=2.08, coleman=0.49, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.63, numword=0, kincaid=0.07, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=2, rank=19, date=6
you liers
 ranking=0.9599471388976679 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=1.78, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=4, rank=20, date=4
You’re all liars
 ranking=0.885873064823594 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=1.71, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=21, rank=21, date=5
You should be thankful.
 ranking=0.11337819907846369 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.04, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.03, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.52, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=7, rank=22, date=21

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=24, rank=23, date=1

 ranking=-1.1957417083289434 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.12, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=26, rank=24, date=13

 ranking=-2.111111111111111 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.89, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=3, rank=25, date=16

 ranking=-2.4074074074074074 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.6, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=15, rank=26, date=20
 ranking=-2.495050925925926 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.19, lix=0, time=0.08, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=14, rank=27, date=27

@cdcgov tweeted on 02/16/23 01:30:08: #DYK? Antimicrobial resistance does NOT mean our body is resistant to antibiotics or antifungals. Fight back with healthy habits to protect yourself from germs and infections in the first place:
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 17 of 19 (reached end) 89% 5% 58%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • This is due to overuse and it not being removed from our drinking water.
    [original: #2, ranking: #12, date: #16] From @hsproule79 on 02/17/23 07:16:01
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • Healthy habits like not taking an experimental gene therapy that is useless beyond making your buddies at big pharma rich? #DYK we know you are murderers. #PfizerLiedPeopleDied
    [original: #11, ranking: #3, date: #17] From @pfizocarditice on 02/17/23 07:56:07
  • Dr. John Campbell Reviews Florida’s Health Alert on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines “Why aren’t the other states producing data like this? Is Florida the only one that can count? It would appear so…” @FLSurgeonGen @HealthyFla @GovRonDeSantis
    [original: #14, ranking: #4, date: #15] From @mfmclane on 02/17/23 05:26:33
Other hidden replies:
  •… Amazingly stupid citizens Americans are! #Fauci #Daszak #Baric
    [original: #17, ranking: #6, date: #12] From @martin19850306 on 02/16/23 09:41:25
  • Redefining terms again are we? Why do we never learn from history?
    [original: #10, ranking: #8, date: #6] From @toneron2 on 02/16/23 03:38:39
  • Best way to protect yourself is to not get your advice from the CDC.
    [original: #12, ranking: #9, date: #5] From @darktolight610 on 02/16/23 03:03:33
  • Got any good ideas to clean this mess???
    [original: #9, ranking: #13, date: #13] From @wondermondo5 on 02/16/23 11:01:10
  • [original: #15, ranking: #14, date: #11] From @glockgirl15 on 02/16/23 08:35:40
  • [original: #13, ranking: #15, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • [original: #8, ranking: #16, date: #9] From @itchibut on 02/16/23 07:18:36
  • [original: #16, ranking: #17, date: #10] From @glockgirl15 on 02/16/23 08:25:20
[tweet: 1626371680288505856, from: @dstrzalka_diana (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 04:03:19 (HIGH,,1,,74) You know the toxic vinyl chloride gas that was released in the train derailment in Ohio last week?  That same toxic vinyl chloride gas is used by tobacco companies in cigarettes!  Why?]
[tweet: 1626601367581360128, from: @hsproule79 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:16:01 (HIGH,0,,,34) This is due to overuse and it not being removed from our drinking water.]
[tweet: 1626344246256058369, from: @tongaclan (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 02:14:18 (HIGH,0,,,63) Shouldn't have pushed an experimental virus preventative treatment that actually lowered immune response.]
[tweet: 1626351322533617665, from: @snt_1967 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 02:42:26 (HIGH,,,1,65) Ironic...]
[tweet: 1626535327140642816, from: @delaware_smp (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 02:53:36 (HIGH,,,1,28) @CDCgov how does it feel to know you sold out and most people no longer trust you?]
[tweet: 1626339866639314944, from: @farmer29212 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:56:54 (HIGH,,1,1,60) Anyone can tell me where to find big pharma’s donation to CDC?]
[tweet: 1626400568078893056, from: @steveyfeamer (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 05:58:07 (HIGH,,,1,73) I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but why did the CDC update their profile for vinyl chloride 11 DAYS before the train crash in Ohio?      Did we do this ???????]
[tweet: 1626420824780509184, from: @itchibut (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 07:18:36 (LOW,0,,,7) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626476833746128896, from: @wondermondo5 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 11:01:10 (LOW,0,,,9) Got any good ideas to clean this mess???]
[tweet: 1626365469723865088, from: @toneron2 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:38:39 (LOW,0,,,12) Redefining terms again are we? Why do we never learn from history?]
[tweet: 1626611457436549120, from: @pfizocarditice (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:56:07 (LOW,0,,,11) Healthy habits like not taking an experimental gene therapy that is useless beyond making your buddies at big pharma rich? #DYK we know you are murderers. #PfizerLiedPeopleDied]
[tweet: 1626356636859219969, from: @darktolight610 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:03:33 (LOW,,,1,13) Best way to protect yourself is to not get your advice from the CDC.]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (LOW,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626573817572364290, from: @mfmclane (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 05:26:33 (ABUSIVE,0,,,7) Dr. John Campbell Reviews Florida’s Health Alert on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines  “Why aren’t the other states producing data like this? Is Florida the only one that can count? It would appear so…”  @FLSurgeonGen @HealthyFla @GovRonDeSantis]
[tweet: 1626440220093857793, from: @glockgirl15 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 08:35:40 (ABUSIVE,1,1,,29) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626437617444339712, from: @glockgirl15 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 08:25:20 (ABUSIVE,0,,,13) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626456765213851648, from: @martin19850306 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 09:41:25 (ABUSIVE,,1,,9)… Amazingly stupid citizens Americans are!  #Fauci #Daszak #Baric]


You know the toxic vinyl chloride gas that was released in the train derailment in Ohio last week? 
That same toxic vinyl chloride gas is used by tobacco companies in cigarettes! 
 ranking=12.684764989290603 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.3, pop=0.7, numsent=3, flesch=1.29, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=1.3, numword=3, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=7
Shouldn't have pushed an experimental virus preventative treatment that actually lowered immune response.
 ranking=12.406573384927757 from {coleman=1.25, numsent=1, flesch=1.82, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.86, lix=0.99, time=1.77, numword=1, kincaid=0.69, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=3
Healthy habits like not taking an experimental gene therapy that is useless beyond making your buddies at big pharma rich? #DYK we know you are murderers. #PfizerLiedPeopleDied
 ranking=11.663078631825318 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0.64, smog=0.85, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.29, numsent=3, flesch=1.28, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=0.12, numword=3, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=11, rank=3, date=17
Dr. John Campbell Reviews Florida’s Health Alert on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

“Why aren’t the other states producing data like this? Is Florida the only one that can count? It would appear so…”

@FLSurgeonGen @HealthyFla @GovRonDeSantis
 ranking=11.391888680016523 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.23, numsent=3, flesch=1.2, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.36, numword=3, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=14, rank=4, date=15
Anyone can tell me where to find big pharma’s donation to CDC?
 ranking=10.370862920464223 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.45, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=1.13, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.89, numword=1, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=6, rank=5, date=2…
Amazingly stupid citizens Americans are!

 ranking=10.11881242675106 from {coleman=1.09, cos=0, smog=0.98, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.63, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.88, ari=0.53, lix=0.07, time=0.71, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.84}
 orders: orig=17, rank=6, date=12
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but why did the CDC update their profile for vinyl chloride 11 DAYS before the train crash in Ohio?      Did we do this ???????
 ranking=9.925324427882728 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0.45, numsent=2, flesch=1.17, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.18, numword=2, kincaid=0.25, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=7, rank=7, date=8
Redefining terms again are we? Why do we never learn from history?
 ranking=8.299088040503095 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=2, flesch=1.27, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.42, numword=1, kincaid=0.23, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=10, rank=8, date=6
Best way to protect yourself is to not get your advice from the CDC.
 ranking=8.158647980044938 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0.4, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.21, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=1.11, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.53, numword=1, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=12, rank=9, date=5
 ranking=7.7573692934686775 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=1.02, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=2.48, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1.65, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=2.03}
 orders: orig=4, rank=10, date=4
@CDCgov how does it feel to know you sold out and most people no longer trust you?
 ranking=6.812066772728218 from {coleman=0.28, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.16, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=1, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.48, numword=1, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=5, rank=11, date=14
This is due to overuse and it not being removed from our drinking water.
 ranking=6.1561845322950814 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=1, flesch=1.23, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.26, lix=0.05, time=0.24, numword=1, kincaid=0.3, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=2, rank=12, date=16
Got any good ideas to clean this mess???
 ranking=3.979066544117647 from {coleman=0.32, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=0.59, numword=0, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=9, rank=13, date=13

 ranking=-0.5670326758011939 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.83, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=15, rank=14, date=11

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=13, rank=15, date=1

 ranking=-1.9411764705882353 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.06, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=8, rank=16, date=9

 ranking=-2.0588235294117645 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.95, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=16, rank=17, date=10

@cdcgov tweeted on 02/16/23 01:01:18: Vaccination is an effective measure to help protect children from COVID-19. Children should stay up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccines, including completing the primary series and receiving an updated vaccine for those who are eligible.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 51 of 68 (reached end) 75% 1% 58%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • No, it isn’t.
    [original: #2, ranking: #51, date: #50] From @feefyou on 02/17/23 02:05:48
  • [original: #13, ranking: #49, date: #45] From @dancingaprildog on 02/17/23 04:34:47
  • [original: #10, ranking: #48, date: #41] From @dougw119 on 02/17/23 12:52:18
  • [original: #7, ranking: #40, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • [original: #9, ranking: #36, date: #13] From @thatguyruggs on 02/16/23 01:15:19
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • Problem is it was a manmade virus funded by Fauci China and US government where big pharma colluded with politicians and the mainstream media to convince you to take a useless experimental injection that’s causing life threatening injuries including blood clots and myocarditis.
    [original: #35, ranking: #2, date: #10] From @christi45241482 on 02/16/23 01:07:29
  • This lab engineered virus is spreading because of mass vaccination. Vaccination is causing the rapid mutation and highly dangerous variants to be released from inoculation. Vaccine isn’t stopping transmission, infection, hospitalization and death. Vaccines aren’t working.
    [original: #36, ranking: #3, date: #11] From @christi45241482 on 02/16/23 01:09:57
  • No thank you. Get out of here with your lies. Most children are healthy and we certainly don't want to make them worse or to not be able to have their own kids when they are older. Give it a rest. You aren't saving any lives. You are sponsored by @pfizer.
    [original: #45, ranking: #4, date: #31] From @aupatriot2001 on 02/16/23 06:58:28
  • STOP PUSHING THIS BIOWEAPON ON THE CHILDREN YOU SICK PSYCHOPATHS! What you’re spreading is MISINFORMATION! We the people live in the real world and see what’s happening!! And you will ALL be held accountable! I’m praying for you all You need to get right with God
    [original: #37, ranking: #5, date: #16] From @rocket_818 on 02/16/23 01:33:43
  • We need to start the lawsuits against them. Maybe just maybe they will stop promoting this depopulation drug where no one will be able to have children. You watch. On top of that the damn poison hasn't been tested properly. @pfizer paid @US_FDA and CDC to lie. No regard for life.
    [original: #50, ranking: #6, date: #32] From @aupatriot2001 on 02/16/23 07:05:14
  • You know the toxic vinyl chloride gas that was released in the train derailment in Ohio last week? That same toxic vinyl chloride gas is used by tobacco companies in cigarettes! Why?
    [original: #46, ranking: #7, date: #26] From @dstrzalka_diana on 02/16/23 04:03:32
  • Are you pushing to end young children’s lives with a vaccine that has been shown to cause harm & death. Enough already with this. Natural immunity is the best treatment.
    [original: #25, ranking: #8, date: #14] From @mikemars23 on 02/16/23 01:17:19
  • Funny, you all say you still track this, but you all never reset the numbers at the beginning of the year like every other catagory. Instead you just keep adding the numbers to make it look worse and worse. Fear, fear and more fear.
    [original: #44, ranking: #12, date: #25] From @elconqu17574749 on 02/16/23 03:47:49
  • 20,000 people have died already in 2023 because you refuse to educate people about the effectiveness of n95s and kn95s, HEPA filtration, and ventilation. vaccines alone will not end this pandemic
    [original: #43, ranking: #13, date: #39] From @rnussbaum11 on 02/17/23 12:00:37
  • False and lies. Unattainable data. Misinformation kings! Stop lying and fess up to giving the death shot to half the country
    [original: #41, ranking: #14, date: #37] From @hooliganwilder on 02/16/23 10:21:37
  • BREAKING —Japanese Doctors And Researchers To File Massive Lawsuit Against Government For “Covering Up” COVID-19 Vaccine Harms
    [original: #48, ranking: #16, date: #46] From @mfmclane on 02/17/23 05:31:28
  • Actually, studies show that multiple boosted individuals of all age groups are more likely to contract the virus.
    [original: #33, ranking: #17, date: #18] From @wolverinesjp on 02/16/23 01:57:57
Other hidden replies:
  • Why did the CDC create diagnosis codes for unvax’d? Why are you tracking unvax’d? This is invasion of privacy and Big Brother behavior.
    [original: #42, ranking: #18, date: #36] From @redcardinal2088 on 02/16/23 07:47:19
  • Other countries are banning this junk, you continue to push the poison. Praying for the day you’re all in prison for mass murder.
    [original: #49, ranking: #19, date: #21] From @floridamom24 on 02/16/23 03:11:00
  • Do your research no child needs to get the covid shot and truthfully neither does anyone lets only about the money!… Dont be a sheeple
    [original: #51, ranking: #21, date: #8] From @mrziggster on 02/16/23 01:04:11
  • Plus children don't get Covid and certainly do not die from it unless they have comorbitities/already unhealthy.
    [original: #26, ranking: #24, date: #33] From @aupatriot2001 on 02/16/23 07:06:24
  • This is a MASSIVE lie. There are multiple world wide peer reviewed Governmental studies that you are full of
    [original: #39, ranking: #26, date: #27] From @adrianthurlwell on 02/16/23 05:19:24
  • In other news, CDC replaces Babylon Bee as the number one parody site on Twitter.
    [original: #32, ranking: #28, date: #49] From @rawlinsongerry on 02/17/23 11:50:07
  • You are absolute scumbags
    [original: #38, ranking: #31, date: #29] From @spikeprotien on 02/16/23 06:04:39
  • [original: #40, ranking: #37, date: #5] From @getgegthgr on 02/16/23 01:03:04
  • Don’t do it….
    [original: #31, ranking: #38, date: #6] From @vitt1776 on 02/16/23 01:03:14
  • [original: #24, ranking: #39, date: #12] From @hla_glammy on 02/16/23 01:13:04
  • [original: #28, ranking: #41, date: #22] From @jamesev59690026 on 02/16/23 03:14:57
  • [original: #29, ranking: #42, date: #23] From @jamesev59690026 on 02/16/23 03:15:16
  • [original: #34, ranking: #43, date: #19] From @wolverinesjp on 02/16/23 02:00:32
  • [original: #30, ranking: #44, date: #24] From @jamesev59690026 on 02/16/23 03:15:47
  • [original: #22, ranking: #45, date: #48] From @mammabe63876879 on 02/17/23 06:56:31
  • [original: #47, ranking: #46, date: #34] From @aupatriot2001 on 02/16/23 07:07:41
  • [original: #27, ranking: #47, date: #38] From @born6born on 02/16/23 11:34:40
  • No
    [original: #23, ranking: #50, date: #47] From @kellyho02428773 on 02/17/23 06:42:49
[tweet: 1626325874109829121, from: @cdcgov (VERIFIED) on 02/16/23 01:01:18 (HIGH,0,0,0,0) Vaccination is an effective measure to help protect children from COVID-19. Children should stay up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccines, including completing the primary series and receiving an updated vaccine for those who are eligible.]
[tweet: 1626704491113324546, from: @feefyou (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 02:05:48 (HIGH,0,,,12) No, it isn’t.]
[tweet: 1626326137696620545, from: @ctecowboy5 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:02:21 (HIGH,,2,1,185) False]
[tweet: 1627057607818240001, from: @karenstrine3 (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 01:28:57 (HIGH,0,,,6) So does improving ventilation in schools.]
[tweet: 1626326495403679744, from: @fireflash217 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:03:46 (HIGH,,8,,197) We still doing this?]
[tweet: 1626424084199354368, from: @notkitsnicket (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 07:31:33 (HIGH,,1,,108) How and where can I get Novavax?]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (HIGH,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626509266013003783, from: @anniegisele (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:10:02 (HIGH,0,,,10) It is so sad that so many people were manipulated…]
[tweet: 1626329399690665984, from: @thatguyruggs (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:15:19 (HIGH,,3,,163) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626504802203992066, from: @dougw119 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:52:18 (HIGH,0,,,28) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626330264702971905, from: @apuchine (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:18:45 (HIGH,,,1,158) For seniors who had our bivalent booster in September 2022, should we be getting another booster?  Also Medicare should continue to pay for 8 tests after May.]
[tweet: 1626339562845835264, from: @realdavegray77 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:55:42 (HIGH,,1,,28) Please be careful with the new boosters. UK NHS just banned them and many countries around the world won’t use.]
[tweet: 1626560791750098944, from: @dancingaprildog (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:34:47 (HIGH,0,,,37) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626405116306681857, from: @spikeprotien (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 06:16:11 (HIGH,1,1,,111) Dr. Jimmy Yam @JimmyJoeYam Odds of your child getting myocarditis:  before Covid vaccine: 1 in 250,000  after Covid vaccine:     1 in 40  The five year myocarditis survival rate is 50%.  (Dr. McCullough has coauthored over 600 papers and has been cited over 36,000 times).]
[tweet: 1626326764447211521, from: @suevetrin (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:04:50 (HIGH,,3,,138) Scam…]
[tweet: 1626508470634573830, from: @anniegisele (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:06:53 (HIGH,,,1,46) Vous devriez un peu lire ce qui se dit actuellement sur la vaccination  aux États Unis et sa remise en cause…]
[tweet: 1626531665970331648, from: @mauricemartin01 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 02:39:03 (HIGH,0,,,9) Vous racontez surtout n’importe quoi]
[tweet: 1626343501461094400, from: @raidergary (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 02:11:21 (HIGH,,3,,86) Young healthy people don’t need it. If they get COVID it’s nothing. Hell I’m 62 with diabetes had it in November & it was nothing. No way in hell I’m getting boosters.]
[tweet: 1626492430726967296, from: @rnussbaum11 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:03:08 (HIGH,0,,,13) patently false. 23 million americans have long covid, myself included………]
[tweet: 1626326161381904384, from: @scottbotto (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:02:27 (HIGH,,11,1,198) How much money does the CDC get from the children jabs?  what's up with all the myocarditis?]
[tweet: 1626393056105594883, from: @dryamontillado (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 05:28:16 (HIGH,,1,1,88) Why is my three year old prohibited from getting the bivalent booster?]
[tweet: 1626596460992290816, from: @mammabe63876879 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 06:56:31 (LOW,,1,,8) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626593010531340295, from: @kellyho02428773 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 06:42:49 (LOW,0,,,3) No]
[tweet: 1626328832956600321, from: @hla_glammy (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:13:04 (LOW,,1,,61) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626329902822707201, from: @mikemars23 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:17:19 (LOW,,2,1,38) Are you pushing to end young children’s lives with a vaccine that has been shown to cause harm & death. Enough already with this. Natural immunity is the best treatment.]
[tweet: 1626417751664259072, from: @aupatriot2001 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 07:06:24 (LOW,,1,,7) Plus children don't get Covid and certainly do not die from it unless they have comorbitities/already unhealthy.]
[tweet: 1626485266260328448, from: @born6born (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 11:34:40 (LOW,0,,,6) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626359509257187332, from: @jamesev59690026 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:14:57 (LOW,,1,,7) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626359588131053570, from: @jamesev59690026 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:15:16 (LOW,,1,,7) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626359715130392576, from: @jamesev59690026 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:15:47 (LOW,0,,,7) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626326358409330690, from: @vitt1776 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:03:14 (LOW,,2,,57) Don’t do it….]
[tweet: 1626670348514254848, from: @rawlinsongerry (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:50:07 (LOW,0,,,7) In other news, CDC replaces Babylon Bee as the number one parody site on Twitter.]
[tweet: 1626340130708418560, from: @wolverinesjp (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:57:57 (LOW,,2,1,24) Actually, studies show that multiple boosted individuals of all age groups are more likely to contract the virus.]
[tweet: 1626340777918865408, from: @wolverinesjp (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 02:00:32 (LOW,0,,,4) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626327430234517504, from: @christi45241482 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:07:29 (LOW,,3,1,59) Problem is it was a manmade virus funded by Fauci China and US government where big pharma colluded with politicians and the mainstream media to convince you to take a useless experimental injection that’s causing life threatening injuries including blood clots and myocarditis.]
[tweet: 1626328051293503488, from: @christi45241482 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:09:57 (LOW,,1,,20) This lab engineered virus is spreading because of mass vaccination. Vaccination is causing the rapid mutation and highly dangerous variants to be released from inoculation. Vaccine isn’t stopping transmission, infection, hospitalization and death. Vaccines aren’t working.]
[tweet: 1626334031481802752, from: @rocket_818 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:33:43 (LOW,,2,,26) STOP PUSHING THIS BIOWEAPON ON  THE CHILDREN YOU SICK PSYCHOPATHS! What you’re spreading is MISINFORMATION! We the people live in the real world and see what’s happening!! And you will ALL be held accountable! I’m praying for you all You need to get right with God]
[tweet: 1626402212225097728, from: @spikeprotien (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 06:04:39 (LOW,,1,,15) You are absolute scumbags]
[tweet: 1626390824438181888, from: @adrianthurlwell (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 05:19:24 (LOW,,1,,14) This is a MASSIVE lie. There are multiple world wide peer reviewed Governmental studies that you are full of]
[tweet: 1626326318353874944, from: @getgegthgr (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:03:04 (LOW,,1,,65) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626466883041103872, from: @hooliganwilder (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 10:21:37 (LOW,0,,,6) False and lies. Unattainable data. Misinformation kings!  Stop lying and fess up to giving the death shot to half the country]
[tweet: 1626428048848441346, from: @redcardinal2088 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 07:47:19 (LOW,,1,,15) Why did the CDC create diagnosis codes for unvax’d? Why are you tracking unvax’d? This is invasion of privacy and Big Brother behavior.]
[tweet: 1626491795587624960, from: @rnussbaum11 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:00:37 (LOW,0,,,15) 20,000 people have died already in 2023 because you refuse to educate people about the effectiveness of n95s and kn95s, HEPA filtration, and ventilation. vaccines alone will not end this pandemic]
[tweet: 1626367777316413443, from: @elconqu17574749 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:47:49 (LOW,,1,,10) Funny, you all say you still track this, but you all never reset the numbers at the beginning of the year like every other catagory. Instead you just keep adding the numbers to make it look worse and worse. Fear, fear and more fear.]
[tweet: 1626415755569799169, from: @aupatriot2001 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 06:58:28 (LOW,,1,,14) No thank you. Get out of here with your lies. Most children are healthy and we certainly don't want to make them worse or to not be able to have their own kids when they are older. Give it a rest. You aren't saving any lives. You are sponsored by @pfizer.]
[tweet: 1626371735238094850, from: @dstrzalka_diana (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 04:03:32 (ABUSIVE,,,1,43) You know the toxic vinyl chloride gas that was released in the train derailment in Ohio last week?  That same toxic vinyl chloride gas is used by tobacco companies in cigarettes!  Why?]
[tweet: 1626418076941008896, from: @aupatriot2001 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 07:07:41 (ABUSIVE,0,,,undefined) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626575054724272131, from: @mfmclane (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 05:31:28 (ABUSIVE,0,,,3) BREAKING —Japanese Doctors And Researchers To File Massive Lawsuit Against Government For “Covering Up” COVID-19 Vaccine Harms]
[tweet: 1626358512971292676, from: @floridamom24 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:11:00 (ABUSIVE,,2,1,23) Other countries are banning this junk, you continue to push the poison. Praying for the day you’re all in prison for mass murder.]
[tweet: 1626417460248281096, from: @aupatriot2001 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 07:05:14 (ABUSIVE,0,,,3) We need to start the lawsuits against them. Maybe just maybe they will stop promoting this depopulation drug where no one will be able to have children. You watch. On top of that the damn poison hasn't been tested properly. @pfizer paid @US_FDA and CDC to lie. No regard for life.]
[tweet: 1626326599590109185, from: @mrziggster (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:04:11 (ABUSIVE,,1,,30) Do your research no child needs to get the covid shot and truthfully neither does anyone lets only about the money!… Dont be a sheeple]


Vaccination is an effective measure to help protect children from COVID-19. Children should stay up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccines, including completing the primary series and receiving an updated vaccine for those who are eligible.
 ranking=41.43015589932406 from {coleman=0.86, smog=1.4, jac=0.5, kincaid=0.58, jrw=0.5, numsent=2, flesch=1.58, ari=0.67, lix=0.99, time=1.97, numword=3, fuzzy=26.6, fog=0.82}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=2
Problem is it was a manmade virus funded by Fauci China and US government where big pharma colluded with politicians and the mainstream media to convince you to take a useless experimental injection that’s causing life threatening injuries including blood clots and myocarditis.
 ranking=19.3118182483824 from {coleman=0.82, cos=0.16, smog=1.95, jac=0.41, kincaid=1.04, pop=2.4, numsent=1, flesch=1.79, ari=1.27, lix=0.99, time=1.65, numword=4, fuzzy=0.6, fog=1.27}
 orders: orig=35, rank=2, date=10
This lab engineered virus is spreading because of mass vaccination. Vaccination is causing the rapid mutation and highly dangerous variants to be released from inoculation. Vaccine isn’t stopping transmission, infection, hospitalization and death. Vaccines aren’t working.
 ranking=18.94352601571693 from {coleman=1.12, cos=0.65, smog=1.17, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.62, pop=0.7, numsent=4, flesch=1.79, ari=0.67, lix=0.99, time=1.61, numword=3, fuzzy=1.5, fog=0.76}
 orders: orig=36, rank=3, date=11
No thank you. Get out of here with your lies. Most children are healthy and we certainly don't want to make them worse or to not be able to have their own kids when they are older. Give it a rest. You aren't saving any lives. You are sponsored by @pfizer.
 ranking=17.08660650904945 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0.39, smog=0.3, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.05, pop=0.7, numsent=6, flesch=0.97, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=0.83, numword=5, fuzzy=2, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=45, rank=4, date=31
STOP PUSHING THIS BIOWEAPON ON  THE CHILDREN YOU SICK PSYCHOPATHS! What you’re spreading is MISINFORMATION! We the people live in the real world and see what’s happening!! And you will ALL be held accountable! I’m praying for you all You need to get right with God
 ranking=16.757506295396624 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0.35, smog=0.85, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.39, numsent=5, flesch=1.17, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.42, numword=4, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=37, rank=5, date=16
We need to start the lawsuits against them. Maybe just maybe they will stop promoting this depopulation drug where no one will be able to have children. You watch. On top of that the damn poison hasn't been tested properly. @pfizer paid @US_FDA and CDC to lie. No regard for life.
 ranking=15.732991891061463 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0.32, smog=0.62, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.12, numsent=6, flesch=1.08, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.79, numword=4, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=50, rank=6, date=32
You know the toxic vinyl chloride gas that was released in the train derailment in Ohio last week? 
That same toxic vinyl chloride gas is used by tobacco companies in cigarettes! 
 ranking=14.096545917243187 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.3, pop=1.61, numsent=3, flesch=1.29, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=1.02, numword=3, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=46, rank=7, date=26
Are you pushing to end young children’s lives with a vaccine that has been shown to cause harm & death. Enough already with this. Natural immunity is the best treatment.
 ranking=13.713715798886598 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0.21, smog=0.75, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.21, pop=2.2, numsent=3, flesch=1.18, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.5, numword=2, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=25, rank=8, date=14
Dr. Jimmy Yam
Odds of your child getting myocarditis:

before Covid vaccine: 1 in 250,000

after Covid vaccine:     1 in 40

The five year myocarditis survival rate is 50%.

(Dr. McCullough has coauthored over 600 papers and has been cited over 36,000 times).
 ranking=13.289165672033615 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0.5, numsent=2, flesch=1.41, cos=0.26, smog=0.98, ari=0.53, lix=0.06, time=0.87, numword=4, kincaid=0.53, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=14, rank=9, date=30
Young healthy people don’t need it. If they get COVID it’s nothing. Hell I’m 62 with diabetes had it in November & it was nothing. No way in hell I’m getting boosters.
 ranking=13.253326894262738 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.14, pop=1.8, numsent=4, flesch=1.13, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.26, numword=3, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=18, rank=10, date=20
How much money does the CDC get from the children jabs?  what's up with all the myocarditis?
 ranking=13.197437548616305 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0.61, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.12, pop=3.3, numsent=2, flesch=1.08, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.89, numword=1, fuzzy=1.7, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=20, rank=11, date=4
Funny, you all say you still track this, but you all never reset the numbers at the beginning of the year like every other catagory. Instead you just keep adding the numbers to make it look worse and worse. Fear, fear and more fear.
 ranking=12.892554381229244 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.26, pop=0.7, numsent=3, flesch=1.16, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=1.06, numword=4, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.39}
 orders: orig=44, rank=12, date=25
20,000 people have died already in 2023 because you refuse to educate people about the effectiveness of n95s and kn95s, HEPA filtration, and ventilation. vaccines alone will not end this pandemic
 ranking=12.370526832757294 from {coleman=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.64, cos=0.18, smog=1.65, ari=0.92, lix=0.99, time=0.51, numword=3, kincaid=0.81, fog=1.02}
 orders: orig=43, rank=13, date=39
False and lies. Unattainable data. Misinformation kings!  Stop lying and fess up to giving the death shot to half the country 
 ranking=12.020638985881247 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.14, numsent=4, flesch=1.16, ari=0.2, lix=0, time=0.59, numword=2, fuzzy=1.9, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=41, rank=14, date=37
For seniors who had our bivalent booster in September 2022, should we be getting another booster?  Also Medicare should continue to pay for 8 tests after May.
 ranking=11.902910344202816 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=1.08, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.38, pop=1.61, numsent=2, flesch=1.36, ari=0.39, lix=0.08, time=1.46, numword=2, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=11, rank=15, date=15
BREAKING —Japanese Doctors And Researchers To File Massive Lawsuit Against Government For “Covering Up” COVID-19 Vaccine Harms
 ranking=11.295475180684942 from {coleman=1.04, cos=0.7, smog=1.4, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.64, numsent=1, flesch=1.69, ari=0.79, lix=0.99, time=0.24, numword=1, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.83}
 orders: orig=48, rank=16, date=46
Actually, studies show that multiple boosted individuals of all age groups are more likely to contract the virus.
 ranking=11.245511023730275 from {coleman=0.75, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.46, pop=2.2, numsent=1, flesch=1.39, ari=0.61, lix=0.1, time=1.34, numword=1, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.48}
 orders: orig=33, rank=17, date=18
Why did the CDC create diagnosis codes for unvax’d? Why are you tracking unvax’d? This is invasion of privacy and Big Brother behavior.
 ranking=10.959880242266792 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.23, pop=0.7, numsent=3, flesch=1.26, ari=0.19, lix=0.05, time=0.63, numword=2, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=42, rank=18, date=36
Other countries are banning this junk, you continue to push the poison. Praying for the day you’re all in prison for mass murder.
 ranking=10.678515397300568 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.22, pop=2.2, numsent=2, flesch=1.16, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.22, numword=2, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=49, rank=19, date=21
Vous devriez un peu lire ce qui se dit actuellement sur la vaccination  aux États Unis et sa remise en cause…
 ranking=10.29667766137138 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.18, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.48, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=1.36, ari=0.43, lix=0.05, time=0.4, numword=2, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.62}
 orders: orig=16, rank=20, date=42
Do your research no child needs to get the covid shot and truthfully neither does anyone lets only about the money!… Dont be a sheeple
 ranking=10.247640376638376 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.2, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.11, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.73, numword=2, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=51, rank=21, date=8
Why is my three year old prohibited from getting the bivalent booster?
 ranking=9.677120788885032 from {coleman=0.64, cos=0, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.34, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=1.33, ari=0.37, lix=0.08, time=0.95, numword=1, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=21, rank=22, date=28
Please be careful with the new boosters. UK NHS just banned them and many countries around the world won’t use.
 ranking=9.543014271630636 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.16, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.1, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=1.38, numword=2, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=12, rank=23, date=17
Plus children don't get Covid and certainly do not die from it unless they have comorbitities/already unhealthy.
 ranking=8.81963521977563 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0.54, smog=0.3, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.3, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.22, ari=0.39, lix=0.05, time=0.75, numword=1, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=26, rank=24, date=33
So does improving ventilation in schools.
 ranking=8.553337355515993 from {coleman=0.93, numsent=1, flesch=1.55, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.46, lix=0.11, time=0.04, numword=0, kincaid=0.42, fuzzy=2.2, fog=0.79}
 orders: orig=4, rank=25, date=51
This is a MASSIVE lie. There are multiple world wide peer reviewed Governmental studies that you are full of 
 ranking=8.1635942509908 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.22, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.19, ari=0.27, lix=0.05, time=0.99, numword=1, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=39, rank=26, date=27
patently false. 23 million americans have long covid, myself included………
 ranking=7.684245792799284 from {coleman=0.92, numsent=1, flesch=1.56, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.55, lix=0.09, time=0.48, numword=1, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.48, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=19, rank=27, date=40
In other news, CDC replaces Babylon Bee as the number one parody site on Twitter.
 ranking=6.617833728065012 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=1, flesch=1.39, cos=0, smog=1.08, ari=0.33, lix=0.05, time=0.12, numword=1, kincaid=0.42, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=32, rank=28, date=49
How and where can I get Novavax?
 ranking=6.245572119017493 from {coleman=0.27, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=0, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=6, rank=29, date=35
It is so sad that so many people were manipulated…
 ranking=6.024598733975753 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.14, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.36, numword=1, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=8, rank=30, date=43
You are absolute scumbags
 ranking=2.470043022378837 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.34, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.46, ari=0.33, lix=0.11, time=0.91, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=38, rank=31, date=29
We still doing this?
 ranking=2.282507104592722 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.11, pop=2.78, numsent=1, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.77, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=5, rank=32, date=7
Vous racontez surtout n’importe quoi
 ranking=2.2211605477012446 from {coleman=0.91, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.34, numsent=1, flesch=1.46, ari=0.39, lix=0.11, time=0.32, numword=0, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=17, rank=33, date=44
 ranking=2.0699432047872 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, pop=2.2, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.93, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=3, rank=34, date=3
 ranking=0.9991839790319756 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.1, lix=0, time=1.69, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=15, rank=35, date=9

 ranking=0.3211712339339372 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.53, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=9, rank=36, date=13

 ranking=-0.4637155645380939 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.85, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=40, rank=37, date=5
Don’t do it….
 ranking=-0.5739090702526581 from {pop=1.39, coleman=-0.2, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=-0.55, lix=0, time=1.81, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=31, rank=38, date=6

 ranking=-0.7382253684596625 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.57, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=24, rank=39, date=12

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=7, rank=40, date=1

 ranking=-1.1303822312047604 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.18, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=28, rank=41, date=22

 ranking=-1.1695979174792703 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.14, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=29, rank=42, date=23

 ranking=-1.7058823529411764 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.3, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=34, rank=43, date=19

 ranking=-1.9019607843137254 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.1, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=30, rank=44, date=24

 ranking=-2.1499900743420155 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.16, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=22, rank=45, date=48

 ranking=-2.2941176470588234 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.71, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=47, rank=46, date=34

 ranking=-2.450980392156863 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.55, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=27, rank=47, date=38

 ranking=-2.568627450980392 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.44, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=10, rank=48, date=41

 ranking=-2.7254901960784315 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.28, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=13, rank=49, date=45
 ranking=-3.6427715686274516 from {coleman=-0.2, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=-0.57, lix=0, time=0.2, numword=0, kincaid=-0.16, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=23, rank=50, date=47
No, it isn’t.
 ranking=-3.68569362745098 from {coleman=-0.2, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=-0.55, lix=0, time=0.08, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=2, rank=51, date=50

@cdcgov tweeted on 02/16/23 01:00:22: New @CDCMMWR study found that in children 3-5 years old, the original primary series vaccination helped protect against SARS-CoV-2 infection. More:
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 60 of 68 (reached end) 88% 1% 65%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • [original: #15, ranking: #60, date: #42] From @blackdraken13 on 02/17/23 08:54:09
  • @CDCgov Your lies know no bounds.
    [original: #12, ranking: #56, date: #41] From @theantigrifter on 02/17/23 08:22:07
  • [original: #4, ranking: #55, date: #23] From @dougw119 on 02/17/23 12:51:59
  • [original: #8, ranking: #53, date: #16] From @steveyfeamer on 02/16/23 05:58:38
  • [original: #7, ranking: #48, date: #24] From @edub4change on 02/17/23 01:01:46
  • not believable!
    [original: #6, ranking: #46, date: #49] From @quidkat on 02/17/23 12:32:23
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • OMG stop pushing these on kids. They could very well become sterile. Can you say they won’t ? This is so evil. Parents, do not do this to your children under any circumstances. Anyone administering these shots should be charged with attempted murder, murder when they drop dead
    [original: #31, ranking: #2, date: #10] From @americaloses on 02/16/23 01:20:16
  • Fake news. This is unattainable data. The only thing they know the vaccine does is create a spike protein that shows up as having antibodies. What they don’t tell you is that it’s killing you and causing havoc in your system. Misinformation Kings!!!
    [original: #39, ranking: #3, date: #21] From @hooliganwilder on 02/16/23 10:20:48
  • BREAKING NEWS: Virologist and Vaccine expert gives a dire warning to all parents. I beg you, I really beg you don't vaccinate your child against Covid-19, because in many cases it will be a Death Sentence for the Child. It will be a 1000 times worse. Irreversible and dangerous.
    [original: #53, ranking: #5, date: #30] From @mfmclane on 02/17/23 05:27:32
  • How many children 3-5 years old died from COVID that inoculation is prudent?
    [original: #51, ranking: #6, date: #19] From @i_am_johncullen on 02/16/23 07:12:55
  • No one wants your fake vaccines for a fictitious virus. You have lost all credibility. Just stop the lies and abolish yourself.
    [original: #49, ranking: #9, date: #38] From @apwk0rg on 02/17/23 07:38:48
  • You know the toxic vinyl chloride gas that was released in the train derailment in Ohio last week? That same toxic vinyl chloride gas is used by tobacco companies in cigarettes! Why?
    [original: #56, ranking: #12, date: #14] From @dstrzalka_diana on 02/16/23 04:03:26
  • We don’t care. Y’all lie about everything. Government has lost the trust of the people when you put corporations and foreign countries before the American People
    [original: #40, ranking: #13, date: #34] From @coloredmothers on 02/17/23 06:56:03
  • How do you expect us to believe any propaganda you put out when people are still dying because they followed your recommendations?
    [original: #30, ranking: #14, date: #7] From @terribirkett on 02/16/23 01:02:43
  • 02/13/2023 SAY NO TO EVIL DAY 85: LeeAnn Shan is the daughter of Shan Weijian, a top Chinese spy at the core of the CCP’s espionage network in the United States. Shan donated a huge endowment to UMBC to help his daughter study there. The NFSC’s protest against LeeAnn Shan is met
    [original: #58, ranking: #15, date: #53] From @btit377 on 02/17/23 02:19:13
  • When are you going to release the statistics on premature death and disability caused by the vaccine? America wants to know. I'm proudly unvaccinated for life and will never trust anything again recommend by the CDC.
    [original: #59, ranking: #17, date: #54] From @martintruesda1e on 02/17/23 04:14:26
  • Tĥe •C€nţre for Ðis€aşe Cr€atiøŋ• i§ cĥøcƙ full of it! Aŋð, ẃe are ŋøt talƙing cĥøcølate ĥere eitĥer, m'ðear! P€ŋtagøŋ cøŋtracteð asƴmmetri°cųll ẂẂ3 ɓiøw€apønrƴ, ĥarɗlƴ qualįfies a§ a cłass of tĥ€rapƴ. Ĥence, watcĥ ƴour ɓacƙ to avoið ɓeiŋg ĵaɓɓ€ð to ð€atĥ. . .
    [original: #52, ranking: #19, date: #56] From @gorskatyas on 02/17/23 06:29:33
  • Every single one of your data relating to “covid” is manufactured and fraudulent.
    [original: #50, ranking: #20, date: #39] From @apwk0rg on 02/17/23 07:40:53
Other hidden replies:
  • Strange we don't see you tweeting 5 times a day that natural immunity is better than your vaccine, like you do with all the vaccine posts you are doing. At you sponsored by Pfizer just like the grammy's?
    [original: #47, ranking: #21, date: #50] From @whatelse73 on 02/17/23 12:36:33
  • Still pushing drugs for a over blown variant of the flu. While over the counter cold and flu meds work wonders.
    [original: #45, ranking: #22, date: #13] From @elconqu17574749 on 02/16/23 03:45:07
  • Another blatant lie from the CDC!
    [original: #28, ranking: #24, date: #3] From @b1g_baz on 02/16/23 01:01:02
  • You people who posted this are not right in the head. Go see Amen Clinics @amenclinics for some help. Call me once there and I will get your bill paid. We love you and hope you get feeling better.
    [original: #60, ranking: #25, date: #57] From @remybubbakush on 02/17/23 07:41:56
  • Why would American believe a study funded by the CDC?
    [original: #41, ranking: #28, date: #46] From @marionfox1776 on 02/17/23 10:22:17
  • lies upon lies, deaths upon deaths
    [original: #44, ranking: #29, date: #6] From @gollyumami on 02/16/23 01:01:29
  • The CDC reputation is so poor that it's tweets should be regarded as disinfo. #CancelCDC
    [original: #42, ranking: #30, date: #48] From @auroramontiff on 02/17/23 11:16:49
  • Not as well as natural immunity though, right?
    [original: #29, ranking: #31, date: #27] From @repubnotrtwing on 02/17/23 01:24:24
  • Mortality rate for children 3-5 against the so called "cold" is roughly 0.0000000003% Now is the time to repent and dispense with the lies.
    [original: #34, ranking: #32, date: #60] From @tec_vig on 02/18/23 10:59:33
  • Seeing that almost all the kids have had it all ready, leave them alone.
    [original: #22, ranking: #33, date: #35] From @mammabe63876879 on 02/17/23 06:56:20
  • Yes , stay informed : many dying after vaccination : one more victim:
    [original: #46, ranking: #34, date: #52] From @cundiv16939749 on 02/17/23 01:27:19
  • Stay away from the kids with that POISON GENE THERAPY.
    [original: #38, ranking: #35, date: #33] From @kellyho02428773 on 02/17/23 06:38:56
  • Follow the money
    [original: #54, ranking: #40, date: #2] From @gabriel9998 on 02/16/23 01:00:52
  • No one trusts you anymore
    [original: #33, ranking: #41, date: #9] From @w_6_l_t_e_r on 02/16/23 01:17:36
  • Nobody trusts you anymore
    [original: #35, ranking: #42, date: #28] From @conservative128 on 02/17/23 04:06:45
  • Bullshit!
    [original: #32, ranking: #43, date: #40] From @lupisvedran on 02/17/23 08:00:28
  • …and you’ll find the science
    [original: #55, ranking: #44, date: #5] From @b1g_baz on 02/16/23 01:01:25
  • Go screw yourselves
    [original: #48, ranking: #45, date: #58] From @girl1985261 on 02/18/23 02:33:46
  • Lies
    [original: #37, ranking: #47, date: #8] From @rick8262 on 02/16/23 01:03:09
  • [original: #43, ranking: #49, date: #18] From @hawkeyenick1 on 02/16/23 06:38:09
  • [original: #24, ranking: #50, date: #20] From @brian738232831 on 02/16/23 07:37:55
  • [original: #23, ranking: #51, date: #22] From @born6born on 02/16/23 11:34:18
  • Thank you for your service
    [original: #26, ranking: #52, date: #26] From @edub4change on 02/17/23 01:06:19
  • [original: #25, ranking: #54, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
  • Done, Sir!!
    [original: #57, ranking: #57, date: #51] From @pdub4life on 02/17/23 01:11:10
  • [original: #36, ranking: #58, date: #44] From @ericgar61733274 on 02/17/23 09:25:38
  • [original: #27, ranking: #59, date: #47] From @chrissu65021843 on 02/17/23 10:48:32
[tweet: 1626325874109829121, from: @cdcgov (VERIFIED) on 02/16/23 01:01:18 (HIGH,30,63,54,80156) Vaccination is an effective measure to help protect children from COVID-19. Children should stay up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccines, including completing the primary series and receiving an updated vaccine for those who are eligible.]
[tweet: 1627010892620787712, from: @npnerdy (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 10:23:19 (HIGH,0,,,9) The important goal post is not infection, it’s hospitalization and death. You know that. You said that when infection prevention became unattainable. Furthermore, a 31% reduction in infections (which they WILL get eventually) for a few months isn’t anything to write home about.]
[tweet: 1626364938783686656, from: @jackfillmore2 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:36:32 (HIGH,0,,,165) Praise that all of my children (at least those known to me) are vaccinated and healthy.]
[tweet: 1626504720972976128, from: @dougw119 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:51:59 (HIGH,,1,,100) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626573631508848646, from: @sanrevelation7 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 05:25:48 (HIGH,,1,,96) Millions if not billions may believe you. But I don’t.]
[tweet: 1626680982232510464, from: @quidkat (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:32:23 (HIGH,0,,,20) not believable!]
[tweet: 1626507183419543552, from: @edub4change (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:01:46 (HIGH,,6,,160) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626400699343859712, from: @steveyfeamer (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 05:58:38 (HIGH,,1,,138) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626574501126508545, from: @sanrevelation7 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 05:29:16 (HIGH,,1,,83) Brought to you by Pfizer.  Shame, their sales are down. They really need a boost now. Shareholders are miserable. Not Bill Gates though- he has already cashed in….]
[tweet: 1626639458203303936, from: @wintertravel80 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:47:22 (HIGH,,1,,65) “VE of 2 monovalent Moderna doses (complete primary series) against symptomatic infection was …  36% (95% CI = 15% to 52%) 3–4 months after receipt of the second dose”. Is 36% protection for a few months worth it?]
[tweet: 1626605312063963137, from: @hsmonroe1 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:31:41 (HIGH,0,,,75) Here's (All-cause mortality) excess deaths for Age 0-24 from 2020 to 2023. Info from UK gov. Here's the link:…      There are no excess deaths in 2020 for that age group. Excess deaths started in 2021. C19 deaths would only account for small portion of them]
[tweet: 1626618003491282944, from: @theantigrifter (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 08:22:07 (HIGH,,1,,68) @CDCgov Your lies know no bounds.]
[tweet: 1626627568844824583, from: @fobiobi (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:00:08 (HIGH,0,,,50) Hand destroyed their hearts as well as chances to reproduce as adults]
[tweet: 1626756946215993344, from: @mike_exercise (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 05:34:14 (HIGH,0,,,25) Mortality from Covid19 for children is similiar to the rates for choking and drowning. I suppose we should immediately stop them from eating and swimming. There might be greater statistical risk taking the vaccine.]
[tweet: 1626626062137294867, from: @blackdraken13 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 08:54:09 (HIGH,0,,,27) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626606756003446784, from: @apwk0rg (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:37:26 (HIGH,,6,,90) Pharma propagandist]
[tweet: 1626335036504145921, from: @ginriker (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:37:43 (HIGH,,13,1,287) Is Covid infection a big problem in children?  Don't they nearly always recover "naturally"... without mRNA shots? Don't the shots introduce "other" risks... due to their known side effects?]
[tweet: 1626507711197192193, from: @edub4change (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:03:52 (HIGH,1,1,,56) "Covid infection" does not exist, Covid-19 is a disease allegedly caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, you are infected with SARS-CoV-2 the virus which if your immune system can't successfully fight the virus it turns into Covid-19 the disease. Think HIV/AIDS]
[tweet: 1626588136481644550, from: @jowalte62130461 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 06:23:26 (HIGH,,1,,29) Everyone of you should be jailed!!]
[tweet: 1626409051750891523, from: @michell6671936 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 06:31:49 (HIGH,,7,1,166) Did any children die from the covid vaccine?]
[tweet: 1626389509167349762, from: @walters06937828 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 05:14:10 (HIGH,0,,,79) Show the proof..... Publish all the findings and research for us look at, cause that's what it gonna take to ever trust the CDC again, and that's just a start.........]
[tweet: 1626596413458227208, from: @mammabe63876879 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 06:56:20 (LOW,,2,,34) Seeing that almost all the kids have had it all ready, leave them alone.]
[tweet: 1626485171703930880, from: @born6born (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 11:34:18 (LOW,,3,,44) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626425686863892481, from: @brian738232831 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 07:37:55 (LOW,,3,,51) [empty]]
[tweet: 0, from: @placeholder_handle (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/69 04:00:00 (LOW,0,0,0,0) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626508331320852481, from: @edub4change (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:06:19 (LOW,0,,,8) Thank you for your service]
[tweet: 1626654849155878912, from: @chrissu65021843 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 10:48:32 (LOW,,1,,12) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626325805772021763, from: @b1g_baz (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:01:02 (LOW,,10,,153) Another blatant lie from the CDC!]
[tweet: 1626512882274824193, from: @repubnotrtwing (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:24:24 (LOW,,3,,50) Not as well as natural immunity though,  right?]
[tweet: 1626326228721364993, from: @terribirkett (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:02:43 (LOW,,6,,137) How do you expect us to believe any propaganda you put out when people are still dying because they followed your recommendations?]
[tweet: 1626330647831904257, from: @americaloses (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:20:16 (LOW,,10,,126) OMG stop pushing these on kids. They could very well become sterile. Can you say they won’t ?  This is so evil. Parents, do not do this to your children under any circumstances.  Anyone administering these shots should be charged with attempted murder, murder when they drop dead]
[tweet: 1626612553349533696, from: @lupisvedran (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 08:00:28 (LOW,,1,,26) Bullshit!]
[tweet: 1626329973547040769, from: @w_6_l_t_e_r (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:17:36 (LOW,,6,,88) No one trusts you anymore]
[tweet: 1627020008667906048, from: @tec_vig (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 10:59:33 (LOW,0,,,2) Mortality rate for children 3-5 against the so called "cold" is roughly 0.0000000003%  Now is the time to repent and dispense with the lies.]
[tweet: 1626553735836053505, from: @conservative128 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:06:45 (LOW,,3,,35) Nobody trusts you anymore]
[tweet: 1626633987308326912, from: @ericgar61733274 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:25:38 (LOW,,1,,14) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626326337194721280, from: @rick8262 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:03:09 (LOW,,5,,118) Lies]
[tweet: 1626592033753419779, from: @kellyho02428773 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 06:38:56 (LOW,,3,,16) Stay away from the kids with that POISON GENE THERAPY.]
[tweet: 1626466676643360770, from: @hooliganwilder (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 10:20:48 (LOW,1,3,,42) Fake news.  This is unattainable data.  The only thing they know the vaccine does is create a spike protein that shows up as having antibodies.  What they don’t tell you is that it’s killing you and causing havoc in your system.  Misinformation Kings!!!]
[tweet: 1626596343824384004, from: @coloredmothers (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 06:56:03 (LOW,,2,,19) We don’t care. Y’all lie about everything. Government has lost the trust of the people when you put corporations and foreign countries before the American People]
[tweet: 1626648244355796992, from: @marionfox1776 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 10:22:17 (LOW,,2,,15) Why would American believe a study funded by the CDC?]
[tweet: 1626661965866098693, from: @auroramontiff (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 11:16:49 (LOW,,2,,13) The CDC reputation is so poor that it's tweets should be regarded as disinfo. #CancelCDC]
[tweet: 1626410646261694464, from: @hawkeyenick1 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 06:38:09 (LOW,,3,,43) [empty]]
[tweet: 1626325920641388544, from: @gollyumami (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:01:29 (LOW,,7,,126) lies upon lies, deaths upon deaths]
[tweet: 1626367099906957314, from: @elconqu17574749 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 03:45:07 (LOW,,3,,55) Still pushing drugs for a over blown variant of the flu. While over the counter cold and flu meds work wonders.]
[tweet: 1626694809640660992, from: @cundiv16939749 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:27:19 (LOW,0,,,10) Yes , stay informed : many dying after vaccination : one more victim:]
[tweet: 1626682032267972621, from: @whatelse73 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:36:33 (LOW,,2,,15) Strange we don't see you tweeting 5 times a day that natural immunity is better than your vaccine, like you do with all the vaccine posts you are doing. At you sponsored by Pfizer just like the grammy's?]
[tweet: 1626892726758170625, from: @girl1985261 (UNKNOWN) on 02/18/23 02:33:46 (LOW,,1,,5) Go screw yourselves]
[tweet: 1626607100532076545, from: @apwk0rg (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:38:48 (LOW,4,19,,251) No one wants your fake vaccines for a fictitious virus. You have lost all credibility. Just stop the lies and abolish yourself.]
[tweet: 1626607624912347136, from: @apwk0rg (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:40:53 (LOW,1,6,,54) Every single one of your data relating to “covid” is manufactured and fraudulent.]
[tweet: 1626419393940041732, from: @i_am_johncullen (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 07:12:55 (ABUSIVE,2,7,1,111) How many children 3-5 years old died from COVID that inoculation is prudent?]
[tweet: 1626770867102384128, from: @gorskatyas (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 06:29:33 (ABUSIVE,0,,,2) Tĥe •C€nţre for Ðis€aşe Cr€atiøŋ• i§ cĥøcƙ full of it! Aŋð, ẃe are ŋøt talƙing cĥøcølate ĥere eitĥer, m'ðear!  P€ŋtagøŋ cøŋtracteð asƴmmetri°cųll ẂẂ3 ɓiøw€apønrƴ, ĥarɗlƴ qualįfies a§ a cłass of tĥ€rapƴ. Ĥence, watcĥ ƴour ɓacƙ to avoið ɓeiŋg ĵaɓɓ€ð to ð€atĥ. . .]
[tweet: 1626574067284451330, from: @mfmclane (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 05:27:32 (ABUSIVE,1,3,,19) BREAKING NEWS: Virologist and Vaccine expert gives a dire warning to all parents. I beg you, I really beg you don't vaccinate your child against Covid-19, because in many cases it will be a Death Sentence for the Child. It will be a 1000 times worse. Irreversible and dangerous.]
[tweet: 1626325764734951424, from: @gabriel9998 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:00:52 (ABUSIVE,,6,1,81) Follow the money]
[tweet: 1626325902559780866, from: @b1g_baz (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:01:25 (ABUSIVE,,1,1,27) …and you’ll find the science]
[tweet: 1626371709317304320, from: @dstrzalka_diana (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 04:03:26 (ABUSIVE,,1,,64) You know the toxic vinyl chloride gas that was released in the train derailment in Ohio last week?  That same toxic vinyl chloride gas is used by tobacco companies in cigarettes!  Why?]
[tweet: 1626690744781271040, from: @pdub4life (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 01:11:10 (ABUSIVE,,1,,6) Done, Sir!!]
[tweet: 1626707869935566848, from: @btit377 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 02:19:13 (ABUSIVE,0,,,4) 02/13/2023 SAY NO TO EVIL DAY 85: LeeAnn Shan is the daughter of Shan Weijian, a top Chinese spy at the core of the CCP’s espionage network in the United States. Shan donated a huge endowment to UMBC to help his daughter study there. The NFSC’s protest against LeeAnn Shan is met]
[tweet: 1626736865876512768, from: @martintruesda1e (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 04:14:26 (ABUSIVE,0,,,12) When are you going to release the statistics on premature death and disability caused by the vaccine?  America wants to know.  I'm proudly unvaccinated for life and will never trust anything again recommend by the CDC.]
[tweet: 1626789082562166786, from: @remybubbakush (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:41:56 (ABUSIVE,0,,,6) You people who posted this are not right in the head.  Go see Amen Clinics @amenclinics for some help.  Call me once there and I will get your bill paid.  We love you and hope you get feeling better.]


Vaccination is an effective measure to help protect children from COVID-19. Children should stay up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccines, including completing the primary series and receiving an updated vaccine for those who are eligible.
 ranking=23.794934880285435 from {coleman=0.86, cos=1.24, smog=1.4, kincaid=0.58, pop=6.19, numsent=2, flesch=1.58, ari=0.67, lix=0.99, time=1.9, numword=3, fuzzy=2.6, fog=0.82}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=4
OMG stop pushing these on kids. They could very well become sterile. Can you say they won’t ?  This is so evil. Parents, do not do this to your children under any circumstances.  Anyone administering these shots should be charged with attempted murder, murder when they drop dead
 ranking=18.57670858969755 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0.23, smog=0.62, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.2, pop=3, numsent=6, flesch=1.19, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=1.7, numword=4, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=31, rank=2, date=10
Fake news.  This is unattainable data.  The only thing they know the vaccine does is create a spike protein that shows up as having antibodies.  What they don’t tell you is that it’s killing you and causing havoc in your system.  Misinformation Kings!!!
 ranking=16.809364174503433 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=0.73, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.22, pop=2.2, numsent=5, flesch=1.22, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=1.34, numword=4, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=39, rank=3, date=21
Is Covid infection a big problem in children?  Don't they nearly always recover "naturally"... without mRNA shots? Don't the shots introduce "other" risks... due to their known side effects?
 ranking=15.927560001060483 from {coleman=0.72, cos=0.46, smog=0.94, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.32, jrw=0.38, pop=3.44, numsent=3, flesch=1.34, ari=0.36, lix=0.06, time=1.67, numword=2, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.48}
 orders: orig=17, rank=4, date=11
BREAKING NEWS: Virologist and Vaccine expert gives a dire warning to all parents. I beg you, I really beg you don't vaccinate your child against Covid-19, because in many cases it will be a Death Sentence for the Child. It will be a 1000 times worse. Irreversible and dangerous.
 ranking=14.911970095834294 from {pop=2.2, coleman=0.53, numsent=4, flesch=1.28, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.28, lix=0.05, time=1.04, numword=4, kincaid=0.31, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=53, rank=5, date=30
How many children 3-5 years old died from COVID that inoculation is prudent?
 ranking=14.585429961024893 from {coleman=0.69, cos=1.38, smog=0.85, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.39, pop=3.22, numsent=1, flesch=1.4, ari=0.41, lix=0.05, time=1.4, numword=1, fuzzy=2, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=51, rank=6, date=19
"Covid infection" does not exist, Covid-19 is a disease allegedly caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, you are infected with SARS-CoV-2 the virus which if your immune system can't successfully fight the virus it turns into Covid-19 the disease. Think HIV/AIDS
 ranking=14.11925958994927 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0.54, smog=0.98, kincaid=0.42, pop=1.61, numsent=2, flesch=1.35, ari=0.47, lix=0.05, time=1.2, numword=4, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.52}
 orders: orig=18, rank=7, date=25
The important goal post is not infection, it’s hospitalization and death. You know that. You said that when infection prevention became unattainable. Furthermore, a 31% reduction in infections (which they WILL get eventually) for a few months isn’t anything to write home about.
 ranking=14.077782233566836 from {coleman=0.78, cos=0.44, smog=1.21, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.42, numsent=4, flesch=1.46, ari=0.44, lix=0.05, time=0.07, numword=4, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.75}
 orders: orig=2, rank=8, date=59
No one wants your fake vaccines for a fictitious virus. You have lost all credibility. Just stop the lies and abolish yourself.
 ranking=13.54820808291637 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=0.94, kincaid=0.25, pop=3.92, numsent=3, flesch=1.28, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=0.77, numword=2, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.52}
 orders: orig=49, rank=9, date=38
Mortality from Covid19 for children is similiar to the rates for choking and drowning. I suppose we should immediately stop them from eating and swimming. There might be greater statistical risk taking the vaccine.
 ranking=13.525499054323554 from {coleman=0.76, numsent=3, flesch=1.42, cos=0.25, smog=0.94, ari=0.45, lix=0.08, time=0.2, numword=3, kincaid=0.4, fuzzy=2.6, fog=0.47}
 orders: orig=14, rank=10, date=55
Brought to you by Pfizer.  Shame, their sales are down. They really need a boost now. Shareholders are miserable. Not Bill Gates though- he has already cashed in….
 ranking=13.277577699216577 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.65, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.11, pop=0.7, numsent=5, flesch=1.11, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1, numword=2, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=9, rank=11, date=31
You know the toxic vinyl chloride gas that was released in the train derailment in Ohio last week? 
That same toxic vinyl chloride gas is used by tobacco companies in cigarettes! 
 ranking=13.142314008898444 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.3, pop=0.7, numsent=3, flesch=1.29, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=1.57, numword=3, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=56, rank=12, date=14
We don’t care. Y’all lie about everything. Government has lost the trust of the people when you put corporations and foreign countries before the American People
 ranking=13.006747809820235 from {coleman=0.74, cos=0, smog=0.94, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.34, pop=1.39, numsent=3, flesch=1.39, ari=0.35, lix=0, time=0.9, numword=2, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=40, rank=13, date=34
How do you expect us to believe any propaganda you put out when people are still dying because they followed your recommendations?
 ranking=12.629810137211303 from {coleman=0.66, cos=0, smog=1.08, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.51, pop=2.49, numsent=1, flesch=1.39, ari=0.64, lix=0.08, time=1.8, numword=2, fog=0.63}
 orders: orig=30, rank=14, date=7
02/13/2023 SAY NO TO EVIL DAY 85: LeeAnn Shan is the daughter of Shan Weijian, a top Chinese spy at the core of the CCP’s espionage network in the United States. Shan donated a huge endowment to UMBC to help his daughter study there. The NFSC’s protest against LeeAnn Shan is met
 ranking=12.277391902767635 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=3, flesch=1.21, cos=0.16, smog=0.75, ari=0.32, lix=0.05, time=0.27, numword=5, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.31, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=58, rank=15, date=53
Here's (All-cause mortality) excess deaths for Age 0-24 from 2020 to 2023. Info from UK gov. Here's the link:…      There are no excess deaths in 2020 for that age group. Excess deaths started in 2021. C19 deaths would only account for small portion of them
 ranking=12.27319035639214 from {coleman=0.47, numsent=5, flesch=1.01, cos=0, smog=0.55, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.84, numword=4, kincaid=0.08, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=11, rank=16, date=36
When are you going to release the statistics on premature death and disability caused by the vaccine?  America wants to know.

I'm proudly unvaccinated for life and will never trust anything again recommend by the CDC.
 ranking=12.203118597962646 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=1.14, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.38, numsent=3, flesch=1.38, ari=0.4, lix=0.06, time=0.24, numword=3, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.64}
 orders: orig=59, rank=17, date=54
“VE of 2 monovalent Moderna doses (complete primary series) against symptomatic infection was …  36% (95% CI = 15% to 52%) 3–4 months after receipt of the second dose”.
Is 36% protection for a few months worth it?
 ranking=11.722576884466044 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0.61, smog=1.08, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.48, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.4, ari=0.41, lix=0.07, time=0.54, numword=3, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=10, rank=18, date=45
Tĥe •C€nţre for Ðis€aşe Cr€atiøŋ• i§ cĥøcƙ full of it! Aŋð, ẃe are ŋøt talƙing cĥøcølate ĥere eitĥer, m'ðear!  P€ŋtagøŋ cøŋtracteð asƴmmetri°cųll ẂẂ3 ɓiøw€apønrƴ, ĥarɗlƴ qualįfies a§ a cłass of tĥ€rapƴ. Ĥence, watcĥ ƴour ɓacƙ to avoið ɓeiŋg ĵaɓɓ€ð to ð€atĥ. . .
 ranking=11.557195493197279 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=4, flesch=1.03, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.17, numword=5, kincaid=0.14, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=52, rank=19, date=56
Every single one of your data relating to “covid” is manufactured and fraudulent.
 ranking=11.183616832486056 from {coleman=0.71, cos=0, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.48, pop=2.71, numsent=1, flesch=1.5, ari=0.45, lix=0.05, time=0.74, numword=1, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=50, rank=20, date=39
Strange we don't see you tweeting 5 times a day that natural immunity is better than your vaccine, like you do with all the vaccine posts you are doing. At you sponsored by Pfizer just like the grammy's?
 ranking=10.479247474180612 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0.44, numsent=2, flesch=1.22, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.36, lix=0.05, time=0.37, numword=3, kincaid=0.35, fog=0.48}
 orders: orig=47, rank=21, date=50
Still pushing drugs for a over blown variant of the flu. While over the counter cold and flu meds work wonders.
 ranking=10.243696373989959 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.8, numsent=2, flesch=1.13, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.6, numword=2, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=45, rank=22, date=13
Did any children die from the covid vaccine?
 ranking=10.024834675327428 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0.52, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.19, pop=2.95, numsent=1, flesch=1.18, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.47, numword=0, fuzzy=1.55, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=20, rank=23, date=17
Another blatant lie from the CDC!
 ranking=9.747646497725825 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.23, pop=3, numsent=1, flesch=1.27, ari=0.14, lix=0.06, time=1.94, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=28, rank=24, date=3
You people who posted this are not right in the head.  Go see Amen Clinics @amenclinics for some help.  Call me once there and I will get your bill paid.  We love you and hope you get feeling better.
 ranking=9.500826754385965 from {coleman=0.32, numsent=4, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.14, numword=3, kincaid=0.06, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.19}
 orders: orig=60, rank=25, date=57
Show the proof.....
Publish all the findings and research for us look at, cause that's what it gonna take to ever trust the CDC again, and that's just a start.........
 ranking=9.343644047619048 from {coleman=0.37, numsent=2, flesch=1.08, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.54, numword=3, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=21, rank=26, date=15
Praise that all of my children (at least those known to me) are vaccinated and healthy. 
 ranking=9.253608537194284 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, cos=0.43, smog=0.85, ari=0.35, lix=0.05, time=1.64, numword=1, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=1.7, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=3, rank=27, date=12
Why would American believe a study funded by the CDC?

 ranking=8.822432133976758 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0.47, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.25, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.22, ari=0.2, lix=0, time=0.5, numword=1, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=41, rank=28, date=46
lies upon lies, deaths upon deaths
 ranking=8.298915662948591 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.13, pop=2.64, numsent=1, flesch=1.13, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.84, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=44, rank=29, date=6
The CDC reputation is so poor that it's tweets should be regarded as disinfo. #CancelCDC
 ranking=8.203831029073966 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.2, pop=1.39, numsent=2, flesch=1.2, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.44, numword=1, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=42, rank=30, date=48
Not as well as natural immunity though,  right?
 ranking=8.192770721802871 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.27, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=1.29, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=1.14, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=29, rank=31, date=27
Mortality rate for children 3-5 against the so called "cold" is roughly 0.0000000003%

Now is the time to repent and dispense with the lies.
 ranking=8.142254608251864 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=1, flesch=1.24, cos=0.58, smog=0.85, ari=0.52, lix=0.08, time=0.04, numword=2, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.41, fog=0.54}
 orders: orig=34, rank=32, date=60
Seeing that almost all the kids have had it all ready, leave them alone.
 ranking=7.687700313500843 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.17, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.87, numword=1, fuzzy=1, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=22, rank=33, date=35
Yes , stay informed : many dying after vaccination : one more victim:
 ranking=7.256605929175277 from {coleman=0.78, numsent=1, flesch=1.39, cos=0.37, smog=0.85, ari=0.43, lix=0, time=0.3, numword=1, kincaid=0.36, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=46, rank=34, date=52
Stay away from the kids with that POISON GENE THERAPY.
 ranking=7.217427802561389 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.13, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=0.94, numword=1, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.2}
 orders: orig=38, rank=35, date=33
Pharma propagandist
 ranking=7.132504207293166 from {coleman=1.87, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.74, pop=2.49, numsent=1, flesch=2.07, ari=1.1, lix=0.1, time=0.8, numword=0, fuzzy=0.1, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=16, rank=36, date=37
Everyone of you should be jailed!!
 ranking=7.079061404731779 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.13, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.13, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.97, numword=0, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=19, rank=37, date=32
Millions if not billions may believe you. But I don’t.
 ranking=6.888799958337723 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0.46, numsent=2, flesch=1.11, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.04, lix=0.05, time=1.07, numword=1, kincaid=0.1, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=5, rank=38, date=29
Hand destroyed their hearts as well as chances to reproduce as adults
 ranking=6.527160057505165 from {coleman=0.64, numsent=1, flesch=1.19, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.37, lix=0.05, time=0.6, numword=1, kincaid=0.25, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=13, rank=39, date=43
Follow the money
 ranking=3.7024300107228827 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.07, pop=2.84, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.97, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=54, rank=40, date=2
No one trusts you anymore
 ranking=3.6662325406265 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, pop=2.49, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.74, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=33, rank=41, date=9
Nobody trusts you anymore
 ranking=3.556694526733221 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.34, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=1.46, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=1.1, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=35, rank=42, date=28
 ranking=3.1602971805599447 from {coleman=1.57, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.43, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.64, ari=0.84, lix=0.99, time=0.7, numword=0, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=32, rank=43, date=40
…and you’ll find the science
 ranking=2.99028931572198 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.11, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=0.82, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.87, numword=0, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=55, rank=44, date=5
Go screw yourselves
 ranking=2.168753071398445 from {coleman=0.88, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.27, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.38, ari=0.34, lix=0.05, time=0.1, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=48, rank=45, date=58
not believable!
 ranking=2.104597557505166 from {coleman=1.13, numsent=1, flesch=1.65, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, ari=0.51, lix=0.1, time=0.4, numword=0, kincaid=0.44, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=6, rank=46, date=49
 ranking=1.6904017596607122 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, pop=2.31, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.1, lix=0, time=1.77, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=37, rank=47, date=8

 ranking=0.7182399831213337 from {pop=2.49, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.24, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=7, rank=48, date=24

 ranking=0.2250928025613883 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.44, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=43, rank=49, date=18

 ranking=0.15842613589472165 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.37, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=24, rank=50, date=20

 ranking=0.091759469228055 from {pop=1.8, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.3, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=23, rank=51, date=22
Thank you for your service
 ranking=-0.11426333333333338 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.03, numsent=1, flesch=1, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.17, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=26, rank=52, date=26

 ranking=-0.8068528194400546 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.5, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=8, rank=53, date=16

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=25, rank=54, date=1

 ranking=-1.040186152773388 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.27, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=4, rank=55, date=23
@CDCgov Your lies know no bounds.
 ranking=-1.120316152773388 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.09, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=0.83, ari=-0, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=0, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=12, rank=56, date=41
Done, Sir!!
 ranking=-1.142644486106722 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.19, lix=0, time=0.34, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=57, rank=57, date=51

 ranking=-1.740186152773388 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.57, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=36, rank=58, date=44

 ranking=-1.8401861527733878 from {pop=0.7, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.47, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=27, rank=59, date=47

 ranking=-2.3666666666666667 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.64, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=15, rank=60, date=42

@cdcgov tweeted on 12/19/22 12:30:29: This month marks two years since the first #COVID19 vaccine was administered in the U.S. Although too many lives have been lost to COVID-19, vaccination has helped save millions of lives. Get an updated booster if you have not yet received one.
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Bad 227 of 3266 (reached end) 6% 33% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • YOU
    [original: #70, ranking: #219, date: #147] From @frostedsleet1 on 01/02/23 12:46:59
  • Right on Doc!
    [original: #33, ranking: #217, date: #217] From @daleplemons on 02/15/23 02:22:19
  • Not good
    [original: #36, ranking: #215, date: #195] From @jayman2374 on 02/09/23 04:32:35
    [original: #65, ranking: #206, date: #180] From @ichristiannews_ on 01/21/23 08:31:20
  • False
    [original: #7, ranking: #195, date: #194] From @team_small_st on 02/09/23 12:49:49
  • First do no harm
    [original: #39, ranking: #191, date: #209] From @beth0574 on 02/12/23 09:24:21
  • Prison
    [original: #40, ranking: #186, date: #200] From @fotoatdawire on 02/10/23 04:20:24
  • Who mandated it.
    [original: #29, ranking: #185, date: #183] From @janicemcglaun1 on 01/29/23 06:19:25
  • How many vaccine injured????
    [original: #6, ranking: #183, date: #206] From @themansander on 02/11/23 02:14:46
  • [original: #58, ranking: #180, date: #67] From @bodeedoe on 12/20/22 08:14:42
  • No.
    [original: #18, ranking: #179, date: #9] From @cdcgov_parody on 12/19/22 12:57:24
  • Breaking news …
    [original: #73, ranking: #173, date: #186] From @sammy4peacelove on 02/06/23 05:45:14
  • [original: #60, ranking: #172, date: #83] From @1docwhitaker on 12/24/22 12:39:20
  • Credible???
    [original: #72, ranking: #171, date: #210] From @shaneallen0578 on 02/12/23 02:51:51
  • [original: #63, ranking: #169, date: #151] From @mdbreathe on 01/05/23 07:37:52
  • [original: #12, ranking: #168, date: #150] From @mdbreathe on 01/05/23 07:34:11
  • [original: #50, ranking: #159, date: #66] From @rusticangela on 12/20/22 08:13:09
  • Courtesy @amuse
    [original: #10, ranking: #158, date: #223] From @usbornnraised on 02/17/23 03:06:42
  • Masks don’t work. Period.
    [original: #62, ranking: #156, date: #175] From @rejecttyranny on 01/14/23 04:27:54
  • This isn't a poll to be proud of.
    [original: #38, ranking: #152, date: #211] From @incognito_cas on 02/12/23 09:11:16
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • "If doctors are not aware of a possible diagnosis, they'll never diagnose it. Many…cardiologists aren't even conceiving of the possibility that the mRNA vaccine can cause these problems. But the list is there." Deep dive w @P_McCulloughMD @DrAseemMalhotra PREMIERE 7:30pm ET
    [original: #167, ranking: #9, date: #71] From @hawkatme on 12/21/22 02:30:02
  • Investigation drug. No approved drug available for the population per fda website. In all normal fda drug studies, a study was immediately halted for one adverse event. Why continue the sham? Why the push for a drug that doesn’t perform as described?
    [original: #188, ranking: #11, date: #102] From @jandibieler on 12/28/22 01:03:53
  • I may have had to take it because I wanted to keep my job but I can say I am truly disgusted with myself for doing so. Make sure to change the definitions of more things to fit whatever you want. Elephants are small and diminutive.
    [original: #171, ranking: #15, date: #63] From @wbuskill on 12/20/22 06:36:14
  • Remember when viruses weren’t infections, and we just rode it out and treated the viral symptoms?…worked pretty well for a looooong time and a lot less people died. Ride out the virus, get an antibiotic for the infection. Pretty simple.
    [original: #183, ranking: #18, date: #97] From @staggo11 on 12/27/22 09:11:39
  •… 2 years ago u rarely saw these stories. Now they are a multiple occurrence per day. I don't know if they are vaccine related but I do know the vaccine offers almost no protection to healthy young people & it doesn't prevent the spread. Stop vaxxing kids.
    [original: #185, ranking: #23, date: #99] From @cjhill4c on 12/28/22 08:22:41
  • Careful. This statement may be considered misinformation.
    [original: #224, ranking: #26, date: #136] From @theorionsensei on 12/31/22 09:07:14
  • When will you stop? Why didn’t you pull these products after the large amount of death and injury as a direct result of these shots?
    [original: #169, ranking: #30, date: #84] From @momhoodies on 12/25/22 08:20:12
  • So when were you going to tell us about Long Covid? My Son is sick with Long Covid for over 2 years now. It attacked his organs and he will have to have heart surgery. Are you doing any research? Anything?
    [original: #190, ranking: #31, date: #104] From @lilygf on 12/28/22 05:35:52
  • Dear cdc, respectfully you may want to ad “if you are ar risk as a result of age or existing health problems, otherwise a vaccine is unnecessary “. Power to the ppl! Free speech for all! Dr D
    [original: #177, ranking: #32, date: #92] From @breakthroughdrd on 12/27/22 07:25:32
  • If they worked as advertised, Covid would be over. Between vaccine immunity and natural, this would long be over. But there is no immunity from the death jabs.
    [original: #192, ranking: #33, date: #107] From @kangaroo_hunter on 12/29/22 03:39:43
  • No “medical professional” would ever show an actual study…but according to these current numbers…
    [original: #153, ranking: #34, date: #42] From @j_miguelinho on 12/19/22 06:58:04
  • So on day 8 of Covid. Fever has stopped still having other symptoms, still testing positive. My work said return in 7 days as long as I’ve been fever free for 24 hours. No wonder this Covid is spreading so fast people aren’t over it after 7 days. #Covid
    [original: #222, ranking: #36, date: #132] From @colette4656 on 12/31/22 11:25:58
  • Too many lives have been lost to Covid vaccinations There, corrected your tweet.
    [original: #179, ranking: #38, date: #95] From @son3marine on 12/27/22 06:49:16
  • "I was suspended simply for summarizing” data that had been published by the CDC or scientific journals". This is too much. We were not allowed to question the vaccine's safety or efficacy. Even when it was "science".
    [original: #193, ranking: #42, date: #108] From @timetoski on 12/29/22 03:52:16
  • SHOCKING: Pfizer Director Physically Assaults @JamesOKeefeIII & Veritas Staff; Destroys iPad Showing Undercover Recordings About “Mutating” Covid Virus; NYPD RESPONDS! #PfizerGate #pfizerattack #PfizerLeak #ProjectVeritasPfizer
    [original: #213, ranking: #46, date: #188] From @malka_sargon on 02/08/23 09:59:47
  • Sickening propaganda. CDC is completely corrupt along with the NIH, FDA, and other “health” agencies.
    [original: #225, ranking: #47, date: #139] From @snayburtjames on 01/01/23 06:06:04
  • You want to mention the side effects? Here a list of some, in case you need it. From the Pfizer lads themselves
    [original: #161, ranking: #50, date: #60] From @gamblor88888 on 12/20/22 05:36:49
  • FDA Panel for mRNA shots for ages 6mo.—5yrs. FDA Panelist, Dr. Meissner, warns that kids have a better chance of being struck by lightning than dying from C•19 and parents should be aware of the risk>benefit ratio.
    [original: #218, ranking: #51, date: #128] From @censorfreeinfo on 12/30/22 01:43:08
  • Proper use of VAERS would have shut down program for excess mortality before Feb 1 2021. Program sponsors (CDC/FDA) recklessly continued it without risk mitigation. Will be culpable upon investigation and justice phases of pandemic. #courageousdiscourse
    [original: #219, ranking: #55, date: #129] From @craigcarrillo7 on 12/30/22 06:48:15
  •… Even CIA News Network is changing their tune as their fear of an uprising scares their fear driven narrative creators!!!
    [original: #181, ranking: #59, date: #79] From @timetoski on 12/23/22 03:42:39
  • Wear protective eyewear, mask & air mitigations. The CDC seems to be leaving this very important message out.
    [original: #202, ranking: #68, date: #122] From @genxsamantha on 12/30/22 02:41:55
  • Amazing my veterinarian friends knew from day one!
    [original: #168, ranking: #75, date: #72] From @imreneehope on 12/21/22 02:32:01
Other hidden replies:
[tweet: 1623659120506155009, from: @brandon35011749 (UNKNOWN) on 02/09/23 04:24:35 (HIGH,,18,,244) You can make anything look good by cherry picking the data. Most age ranges didn’t need it. So the their deaths from the vaccine  are a big problem.]
[tweet: 1623652333161795584, from: @atlee_a (UNKNOWN) on 02/09/23 03:57:36 (HIGH,,17,,177) “Although so many lives have been taken by COVID, it wasn’t enough. We have to keep forcing you to take jabs until there’s only enough meat  and eggs for us! MWAHHAHA.”]
[tweet: 1612160122456887297, from: @mdbreathe (UNKNOWN) on 01/08/23 10:51:40 (HIGH,37,249,14,5640) This is our precious daughter, Trista. She #DiedSuddendly on Nov 9th. She was 18. The #Pfizer shot killed our daughter. They took this sweet, beautiful, kind, fun, loving girl from us. Help us hold them accountable! #JusticeForTrista #ProsecuteFauci]
[tweet: 1625186378504978439, from: @b1g_baz (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 09:33:21 (HIGH,,2,,15) We tried to warn everyone but no one wanted to listen. They called us “conspiracy theorists”. So so sorry for your loss. May she rest in eternal peace]
[tweet: 1623735474035757056, from: @vegasmitch702 (UNKNOWN) on 02/09/23 09:27:59 (HIGH,,3,,52) Yeah no thanks, imma gonna pass this time around.]
[tweet: 1624532420686155776, from: @themansander (UNKNOWN) on 02/11/23 02:14:46 (HIGH,,2,,18) How many vaccine injured????]
[tweet: 1623786267962900492, from: @team_small_st (UNKNOWN) on 02/09/23 12:49:49 (HIGH,,5,,137) False]
[tweet: 1623613279741546498, from: @raysmartcity (UNKNOWN) on 02/09/23 01:22:25 (HIGH,,5,,48) I thought twitter was the truth for the masses.. How has this not been flagged]
[tweet: 1623895013921894400, from: @jboone022000 (UNKNOWN) on 02/09/23 08:01:56 (HIGH,,4,,39) I can't believe our tax dollars fund this organization.]
[tweet: 1626538623171452928, from: @usbornnraised (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 03:06:42 (HIGH,,2,,34) Courtesy @amuse]
[tweet: 1606442999558377472, from: @demo2020cracy (UNKNOWN) on 12/23/22 04:13:52 (HIGH,17,89,5,3375) Double jabbed, vaccine-injured UK MP, Andrew Bridgen speaks out! Please share]
[tweet: 1611204456883884033, from: @mdbreathe (UNKNOWN) on 01/05/23 07:34:11 (HIGH,24,102,2,1723) [empty]]
[tweet: 1605065573427298305, from: @annmforti (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 09:00:28 (HIGH,14,124,3,3766) And @DrWoodcockFDA and Peter Marks, how about acknowledging the “secret protocols” for the vaccine injured?]
[tweet: 1611501728741969921, from: @mdbreathe (UNKNOWN) on 01/06/23 03:15:27 (HIGH,69,289,8,6564) “We now have data from multiple sources…the spike protein which the current mRNA vaccines ask the body to make, are cardio toxic and cause the heart to be inflamed.”]
[tweet: 1604937597733568512, from: @endambivalence (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 12:31:56 (HIGH,3,119,3,2270) How many have died due to clots from mRNA vaccines?]
[tweet: 1604939002452246528, from: @2ndunitedstates (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 12:37:31 (HIGH,1,9,2,644) Guesstimate is 25k.]
[tweet: 1604941785381638144, from: @pengwenwithlc (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 12:48:34 (HIGH,2,84,3,2297) Crowing about your success saving lives while still actively putting the lives of vulnerable people at risk? Does anyone in your communications department think before you put up posts like this?]
[tweet: 1604944007720599553, from: @cdcgov_parody (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 12:57:24 (HIGH,1,30,3,950) No.]
[tweet: 1604947984361349121, from: @jchrostowski621 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 01:13:12 (HIGH,1,108,9,2844) And how many have died or now have adverse effects of this. You know watching my grandma die right now of colon cancer is pretty heartbreaking! She didn’t have it prior to the jab and that’s a fact!]
[tweet: 1605031997440610304, from: @kolomina0050 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 06:47:02 (HIGH,,2,,885) First of all, I would like to express my condolences for the passing of your loved one. But there is no evidence that vaccinations cause colon cancer.]
[tweet: 1626118124792586240, from: @zoelightly (UNKNOWN) on 02/15/23 11:15:47 (HIGH,,4,,64) … Although too many lives have been lost to COVID-19 vaccination.  There, fixed it for you.]
[tweet: 1608528354793209856, from: @boboneill (UNKNOWN) on 12/29/22 10:20:19 (HIGH,,8,,4015) Thank you @CDCgov I have followed all guidelines and taken all available vaccines. I have not (yet) caught COVID]
[tweet: 1611425604896960512, from: @damoon19146196 (UNKNOWN) on 01/06/23 10:12:57 (HIGH,,4,,139) I can say the opposite proudly. There needs to be double blind studies by those not afflicted with the cdc or big pharma findings. But alas because of the mandate control group is difficult to find now . But u can always look at South Africa +countries where the jab was not pushe]
[tweet: 1612716292443611138, from: @asklanafirst (UNKNOWN) on 01/09/23 11:41:41 (HIGH,,39,,1296) My son got covid vaccine a year or so ago. A few months ago he started having sudden heart race even when he sits.]
[tweet: 1614204943820283908, from: @biden1_joe (UNKNOWN) on 01/14/23 02:17:03 (HIGH,,3,,124) You need to have him checked for myocarditis or something else..I would gate to see something happen..please get him checked and don't mention vaccine so you get the truth..I mean mention it after just Incase they need to look for something else but sadly you can't trust them]
[tweet: 1604965999169642497, from: @iteachyouthink1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 02:24:47 (HIGH,2,81,1,2329) I. Don'http://t.Trust. You.Anymore   Recommending the vaccine for kids was the last straw.]
[tweet: 1605733293227491328, from: @claudiapetphoto (UNKNOWN) on 12/21/22 05:13:44 (HIGH,,25,,1717) you mean mandating it]
[tweet: 1604973545674932224, from: @jhonbed04674002 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 02:54:46 (HIGH,,5,,1724) THEY DID IT UNDER TRUMP ADMINISTRATION]
[tweet: 1619882950102859777, from: @janicemcglaun1 (UNKNOWN) on 01/29/23 06:19:25 (HIGH,,4,,24) Who mandated it.]
[tweet: 1605001036472672256, from: @kandemanuk (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 04:44:01 (HIGH,1,64,3,1154) The comments give me hope.]
[tweet: 1606465833588383753, from: @nikicole092 (UNKNOWN) on 12/23/22 05:44:36 (HIGH,,2,1,330) Chills  I've not been following. This tread gave me hope, too!! Especially after people that have bullied me in the past over Vax had me over at their Xmas dinner tonight-playing with their baby.]
[tweet: 1611476226547269638, from: @mdbreathe (UNKNOWN) on 01/06/23 01:34:06 (HIGH,55,289,7,6630) Why did you pressure @Twitter to silence us?]
[tweet: 1625983873975742464, from: @daleplemons (UNKNOWN) on 02/15/23 02:22:19 (HIGH,,1,,104) Right on Doc!]
[tweet: 1624310833777119233, from: @covidiancrime (UNKNOWN) on 02/10/23 11:34:15 (HIGH,,1,,20) Why are there more excess deaths now?]
[tweet: 1624716574102810626, from: @domenick_savino (UNKNOWN) on 02/12/23 02:26:31 (HIGH,,1,,14) Somebody else can have my biowepon shot]
[tweet: 1623842329365815296, from: @jayman2374 (UNKNOWN) on 02/09/23 04:32:35 (HIGH,,1,,17) Not good]
[tweet: 1605019442093903873, from: @imanismami (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 05:57:09 (HIGH,,4,,2264) New poll shows once again that most people support mask mandates.  Support for mask mandates is particularly strong in communities of color.  #BringBackMasks]
[tweet: 1624999626829967361, from: @incognito_cas (UNKNOWN) on 02/12/23 09:11:16 (HIGH,,,1,10) This isn't a poll to be proud of.]
[tweet: 1624821724444344324, from: @beth0574 (UNKNOWN) on 02/12/23 09:24:21 (HIGH,,2,,23) First do no harm]
[tweet: 1624201651719471104, from: @fotoatdawire (UNKNOWN) on 02/10/23 04:20:24 (HIGH,,1,,3) Prison]
[tweet: 1607605885701918720, from: @truthorbust2020 (UNKNOWN) on 12/26/22 09:14:45 (HIGH,3,53,2,1274) I think you have a little problem with the Nuremberg code and we all know what you have done!]
[tweet: 1604938449328295936, from: @cjblues44 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 12:35:19 (HIGH,4,195,1,1914) You cannot be trusted.]
[tweet: 1604942858393247745, from: @curiousjen1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 12:52:50 (HIGH,6,46,3,1445) Interesting recap with zero info on historic scale of adverse events.]
[tweet: 1604960437820198912, from: @fobiobi (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 02:02:41 (HIGH,2,89,3,1281) It’s saved less than millions and the jab killed tens of thousands, but you censor the data]
[tweet: 1604964200497008650, from: @mamabear_truth (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 02:17:38 (HIGH,6,178,3,1419) [empty]]
[tweet: 1604977465721606145, from: @canada7hansen (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 03:10:21 (HIGH,5,59,1,778) I’ll pass. Lethal injections don’t do a thing for me.]
[tweet: 1605069627016429568, from: @dhoodatthang (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 09:16:34 (HIGH,11,253,17,2111) Here in Africa we are just fine and we didn't fall for the Vax hype.]
[tweet: 1605156601236684801, from: @rtutopia (UNKNOWN) on 12/20/22 03:02:10 (HIGH,8,34,,1175) In the Pfizer trials, more people died in the vaccine group than in the placebo group, and it takes 22,000 vaccines to save one life from COVID.  Steve Kirsch: "So you killed 150,000 in order to maybe save 10,000 lives."  Join & Share WikiLeaks]
[tweet: 1605178099356008448, from: @petabull (UNKNOWN) on 12/20/22 04:27:36 (HIGH,14,95,6,869) Tell them about the side effects]
[tweet: 1605234863531085825, from: @rusticangela (UNKNOWN) on 12/20/22 08:13:09 (HIGH,9,94,4,1200) [empty]]
[tweet: 1612909940355506188, from: @tkemper87 (UNKNOWN) on 01/10/23 12:31:10 (HIGH,4,51,,1540) Millions?  Tell that to Japan as they keep setting records for deaths despite high vaccination rates.]
[tweet: 1604947049857835008, from: @gresham3melinda (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 01:09:29 (HIGH,1,191,2,1846) To many lives have been lost from the vaccine also]
[tweet: 1604970220678008833, from: @jpmom872 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 02:41:34 (HIGH,3,81,,777) stop pushing this. 14% got their boosters this year. Seems no one believes a word you say. No matter how much you are trying to push this. Oh and thanks for the lymphedema from the shot. I appreciate it]
[tweet: 1605005999823167488, from: @lovejoysonofgod (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 05:03:44 (HIGH,4,101,2,836) "Vaccination has helped save millions of lives." HOW??? Does it stop the spread? Does it keep you from getting COVID? Does it have blood clot side effects?]
[tweet: 1605009438460592128, from: @chayotera1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 05:17:24 (HIGH,4,81,2,1142) FDA already said it causes blood clots. Blood clots can lead to many other problems.]
[tweet: 1605041320443215872, from: @duckduc65134164 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 07:24:05 (HIGH,2,89,1,850) You have no data to support this claim.]
[tweet: 1605051085315485698, from: @allwillbelost (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 08:02:53 (HIGH,3,70,1,895) CDC, strange you don't try to wash off the blood on your hands]
[tweet: 1605235251218812928, from: @bodeedoe (UNKNOWN) on 12/20/22 08:14:42 (HIGH,5,17,1,273) [empty]]
[tweet: 1605754471832727553, from: @reneeba41879905 (UNKNOWN) on 12/21/22 06:37:54 (HIGH,9,24,2,251) This looks like Crimes against Humanity to me.]
[tweet: 1606751399676616707, from: @1docwhitaker (UNKNOWN) on 12/24/22 12:39:20 (HIGH,9,38,2,331) [empty]]
[tweet: 1609957187312394240, from: @jhgage1 (UNKNOWN) on 01/02/23 08:57:59 (HIGH,,4,,746) Wouldn't N95 mask requirements in public buildings in regions of high transmission be saving tens of thousands more and helping get this pandemic under control?]
[tweet: 1614237870683832322, from: @rejecttyranny (UNKNOWN) on 01/14/23 04:27:54 (HIGH,1,7,1,51) Masks don’t work. Period.]
[tweet: 1611205382457679872, from: @mdbreathe (UNKNOWN) on 01/05/23 07:37:52 (HIGH,31,93,1,1716) [empty]]
[tweet: 1611265465674002433, from: @rocketfuel10111 (UNKNOWN) on 01/05/23 11:36:37 (HIGH,1,6,,146) And these are only some of the devastating effects these mRNA shots cause, we don't know the long term effects It could end up killing everyone that took it!!]
[tweet: 1617017042196135938, from: @ichristiannews_ (UNKNOWN) on 01/21/23 08:31:20 (HIGH,1,12,,743) WATCH]
[tweet: 1605024815903084545, from: @tweetmeat75 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 06:18:30 (HIGH,,14,,302) State-sponsored propaganda.]
[tweet: 1609361371115798528, from: @williemays22114 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/22 05:30:26 (HIGH,1,81,,993) You’re all criminals and belong in prison]
[tweet: 1609402197208440834, from: @michael85032435 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/22 08:12:39 (HIGH,,20,,976) How many people lost their lives TO the vaccine?  #Ratio]
[tweet: 1609841728021749760, from: @arbinternetalia (UNKNOWN) on 01/02/23 01:19:12 (HIGH,,19,,464) I bet y’all are hella PRESSED rn with #FauciFiles dropping this week lmao]
[tweet: 1610014817032589313, from: @frostedsleet1 (UNKNOWN) on 01/02/23 12:46:59 (HIGH,,20,,710) YOU]
[tweet: 1623862958563500032, from: @mikeswva (UNKNOWN) on 02/09/23 05:54:33 (HIGH,,1,,8) I'll pass on the your boosters.]
[tweet: 1624904141914144769, from: @shaneallen0578 (UNKNOWN) on 02/12/23 02:51:51 (HIGH,,1,,14) Credible???]
[tweet: 1622773448908091392, from: @sammy4peacelove (UNKNOWN) on 02/06/23 05:45:14 (HIGH,,5,1,259) Breaking news …]
[tweet: 1622775517530169344, from: @casey__johnson (UNKNOWN) on 02/06/23 05:53:27 (HIGH,,2,,95) Don't take the booster shot. It will make you sick!]
[tweet: 1612301365937844224, from: @johnfallan (UNKNOWN) on 01/08/23 08:12:55 (HIGH,,2,,617) N95 and KN95 are only countermeasures that work.    The more you discount this the more damage you cause.]
[tweet: 1614560016304058369, from: @wyattnorth5 (UNKNOWN) on 01/15/23 01:47:59 (HIGH,0,,,35) I think either not breathing or existing would solve the issue]
[tweet: 1604952691439853568, from: @dezza999 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 01:31:54 (HIGH,,35,,1285) Prove it!!]
[tweet: 1604959359515009024, from: @mummymobbsback1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 01:58:24 (HIGH,,7,,368) YESSSS THIS]
[tweet: 1605020237786660866, from: @sheed_rock (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 06:00:19 (HIGH,,,1,422) Thank you]
[tweet: 1608467257751109635, from: @bawhawwww (UNKNOWN) on 12/29/22 06:17:32 (HIGH,,1,,13) For what?]
[tweet: 1605062200116350977, from: @vitalife_jolee (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 08:47:03 (HIGH,2,98,8,1778) Early treatment could have saved many lives.]
[tweet: 1608588771083051009, from: @birdieflyby5 (UNKNOWN) on 12/29/22 02:20:23 (HIGH,,1,,35) Ivermectin.]
[tweet: 1605197375395463170, from: @coachtd27 (UNKNOWN) on 12/20/22 05:44:12 (HIGH,1,8,1,137) [empty]]
[tweet: 1614199381745623040, from: @wrysmile10 (UNKNOWN) on 01/14/23 01:54:57 (HIGH,,,1,38) There you go, a few more; thoughts @CDCDirector?]
[tweet: 1606282179926843392, from: @adorelab (UNKNOWN) on 12/23/22 05:34:49 (HIGH,1,3,18,1155) When will seniors be able to get a 2nd bivalent booster? It’s been almost 4 months since I had it.]
[tweet: 1622498594606415873, from: @annwestnursprac (UNKNOWN) on 02/05/23 11:33:04 (HIGH,,2,,15) Seriously]
[tweet: 1610027273679151105, from: @galroot (UNKNOWN) on 01/02/23 01:36:29 (HIGH,4,42,1,495) Taking this injection you call a vaccine was the worst decision of my life. I went through hell for almost a year.  Still hard to get back to the man I was prior to taking this poison. This "vaccine" is not safe, and to be honest, it doesn't do much to prevent infection anyway.]
[tweet: 1612082584967860227, from: @sonofgalvatron (UNKNOWN) on 01/08/23 05:43:33 (HIGH,,4,,67) I am pissed that I took it, too. Since March 2022, I have been having sporadic chest pain and been to the ER twice for racing heartbeat. Both times I thought I was having heart attacks. I am only 41 now.]
[tweet: 1610036600070627329, from: @aupatriot2001 (UNKNOWN) on 01/02/23 02:13:33 (HIGH,1,23,1,275) Resign. You lied about the safety of the death jabs and people are now dead, have gotten Covid multiple times or are permanently injured. What do you have to say for yourself?  Do you only listen to the @WHO? If so, you need new leadership or to be abolished.]
[tweet: 1611220449077391361, from: @dylan35272902 (UNKNOWN) on 01/05/23 08:37:44 (HIGH,,2,1,31) They will not resign. Their bosses are politicians, and we all know how corrupt politicians are.]
[tweet: 1611328544029769728, from: @skydove967 (UNKNOWN) on 01/06/23 03:47:16 (HIGH,,52,,721) How can you release a jab that never went through one clinical trial. What has been injected, and what was it for?]
[tweet: 1615102719999582210, from: @zfiredragn (UNKNOWN) on 01/16/23 01:44:30 (HIGH,,1,1,13) Population control]
[tweet: 1611587218740768769, from: @lukebelderes (UNKNOWN) on 01/06/23 08:55:09 (HIGH,3,24,4,219) Your Covid Vaccine has taken my life from me. It’s been 20 months of nonstop suffering afterwards. Myocarditis, POTS, Pericarditis.]
[tweet: 1614089511742447616, from: @thenoblemare (UNKNOWN) on 01/13/23 06:38:22 (HIGH,1,1,,34) I will fight and I believe many more will also. For all the people they hurt. We must get it done. So this never happens again. I’m extremely sorry for what you are going through.]
[tweet: 1607434920296595456, from: @mitchgoat70 (UNKNOWN) on 12/26/22 09:55:24 (HIGH,,1,1,2322) What is your own situation?]
[tweet: 1607636453839847424, from: @peacheeq17 (UNKNOWN) on 12/26/22 11:16:13 (HIGH,,8,,166) BRAVE you are posting this nonsense.]
[tweet: 1607775780385218562, from: @bradbanko (UNKNOWN) on 12/27/22 08:29:51 (HIGH,,4,,270) Unsubstantiated claim.  @CommunityNotes]
[tweet: 1608571176800129025, from: @theenli72119052 (UNKNOWN) on 12/29/22 01:10:29 (HIGH,,1,,1089) [empty]]
[tweet: 1609487528083746818, from: @penny25414587 (UNKNOWN) on 01/01/23 01:51:44 (HIGH,,5,,516) And we are finally waking up!]
[tweet: 1609487734258769930, from: @penny25414587 (UNKNOWN) on 01/01/23 01:52:33 (HIGH,,4,,441) Pediatric vaccines should NEVER started!!]
[tweet: 1609966258060988428, from: @nemasoil (UNKNOWN) on 01/02/23 09:34:02 (HIGH,,8,,1935) Give it some thought before getting more boosters.  Maybe read some papers and do a risk vs. benefit analysis.…]
[tweet: 1611377941421735938, from: @reneecapo80 (UNKNOWN) on 01/06/23 07:03:33 (HIGH,,11,,959) Lies.]
[tweet: 1611616293685272577, from: @c19vaxinjured (UNKNOWN) on 01/06/23 10:50:41 (HIGH,4,48,,1357) 1 dose mRNA that change my life in a negative way. #HelpUs #VaxInjuredSpaces]
[tweet: 1612574261838860311, from: @nitton76 (UNKNOWN) on 01/09/23 02:17:18 (HIGH,,18,,791) This will simply not hold the test of time.]
[tweet: 1612875334583521285, from: @modman33 (UNKNOWN) on 01/10/23 10:13:40 (HIGH,,3,,564) I want another booster in my eye bro]
[tweet: 1614192524628828160, from: @impact809 (UNKNOWN) on 01/14/23 01:27:42 (HIGH,,15,,536) IT'S TRUE "too many lives have been lost to COVID-19 vaccination"!!!]
[tweet: 1614617424170741761, from: @petetruthusa (UNKNOWN) on 01/15/23 05:36:06 (HIGH,,12,,361) Ummm this is a 100% BIG LIE!!!!]
[tweet: 1618540420950286338, from: @tamaralynn212 (UNKNOWN) on 01/26/23 01:24:42 (HIGH,1,37,1,620) Hey no more @HouseGOP funding of covid shots.. we've had enough, all the mNRA covid shots need to be pulled off the market, and it's illegal to have "yearly" booters with a emergency authorization drug.]
[tweet: 1620857826011934721, from: @seasidebest (UNKNOWN) on 02/01/23 10:53:14 (HIGH,1,,,435) Can you tell me if Far-UV is safe for Humans to be around? Ty]
[tweet: 1612175152103714816, from: @overtonborehole (UNKNOWN) on 01/08/23 11:51:23 (HIGH,0,,,123) Don't think you need the comma after COVID-19]
[tweet: 1616874346479497216, from: @sleighagent (UNKNOWN) on 01/21/23 11:04:18 (HIGH,,1,,71) THIS MESSAGE BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FOUR FOREST LAWN MORTUARIES]
[tweet: 1617338101923483651, from: @beehivehoney16 (UNKNOWN) on 01/22/23 05:47:06 (HIGH,,1,,8) Why do you still call it a vaccine?]
[tweet: 1609891260269035520, from: @daleplemons (UNKNOWN) on 01/02/23 04:36:01 (HIGH,1,9,,295) What are the harmful side effects of the boosters? What about the thousands dying around the world? Why are people getting the shot getting the bug but my natural immunity is better? Please answer if you are public servants. Don't respond if you just work for Big Pharma.]
[tweet: 1609991463697354759, from: @daleplemons (UNKNOWN) on 01/02/23 11:14:11 (HIGH,3,7,,245) I'm waiting hear back from you about myocarditis and blood clots. I'm beginning to wonder if this meme is true. How can you ever be trusted?]
[tweet: 1624001399733293057, from: @flingwingdude (UNKNOWN) on 02/10/23 03:04:40 (HIGH,,2,1,48) What if I  overheard a plan to execute execs of Pyzer and Moderna. Very detailed. Very technical. I think I’ll ignore it. Not my problem]
[tweet: 1604937974025969665, from: @rick8262 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 12:33:25 (HIGH,,14,,504) Lies]
[tweet: 1604941484733636611, from: @art30088316 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 12:47:22 (HIGH,2,74,3,1391) If the vaccine was that great, why need boosters! Ask those that suffered vacine injuries how they feel about it...Ask those that were silenced. It might be good for older folks or with comobilities, but not for all. Especially the young.]
[tweet: 1604941915274637312, from: @kincaidtony (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 12:49:05 (HIGH,1,26,2,755) Isn’t it time to move to climate change?]
[tweet: 1604959583126147089, from: @yoyota6969 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 01:59:17 (HIGH,,12,,327) Complete lie]
[tweet: 1626599451765915649, from: @catguardian (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 07:08:24 (HIGH,0,,,8) @CDCgov - is the Omicron variant booster that was released back in September the most current booster available? Just want to make sure I’m up-to-date. Thank you.]
[tweet: 1624519803334434816, from: @jstfarley (UNKNOWN) on 02/11/23 01:24:37 (HIGH,0,,,39) We need Novavax for all.]
[tweet: 1625587653180784640, from: @kathlee94656851 (UNKNOWN) on 02/14/23 12:07:53 (HIGH,0,,,7) What next? My bivalent booster protection has passed its sell-by date.]
[tweet: 1626810948647264257, from: @auction507 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:08:49 (HIGH,0,,,1) CREDIBLE MY BUTT!]
[tweet: 1626318383166763008, from: @drzeineddine (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 12:31:32 (HIGH,0,,,37) I need info regarding Marburg Virus]
[tweet: 1626680114485334016, from: @followyourbli15 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 12:28:56 (HIGH,0,,,3) Can you imagine what the world would be like if those in power actually told the truth?]
[tweet: 1625852681997930496, from: @mrandersonsnews (UNKNOWN) on 02/15/23 05:41:00 (HIGH,0,,,2) C.D.C= Cash doesn’t care]
[tweet: 1625110530091520000, from: @sylviaw88577596 (UNKNOWN) on 02/13/23 04:31:58 (HIGH,0,,,3) Never]
[tweet: 1623943104767365122, from: @leilanisherrill (UNKNOWN) on 02/09/23 11:13:02 (HIGH,0,,,6) Untrue]
[tweet: 1626340102904643584, from: @ryanorona1 (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 01:57:51 (HIGH,0,,,1) Corrupting science since 2019]
[tweet: 1605011952245170178, from: @kevlarmonkey (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 05:27:23 (HIGH,1,58,1,981) Go away  You do more harm than good  You should be held accountable  And eventually will]
[tweet: 1605033048906420224, from: @kennypowersiii1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 06:51:13 (HIGH,2,24,1,727) This is on purpose.  They are letting us walk right into it.  It is too obvious.]
[tweet: 1605060424189112321, from: @scottgalaska (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 08:40:00 (HIGH,2,57,1,725) Nobody believes you guys anymore.]
[tweet: 1605064994600517633, from: @doeseatoatss (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 08:58:10 (HIGH,7,22,,317) You knew!]
[tweet: 1605152488302280705, from: @64_holiday (UNKNOWN) on 12/20/22 02:45:50 (HIGH,4,22,1,337) [empty]]
[tweet: 1605950808629059584, from: @freedomwisely (UNKNOWN) on 12/22/22 07:38:04 (HIGH,1,23,1,217) Reminder, the jabs don’t work. 6 million Israelis stopped taking them. It can be assumed that the vast majority of them were harmed in one way or another. It was forced on people after only two months of a fake experiment with hidden data and a questionable emergency approval.]
[tweet: 1608288124030910464, from: @captianhowdy33 (UNKNOWN) on 12/28/22 06:25:43 (HIGH,4,32,,196) brought to from the same science that tells you mention get pregnant]
[tweet: 1608556211884154883, from: @treg_buckner (UNKNOWN) on 12/29/22 12:11:01 (HIGH,5,40,2,1120) [empty]]
[tweet: 1614226148841463809, from: @anthonybouchard (VERIFIED) on 01/14/23 03:41:19 (HIGH,4,221,13,3508) Individuals who had adverse reactions were IGNORED! How many lost their lives because the jab was NOT tested properly?]
[tweet: 1605640001290506240, from: @brexit_ron (UNKNOWN) on 12/21/22 11:03:02 (HIGH,9,43,4,2335) No words….]
[tweet: 1606022112157630464, from: @endambivalence (UNKNOWN) on 12/22/22 12:21:24 (HIGH,6,35,1,6754) @CDCgov I asked you guys a question]
[tweet: 1604960645023432704, from: @ogsouz48 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 02:03:31 (HIGH,,20,1,617) [empty]]
[tweet: 1604982362227412992, from: @revmasonrey (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 03:29:48 (HIGH,,35,1,653) I like when they said “2 weeks to flatten the curve”]
[tweet: 1604982555022741504, from: @ragnar8376 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 03:30:34 (HIGH,2,23,,324) [empty]]
[tweet: 1604991678548283392, from: @clotildartterry (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 04:06:50 (HIGH,,9,,301) is this a parody account?]
[tweet: 1604997614671380489, from: @bingobangoyo (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 04:30:25 (HIGH,,17,,230) list the side effects you criminals]
[tweet: 1605005763189084162, from: @stinkydoofus (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 05:02:48 (HIGH,,5,,181) Hellllllllllll no]
[tweet: 1605008394313777153, from: @hullyness (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 05:13:15 (HIGH,1,12,,264) I don’t believe you]
[tweet: 1605014391686045700, from: @thenewshound3 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 05:37:05 (HIGH,1,5,,115) [empty]]
[tweet: 1605016222155898880, from: @th3famewolf (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 05:44:21 (HIGH,,26,1,662) So. Nobody wants it]
[tweet: 1605016901968531456, from: @haywardlouann (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 05:47:03 (HIGH,,11,,197) [empty]]
[tweet: 1605027005417762816, from: @teamapocalyps16 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 06:27:12 (HIGH,,21,,426) The lies come in thick, again.]
[tweet: 1605030597029777409, from: @hozmeister1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 06:41:29 (HIGH,,39,,318) More lies. Where does it end?]
[tweet: 1605034770794020864, from: @j_miguelinho (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 06:58:04 (HIGH,3,17,1,1204) No “medical professional” would ever show an actual study…but according to these current numbers…]
[tweet: 1605043618321793025, from: @ktownfarm (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 07:33:13 (HIGH,,4,,124) [empty]]
[tweet: 1605046107955929089, from: @the_kffl (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 07:43:07 (HIGH,,3,,150) Hell no]
[tweet: 1605067537410138113, from: @alchemy4338 (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 09:08:16 (HIGH,1,36,,471) We can see the corruption.]
[tweet: 1605084659813163013, from: @ggthinking (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 10:16:18 (HIGH,,12,,141) 2 years??? Vaccine clearly doesn't work.]
[tweet: 1605086164175785984, from: @manjuka (UNKNOWN) on 12/19/22 10:22:17 (HIGH,,9,,194) [empty]]
[tweet: 1605180324736106498, from: @chadchriston1 (UNKNOWN) on 12/20/22 04:36:26 (HIGH,,16,,168) Nuremberg 2.0 for you]
[tweet: 1605123292330860544, from: @janicew78256134 (UNKNOWN) on 12/20/22 12:49:49 (HIGH,,33,,763) Prove it!]
[tweet: 1605195517054566401, from: @gamblor88888 (UNKNOWN) on 12/20/22 05:36:49 (HIGH,3,16,,405) You want to mention the side effects? Here a list of some, in case you need it. From the Pfizer lads themselves]
[tweet: 1605264195842625538, from: @bugmanopposer (UNKNOWN) on 12/20/22 10:09:43 (HIGH,,24,1,191) [empty]]
[tweet: 1605950752572047361, from: @goprightist (UNKNOWN) on 12/22/22 07:37:51 (HIGH,18,95,3,814) Wake up]
[tweet: 1605951034764840960, from: @goprightist (UNKNOWN) on 12/22/22 07:38:58 (HIGH,7,50,5,380) Stillbirths.. Must be climate change right?]
[tweet: 1613276396100685824, from: @tomasma16498730 (UNKNOWN) on 01/11/23 12:47:20 (HIGH,3,8,1,96) [empty]]
[tweet: 1607581356971929606, from: @sherrye_pomeroy (UNKNOWN) on 12/26/22 07:37:17 (HIGH,25,118,4,1500) [empty]]
[tweet: 1605692093632061444, from: @hawkatme (UNKNOWN) on 12/21/22 02:30:02 (HIGH,5,57,2,3442) "If doctors are not aware of a possible diagnosis, they'll never diagnose it. Many…cardiologists aren't even conceiving of the possibility that the mRNA vaccine can cause these problems. But the list is there." Deep dive w @P_McCulloughMD @DrAseemMalhotra PREMIERE 7:30pm ET]
[tweet: 1605692594494660609, from: @imreneehope (UNKNOWN) on 12/21/22 02:32:01 (HIGH,,27,,1524) Amazing my veterinarian friends knew from day one!]
[tweet: 1607229771003596800, from: @momhoodies (UNKNOWN) on 12/25/22 08:20:12 (HIGH,5,157,6,1662) When will you stop?  Why didn’t you pull these products after the large amount of death and injury as a direct result of these shots?]
[tweet: 1605210170220752900, from: @genericacaptain (UNKNOWN) on 12/20/22 06:35:02 (HIGH,,6,1,676) Who are the clowns who liked this propaganda?]
[tweet: 1605210470222565380, from: @wbuskill (UNKNOWN) on 12/20/22 06:36:14 (HIGH,,16,1,425) I may have had to take it because I wanted to keep my job but I can say I am truly disgusted with myself for doing so. Make sure to change the definitions of more things to fit whatever you want. Elephants are small and diminutive.]
[tweet: 1605223294952558592, from: @michellet5460 (UNKNOWN) on 12/20/22 07:27:11 (HIGH,1,9,,119) Yeah and they are really safe. Because of all the lying I will never get another vax again.]
[tweet: 1605268594408955928, from: @bugmanopposer (UNKNOWN) on 12/20/22 10:27:12 (HIGH,,7,,60) [empty]]
[tweet: 1607652591672131586, from: @rimabaich (UNKNOWN) on 12/27/22 12:20:21 (HIGH,,4,,55) CDC is spreading misinformation!!!!]
[tweet: 1607695266554994689, from: @godsgspot (UNKNOWN) on 12/27/22 03:09:55 (HIGH,,2,,16) You are criminals and you’ll end up in jail where you belong.]
[tweet: 1607705160310214657, from: @houseofdelphi (UNKNOWN) on 12/27/22 03:49:14 (HIGH,,1,1,124) #DiedSuddenly]
[tweet: 1607759595660840964, from: @breakthroughdrd (UNKNOWN) on 12/27/22 07:25:32 (HIGH,,1,,18) Dear cdc, respectfully you may want to ad “if you are ar risk as a result of age or existing health problems, otherwise a vaccine is unnecessary “. Power to the ppl! Free speech for all! Dr D]
[tweet: 1607809605727555585, from: @jim_verunac (UNKNOWN) on 12/27/22 10:44:16 (HIGH,,1,,1) CDC just as useless as WHO.]
[tweet: 1607931660091146243, from: @son3marine (UNKNOWN) on 12/27/22 06:49:16 (HIGH,1,18,,111) Too many lives have been lost to Covid vaccinations  There, corrected your tweet.]
[tweet: 1605218193106141185, from: @phil_tangen (UNKNOWN) on 12/20/22 07:06:55 (HIGH,,3,1,62) Do not get an updated booster.]
[tweet: 1606253951434690562, from: @timetoski (UNKNOWN) on 12/23/22 03:42:39 (HIGH,2,3,1,146)… Even CIA News Network is changing their tune as their fear of an uprising scares their fear driven narrative creators!!!]
[tweet: 1607939981644906497, from: @dcnyc_ (UNKNOWN) on 12/27/22 07:22:20 (HIGH,,8,,104) CDC has zero credibility. Do better.]
[tweet: 1607967492894330880, from: @staggo11 (UNKNOWN) on 12/27/22 09:11:39 (HIGH,,5,,103) Remember when viruses weren’t infections, and we just rode it out and treated the viral symptoms?…worked pretty well for a looooong time and a lot less people died. Ride out the virus, get an antibiotic for the infection. Pretty simple.]
[tweet: 1608005259896696834, from: @jardlar (UNKNOWN) on 12/27/22 11:41:43 (HIGH,,1,,18) Liars]
[tweet: 1608136365535002624, from: @cjhill4c (UNKNOWN) on 12/28/22 08:22:41 (HIGH,,1,,66)… 2 years ago u rarely saw these stories. Now they are a multiple occurrence per day. I don't know if they are vaccine related but I do know the vaccine offers almost no protection to healthy young people & it doesn't prevent the spread. Stop vaxxing kids.]
[tweet: 1608193793878114310, from: @tp02525000 (UNKNOWN) on 12/28/22 12:10:53 (HIGH,,1,,4) [empty]]
[tweet: 1608197714776580097, from: @birdgod23 (UNKNOWN) on 12/28/22 12:26:28 (HIGH,,5,,31) criminals.  too bad we can think critically and see your blatant lies.]
[tweet: 1608207131530113024, from: @jandibieler (UNKNOWN) on 12/28/22 01:03:53 (HIGH,,4,,38) Investigation drug. No approved drug available for the population per fda website. In all normal fda drug studies, a study was immediately halted for one adverse event. Why continue the sham? Why the push for a drug that doesn’t perform as described?]
[tweet: 1608265414299250690, from: @joeshmo79945542 (UNKNOWN) on 12/28/22 04:55:29 (HIGH,,1,,19) [empty]]
[tweet: 1608275577751969792, from: @lilygf (UNKNOWN) on 12/28/22 05:35:52 (HIGH,,1,,103) So when were you going to tell us about Long Covid? My Son is sick with Long Covid for over 2 years now. It attacked his organs and he will have to have heart surgery. Are you doing any research? Anything?]
[tweet: 1608299496412250113, from: @censorfreeinfo (UNKNOWN) on 12/28/22 07:10:55 (HIGH,,1,,25) [empty]]
[tweet: 1608427542658289664, from: @kangaroo_hunter (UNKNOWN) on 12/29/22 03:39:43 (HIGH,1,4,,70) If they worked as advertised, Covid would be over. Between vaccine immunity and natural, this would long be over. But there is no immunity from the death jabs.]
[tweet: 1608430699291512832, from: @timetoski (UNKNOWN) on 12/29/22 03:52:16 (HIGH,,1,,106) "I was suspended simply for summarizing” data that had been published by the CDC or scientific journals".  This is too much.  We were not allowed to question the vaccine's safety or efficacy.  Even when it was "science".]
[tweet: 1608454398069575680, from: @dieselmorris2 (UNKNOWN) on 12/29/22 05:26:26 (HIGH,,2,,45) I’m staying 100% human no gene therapy]
[tweet: 1608509769559465987, from: @iwantlibertees (UNKNOWN) on 12/29/22 09:06:28 (HIGH,,5,,38) None of that is true but freedom of speech, right?]
[tweet: 1608514388260192258, from: @timedoestravel (UNKNOWN) on 12/29/22 09:24:49 (HIGH,,4,,41) [empty]]
[tweet: 1608602273114116099, from: @ksummers7 (UNKNOWN) on 12/29/22 03:14:02 (HIGH,1,4,,29) That’s a lie. I’d bet money it hasn’t saved one single life, but has cost untold numbers of people theirs.]
[tweet: 1608637375294640128, from: @michaelfge0rge (UNKNOWN) on 12/29/22 05:33:31 (HIGH,,4,,31) I’ve always wondered how you claim it prevented serious illness or death when we were unable to run both scenarios]
[tweet: 1608678568015585281, from: @littlelegslb (UNKNOWN) on 12/29/22 08:17:13 (HIGH,,1,,9) You need to start following the science and peer reviews.]
[tweet: 1608692762291105794, from: @columbianacorto (UNKNOWN) on 12/29/22 09:13:37 (HIGH,,4,,34) How can you say it saved millions of lives?]
[tweet: 1608731498802458627, from: @anti_wef_bot (UNKNOWN) on 12/29/22 11:47:32 (HIGH,,4,1,168) Genocide.]
[tweet: 1608775381389312002, from: @genxsamantha (UNKNOWN) on 12/30/22 02:41:55 (HIGH,,2,1,241) Wear protective eyewear, mask & air mitigations. The CDC seems to be leaving this very important message out.]
[tweet: 1608842890436038657, from: @woobie74 (UNKNOWN) on 12/30/22 07:10:10 (HIGH,,1,,3) [empty]]
[tweet: 1608842928734220288, from: @woobie74 (UNKNOWN) on 12/30/22 07:10:19 (HIGH,,1,,3) [empty]]
[tweet: 1608849996799172610, from: @krispatriot07 (UNKNOWN) on 12/30/22 07:38:24 (HIGH,,7,,34) What did you want to wait 75 yrs to release the info from the Pfizer jab?? Cause it’s really a Clot Shot that’s why!]
[tweet: 1608850058769993730, from: @nohownobody (UNKNOWN) on 12/30/22 07:38:39 (HIGH,,1,,8) This is misinformation!  There isn’t a vaccine for Covid.]
[tweet: 1608931277432041472, from: @bhiggdhawgg (UNKNOWN) on 12/30/22 01:01:23 (HIGH,,4,,17) If you ARE credible you don’t have to say you’re credible. This is laughable.]
[tweet: 1626811097628958722, from: @auction507 (UNKNOWN) on 02/17/23 09:09:25 (HIGH,0,,,1) STOP THE MADNESS]
[tweet: 1626270233186164737, from: @arboharp (UNKNOWN) on 02/16/23 09:20:12 (HIGH,0,,,1) Go away already!!]
[tweet: 1623666986784882688, from: @calebb8 (UNKNOWN) on 02/09/23 04:55:50 (HIGH,0,,,6) LIES!]
[tweet: 1625522587248779265, from: @gsmooth1986 (UNKNOWN) on 02/14/23 07:49:20 (HIGH,0,,,1) Lies]
[tweet: 1624374866546761728, from: @emmabarbara0127 (UNKNOWN) on 02/11/23 03:48:42 (HIGH,0,,,3) Lies]
[tweet: 1623562282038083586, from: @malka_sargon (UNKNOWN) on 02/08/23 09:59:47 (HIGH,0,,,9) SHOCKING: Pfizer Director Physically Assaults @JamesOKeefeIII & Veritas Staff; Destroys iPad Showing Undercover Recordings About “Mutating” Covid Virus; NYPD RESPONDS!  #PfizerGate #pfizerattack #PfizerLeak #ProjectVeritasPfizer]
[tweet: 1626005921452240901, from: @rell116th (UNKNOWN) on 02/15/23 03:49:56 (HIGH,0,,,undefined) [empty]]
[tweet: 1624415532240842752, from: @bestoftimes23 (UNKNOWN) on 02/11/23 06:30:17 (HIGH,0,,,8) CCPgov]
[tweet: 1624614849018793984, from: @kathy55877265 (UNKNOWN) on 02/11/23 07:42:18 (HIGH,0,,,1) [empty]]
[tweet: 1624385838623735808, from: @gleny21484780 (UNKNOWN) on 02/11/23 04:32:18 (HIGH,0,,,2) [empty]]
[tweet: 1608941784226463744, from: @censorfreeinfo (UNKNOWN) on 12/30/22 01:43:08 (HIGH,,2,,36) FDA Panel for mRNA shots for ages 6mo.—5yrs. FDA Panelist, Dr. Meissner, warns that kids have a better chance of being struck by lightning than dying from C•19 and parents should be aware of the risk>benefit ratio.]
[tweet: 1609018570360475648, from: @craigcarrillo7 (UNKNOWN) on 12/30/22 06:48:15 (HIGH,,1,,14) Proper use of VAERS would have shut down program for excess mortality before Feb 1 2021.  Program sponsors (CDC/FDA) recklessly continued it without risk mitigation.  Will be culpable upon investigation and justice phases of pandemic. #courageousdiscourse]
[tweet: 1609178236902338561, from: @rjgivens6 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/22 05:22:43 (HIGH,,1,,12) Gross]
[tweet: 1609247553136082945, from: @thereal16285716 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/22 09:58:09 (HIGH,,3,,31) So, explain the blood clots being synthetic?]
[tweet: 1609269651984506880, from: @colette4656 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/22 11:25:58 (HIGH,1,,,134) So on day 8 of Covid. Fever has stopped still having other symptoms, still testing positive. My work said return in 7 days as long as I’ve been fever free for 24 hours. No wonder this Covid is spreading so fast people aren’t over it after 7 days. #Covid]
[tweet: 1609329295926726660, from: @besthockeydad2 (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/22 03:22:58 (HIGH,,1,,84) I can only imagine the data that is swirling in the CDC labs to make the decisions they make.]
[tweet: 1609415932698304513, from: @theorionsensei (UNKNOWN) on 12/31/22 09:07:14 (HIGH,,36,,801) Careful. This statement may be considered misinformation.]
[tweet: 1609551533510729729, from: @snayburtjames (UNKNOWN) on 01/01/23 06:06:04 (HIGH,,15,,90) Sickening propaganda. CDC is completely corrupt along with the NIH, FDA, and other “health” agencies.]
[tweet: 1609639522010124293, from: @ninkaninka66 (UNKNOWN) on 01/01/23 11:55:42 (HIGH,,2,,17) [empty]]
[tweet: 1609945573431586816, from: @boscheyes (UNKNOWN) on 01/02/23 08:11:50 (HIGH,,1,,25) It’s not too late to prevent mass disability-reinstate masking in schools.]


This is our precious daughter, Trista. She #DiedSuddendly on Nov 9th. She was 18. The #Pfizer shot killed our daughter. They took this sweet, beautiful, kind, fun, loving girl from us. Help us hold them accountable! #JusticeForTrista #ProsecuteFauci
 ranking=21.538498222001557 from {coleman=0.6, cos=0, smog=0.66, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.12, pop=6.53, numsent=7, flesch=1.11, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.59, numword=4, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.27}
 orders: orig=3, rank=1, date=162
Crowing about your success saving lives while still actively putting the lives of vulnerable people at risk? Does anyone in your communications department think before you put up posts like this?
 ranking=20.045337724211052 from {coleman=0.76, cos=0.67, smog=1.08, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.48, pop=5.25, numsent=2, flesch=1.46, ari=0.56, lix=0.06, time=1.96, numword=3, fuzzy=1.8, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=17, rank=2, date=6
If the vaccine was that great, why need boosters!
Ask those that suffered vacine injuries how they feel about it...Ask those that were silenced. It might be good for older folks or with comobilities, but not for all. Especially the young.
 ranking=19.468708317012396 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0.18, smog=0.78, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.23, pop=5.13, numsent=4, flesch=1.2, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.97, numword=4, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=117, rank=3, date=5
"Vaccination has helped save millions of lives." HOW??? Does it stop the spread? Does it keep you from getting COVID? Does it have blood clot side effects?
 ranking=19.393169564470927 from {coleman=0.52, cos=1.39, smog=0.55, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.1, pop=5.42, numsent=5, flesch=1.09, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.77, numword=2, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.19}
 orders: orig=54, rank=4, date=28
Taking this injection you call a vaccine was the worst decision of my life. I went through hell for almost a year.  Still hard to get back to the man I was prior to taking this poison. This "vaccine" is not safe, and to be honest, it doesn't do much to prevent infection anyway.
 ranking=19.26651990377169 from {coleman=0.38, cos=0.41, smog=0.78, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.24, pop=4.62, numsent=4, flesch=1.16, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.71, numword=5, fuzzy=1, fog=0.38}
 orders: orig=87, rank=5, date=148
And how many have died or now have adverse effects of this. You know watching my grandma die right now of colon cancer is pretty heartbreaking! She didn’t have it prior to the jab and that’s a fact!
 ranking=19.10182182422061 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0.17, smog=0.62, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.16, pop=5.58, numsent=3, flesch=1.07, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.92, numword=3, fuzzy=2.3, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=19, rank=6, date=11
Resign. You lied about the safety of the death jabs and people are now dead, have gotten Covid multiple times or are permanently injured. What do you have to say for yourself?  Do you only listen to the @WHO? If so, you need new leadership or to be abolished.
 ranking=19.048921795037206 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.18, smog=0.73, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.2, pop=3.99, numsent=5, flesch=1.16, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.7, numword=4, fuzzy=1.8, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=89, rank=7, date=149
Reminder, the jabs don’t work. 6 million Israelis stopped taking them. It can be assumed that the vast majority of them were harmed in one way or another. It was forced on people after only two months of a fake experiment with hidden data and a questionable emergency approval.
 ranking=18.820396452105623 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0.3, smog=1.2, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.4, pop=3.99, numsent=3, flesch=1.33, ari=0.41, lix=0.06, time=1.34, numword=4, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=135, rank=8, date=76
"If doctors are not aware of a possible diagnosis, they'll never diagnose it. Many…cardiologists aren't even conceiving of the possibility that the mRNA vaccine can cause these problems. But the list is there." Deep dive w @P_McCulloughMD @DrAseemMalhotra
 ranking=18.445806072730186 from {pop=4.94, coleman=0.62, numsent=4, flesch=1.31, cos=0.33, smog=0.85, ari=0.29, lix=0.05, time=1.39, numword=4, kincaid=0.3, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=167, rank=9, date=71
stop pushing this. 14% got their boosters this year. Seems no one believes a word you say. No matter how much you are trying to push this. Oh and thanks for the lymphedema from the shot. I appreciate it
 ranking=18.35905407162249 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0.18, smog=0.73, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.1, pop=5.15, numsent=5, flesch=1.06, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.85, numword=3, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=53, rank=10, date=19
Investigation drug. No approved drug available for the population per fda website. In all normal fda drug studies, a study was immediately halted for one adverse event. Why continue the sham? Why the push for a drug that doesn’t perform as described?
 ranking=17.79146624576069 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0.12, smog=0.79, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.28, pop=2.08, numsent=5, flesch=1.3, ari=0.26, lix=0.05, time=1.12, numword=4, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=188, rank=11, date=102
In the Pfizer trials, more people died in the vaccine group than in the placebo group, and it takes 22,000 vaccines to save one life from COVID.

Steve Kirsch: "So you killed 150,000 in order to maybe save 10,000 lives."

Join & Share WikiLeaks
 ranking=17.465426742718336 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0.83, smog=0.75, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.26, pop=4.53, numsent=3, flesch=1.14, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=1.51, numword=4, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=48, rank=12, date=57
What are the harmful side effects of the boosters?
What about the thousands dying around the world?
Why are people getting the shot getting the bug but my natural immunity is better?
Please answer if you are public servants.
Don't respond if you just work for Big Pharma.
 ranking=17.034688020551286 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.65, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.21, pop=3.05, numsent=5, flesch=1.18, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.76, numword=4, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=113, rank=13, date=142
“We now have data from multiple sources…the spike protein which the current mRNA vaccines ask the body to make, are cardio toxic and cause the heart to be inflamed.”
 ranking=16.84259103194557 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.56, pop=6.72, numsent=1, flesch=1.31, ari=0.72, lix=0.09, time=0.62, numword=3, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.67}
 orders: orig=14, rank=14, date=158
I may have had to take it because I wanted to keep my job but I can say I am truly disgusted with myself for doing so. Make sure to change the definitions of more things to fit whatever you want. Elephants are small and diminutive.
 ranking=16.596608880098955 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.94, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.28, pop=3.62, numsent=3, flesch=1.18, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.46, numword=4, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=171, rank=15, date=63
To many lives have been lost from the vaccine also
 ranking=16.5938352077909 from {coleman=0.42, cos=1.67, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.13, pop=5.98, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.93, numword=1, fuzzy=2.8, fog=0.2}
 orders: orig=52, rank=16, date=10
IT'S TRUE "too many lives have been lost to COVID-19 vaccination"!!!
 ranking=16.14393010915072 from {coleman=0.56, cos=1.82, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.25, pop=3.41, numsent=1, flesch=1.25, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.51, numword=1, fuzzy=4.9, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=106, rank=17, date=171
Remember when viruses weren’t infections, and we just rode it out and treated the viral symptoms?…worked pretty well for a looooong time and a lot less people died. Ride out the virus, get an antibiotic for the infection. Pretty simple.
 ranking=15.99029895886212 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0.15, smog=0.92, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.22, pop=2.31, numsent=4, flesch=1.18, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.16, numword=4, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=183, rank=18, date=97
Interesting recap with zero info on historic scale of adverse events.
 ranking=15.951568215915028 from {coleman=0.77, cos=0, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.46, pop=4.83, numsent=1, flesch=1.51, ari=0.45, lix=0.06, time=1.94, numword=1, fuzzy=2.3, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=43, rank=19, date=8
You need to have him checked for myocarditis or something else..I would gate to see something happen..please get him checked and don't mention vaccine so you get the truth..I mean mention it after just Incase they need to look for something else but sadly you can't trust them
 ranking=15.935645074198797 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0.36, smog=1.4, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.85, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=1.49, ari=1.05, lix=0.99, time=0.49, numword=4, fuzzy=0.6, fog=1.05}
 orders: orig=25, rank=20, date=173
Hey no more @HouseGOP funding of covid shots.. we've had enough, all the mNRA covid shots need to be pulled off the market, and it's illegal to have "yearly" booters with a emergency authorization drug.
 ranking=15.889498060816344 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0.33, smog=1.25, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.7, pop=4.41, numsent=1, flesch=1.48, ari=0.79, lix=0.08, time=0.41, numword=3, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.83}
 orders: orig=108, rank=21, date=182
Individuals who had adverse reactions were IGNORED! How many lost their lives because the jab was NOT tested properly?
 ranking=15.679492599383446 from {coleman=0.73, cos=0.94, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.28, pop=6.26, numsent=2, flesch=1.28, ari=0.39, lix=0.07, time=0.48, numword=1, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=138, rank=22, date=174…
2 years ago u rarely saw these stories. Now they are a multiple occurrence per day. I don't know if they are vaccine related but I do know the vaccine offers almost no protection to healthy young people & it doesn't prevent the spread. Stop vaxxing kids.
 ranking=15.645133857641518 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.41, smog=0.69, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.22, pop=0.7, numsent=4, flesch=1.16, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.14, numword=4, fuzzy=1.9, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=185, rank=23, date=99
“Although so many lives have been taken by COVID, it wasn’t enough. We have to keep forcing you to take jabs until there’s only enough meat  and eggs for us! MWAHHAHA.”
 ranking=15.58009702359297 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0.93, smog=0.3, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.19, pop=3.53, numsent=3, flesch=1.14, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.34, numword=3, fuzzy=2, fog=0.2}
 orders: orig=2, rank=24, date=190
And @DrWoodcockFDA and Peter Marks, how about acknowledging the “secret protocols” for the vaccine injured?
 ranking=15.517133880678335 from {coleman=0.79, cos=0.57, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.51, pop=5.73, numsent=1, flesch=1.53, ari=0.55, lix=0.07, time=1.57, numword=1, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=13, rank=25, date=50
Careful. This statement may be considered misinformation.
 ranking=15.444003332625064 from {coleman=1.28, cos=0, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.73, pop=4.28, numsent=2, flesch=2.03, ari=0.67, lix=0.99, time=0.82, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=1.22}
 orders: orig=224, rank=26, date=136
Your Covid Vaccine has taken my life from me. It’s been 20 months of nonstop suffering afterwards. Myocarditis, POTS, Pericarditis.
 ranking=15.395339869205893 from {coleman=0.81, cos=0.43, smog=0.94, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.4, pop=4.35, numsent=3, flesch=1.51, ari=0.37, lix=0.05, time=0.61, numword=2, fog=0.55}
 orders: orig=93, rank=27, date=159
I can say the opposite proudly. There needs to be double blind studies by those not afflicted with the cdc or big pharma findings. But alas because of the mandate control group is difficult to find now . But u can always look at South Africa +countries where the jab was not pushe
 ranking=15.38331115880036 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.21, pop=2.08, numsent=4, flesch=1.13, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.64, numword=5, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=23, rank=28, date=156
I. Don'http://t.Trust. You.Anymore 

Recommending the vaccine for kids was the last straw.
 ranking=15.197537617672268 from {coleman=0.5, cos=0.29, smog=0.62, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.1, pop=5.16, numsent=3, flesch=1.13, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.86, numword=1, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=26, rank=29, date=18
When will you stop?  Why didn’t you pull these products after the large amount of death and injury as a direct result of these shots?
 ranking=15.141815688781964 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.2, pop=5.89, numsent=2, flesch=1.12, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.27, numword=2, fuzzy=1.5, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=169, rank=30, date=84
So when were you going to tell us about Long Covid? My Son is sick with Long Covid for over 2 years now. It attacked his organs and he will have to have heart surgery. Are you doing any research? Anything?
 ranking=14.914958827664366 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0.5, smog=0.55, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.7, numsent=5, flesch=1.07, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.1, numword=4, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=190, rank=31, date=104
Dear cdc, respectfully you may want to ad “if you are ar risk as a result of age or existing health problems, otherwise a vaccine is unnecessary “. Power to the ppl! Free speech for all! Dr D
 ranking=14.884774519438505 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.17, smog=0.85, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.2, pop=0.7, numsent=4, flesch=1.17, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=1.2, numword=3, fuzzy=2.3, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=177, rank=32, date=92
If they worked as advertised, Covid would be over. Between vaccine immunity and natural, this would long be over. But there is no immunity from the death jabs.
 ranking=14.709999518683256 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0.43, smog=0.94, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.27, pop=2.4, numsent=3, flesch=1.27, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.07, numword=2, fuzzy=1.7, fog=0.48}
 orders: orig=192, rank=33, date=107
No “medical professional” would ever show an actual study…but according to these current numbers…
 ranking=14.414774162115526 from {coleman=0.79, cos=0, smog=1.25, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.54, pop=3.88, numsent=1, flesch=1.56, ari=0.56, lix=0.09, time=1.64, numword=1, fuzzy=1, fog=0.7}
 orders: orig=153, rank=34, date=42
Millions?  Tell that to Japan as they keep setting records for deaths despite high vaccination rates.
 ranking=14.366001403013401 from {coleman=0.74, cos=0.45, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.3, pop=4.74, numsent=2, flesch=1.34, ari=0.36, lix=0.06, time=0.53, numword=1, fuzzy=1.9, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=51, rank=35, date=168
So on day 8 of Covid. Fever has stopped still having other symptoms, still testing positive. My work said return in 7 days as long as I’ve been fever free for 24 hours. No wonder this Covid is spreading so fast people aren’t over it after 7 days. #Covid
 ranking=14.356791810891119 from {coleman=0.4, cos=0.38, smog=0.55, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.2, pop=1.1, numsent=5, flesch=1.17, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.85, numword=4, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=222, rank=36, date=132
What if I  overheard a plan to execute execs of Pyzer and Moderna. Very detailed. Very technical. I think I’ll ignore it. Not my problem
 ranking=14.294517337310998 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0, smog=0.73, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.2, pop=2.2, numsent=5, flesch=1.25, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.26, numword=2, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=115, rank=37, date=199
Too many lives have been lost to Covid vaccinations

There, corrected your tweet.
 ranking=14.291288260645963 from {coleman=0.71, cos=1.41, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.34, pop=3.67, numsent=1, flesch=1.31, ari=0.45, lix=0, time=1.18, numword=1, fuzzy=2, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=179, rank=38, date=95
How many have died due to clots from mRNA vaccines?
 ranking=14.152641278697825 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0.31, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.13, pop=5.57, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=2, numword=1, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=15, rank=39, date=1
It’s saved less than millions and the jab killed tens of thousands, but you censor the data
 ranking=13.826591216339414 from {coleman=0.5, cos=0.25, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.24, pop=5.3, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=1.88, numword=1, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=44, rank=40, date=15
You can make anything look good by cherry picking the data. Most age ranges didn’t need it. So the their deaths from the vaccine  are a big problem.
 ranking=13.794811968101854 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0.2, smog=0.62, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.12, pop=3.59, numsent=3, flesch=1.06, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.33, numword=2, fuzzy=1.7, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=1, rank=41, date=191
"I was suspended simply for summarizing” data that had been published by the CDC or scientific journals".  This is too much.  We were not allowed to question the vaccine's safety or efficacy.  Even when it was "science". 
 ranking=13.793074218718829 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.78, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.22, pop=0.7, numsent=4, flesch=1.2, ari=0.22, lix=0.05, time=1.06, numword=3, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=193, rank=42, date=108
New poll shows once again that most people support mask mandates.

Support for mask mandates is particularly strong in communities of color.

 ranking=13.661212935681206 from {coleman=0.75, cos=0, smog=0.94, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.31, pop=2.08, numsent=3, flesch=1.34, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1.71, numword=2, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=37, rank=43, date=35
I will fight and I believe many more will also. For all the people they hurt. We must get it done. So this never happens again. I’m extremely sorry for what you are going through.
 ranking=13.629504906748055 from {coleman=0.4, cos=0.4, smog=0.55, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.05, pop=1.61, numsent=5, flesch=1, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.52, numword=3, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.2}
 orders: orig=94, rank=44, date=170
Go away

You do more harm than good

You should be held accountable

And eventually will
 ranking=13.47935167922978 from {coleman=0.5, cos=0, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.28, pop=4.83, numsent=1, flesch=1.16, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=1.74, numword=1, fuzzy=1, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=130, rank=45, date=31
SHOCKING: Pfizer Director Physically Assaults @JamesOKeefeIII & Veritas Staff; Destroys iPad Showing Undercover Recordings About “Mutating” Covid Virus; NYPD RESPONDS!

 ranking=13.47012745995856 from {coleman=1.23, cos=0.12, smog=1.4, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.8, numsent=2, flesch=1.96, ari=0.87, lix=0.99, time=0.36, numword=2, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.88}
 orders: orig=213, rank=46, date=188
Sickening propaganda. CDC is completely corrupt along with the NIH, FDA, and other “health” agencies.
 ranking=13.454840020066635 from {coleman=0.81, cos=0, smog=1.08, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.39, pop=3.41, numsent=2, flesch=1.48, ari=0.39, lix=0.06, time=0.79, numword=1, fuzzy=1, fog=0.69}
 orders: orig=225, rank=47, date=139
Early treatment could have saved many lives.
 ranking=13.432279425244865 from {coleman=0.77, cos=1, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.12, pop=5.49, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=0.35, lix=0, time=1.59, numword=0, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=81, rank=48, date=48
Wouldn't N95 mask requirements in public buildings in regions of high transmission be saving tens of thousands more and helping get this pandemic under control?
 ranking=13.410325349384712 from {coleman=0.77, cos=0.2, smog=1.25, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.65, pop=2.08, numsent=1, flesch=1.55, ari=0.78, lix=0.99, time=0.75, numword=2, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.74}
 orders: orig=61, rank=49, date=144
You want to mention the side effects?
Here a list of some, in case you need it. From the Pfizer lads themselves
 ranking=13.39722074114459 from {coleman=0.38, cos=0, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.09, pop=3.72, numsent=3, flesch=1.05, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.49, numword=2, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=161, rank=50, date=60
FDA Panel for mRNA shots for ages 6mo.—5yrs. FDA Panelist, Dr. Meissner, warns that kids have a better chance of being struck by lightning than dying from C•19 and parents should be aware of the risk>benefit ratio.
 ranking=13.359538095493368 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0.15, smog=0.85, jac=0.45, kincaid=0.37, pop=1.39, numsent=2, flesch=1.22, ari=0.43, lix=0, time=0.89, numword=4, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=218, rank=51, date=128
FDA already said it causes blood clots. Blood clots can lead to many other problems.
 ranking=13.330050816473657 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0.2, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.12, pop=5.22, numsent=2, flesch=1.08, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.75, numword=1, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=55, rank=52, date=30
When will seniors be able to get a 2nd bivalent booster? It’s been almost 4 months since I had it.
 ranking=13.284447189909631 from {pop=4.6, coleman=0.35, numsent=2, flesch=1.1, cos=0.75, smog=0.69, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.31, numword=2, kincaid=0.16, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=85, rank=53, date=80
I am pissed that I took it, too. Since March 2022, I have been having sporadic chest pain and been to the ER twice for racing heartbeat. Both times I thought I was having heart attacks. I am only 41 now.
 ranking=13.268972105021142 from {pop=2.08, coleman=0.34, numsent=4, flesch=1.05, cos=0.18, smog=0.58, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.6, numword=4, kincaid=0.13, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=88, rank=54, date=161
Proper use of VAERS would have shut down program for excess mortality before Feb 1 2021.  Program sponsors (CDC/FDA) recklessly continued it without risk mitigation.  Will be culpable upon investigation and justice phases of pandemic. #courageousdiscourse
 ranking=13.213854467305545 from {coleman=0.94, cos=0, smog=1.01, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.52, pop=0.7, numsent=3, flesch=1.58, ari=0.6, lix=0.09, time=0.88, numword=3, fog=0.52}
 orders: orig=219, rank=55, date=129
Double jabbed, vaccine-injured UK MP, Andrew Bridgen speaks out! Please share 
 ranking=13.201558452040564 from {coleman=0.66, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.03, pop=5.54, numsent=2, flesch=1, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.3, numword=1, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=11, rank=56, date=81
I've not been following. This tread gave me hope, too!! Especially after people that have bullied me in the past over Vax had me over at their Xmas dinner tonight-playing with their baby.
 ranking=13.131746889337645 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.17, pop=2.2, numsent=3, flesch=1.1, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.29, numword=3, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=31, rank=57, date=82
How can you release a jab that never went through one clinical trial. What has been injected, and what was it for?
 ranking=13.079525387427095 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0.27, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.16, pop=4.65, numsent=2, flesch=1.09, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.66, numword=2, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=91, rank=58, date=154… Even CIA News Network is changing their tune as their fear of an uprising scares their fear driven narrative creators!!!
 ranking=13.015227843694177 from {coleman=0.66, cos=0, smog=1.08, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.5, pop=2.84, numsent=1, flesch=1.41, ari=0.59, lix=0.08, time=1.32, numword=2, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.6}
 orders: orig=181, rank=59, date=79
How many people lost their lives TO the vaccine?  #Ratio
 ranking=12.993528801183638 from {coleman=0.51, cos=1.52, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.03, pop=3.69, numsent=2, flesch=1, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.82, numword=1, fuzzy=1.95, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=68, rank=60, date=135
… Although too many lives have been lost to COVID-19 vaccination.

There, fixed it for you.
 ranking=12.936142625390527 from {coleman=0.54, cos=1.97, smog=0.69, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.16, pop=2.08, numsent=2, flesch=1.16, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.08, numword=1, fuzzy=2.45, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=21, rank=61, date=219
I think you have a little problem with the Nuremberg code and we all know what you have done!
 ranking=12.859529675285094 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.28, pop=4.83, numsent=1, flesch=1.11, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=1.25, numword=1, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=41, rank=62, date=87
I’ll pass. Lethal injections don’t do a thing for me.
 ranking=12.838303066033454 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.11, pop=4.93, numsent=2, flesch=1.14, ari=-0, lix=0, time=1.83, numword=1, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=46, rank=63, date=21
I'm waiting hear back from you about myocarditis and blood clots.
I'm beginning to wonder if this meme is true. How can you ever be trusted?
 ranking=12.69500602178153 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.19, pop=3.14, numsent=3, flesch=1.18, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.73, numword=2, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=114, rank=64, date=146
Here in Africa we are just fine and we didn't fall for the Vax hype.
 ranking=12.640407589892396 from {coleman=0.2, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.13, pop=6.44, numsent=1, flesch=0.99, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.56, numword=1, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=47, rank=65, date=52
First of all, I would like to express my condolences for the passing of your loved one. But there is no evidence that vaccinations cause colon cancer.
 ranking=12.512390952021704 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0.43, smog=0.98, kincaid=0.34, pop=1.39, numsent=2, flesch=1.3, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=1.66, numword=2, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=20, rank=66, date=40
Thank you @CDCgov I have followed all guidelines and taken all available vaccines. I have not (yet) caught COVID
 ranking=12.454740320770473 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0.5, smog=0.98, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.32, pop=2.78, numsent=2, flesch=1.34, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.02, numword=1, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.52}
 orders: orig=22, rank=67, date=113
Wear protective eyewear, mask & air mitigations. The CDC seems to be leaving this very important message out.
 ranking=12.454299498961383 from {coleman=0.74, cos=0, smog=0.98, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.33, pop=2.2, numsent=2, flesch=1.37, ari=0.37, lix=0.07, time=0.94, numword=1, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.53}
 orders: orig=202, rank=68, date=122
And these are only some of the devastating effects these mRNA shots cause, we don't know the long term effects It could end up killing everyone that took it!!
 ranking=12.422713036171258 from {coleman=0.5, cos=0, smog=1.08, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.53, pop=2.71, numsent=1, flesch=1.31, ari=0.66, lix=0.08, time=0.67, numword=2, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.71}
 orders: orig=64, rank=69, date=153
State-sponsored propaganda.
 ranking=12.325896450940283 from {coleman=2.16, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=1.02, pop=3.34, numsent=1, flesch=2.48, ari=1.31, lix=0.99, time=1.69, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=2.03}
 orders: orig=66, rank=70, date=37
We tried to warn everyone but no one wanted to listen. They called us “conspiracy theorists”. So so sorry for your loss. May she rest in eternal peace 
 ranking=12.0919013496191 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0.2, smog=0.78, kincaid=0.12, pop=1.39, numsent=4, flesch=1.1, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=0.14, numword=2, fuzzy=1.5, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=4, rank=71, date=213
This is on purpose.  They are letting us walk right into it.  It is too obvious.
 ranking=12.006619744750065 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.03, pop=4.08, numsent=3, flesch=1, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=1.65, numword=1, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=131, rank=72, date=41
My son got covid vaccine a year or so ago. A few months ago he started having sudden heart race even when he sits.
 ranking=11.961375842984959 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0.38, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.17, pop=4.36, numsent=2, flesch=1.08, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=0.55, numword=2, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=24, rank=73, date=166
Give it some thought before getting more boosters.  Maybe read some papers and do a risk vs. benefit analysis.…
 ranking=11.902871707521438 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.28, pop=2.78, numsent=2, flesch=1.28, ari=0.26, lix=0.05, time=0.74, numword=1, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=101, rank=74, date=145
Amazing my veterinarian friends knew from day one!
 ranking=11.804600522444368 from {coleman=0.76, cos=0.31, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.41, pop=3.99, numsent=1, flesch=1.5, ari=0.37, lix=0.08, time=1.38, numword=0, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=168, rank=75, date=72
1 dose mRNA that change my life in a negative way. #HelpUs #VaxInjuredSpaces
 ranking=11.78700475447624 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.12, pop=4.69, numsent=2, flesch=1.08, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.6, numword=1, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=103, rank=76, date=160
Stillbirths.. Must be climate change right?
 ranking=11.784886430812595 from {coleman=0.93, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.07, pop=4.99, numsent=2, flesch=1.1, ari=0.38, lix=0.05, time=1.34, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=164, rank=77, date=77
CDC, strange you don't try to wash off the blood on your hands
 ranking=11.706247664821852 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.05, pop=5.04, numsent=1, flesch=0.9, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=1.61, numword=1, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=57, rank=78, date=46
I’ve always wondered how you claim it prevented serious illness or death when we were unable to run both scenarios
 ranking=11.66963498951656 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.43, pop=2.08, numsent=1, flesch=1.33, ari=0.54, lix=0.08, time=0.97, numword=2, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=198, rank=79, date=118
Yeah and they are really safe. Because of all the lying I will never get another vax again.
 ranking=11.459040319414566 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.27, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.15, pop=3.05, numsent=2, flesch=1.11, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=1.44, numword=1, fuzzy=1, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=172, rank=80, date=65
You’re all criminals and belong in prison
 ranking=11.3087201973382 from {coleman=0.64, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.33, pop=5.11, numsent=1, flesch=1.41, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=0.83, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=67, rank=81, date=134
Why did you pressure @Twitter to silence us?
 ranking=11.211741470685629 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.12, pop=6.66, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=0.05, lix=0.05, time=0.63, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=32, rank=82, date=157
This looks like Crimes against Humanity to me. 
 ranking=11.156533257828082 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.27, pop=4.45, numsent=1, flesch=1.29, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.36, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=59, rank=83, date=74
 ranking=11.126803879034275 from {coleman=2.16, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=1.6, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=3.33, ari=1.31, lix=0.99, time=0.99, numword=0, fuzzy=1.2, fog=2.03}
 orders: orig=82, rank=84, date=116
That’s a lie. I’d bet money it hasn’t saved one single life, but has cost untold numbers of people theirs.
 ranking=11.08110084546265 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0.23, smog=0.3, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.05, pop=2.4, numsent=2, flesch=0.97, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=0.98, numword=2, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.17}
 orders: orig=197, rank=85, date=117
They will not resign. Their bosses are politicians, and we all know how corrupt politicians are.
 ranking=11.07988190907046 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.3, pop=2.2, numsent=2, flesch=1.34, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=1, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=90, rank=86, date=152
You have no data to support this claim.
 ranking=10.928784212196206 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.05, pop=5.25, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.63, numword=0, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=56, rank=87, date=43
brought to from the same science that tells you mention get pregnant
 ranking=10.87694383157986 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0.31, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.15, pop=4.34, numsent=1, flesch=1.05, ari=0.35, lix=0.08, time=1.09, numword=1, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=136, rank=88, date=105
CDC has zero credibility. Do better.
 ranking=10.825765984907513 from {coleman=0.64, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.27, pop=2.78, numsent=2, flesch=1.38, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.17, numword=0, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=182, rank=89, date=96
Do not get an updated booster.
 ranking=10.812555901975237 from {coleman=0.39, cos=1.29, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.13, pop=2.4, numsent=1, flesch=1.13, ari=0.03, lix=0.06, time=1.45, numword=0, fuzzy=2.55, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=180, rank=90, date=64
list the side effects you criminals
 ranking=10.79848767096127 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.23, pop=3.53, numsent=1, flesch=1.27, ari=0.26, lix=0.06, time=1.79, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=145, rank=91, date=25
Tell them about the side effects
 ranking=10.604333527255957 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.13, pop=5.57, numsent=1, flesch=1.13, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.5, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=49, rank=92, date=58
criminals.  too bad we can think critically and see your blatant lies.
 ranking=10.448775381776747 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.18, pop=2.31, numsent=2, flesch=1.2, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.12, numword=1, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=187, rank=93, date=101
2 years??? Vaccine clearly doesn't work.
 ranking=10.377100403320469 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0.75, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.02, pop=3.18, numsent=2, flesch=0.98, ari=0.13, lix=0.07, time=1.55, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.05}
 orders: orig=157, rank=94, date=53
I like when they said “2 weeks to flatten the curve”
 ranking=10.338070632559138 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.08, pop=4.32, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.82, numword=1, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=142, rank=95, date=22
@CDCgov - is the Omicron variant booster that was released back in September the most current booster available? Just want to make sure I’m up-to-date. Thank you.
 ranking=10.325735568122612 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0.37, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.25, numsent=3, flesch=1.27, ari=0.27, lix=0.07, time=0.04, numword=2, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=120, rank=96, date=224
This is misinformation!  There isn’t a vaccine for Covid.
 ranking=10.305276457147839 from {coleman=0.72, cos=0.86, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.34, pop=0.7, numsent=2, flesch=1.46, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.9, numword=0, fuzzy=2.1, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=206, rank=97, date=126
I bet y’all are hella PRESSED rn with #FauciFiles dropping this week lmao
 ranking=10.304425214284162 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.16, pop=3.64, numsent=1, flesch=1.04, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.77, numword=1, fuzzy=1, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=69, rank=98, date=141
 ranking=10.058553192499744 from {coleman=1.57, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=1.02, pop=2.57, numsent=1, flesch=2.48, ari=0.84, lix=0.99, time=0.95, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=2.03}
 orders: orig=201, rank=99, date=121
More lies. Where does it end?
 ranking=9.815790397908387 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.13, pop=4.36, numsent=2, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.13, lix=0, time=1.67, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=152, rank=100, date=39
Isn’t it time to move to climate change?
 ranking=9.520130976629432 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.04, pop=4.18, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=1.95, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=118, rank=101, date=7
What did you want to wait 75 yrs to release the info from the Pfizer jab?? Cause it’s really a Clot Shot that’s why!
 ranking=9.452150861853944 from {pop=2.64, coleman=0.29, numsent=2, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.3, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.91, numword=2, kincaid=0.08, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=205, rank=102, date=125
How can you say it saved millions of lives?
 ranking=9.437335100372122 from {coleman=0.33, cos=1.29, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.12, pop=2.08, numsent=1, flesch=1.06, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.96, numword=0, fuzzy=2.1, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=200, rank=103, date=120
Who are the clowns who liked this propaganda?
 ranking=9.427572217640678 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.12, pop=2.84, numsent=1, flesch=1.08, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=1.47, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=170, rank=104, date=62
None of that is true but freedom of speech, right?
 ranking=9.417157097399334 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.07, pop=2.31, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, ari=0.1, lix=0, time=1.04, numword=1, fuzzy=2.1, fog=0.2}
 orders: orig=195, rank=105, date=111
@CDCgov I asked you guys a question
 ranking=9.311377062903624 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.03, pop=4.54, numsent=1, flesch=0.98, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=1.33, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=140, rank=106, date=78
The lies come in thick, again.
 ranking=9.057203428856056 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.03, pop=3.74, numsent=1, flesch=0.98, ari=-0.01, lix=0, time=1.68, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=151, rank=107, date=38
BRAVE you are posting this nonsense.
 ranking=8.969260565117903 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.13, pop=2.78, numsent=1, flesch=1.13, ari=0.26, lix=0.06, time=1.24, numword=0, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=96, rank=108, date=88
Nobody believes you guys anymore.
 ranking=8.88149406293145 from {coleman=0.86, cos=0, smog=1.08, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.5, pop=4.83, numsent=1, flesch=1.68, ari=0.38, lix=0.08, time=1.6, numword=0, fuzzy=1, fog=0.9}
 orders: orig=132, rank=109, date=47
N95 and KN95 are only countermeasures that work.  

The more you discount this the more damage you cause.
 ranking=8.869619347723011 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.39, numsent=2, flesch=1.16, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.57, numword=1, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.3}
 orders: orig=75, rank=110, date=164
I can only imagine the data that is swirling in the CDC labs to make the decisions they make.
 ranking=8.852371939298298 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.34, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.2, ari=0.33, lix=0.05, time=0.84, numword=1, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.6}
 orders: orig=223, rank=111, date=133
I can't believe our tax dollars fund this organization.
 ranking=8.847373102488968 from {coleman=0.72, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.41, pop=2.08, numsent=1, flesch=1.5, ari=0.34, lix=0.08, time=0.28, numword=0, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=9, rank=112, date=197
If you ARE credible you don’t have to say you’re credible. This is laughable.
 ranking=8.555334383089527 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.08, pop=2.08, numsent=2, flesch=1.06, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=0.89, numword=1, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=207, rank=113, date=127
Unsubstantiated claim.  @CommunityNotes
 ranking=8.446466411960333 from {coleman=2.16, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.74, pop=2.08, numsent=1, flesch=2.07, ari=1.34, lix=0.1, time=1.19, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=97, rank=114, date=93
You need to start following the science and peer reviews.
 ranking=8.356157160972602 from {coleman=0.6, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.14, ari=0.29, lix=0.06, time=0.97, numword=1, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.4}
 orders: orig=199, rank=115, date=119
So, explain the blood clots being synthetic?
 ranking=8.320143291679727 from {coleman=0.73, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.2, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=1.22, ari=0.32, lix=0.05, time=0.86, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=221, rank=116, date=131
Population control
 ranking=8.277036340921713 from {coleman=1.72, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=1.03, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=2.49, ari=0.99, lix=0.99, time=0.45, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=92, rank=117, date=178
Don't take the booster shot. It will make you sick!
 ranking=8.262918094044396 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0.34, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.03, pop=1.39, numsent=2, flesch=0.92, ari=-0.04, lix=0, time=0.37, numword=1, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=74, rank=118, date=187
 ranking=8.202431769441944 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.42, caps=-3.0, pop=2.31, numsent=1, flesch=1.55, ari=0.38, lix=0, time=1.84, numword=0, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=28, rank=119, date=20
You are criminals and you’ll end up in jail where you belong.
 ranking=8.142935040371151 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.13, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.22, numword=1, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=175, rank=120, date=90
This will simply not hold the test of time.
 ranking=8.13929057330682 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.01, pop=3.59, numsent=1, flesch=0.87, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.56, numword=0, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=104, rank=121, date=165
What next? My bivalent booster protection has passed its sell-by date.
 ranking=8.113874964976526 from {coleman=0.72, numsent=2, flesch=1.26, cos=0.29, smog=0.85, ari=0.26, lix=0.05, time=0.12, numword=1, kincaid=0.21, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=122, rank=122, date=215
It’s not too late to prevent mass disability-reinstate masking in schools.
 ranking=8.026306970085155 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.3, jac=0.4, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.06, ari=0.18, lix=0.07, time=0.75, numword=1, fuzzy=1.8, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=227, rank=123, date=143
I thought twitter was the truth for the masses.. How has this not been flagged
 ranking=7.914835761129142 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.04, pop=2.31, numsent=2, flesch=0.97, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.35, numword=1, fuzzy=0.3, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=8, rank=124, date=189
Pediatric vaccines should NEVER started!!
 ranking=7.68285975277154 from {coleman=1.28, cos=0, smog=1.08, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.5, pop=2.08, numsent=1, flesch=1.68, ari=0.71, lix=0.99, time=0.8, numword=0, fuzzy=1.7, fog=0.9}
 orders: orig=100, rank=125, date=138
I want another booster in my eye bro
 ranking=7.542690130068886 from {coleman=0.28, cos=0.34, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=1.18, ari=-0.01, lix=0, time=0.54, numword=0, fuzzy=1, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=105, rank=126, date=167
And we are finally waking up!
 ranking=7.289205540864824 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.13, pop=2.31, numsent=1, flesch=1.13, ari=-0.01, lix=0, time=0.81, numword=0, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=99, rank=127, date=137
You cannot be trusted.
 ranking=7.160404540068145 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.04, pop=6.01, numsent=1, flesch=1.03, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.99, numword=0, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=42, rank=128, date=3
We can see the corruption.
 ranking=7.124952036680242 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, pop=4.32, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.56, numword=0, fuzzy=2.1, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=156, rank=129, date=51
I think either not breathing or existing would solve the issue
 ranking=7.063113246331758 from {coleman=0.61, numsent=1, flesch=1.2, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=0.46, numword=1, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=1, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=76, rank=130, date=176
Can you tell me if Far-UV is safe for Humans to be around?
 ranking=6.990590948444456 from {coleman=0.14, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.03, pop=1.1, numsent=2, flesch=0.98, ari=-0.16, lix=0, time=0.39, numword=1, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=109, rank=131, date=184
Somebody else can have my biowepon shot
 ranking=6.633705303545921 from {coleman=0.6, cos=0, smog=1.08, kincaid=0.29, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.34, ari=0.22, lix=0.05, time=0.18, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.72}
 orders: orig=35, rank=132, date=208
I need info regarding Marburg Virus
 ranking=6.484588232982406 from {coleman=0.69, numsent=1, flesch=1.41, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.26, lix=0.06, time=0.07, numword=0, kincaid=0.33, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=124, rank=133, date=221
I'll pass on the your boosters.
 ranking=6.388155506551135 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.29, numword=0, fuzzy=2.5, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=71, rank=134, date=196
Can you imagine what the world would be like if those in power actually told the truth?
 ranking=6.387727804978605 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.29, numsent=1, flesch=1.15, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=0.03, numword=1, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=125, rank=135, date=225
Yeah no thanks, imma gonna pass this time around.
 ranking=6.354835068836475 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.06, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.31, numword=0, fuzzy=1.1, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=5, rank=136, date=193
CDC is spreading misinformation!!!!
 ranking=6.192046202709231 from {coleman=1.28, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.63, pop=2.08, numsent=1, flesch=1.88, ari=0.68, lix=0.11, time=1.23, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=174, rank=137, date=89
I’m staying 100% human no gene therapy
 ranking=6.021277510899626 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.13, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.13, ari=0.18, lix=0.06, time=1.05, numword=0, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=194, rank=138, date=109
The comments give me hope.
 ranking=5.97641230452772 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.03, pop=4.99, numsent=1, flesch=1, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.78, numword=0, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=30, rank=139, date=26
CDC just as useless as WHO.
 ranking=5.963011478153217 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.13, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.13, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=1.19, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=178, rank=140, date=94
So. Nobody wants it
 ranking=5.883487941843361 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0, pop=4.05, numsent=2, flesch=1.01, ari=-0.13, lix=0, time=1.72, numword=0, fuzzy=1.6, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=149, rank=141, date=33
Ummm this is a 100% BIG LIE!!!!
 ranking=5.790857323110689 from {coleman=0.06, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.05, pop=3.18, numsent=1, flesch=0.85, ari=-0.22, lix=0, time=0.45, numword=0, fuzzy=0.1, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=107, rank=142, date=177
you mean mandating it
 ranking=5.753596829453135 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.19, pop=3.92, numsent=1, flesch=1.25, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.37, numword=0, fuzzy=1, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=27, rank=143, date=73
Guesstimate is 25k.
 ranking=5.7064947105953046 from {coleman=0.79, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.27, pop=3.44, numsent=1, flesch=1.38, ari=0.26, lix=0.05, time=1.98, numword=0, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=16, rank=144, date=4
There you go, a few more; thoughts @CDCDirector? 
 ranking=5.320579982918682 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.05, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=0.85, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.5, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=84, rank=145, date=172
Don't think you need the comma after COVID-19
 ranking=5.266269567690374 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=1, flesch=0.98, cos=0.38, smog=0.3, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.58, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=1.4, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=110, rank=146, date=163
Why do you still call it a vaccine?
 ranking=5.128170360794623 from {coleman=0.21, cos=0.43, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.05, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=0.42, numword=0, fuzzy=1, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=112, rank=147, date=181
Nuremberg 2.0 for you
 ranking=5.076995244445861 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.27, pop=3.47, numsent=1, flesch=1.38, ari=0.19, lix=0.05, time=1.49, numword=0, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=159, rank=148, date=59
 ranking=4.962298986670551 from {coleman=1.87, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.43, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.64, ari=1.08, lix=0.99, time=0.38, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=86, rank=149, date=185
Why are there more excess deaths now?
 ranking=4.956782643115011 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=0.04, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=0.97, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.24, numword=0, fuzzy=1, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=34, rank=150, date=201

 ranking=4.822610180622851 from {pop=5.97, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.86, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=45, rank=151, date=17
This isn't a poll to be proud of.
 ranking=4.722681933831205 from {coleman=0.06, cos=0, smog=0.3, kincaid=-0.05, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=0.85, ari=-0.22, lix=0, time=0.15, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=38, rank=152, date=211
Hellllllllllll no
 ranking=4.589385203126204 from {coleman=1.57, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=2.31, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=0.87, lix=0.1, time=1.78, numword=0, fuzzy=1, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=146, rank=153, date=27
Complete lie
 ranking=4.572391385414025 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, pop=3.18, numsent=1, flesch=1.23, ari=0.28, lix=0.1, time=1.89, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=119, rank=154, date=14
 ranking=4.18982870883003 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.24, caps=-3.0, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.2, ari=0.32, lix=0.06, time=0.44, numword=1, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=111, rank=155, date=179
Masks don’t work. Period.
 ranking=4.125194472447889 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.04, pop=3.1, numsent=2, flesch=1.08, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.47, numword=0, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=62, rank=156, date=175

 ranking=4.053219696962966 from {pop=5.81, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.26, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=166, rank=157, date=86
Courtesy @amuse
 ranking=3.8974972245560133 from {coleman=1.57, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.43, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.64, ari=0.84, lix=0.99, time=0.05, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=10, rank=158, date=223

 ranking=3.8868982894745554 from {pop=5.46, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.43, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=50, rank=159, date=66
Prove it!!
 ranking=3.882453942489888 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=4.25, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.19, lix=0, time=1.91, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=77, rank=160, date=12
Wake up
 ranking=3.8707206828449117 from {coleman=0.1, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=5.56, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.31, lix=0, time=1.35, numword=0, fuzzy=0.2, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=163, rank=161, date=75
No words….
 ranking=3.8132946128032508 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=4.9, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.19, lix=0, time=1.4, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=139, rank=162, date=70
is this a parody account?
 ranking=3.781998586089997 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, pop=2.9, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, ari=-0, lix=0, time=1.8, numword=0, fuzzy=1, fog=0.1}
 orders: orig=144, rank=163, date=24
What is your own situation?
 ranking=3.759814600833607 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.26, numword=0, fuzzy=1.3, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=95, rank=164, date=85
I don’t believe you
 ranking=3.6716908307620386 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.07, pop=3.3, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=-0.13, lix=0.05, time=1.76, numword=0, fuzzy=0.9, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=147, rank=165, date=29
 ranking=3.5268336072050928 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, pop=1.95, numsent=1, flesch=1.23, ari=0.4, lix=0.1, time=1.21, numword=0, fuzzy=1.2, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=176, rank=166, date=91
Prove it!
 ranking=3.444758816916293 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=4.19, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.19, lix=0, time=1.53, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=160, rank=167, date=55

 ranking=3.3432164804233766 from {pop=5.66, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.69, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=12, rank=168, date=150

 ranking=3.3273883350775058 from {pop=5.65, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.68, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=63, rank=169, date=151
You knew!
 ranking=3.1823547809088524 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=4.18, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.19, lix=0, time=1.58, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=133, rank=170, date=49
 ranking=3.118887488929989 from {coleman=1.57, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.43, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.64, ari=0.84, lix=0.99, time=0.16, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=72, rank=171, date=210

 ranking=3.0049208583599176 from {pop=4.73, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.28, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=60, rank=172, date=83
Breaking news …
 ranking=2.951969253965646 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, pop=2.71, numsent=1, flesch=1.23, ari=0.4, lix=0.1, time=0.38, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=73, rank=173, date=186
 ranking=2.9445439374879787 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, pop=3.34, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.1, lix=0, time=2, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=116, rank=174, date=2

 ranking=2.7574111194624846 from {pop=3.96, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.81, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=143, rank=175, date=23

 ranking=2.67450389946195 from {pop=3.81, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.87, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=141, rank=176, date=16

 ranking=2.658365636501135 from {pop=4.66, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.01, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=137, rank=177, date=114

 ranking=2.6262923663759548 from {pop=4.12, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.52, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=134, rank=178, date=56
 ranking=2.4473742451917935 from {pop=4.36, coleman=-0.2, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, ari=-0.57, lix=0, time=1.93, numword=0, kincaid=-0.16, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=18, rank=179, date=9

 ranking=2.4074862492074462 from {pop=3.99, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.42, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=58, rank=180, date=67

 ranking=2.379983543508069 from {pop=3.98, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.41, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=162, rank=181, date=68

 ranking=1.800293554679902 from {pop=3.1, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.71, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=150, rank=182, date=34
How many vaccine injured????
 ranking=1.7735294881090695 from {coleman=0.76, cos=0.86, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=1.25, ari=0.27, lix=0.11, time=0.2, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=6, rank=183, date=206

 ranking=1.6494194691144657 from {pop=3.18, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.48, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=83, rank=184, date=61
Who mandated it.
 ranking=1.5518006459382787 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.07, pop=2.08, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=0.03, lix=0.05, time=0.4, numword=0, fuzzy=1, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=29, rank=185, date=183
 ranking=1.4569932158022352 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.43, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=1.64, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=0.25, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=40, rank=186, date=200

 ranking=1.423411405473257 from {pop=2.9, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.54, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=158, rank=187, date=54
 ranking=1.3553642595257167 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, pop=3.1, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.1, lix=0, time=0.65, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=102, rank=188, date=155
Thank you
 ranking=1.2969428683812367 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=1.61, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=1.7, numword=0, fuzzy=0.7, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=79, rank=189, date=36

 ranking=1.291821604157572 from {pop=2.57, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.73, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=148, rank=190, date=32
First do no harm
 ranking=1.1266334736160495 from {coleman=0.17, cos=0.53, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.11, pop=1.39, numsent=1, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.2, lix=0, time=0.17, numword=0, fuzzy=2, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=39, rank=191, date=209
Corrupting science since 2019
 ranking=1.0701891699826183 from {coleman=1.13, numsent=1, flesch=1.25, cos=0.38, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, ari=0.56, lix=0.11, time=0.06, numword=0, kincaid=0.19, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=129, rank=192, date=222

 ranking=1.0399383868839809 from {pop=2.64, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.41, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=173, rank=193, date=69

 ranking=0.921021170208411 from {pop=3.41, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.52, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=165, rank=194, date=169
 ranking=0.8532945643596846 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, pop=2.31, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.3, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=7, rank=195, date=194
We need Novavax for all.
 ranking=0.8386357293113335 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.15, numsent=1, flesch=1.17, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=0.21, numword=0, fuzzy=1.7, fog=0.5}
 orders: orig=121, rank=196, date=205

 ranking=0.7005869161291749 from {pop=2.08, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2, smog=0, fww=-5.0, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.63, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=154, rank=197, date=44
Hell no
 ranking=0.5699692709901694 from {coleman=0.1, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=1.8, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.31, lix=0, time=1.62, numword=0, fuzzy=0.4, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=155, rank=198, date=45

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 orders: orig=196, rank=199, date=112
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 orders: orig=184, rank=200, date=98
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 orders: orig=78, rank=201, date=13
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 orders: orig=127, rank=202, date=212
 ranking=-0.19226669609203695 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.16, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=0.79, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.87, numword=0, fuzzy=0.5, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=220, rank=203, date=130

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 orders: orig=226, rank=204, date=140
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 orders: orig=128, rank=205, date=198
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 orders: orig=65, rank=206, date=180
Go away already!!
 ranking=-1.05363208516887 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=0.07, numsent=1, flesch=1.1, ari=0.03, lix=0.05, time=0.08, numword=0, fuzzy=0.8, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=209, rank=207, date=220

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 orders: orig=186, rank=208, date=100

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 orders: orig=189, rank=209, date=103
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 orders: orig=215, rank=210, date=204

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 orders: orig=191, rank=211, date=106
For what?      
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 orders: orig=80, rank=212, date=110

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 orders: orig=98, rank=213, date=115

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 orders: orig=203, rank=214, date=123
Not good
 ranking=-1.3852289207616413 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.3, fww=-5.0, kincaid=-0.15, pop=0.7, numsent=1, flesch=0.8, ari=-0.19, lix=0, time=0.3, numword=0, fuzzy=0.6, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=36, rank=215, date=195

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 orders: orig=204, rank=216, date=124
Right on Doc!
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 orders: orig=33, rank=217, date=217
C.D.C= Cash doesn’t care
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 orders: orig=126, rank=218, date=216
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 orders: orig=70, rank=219, date=147
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 orders: orig=212, rank=220, date=202
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 orders: orig=211, rank=221, date=214

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 orders: orig=217, rank=222, date=203

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 orders: orig=216, rank=223, date=207

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 orders: orig=208, rank=225, date=227
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